"That's it." I nodded.

The old chief bears the sins of his entire life from the past war in the abyss. The current turmoil can be regarded as a continuation of the past war to some extent.

Perhaps as early as when he learned that the power of the Demon King had reappeared in the world, the old chief had already started to stand on the front line of the battlefield in his own name and contribute his strength—this was his personal way of redemption, but before He has been unable to let go of the chief's duties.

"I should have come here earlier... Actually, before I sent Vack over, I had planned to come here in person. It's just that there are a lot of rebuilding tasks, and you actually sent a child here in the middle, and arranged for him to spend money. It's time." The old chief smiled at me.

"Quirrell...is he okay?" I suddenly remembered.

"It's not bad. Igna took care of him for a while, and I let him go to the tribal school." The old chief nodded with a smile, "In fact, the other children didn't like him very much at first, but the kid is quite strong. Big one, he stood out in the hunting and activity classes and got the nod right away."

"Now he is almost becoming the king of children in the tribe." Igna added calmly.

"Really..." Knowing that Quirrell is fine in the tribe, I feel relieved.

Antebellum Mobilization (6)

After meeting the old chief, I went to meet the leaders of other clans, including the chief Leilogard of the Shouya clan. This time, all the chiefs of the six major clans were present.

"...their four clans all sent 1 people. Some of our people went to the west of Saidian to support them. Now we can send a little less people, so we have more than 6000 people. Forgive me." Relogard in military uniform stood in front of me with folded arms and explained to me, his body was as burly as a hill, "However, I brought all the most elite berserkers here, there are 18 of them, and each of them can be used as one against a hundred." !"

In other words, the actual number of reinforcements was actually as many as 6000.For the Yinhui Fortress that has been cut off from all reinforcements, these reinforcements are the key capital for us to fight back.

"Thank you chiefs, I really helped you a lot this time." I nodded to the chiefs present.

"You must repay your kindness, and you must repay your hatred—this is the creed that all orcs will practice." The chief of the Baishan clan said quietly, "Her Royal Highness the Princess of Helgia owes us a favor, and she is behind the manipulation of this situation." The elf of the war invaded the common holy land of our clan and slaughtered our clansmen. We must fight this soldier!"

The Baishan clan has always shouldered the responsibility of guarding the Holy Land of Snow Mountain. When the Holy Land was invaded and the guards were slaughtered, they should be the most indignant among the several clans.

"And you can also fight the legendary demon king. This is an opportunity that our ancestors never had!" Leilogard laughed loudly with his sword in his hand.

It can be seen that all the clans participating in this battle are very motivated.Knowing my compatriots, I have never worried about the morale of the support army.In the distant past, the fearless fighting spirit and valor of the orcs were once the nightmare of the Confederacy, but now this fearless reinforcement will in turn become their most reliable ally.

"But to be honest, Brock..." Igna, who was standing behind me, suddenly said, "How are you going to take us across the river?"

In my contact letter, I only mentioned the part of the strategic deployment related to the tribal coalition forces. I also mentioned that we will provide them with the means to cross the river at that time, but I did not mention the specific means to assist them in crossing the river.On the one hand, this is due to the consideration of preventing information leakage, and on the other hand——

"I plan to use spells to freeze a large area of ​​the river from the north bank to the south bank, and then let all the troops step across the ice to cross the river." I answered honestly.

"..." Igna remained expressionless, staring into my eyes silently.

"..." None of the six chiefs present said anything.

A few seconds passed, and Igna asked: "Okay, time is running out, so I won't be joking. So what is the real plan for crossing the river?"

"I'm telling the truth!" I sighed.

This is another reason why I didn't explain it clearly in the letter, because no one would believe me if I said it directly, and it would take a long time to explain it clearly. You must know that every letter sent by Xinying must be cherished like gold .

"This is going to cross the river, but there are more than 4 troops. To cross the river in this way, even if all the shamans of the six clans are assembled, it will be difficult to do it."

The chief of the Leiyu clan shook his head, and the chief of the Luefeng clan followed suit. They were all quite experienced shamans.

"Let me show you directly, please follow me." I waved my hand and led the clan leaders out of the tent.

We came to the river, where the Queen and Vanessa were waiting for us.

"Well, let me introduce—"

I just started talking to the chiefs, when Vanessa suddenly waved to me excitedly: "Honey!!"

