"Don't look sentimental like an old woman, okay?" Feilan glanced at her while nibbling on a cake, "There will be plenty of opportunities when I go back to the academy."

"Don't say such...lines that seem to kill people easily, okay?" Angelica looked over expressionlessly.

"You have no right to say how good I am just now!" Feilan retorted without hesitation.

"To be honest, this battle is not easy to fight. It is more or less likely to be dead. Although I don't want a worse situation, it's better not to be too idealistic." I said in a deep voice, "I'm actually doing well. I am prepared to sacrifice, and if I have to risk my life at a critical moment, I should not hesitate."

After saying this, I picked up a piece of bread and was about to put it in my mouth, when I suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

I stopped and looked around, only to find that everyone was staring at me without speaking.

"What, what's the matter?" I was looked a little uncomfortable.

The subtle silence lasted for a while, and Angelica, who was sitting next to me, suddenly stood on her stool in silence, and looked down at me: "Brock."


Pa——she slapped my head without any warning, which made me shrink my neck subconsciously.

"Fight well! Give this idiot more strength!!" Feilan encouraged from the side, "Just shoot him to death in one chapter and let him die on the spot!"

"What's going on all of a sudden?" I was at a loss.

"Master Bullock..." Tilawa looked at me and hesitated to speak.

"The one just now was indeed a bit..." Arsena also had the same expression.

"This guy has always been this kind of virtue? It seems that you all have worked hard." Daisy picked up the cup and took a sip of water.

"Student Bullock." Princess Alisa smiled at me, but her eyes were serious, "Don't just say that you want to sacrifice this kind of thing, okay?"

"Huh? I'm not being casual?" I blinked. "I mean, if the sacrifice is worth—"

"The value of the sacrifice may or may not be, but the grief it will bring to the living will definitely be there." Princess Alisa lowered her eyes as she said, "If you die, I...we will all be very sad. "

There was a slight movement in my heart, and I suddenly realized how childish and ridiculous I was when I said those old-fashioned words just now.

Princess Alisa, Feilan and Angelica all lost their relatives in the past wars. I thought I had more experience in combat than them, but in fact they knew more about war than I did.

"...I'm sorry." I didn't know how to explain it, so I apologized honestly.

"Student Bullock should have a very important responsibility in this battle." Princess Alisa said calmly, "But no matter what, please promise us not to die, okay?"

"I...understood." Faced with such gazes, I could only nod solemnly.

Antebellum Mobilization (4)

At midnight, I was fully armed and quietly guarded in the tent in the center of the barracks, sitting upright on a chair with two battle axes at hand.

I'm waiting, waiting for the moment to strike.

We, who are in charge of the rear assault, are ready to go out at any time. As long as the troops in charge of monitoring bring news of the enemy's main action, we will immediately move with the wind.

The monitoring task is mainly carried out by the elf mages led by Roland. Their familiars can fly quite far away to perform monitoring tasks when they carry the crystals and gems engraved with spells.

Of course, based on the enemy camp's skill level, the elves' familiars will basically be wiped out before they can detect the internal conditions of the enemy's troops.But Roland was very thoughtful, and she used this in turn to let the troops send out a large number of familiars, and through the distribution of the eliminated familiars, in turn deduce the distribution range of the enemy's troops.

If the enemy does not destroy the familiar, the familiar will directly observe the condition of the troops. If all the familiars are wiped out, we will also deduce the movement of the army-especially a large-scale march, which is enough to capture the entire city. Once the troops of the Yinhui Fortress are mobilized, it is impossible to deceive them by ordinary camouflage, and it is impossible for the Demon King's Gate of the Abyss to dispatch so many troops to launch a surprise attack.

Roland told me that she will notify me as soon as she gets the news, and I am quite confident in her skills.

I'm not sure about the timing of the enemy's advance, it may be tonight, but it may also be a few days later-from the enemy's point of view, the support of this fortress has been completely cut off, and they have plenty of time to capture the fortress.

But no matter what, I'm sure Roland will not miss the enemy's movements.

The sound of flapping wings came from the window to my left, and out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of a bird perched on the window.

I was sure that it was Roland's familiar. After a few seconds of silence, I stared straight ahead with my eyes fixed on the front, with a calm expression of Gujing, and asked in a low voice: "... are you here?"

