Two seconds later, she suddenly turned her head to look at Daisy, and said with a serious face: "Miss Daisy, let's talk together later, I think opening a trade route to Helgia is beneficial to your country. It should be of great benefit!"

This girl's sense of business is still as keen as ever, and she is planning to dump the things in her territory to the country of the dark elves.

Angelica thought for a while, raised her hand and patted Daisy's shoulder, and handed over the apple in her hand: "This one, I'll sell it to you at a cheaper price, just fifty copper coins."

"Damn it! You've eaten it all!" Daisy replied with a look of disgust.

"I was just joking with you." Angelica said lightly.

"Who can see that you have no expression at all?" Daisy was driven a little crazy by her.

"By the way, aren't you going to get the equipment?" I asked Daisy.

"I only have a few pieces of equipment that I bring with me. What do I have to prepare? I don't have any preparations here, and I don't have any equipment for me." Daisy pouted at me, "Speaking of which, I have a dagger that was taken away by me." That female dragon was crushed and no one compensated me."

That's not what you asked for...

But no matter what, since she decided to help, let's get her some reliable equipment. Although time is a bit tight, I'll come forward and ask the dwarves to make a set of customized products...

Just as I was thinking about it, Tilawa suddenly turned to this side and waved his hand, talking to Daisy: "Well, if you don't mind, I can lend you some of my equipment."

"No need, to be honest, I'm not very confident in your orc equipment." Daisy frowned slightly, "Actually, most people in Nitrilan thought that orcs were still fighting with stone axes and wooden sticks - of course I also know that this is the case. Prejudice, but your equipment level should really not"

When her gaze slowly shifted from Tilawa's face to the pile of equipment Tilawa was arranging, her speech speed slowed down rapidly until it stopped completely.

"Where did you get all this!?" After staring at the equipment for two seconds, Daisy's eyes widened.

"Hey hey." Tilawa smiled shyly.

It's not hard to understand why Daisy would be so surprised. The lineup of equipment in front of Tilawa can indeed be called luxurious—enchanted spears made with elf skills, dozens of rune daggers, and leather whips transformed by spells. , ropes and hunting traps... This is an orc huntress armed with the top magic technology of elves.

"These are all enchanted with elf runes... Did you loot the arsenal of the white-skinned elves?" Daisy inspected Tilawa's equipment.

"President Roland made it for me to try." Tilawa explained to her.

"The Elven Archmage developed equipment for the orcs. Before I knew it, the diplomatic relationship between Saidian and the orcs had become so good?" Daisy was amazed, and reached out to play with a rune dagger, " This short sword is not bad, although it is a little bit heavy, but even if you want to get more spare weapons, is it necessary to prepare dozens of them?"

She weighed the dagger again: "It's okay, can I use it as a dagger? What kind of rune is it on it? I haven't learned elemental spells much. Will injecting magic power breathe fire?"

At the same time, Daisy began to inject magic power into the dagger, and the runes on it began to glow red.

"No, it will explode." Tilawa shook her head.

Daisy immediately threw the dagger into the sky, only to hear a "boom", and the dagger turned into a pile of fire in the sky.

"You said it earlier! I almost lost my finger!" She turned to Tilawa and yelled.

"You didn't ask, and you injected the magic power yourself." Tilawa shrank her neck a little aggrieved.

"Then what about these blue daggers, aren't they safer?" Daisy confirmed to Tilawa again.

"It's safer than the red one." Tilawa nodded.

"Then I'll give it a try." After being confirmed, Daisy picked it up and injected magic power into it.

"Please remember to throw it out, otherwise you will get an electric shock." Tilawa reminded her kindly.

Daisy threw the dagger out again, and saw the dagger bursting out of magic power quickly turning into a blue lightning bolt in the sky.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Daisy glared at Tilawa.

"But these are originally weapons for throwing..." Tilawa muttered.

"Isn't it too heavy as a throwing dagger?" Daisy finally understood, "Damn it, not everyone is as strong as you orcs."

Antebellum Mobilization (2)

"Having said that, if you look carefully, you guys have pretty good equipment." Daisy glanced at everyone present.

Tilawa has hunter equipment specially made by elves, Feilan has a demon ring and a scarlet oath, Arsena has a glowing hammer passed down from generation to generation by the royal family, and Princess Alyssa also has a bow and arrow and a rune dagger passed down from the elven king .

"Let's not mention the two of them. The equipment of the two of you is so luxurious that the naked eye can see it. Are you worthy of being the princess of a big country?" She fixed her eyes on Arsena and Princess Alyssa.

