One of the iron rules of our cavalry formation, in our previously agreed tactics, was not to risk the rescue of others, since doing so would likely put both sides in danger.

"Don't be stupid, you think I'm going to save you?" Igna suddenly yelled angrily, "Move quickly, I know you will summon the beast soul!"

As expected, Igna was still Igna, as strict as ever.

In fact, I have already concentrated my thoughts on summoning the beast soul. It’s just that it doesn’t take much casting time to summon a warg, and the demon king has no time to launch a combo of attacks on me. The huge corpse was not driven so fast. speed.

But before I finished casting the spell, a figure flew over at an extremely fast speed, pulled me over, and flew directly into the sky.

"What are you doing all of a sudden!?" After screaming, I stared at the queen who was holding my leather armor collar.

How can there be only one brave team to defeat the demon king who threatens the world (5)

"This dark guy is a bit difficult to deal with, come and help me." Facing my question, the queen replied calmly.

"... I said, can you ask my opinion before you do something?" I asked with a dark face.

Now I feel like she is hanging in the sky by her collar, like a piece of cured meat hanging in the night wind to dry.

"Okay, this dark guy is a bit difficult to deal with. Come and help me. This is an imperial decree and cannot be refused." The Queen's words hardly changed, except for a few more words.

"What kind of advice are you asking for?" I was quite helpless.

This guy has been like this since he pulled me to sign the contract. He basically doesn't ask for my opinion when she does things. When she says it, what she is going to do has already been happily decided, and I just want to tell you something.

Seeing that the Queen and I got together in one place, the Demon King immediately turned his target to us. I don't know if it was my illusion, but I felt that the bunch of eyes on its face glowed with a strange purple light.

The Demon King suddenly waved his arms and swung the flaming chains wrapped around his arms towards me. Those chains were spinning and dancing, like a group of snakes chasing food, and we were the food they were chasing.

To be honest, the speed of the Demon King's shots can't be said to be fast, but the attack range is quite terrifying.Each chain is thicker than my thigh by visual inspection, and it is powerful and heavy when it is swung. With my body strength, it will turn into meat if it is hit casually... No, even if it is just barely brushed, I will be crushed by that The black flames on it must have burned out.

The sense of crisis at this moment made all the hairs on my body stand on end. It was only then that I realized how much pressure I had to face in a head-on battle with the devil. It’s a pity that the queen can fight the devil with a normal heart for so long .

Hanging in the air, I naturally had no way to dodge this attack. Fortunately, the queen reacted quickly, grabbed me and turned over, flapped my wings to dodge, and easily dodged those flying chains.With her strength, adding such a "goods" like me doesn't have much effect on her actions.

It's just that this process is not very friendly to me.

Being held by the collar of the fastest flying creature in the world, being hung in the air like a piece of dried bacon, turning around non-stop, just two seconds passed and I felt that everything in my stomach started to churn, and it was even worse What's more, at a certain evasive angle, the neckline of the leather armor just stuck my throat tightly, strangling me almost blacked out.

I couldn't see what was happening around me as the world was spinning around. After being carried around for a few minutes, the queen finally stopped.

"It stopped, give it to my staff now, how to kill this big guy quickly?" I vaguely heard the queen ask me.

"..." I couldn't speak, and when I opened my eyes, I felt that the surrounding scene was still spinning.

"Brock?" The queen picked me up, and I saw her frowning face, "Bastard, you're so frightened that you rolled your eyes at this level? When did you become so useless? Contractor, wake up quickly!"

After she finished speaking, she shook me hard again.

"Cough, stop shaking! I was not scared but strangled by you!" I coughed and came back to my senses, and protested loudly, "Can you stop carrying me like this? If you do it a few more times like that just now, I will definitely be beaten." You played badly!"

"So I didn't think carefully...but you are the one who keeps me in this state." The queen looked a little dissatisfied.

"But I didn't let you pull me up too!"

I never thought about going to the sky with her while she was in this form... oh no, to the sky.

"Well, it really has to be like this." The queen seemed to have an idea.


As soon as I asked, the queen threw me up and let go of her claws.

A sense of weightlessness invaded my whole body for a moment, and I felt my heart hang.But the next moment I was caught, and when I came back to my senses, I found myself lying in the arms of the Queen.

"Okay, that's all right!" the queen said confidently.