I am sure that at this moment, I have created a very good solemn atmosphere of the imminent battle. The generals in the story who are preparing for the decisive battle are basically like this.

To be honest, as a young fighter, for this kind of decisive battle, I still have a little sense of ritual with blood in my heart, and I accidentally got into the drama.

However, to my surprise, there was a silence that responded to me.

After a while, I couldn't hold back anymore, so I turned my head and looked towards the window.

A rooster with colorful feathers rested on the window. I recognized it as a free-range domestic chicken for the logistics team in the fortress.

The discipline of the Yinhui Fortress managed by Mutafa has been maintained very well, and the supply of supplies is also quite good. Basically, no one has stolen logistics supplies.The chicken pens of the logistics troops were not well protected, and as a result, chickens often escaped and wandered around.

"..." I looked at the cock resting leisurely by the window in silence.

We stared at each other for a while, and finally I grabbed a ball of paper and threw it over, which made it jump out of the window with a "clack" and escape.

Fortunately, no one saw it just now-I was relieved in my heart.

Then at this moment, the curtain of the tent was suddenly lifted, which scared me to death.

"Brock, there's a dispatch over there, you should go..." Roland stepped into the tent, "Huh? Why are you staring? Didn't I tell you that I will come to inform you of the departure time?"

"Uh, no..." I replied with some hesitation, "I was just a little surprised, why did you come here in person?"

After all, she usually sends a familiar to me when she comes to me. With her magic skills, manipulating the familiar and a long-distance telepathy are as natural to her as breathing.

"Of course I have to be more serious and inform myself about such an important matter, at least to create an atmosphere that a big battle is imminent, right?" A joking smile appeared on Roland's face that made my scalp tingle, "Just like you just now , isn't it?"

"You saw it..." Realizing that the scene where I entered the scene and talked to the occasional rooster passing by was seen, I immediately wanted to find a hole in the ground.

"Do you think I'll send a familiar?" Roland continued to tease me, "It seems that you don't understand the heart of a girl at all. If you want to send your sweetheart to the battlefield, why don't you come in person?"

"Girl..." I muttered.

"You, you, you don't want to say that you shouldn't call yourself a girl when you're old, do you?" Roland pretended to puff up his face, "That's too much, I'm still very young by the standards of elves, It's the marriageable age."

She said and gave me a "I'm hinting at you" wink.

"Yes yes yes." I knew she was just teasing me, so I could only sigh.

"Okay, seriously." She suddenly put on a mature smile, "If you want to hold this fortress before you arrive, someone must manipulate the barrier, and the only one who can manipulate the barrier is me, so I can only Stay here. We won't have a chance to see you before we launch a general offensive here. So, before you leave, I want to see you."

"Eh?" I was caught off guard by her confession, "This, so..."

Roland immediately put on a beating smile of "I just miss your reaction".

This female elf is always so cunning, as long as she is a little careless, she will fall for her.

"Before you defeat the devil, I will help you defend this place. It is common in stories, the hero who defeats the devil will always have a sage who supports him." Roland looked into my eyes and smiled.

"But I've never heard of a sage in a story who is as dishonest as you." I couldn't help but smile wryly.

"There's never been a story where the hero is an orc with two axes like you." Roland replied with a smile.

"I should go." I let out a long breath.

"Go." Roland turned sideways.

I stepped out of the tent, stopped suddenly, and after hesitating for a while, I turned around.

"Anyway, thank you for coming to see me off." I scratched my head, "Well, I—"

"I said that you don't have to give me a thoughtful answer. That's not suitable for me at all." Roland interrupted me as if he had expected it, "A rabbit caught by a wolf said whether he wanted to be eaten or not. Being eaten, the end is the same, no matter what..."

With a secretive smile, she raised a finger to her lips, and blinked her left eye at me, "The wolf will eat him."

"Rabbit, rabbit... Are you talking about me?" I didn't know how to evaluate this metaphor.

"As I said, you can't escape." Roland smiled and stared into my eyes.

Antebellum Mobilization (5)

After the elf mage troops monitoring the enemy's main movement confirmed that the enemy sent troops to the fortress, the scheduled raid troops immediately left the fortress.