"Of course, this is the Hammer of Glory passed down from generation to generation by the royal family of Helgia. It is made of the purest mithril, and has a rare sun stone as the core. When each generation of king ascends the throne, it will be powered by the holy light." The saints of the church held the consecration ceremony, injected the power of holy light into the warhammer, and accumulated it from generation to generation, King Leonas used this warhammer to fight against the demon king." Arsena boasted proudly.

"Wouldn't this be very valuable if it was stolen and sold?" Daisy joked casually.

"Perhaps, but I don't think there will be any buyers in the whole continent who would dare to accept our national treasures. After all, they want to risk being hunted down by the whole country of Hergia." Arsena replied seriously.

Daisy then shifted her gaze to the bow and arrow that Princess Alisa was inspecting: "I said, why is there only one arrow in your quiver?"

"The bow passed down from generation to generation by the elf royal family can condense magic power into magic arrows with elemental power. I don't need to bring too many arrows, I just need to bring this phoenix-feathered arrow with phoenix power." Ellie Princess Sha patiently explained.

"White-skinned elves still have such good things..." Daisy raised her eyebrows, "Tsk tsk, everyone is the second generation of officials and the second generation of riches, it's incomparable."

"Aren't you too..." I asked suspiciously. I remembered that Daisy's mother seemed to be the highest priest ruling Nitrilan.

"My family relationship is relatively complicated, and the internal struggle is very sinister - you have also seen it a little bit, this is the ethos of Nitrilan. Not only the priest family, but the heirs of most big families often change." Daisy shrugged Shrugging his shoulders, "So even the tentative heir of the family will not get much resources before succeeding the head of the family. Didn't you see that after I escaped, I still have to rely on killing people to make money? I still pay for my equipment. I bought it! Not every princess is glamorous and full of flowers, but occasionally there will be a poor roadside grass like me."

"...As for self-deprecating to this extent?" I could feel that this guy was trying to sell himself miserably.

"If you know I've worked hard, hurry up and get me some equipment." Daisy pouted at me dissatisfied, "I'm going to risk my life for you, you have to live a little better, at least give me a decent dagger."

I really want to transfer some weapons to her, but the equipment I received from Uta are all made according to the specifications of orcs, and there is nothing for her to use.

At this moment, Princess Alisa suddenly said: "Well, if you don't mind, I can lend you my dagger."

"Ah?" Daisy turned her head in a daze, but didn't react for a while.

"I said, I can lend you the dagger I use." Princess Alyssa repeated calmly, and showed her the dagger she was wearing around her waist.

It was a rune dagger that shone with pure fluorescence, and it could be seen at a glance that it was by no means ordinary.

"You want to lend me this thing?" Daisy was stunned, "Are you serious? This thing doesn't look can buy it in the market."

"This is also a sacred object of the royal family, and it matches this bow." Princess Alyssa nodded with a smile, "Now I can proficiently command the fire phoenix summoned by the Phoenix Feather Arrow, and I don't need to use the rune sword to cast spells. I'm not very good at self-defense with short swords either. General Tolivia even forcibly assigned a few guards to follow me... I don't think I can use it anymore. If you can make good use of it, I can temporarily Lend it to you."

Daisy blinked her eyes a few times, and suddenly raised one corner of her mouth: "It's so naive, Princess Saidian, how dare you hand over the royal family's things to someone like me? Don't you think that you Unconditional trust is touching, isn't it?"

"Hey!" I frowned slightly.

The environment in which a person grows up often determines a person's temperament. Daisy was born in a family full of malicious competition and the jungle of the jungle. She probably doesn't understand this kind of pure kindness, but may regard it as a kind of kindness. I don’t think it’s necessary to say such disgusting words even if it’s like this.

However, the smile on Princess Alisa's face remained unchanged, she shook her head at Daisy: "Miss Daisy, don't get me wrong, I actually don't have any trust in you."

"Huh?" Daisy's eyes widened in surprise.

"I trust Classmate Bullock. Because you are bound by his contract, I don't think there will be any problem even if I lend you the dagger. Although I don't trust you, you are willing to help Classmate Bullock Stand up and fight side by side with us, if this sword can make you better display your combat power, it is also helping us——Based on this consideration, I will lend you this sword with confidence." Alyssa The princess explained calmly.

After hearing this, Daisy folded her hands and remained silent for a while.

"So it's because of this man?" She glanced at me, and then laughed, "Well, that's a good reason. You're very interesting, so I won't be polite."

She stretched out her hand, and Princess Alyssa retracted the rune dagger into its sheath and handed it to her.

Daisy took out the dagger and waved it, and couldn't help showing a smile: "Hey, it's not bad, just holding it feels like magic power is continuously flowing in from the palm of your hand." She turned to look at Princess Alyssa, teasing He said, "You have to be careful, if I have a chance to take advantage of the loophole, I will definitely steal it."