I could feel the eyes of all the chiefs and Igna focused on me, which made me feel a little thorn in my back.

"Okay, no need to introduce, we've already made it clear." Igna raised her hand and said to me.

"What do you know?" I felt baffled.

"Although everyone already knows about your reputation, can't you restrain yourself a little bit?" Igna sighed as if she had a headache.

"What happened to my reputation? Hey, wait a minute, what kind of image do I have in other clans?" I looked back and forth at the others, but none of the other chiefs met my gaze.

Finally, Leilogard coughed dryly, reached out and patted me on the shoulder with an expression of "big brother is helping you smooth things over": "Brother, don't discuss embarrassing topics at this time, or Let's talk business."

"Please make me feel more hopeless, okay?" I stared with a feeling of wanting to cry without tears.

What is an embarrassing topic?Has my image in other tribes reached an unspeakable level?

"If it's just a personal hobby, I don't have much position to make irresponsible remarks. In fact, I don't care much, but I still feel a little bit embarrassed in front of others like you." Igna shrugged, "Hmm , even though we are not actually related by blood.”

"Hey, don't you mean a lot? You're going to sever ties with me!" I couldn't help complaining.

"I remember that it was a snowy night, and there was a cry in the grass—" Iger made up in a rambling manner.

"Don't make it up! Even the old chief said that I look like Azak, how could I be adopted?" I interrupted her directly.

"Oh, I was talking about myself." Igna shrugged.

"If that kind of thing really happened, how could you remember it yourself?" I rolled my eyes, "You still have a nose and an eye."

"Okay, okay, let's stop here for joking, I have been to the banquet where you were born." At this time, the old chief smiled and waved, "Brock, let's put aside the trivial things first, and now tell us to cross the river way."

Although I am still very concerned about how I will be spread among other clans, crossing the river is indeed a top priority right now.

"Okay, Vanessa, I'm sorry to trouble you, just do as I said before." I turned to Vanessa helplessly.

In the end, what I never expected was that Vanessa would act coquettishly with me at this juncture. She was lying horizontally and suspended in the air, with her arms embracing herself: "I don't feel very well today, maybe my relatives People will be motivated after a while!"

"Don't, stop making trouble..." I suddenly felt a little bad, and turned my head to glance at the other people behind me.

All the chiefs seemed to have suddenly developed a strong interest in the surrounding night scenes, and they looked in different directions.

Only Igna still folded her arms and looked at me with a slight frown.

After being silent for a while, she said: "...Actually, we don't mind at all, but shouldn't it be better for us to avoid it?"

No, you should just kill me.

Send you a back and forth (1)

Vanessa began to cast a spell.

She was suspended above the river, spreading out her demonic periosteum wings, and in the dark night, the cobweb-like patterns on her wings exuded a strange red shimmer.

Then the next moment she began to use the power of the ice demon that she had absorbed before, the color of the red lines changed rapidly, starting from the base of the wings, it turned into ice blue, and a bone-piercing cold wind rushed towards her face .The demon's racial ability is instinctive, and it can be used naturally even if it has not been learned.

There was a certain rustling sound on the dark surface of the river, reminiscent of ice crystals beginning to grow on the water, spreading, and then joining together, gradually becoming a thick ice sheet.This process lasted about 10 minutes, and finally the sound slowly disappeared.The sound of the water in the river also became smaller, and the thick ice suppressed the waves on the water surface.

Then Vanessa flew down, landed on the ice, and waved to us.

"Such a large river is actually frozen... What a powerful mana." The chief of the Lei Yu clan was amazed.

"Although I don't know where you got it from, this little girl is indeed talented." Igna also nodded at me.

"I think you misunderstood me a bit..." I glanced at her helplessly.

"Great, now that there is a bridge to cross the river, let's start right away!" Lerogard punched his palm vigorously.

"Wait a minute, there are other troops to gather." I raised my hand to remind him, "This battle is no small matter, and we need to gather enough strength to launch a surprise attack."

"Will the fortress be able to hold up if there is such a delay?" Leilogard frowned, "If you want me to say, let me lead a wave of elites to stabilize the battle first, and then you will follow!"

"I'm quite confident in the defense of the fortress." I replied calmly.

With Roland manipulating the barrier to guard the fortress, and the generals of humans, elves, and dwarves all sitting there, the defense force of the fortress is actually not that weak.