"This problem is obviously too big!" I retorted with my eyes wide open.

This guy... actually really caught me and gave me a princess hug! ?

Are you kidding me, in the center of the battlefield where thousands of armies are fighting, at the moment of this epic peak confrontation with the legendary demon king, I was actually carried into the battle in this princess hug posture?

Now it is estimated that there are countless pairs of eyes on the battlefield looking at this side. After all, the queen's wings are burning, which is even more eye-catching in the night sky that is blacker than a crow's feathers.I can imagine that Igna was staring at me with cold eyes on the ground at this time, and made up her mind in her heart to draw a line with this brother who has lost his integrity.

When I think of this, I really want to jump off here, anyway, I can summon the beast soul of Thunder Eagle to take me flying.

But rationality stopped me in time, the devil was still staring at us, I didn't have the confidence to dodge the devil's attack with the speed of the laser carving, if I went to die for nothing out of face, I would definitely be unqualified as a fighter.

The demon king turned his face around this time, the eyeballs on his face lit up quickly, and several dark purple lightning lights intertwined and shot out. The queen hugged me and rose rapidly. We managed to dodge yet another attack.

"This is pretty easy, but if this is the case, I won't be able to fight back." The queen found out the problem, "And to be honest, it's a bit inconvenient for you to be in front of such a big man, my eyes can't see through creatures body of."

"Then don't hug me." I quickly persuaded, "Even if you don't let me go down, at least change your position, okay?"

"Then what pose do you want?"

"Well, let me hold your tail—" I immediately came up with the most reasonable solution.

Let me hold her tail with one hand so that not only does it not hinder her flight, but also allows me to help her guard against blind spots in her vision, and at the same time we both have free hands to fight, which is perfect.

However, this perfect plan was vehemently refuted by the other party before I finished speaking: "How dare you come? In front of so many people, you, do you want to die!?"

The queen's tone was uncharacteristically excited, and I don't know if it was my illusion. I felt that her breathing seemed to become a little faster.

"This is the most reasonable way." I argued hard.

"Anyway, no!" She replied without hesitation, after a little thought, she calmed down a little, "That's good, you can grab my shoulder from behind."

"Hey, isn't that..." I thought about it, if I wanted to hold her steady in that position when she was flying at high speed, it would actually be like wrapping my arms around her neck and hugging her from behind, "Uh... That's not good."

"That's better than grabbing the tail!" The queen glared at me. what does tail grabbing mean to you guys?

King of the Undead (1)

At the queen's insistence, we finally adopted such a relatively compromised plan - I grabbed the queen's shoulders from behind, and she flew with me on her back like this.

In any case, at least it is many times better than the shameful princess hug just now.

From the point of view of body shape alone, the figure of the queen in this form is really petite compared to mine.But when I grabbed her shoulders and put my whole body weight on her, she still looked at ease.

"It opened that troublesome cover again." Seeing the Demon King opened the Shadow Demon's protection again, the Queen clicked her tongue in displeasure, and then asked me, "You have always had a lot of tricky ideas, come up with one." chant?"

"If you want me to say it, we don't need to fight him with all our strength right now. We will finish it together after other troops come over." I replied bluntly, "Before that, we just delay the time."

This is a fairly reasonable judgment, but the queen is quite critical of it: "You mean you just need to run around for a while? Such a useless tactic is not my style."

"I mean just bide my time..." I tried to rephrase it.

"What's the difference?" The queen interrupted me dissatisfied, "What I want is a good strategy to defeat the enemy with one shot and cleanly take the head of the enemy general. You don't have such an idea, what are you doing here?"

"I was forcibly captured by you, okay?" I reminded her helplessly.

Does this guy only have the first thought of taking down the devil king?

"Although you may be unhappy when you say this, the gap between you and that thing exists objectively. To make up for this gap, we need other people's help. This is not your Majesty's battle alone." I calmly persuaded her, "If you want to play more proactively, how about changing your target?"

If only relying on her power can solve the devil's corpse, Mu Daer will not have to take the risk of offending the dragon king to activate the power of the devil's corpse.

Although in the Queen's current form, the Demon King's common tricks can't do anything to her for a while, but if she wants to fight head-on by herself, hard power is not enough, and she may be caught to counter-attack.

"Change the target?" the Queen asked back.