"It doesn't matter." Princess Alyssa still smiled, "I will watch you, if you do anything uneasy, I will shoot an arrow through your foot - after all, this is what my father left behind. precious relics."

"I... just kidding." Daisy froze when she heard this.

"Me too." Princess Alisa tilted her head, and the smile on her face became brighter.

Daisy came up to me silently and touched me with her elbow.

"Hey, let me say..." She lowered her voice to talk to me, "This smiling princess seems a little scary sometimes? How many people has she killed before?"

"No, what are you thinking?"

Antebellum Mobilization (3)

In the evening, the afterglow of the setting sun on the city wall gradually faded, and the cool evening wind blew the grass leaves in the suburbs, and the patrolmen on the city wall lit the bonfire.

From the top of the city wall to the west, you can still see the crimson sunset glow. This is a picture that makes people feel a little lazy, but the atmosphere in the fortress is tense as quickly as a bowstring being pulled.

The dwarves were adjusting the remaining cannons on the city wall. A team of human soldiers patrolled near the city wall under the leadership of the knights. The familiars of the elf mages flew to the sky in groups for surveillance. Islinati commanded the golems to form The Mausoleum Guards stood behind the main city wall in a square formation on standby.

After nightfall is the enemy's home field, and everyone knows that the possibility of the enemy attacking tonight will be the greatest.Without reinforcements other than the orc tribe, we have already decided to put all our eggs in one basket.In our plan, the main premise for the raiding force to outflank the enemy from the rear is that the defenders in the city can support them until the arrival of reinforcements.

At the same time as the defense line was deployed in the city, the raiding troops who were going out of the city to meet the tribal reinforcements were also ready to go.

When it was almost time for dinner, Princess Alisa suddenly suggested that we all have dinner together - just like when we were in the academy, no one objected.

We set up two bonfires and pots outside the tent, and with the ingredients we got from the camp kitchen, we quickly made a table full of dishes.

Chunks of bread cheese and ham, creamy soup with meatballs and carrot chunks floating in it, pastry with crushed nuts and dried fruit, butter-fried mushrooms and vegetables sprinkled with spices and salt, fresh raspberries and apples... The menu for one meal was even bigger than what we had eaten the previous day.

"Hey, I remember that I only had bread, strawberry jam, and a little cheese for dinner yesterday." Daisy scanned the table full of dishes, and then looked at Alsena, "You transferred this with your own authority? You Do these high-level people eat so corruptly every day?"

"No, Mr. Bullock got the ingredients." Alsena pointed at me.

Daisy looked at me again: "You orcs eat so well every day? I'm here as one of yours, don't you think I'm being treated badly?"

"Don't get me wrong, we only have better food today, and it was the same for everyone in the past few days." I explained to her, "These ingredients were distributed to us by Marshal Mutafa, who is in charge of this fortress. Today's food for the orc troops It’s almost like this, they even brought some cows to us directly.”

"Yo, I don't see that you have such a face in the upper echelons here." Daisy raised her eyebrows.

"Wrong, my reputation with him is negative, that old man has been wanting to hammer me to death." I shrugged, "The reason why he is so kind to us this time is because we are going to do the most desperate thing, a certain To some extent, this should be regarded as a reward."

I have to say that this approach really boosted morale, and all the soldiers were very happy to learn that they could eat large pieces of meat tonight.

"Before the war, it is a tradition to kill cattle and sheep to feed the whole army." Arsena clasped her hands and said, "Behind the Yinhui Fortress is the royal capital of Helgia - the richest city in the entire continent, so there is no need to worry about supplies. "

"To put it simply, eat a good meal...and get on the road early." Angelica nodded.

"Hey, girl, what you say is strange." Feilan gave her a blank look.

"I'm hungry, I'll start first." Daisy directly picked up the dagger and prepared to cut the ham.

"Miss Daisy." Princess Alisa stopped her suddenly with a smile, "here is a table knife, I don't think the dagger I lent you is suitable for cutting food."

"Uh... sorry, I'm used to it." Daisy put away the rune dagger that she drew out in embarrassment.

"This soup is delicious, did Senior Sister Angelika make it?" Tilawa seemed to like the creamy soup made of meatballs.

"Hometown food, my mother taught me." Angelica nodded expressionlessly, "If you like it, I can make it for you again after returning to college."

"Is it possible to cook this kind of dish by yourself in the college?" Tilawa was a little surprised, "Won't it be difficult to get the ingredients?"

"As for the meat, it used to be possible to hunt in the woods of the academy." Angelica replied without changing her expression, "Also, Arsena always has a lot of good ingredients."

"I don't know if the forest has grown well, it's all because my place has suddenly become barren." Arsena scratched her head a little embarrassedly.

"It feels like it's been a while since I left the academy to have dinner together like this." Princess Alisa smiled nostalgicly.

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