According to our plan, the orc wolf cavalry in the fortress and the elite wolfclaw knights led by Vikas will leave the city from the rear of the fortress, and use high mobility to secretly go from the vicinity of the king's capital along the river bank to the predetermined location and the tribe's headquarters. The reinforcements will join together, and Angelika and Tilawa will join this group of troops.

Then the Saidian knights led by Miria, the voluntary paladins, and some orc shamans do not have such good mobility. They will move on Helgia's airship. Alsena and Daisy will follow this team.

As for the goat cavalry of the dwarves, their home field is the mountains, and they will go directly to the nearby forests to hide, waiting for the reinforcements to arrive before dispatching together.

As for me, I don't play with any of those teams.

My first duty is to arrive at the garrison of the tribal reinforcements before other troops, and assist the tribal reinforcements to cross the river quickly.

Just like when I raided the enemy's camp to snatch the Ice Demon, this time I took Vanessa and I was set off by the queen.Under the cover of night, we went straight from high altitude to the location that the reinforcements had informed us during the communication, and it took less than a quarter of an hour to arrive.

When I approached the scheduled location, I found that in order to maintain the concealment at night, the tribal reinforcements did not even have a bonfire at the station.It was another cloudy day tonight, the moonlight could not be seen at all, and it was pitch black when viewed from a high altitude.

Fortunately, the queen has a pair of special eyes that can penetrate even the shelter, and she found the tent group of orcs stationed in the forest several miles away, and a fierce son landed directly near the camp.

The movement of the landing quickly attracted several orc warriors who came to check the situation. I waved to them at the first time, and used a secret signal in the orc language to identify them-this process took a little time, because all the warriors paid attention. They were all placed on the Queen's body first, and I had to repeat it several times before they noticed that there was me on the dragon's back.

But this is not difficult to understand. Although I contacted in advance that I would come riding a dragon, the orc warriors at the scene have basically never seen a dragon—maybe the warriors of the Baishan clan have seen the blue dragon guarding the holy land. But that is nothing compared to the queen.

After confirming my identity, the soldiers led me to the camp to meet their leaders. During the contact, I heard that the chiefs of the four clans of Langshou, Lei Yu, Luefeng and Baishan all came in person.

After all, when the past conflicts were resolved, they were the four clans that received the most favor from Helgia, or Arsena. At the same time, their clansmen who lived in Helgia were also involved in this war. In private, they all have reasons to do their best to support.

However, when I walked in and was taken to the tent, I saw an unexpected person waiting for me inside.

"Old chief!?" Looking at the old figure sitting on the chair with a hunched back, I couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then I noticed another person standing behind the chair, "Igna? Why are you here?"

There was no mention of them being here in the correspondence.

"Son, you're here." The old chief smiled kindly at me, "I asked the responders to bring you to my side first."

"Chief, why did you come here? The tribe is not..." I blinked.

"There can't be too many manpower." The old chief continued with a smile, "So the second batch of 'reinforcements' of the Bloodaxe clan is actually only me, and I asked Igna to bring me here, the clan I have almost dealt with the matter for the time being, and I have handed over the daily management work to the elders."

I shifted my gaze to Igna.

"The purification work of the Shouya clan's land is almost done. Before the other clans decided to send troops, they had contacted Leilogard - he just returned to the residence at that time, and then he contacted me again. I decided to let the Shouya clan also Send troops." Igna clasped her hands and explained to me, "At that time, my injuries had already healed, so I decided to go directly through Saidian to join them here. Let's go together, I have no reason to refuse him."

"But why did you chief... come here in person?" I looked at the old chief in surprise.

"Well, I just want to come here on my own. It's a very personal reason." The old chief lowered his eyes and said in a deep tone, "If I insist on explaining, it's probably... for atonement."

"Atonement?" I froze for a moment.

"You also know, Brock—the heart knot of my life. During the war in the abyss, I shouldered a crime that was difficult to wash away. The mistakes at that time have been irreversible. At least now, I can , do the right thing with my own hands. The affairs of the tribe have come to an end, and now I can temporarily put aside my duties as the chief of the Bloodaxe clan, and as an ordinary orc, do what I have not done before, but what I should do now. "

The old chief smiled at me as he spoke.

"Just take it as the last capriciousness of an old man whose time is running out. My old bones can no longer wield a tomahawk, but the power of natural elements will still respond to me."

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