The forces controlled by Mudar are very strong, but judging from the last siege, his tactical style is generally more cautious, and sometimes he is even a bit cautious. One of the reasons for the tactic of charging from the rear with reinforcements.

"It's okay, I'm also very confident in my own strength!" Relogard insisted.

I can't be persuaded. After thinking about it carefully, he is the chief who controls his own clan. My opinion is not binding on him at all.

At this time, Igna said coldly: "Lei Luo, stand by well, are you going to let the blood of the warriors of the tribe be shed in vain?"

"...Okay." Lerogard quickly calmed down, scratched his head, and didn't raise a single rebuttal.

At this time, the queen said something, and poked the sky with her thumb: "Don't worry, they are already here."

It didn't take me long to realize she was talking about Helgia's airship.Although the speed of the airship was slightly slower than that of us who set off first, it was still traveling in a straight line. After a while, my ears vaguely caught the sound of the wind wheel and the engine.

"Then, let the soldiers get ready first." The old chief paused for a moment with the long staff in his hand.

The other chiefs responded one after another, and after a while of orders, the whole station "woke up" soon, and the bonfires of lighting were lit everywhere.

Fat and strong wargs were pulled out of the cages in rows, and the wolf cavalrymen approached their mounts with large pieces of flesh, and then deftly stuffed them into the wolf's mouth.This is a kind of motivation before the battle, and at the same time, it can arouse the fierceness of these beasts with the smell of blood. When the wolf is feasting, they tie the leather saddle to the wolf's back.

Soldiers walked in front of the logistics officer in line, took their own weapons, and the shaman holding a long staff decorated with animal bones stood beside the team, swaying the ashes of beasts, and using ancient greetings for all the soldiers who went out. Warrior blessing.The most elite berserkers gathered together to perform the ancient expedition ceremony, drank the beast blood under the guidance of the shadow shaman, raised their arms and roared.

When the airship landed nearby, the orc troops had assembled and were ready to line up at any time.

"I said that the posture of your orcs going out is a bit scary, it's like a group of demons dancing wildly."

Feilan stood by the railing of the airship and frowned at me. During the process of the airship landing, she should have seen the situation of the camp clearly.

"I have the same feeling." Daisy echoed from the side.

"Anyway, they are all of us, don't be so mean." I sighed.

"Mr. Bullock, all the equipment is here." Not far away, Arsena waved and called to me. She was directing a dozen golems acting as porters to move down large quantities of equipment.

"Do you want to use these equipments for us? Hergia is really generous."

Relogard and other chiefs showed great interest in the equipment provided by the Confederate Alliance, and picked up a few pieces of equipment to try their hands. For the orc troops, this kind of high-tech equipment is indeed relatively good. Rare.

As fighters, we do not have no desire for good equipment, but most of the conditions are relatively limited.

"Our clan will take a thousand sets first, is there any objection?" Leiluogard suddenly announced loudly, he was obviously quite satisfied with these equipments.

"Your clan doesn't have the most people, so don't fight for now." The chief of the Lei Yu clan waved his hand at him, "Let us each take a thousand sets, and give the rest to your clan."

"Everyone is fighting side by side today. Don't hurt your peace. It's better for the distribution plan to be fair..." The chief of the Baishan clan said in a peacemaker's tone, "For example, let us get [-] sets first."


Seeing that they were all envious of these equipments, I had to try to dissuade them: "Please distribute them evenly! Also, those equipments are filled with explosives. Be careful when you try to swing them. If you accidentally touch the mechanism It's going to explode!"

The chiefs who were arguing about the equipment suddenly fell silent.

"The wolf head clan has a lot of cavalry, and the pressure to charge is high. I suggest giving you priority!" The chief of the Luefeng clan immediately threw the hand ax in his hand to the chief of the wolf head clan like a hot potato.

"Damn old man, don't throw it around!" The chief of the Langshou clan cursed, and handed everything to the chief of the Baishan clan, "The Baishan clan just said that they want two thousand sets, I heard it!"

"I think it's better to meet the needs of the Shouya clan first, your fighters are the most elite!" Solitaire, the chief of the Baishan clan, gave Leilogard.

"Our fighters can fight naked! Don't hesitate to use these equipment!" Leilogard tried to hand it to the chief of the Thunder Yu clan.

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