"It's that Lich. His own body should be near the Demon King. Let's break the Demon King's defense first, then find his location and deal with him." I said calmly, "Although we can't kill him like this, we should How much it can affect his spellcasting. If we can reveal his flaws in his spellcasting, maybe we can find an opportunity to attack."

"Okay, let's create some trouble for it!" The queen finally listened.

She whirled around the demon king again, then rushed up and swung her claws on the wall of shadow of the demon king.

Seeing that her blow made a crack on the wall of shadow again, I summoned the "ancestral heroic spirit" at the right time, and made an axe at the same position between the lightning and flint—since she had been robbed to the sky Well, it's better to take advantage of the trend and do something that can be done.

Although the blow of the "ancestral heroic spirit" is not enough to be compared with the Queen's attack, but it can play a more or less icing on the cake when she first weakens the wall of shadow.There was only a hard and crisp sound, and the crack obviously spread.

"Not bad!!" The Queen laughed excitedly, bypassing the Demon King's counterattack, fanned out dragon flames with her wings and rushed towards the Demon King, continuously weakening the wall of shadow with flames.Then repeat the old tricks and attack.

I matched her pace and swung the ax with "Ancestral Spirits" at every place she attacked.This greatly improved our attack efficiency, and soon we "chiseled" a gap in the wall of shadows again, and the wall of shadows whose shape was destroyed quickly fell apart.

The demon king turned his body slowly, trying to lock onto the mosquito that had been biting us, but he couldn't keep up with our speed.Compared with living beings, the senses of the undead will be dulled and lacking to a certain extent, and the reaction speed will generally be slower than before. However, the undead who have no self-consciousness like the corpse of the devil king can only rely on the spellcaster. manipulate.

I guess that Mudar will stay near the corpse of the Demon King because this is the safest position if the rear is not outflanked by us orcs.With that lich always likes to hide behind his back and make troubles, he will probably stay in the safest place in the formation.

His phylactery is placed inside the body of the Demon King, and the body should act outside.The destruction of his body does not pose any threat to his soul, but now he should be using his accustomed body to cast necromancy. If we can destroy that body, maybe we can interrupt his spellcasting before he switches bodies , to find an opportunity to attack the corpse of the Demon King.

My guess was soon confirmed. This time the Queen broke through the Demon King's defense and did not rashly attack the Demon King's body. Instead, she focused on searching for Mudar's location, and within a few seconds she had the result: "Find caught!"

The position she locked was at the feet of the Demon King. The place where the Demon King stood was surrounded by death, and the ground was pale, guarding the last circle of demon corpses.Even if the wolf cavalry break through this line of defense, they are unlikely to approach this area. The halo of death around the demon king is similar to the "pale palace" cast by the spirit of the magic sword that I have seen in the past. If you approach rashly, you will be deprived of vitality, and only creatures and undead who are resistant to the curse can be safe.

Then, in the center of this field, next to the left foot of the devil, there was a figure standing with hands down.I can't see the appearance of that person clearly from here, but I think the queen's eyesight should be right.

This time the queen stretched out her claws and pointed towards it, the sparks from the dragon flame flashed away like meteors, directly exploding a pillar of fire several people high at the feet of the devil, and the moment the flames flashed by, I could clearly see the figure—it was indeed Mu. Dahl was right.

"Oh, it's done!" the queen said confidently.

As a result, as soon as the words fell, the flame was scattered by an invisible force - countless wraiths flew around Mudar, turning into a nether shield, resisting the blow forcefully.

"You can't stop saying something like that after a blow?" I said deadpan.

"What's going on? It doesn't matter if the Demon King can block my attack, how can such a thing do it?" The Queen frowned displeased.

Indeed, this is very unusual, even if the power of a lich surpasses that of an ordinary mage, it is unlikely to be exaggerated to this extent.

With the same doubt, I narrowed my eyes and looked at Mudar.

As if he heard our question, under the light of the fire, Mudar raised his head and showed us a sneer, and raised his right hand towards us.

At this moment, I could see clearly that there was actually a slender spar inlaid on the forearm exposed from the cuff of his robe.

"That's..." I opened my eyes wide.

The heart of the devil!

King of the Undead (2)

"Such a weak flame, are you planning to use it to light candles?" Mudar's wild laughter suddenly rang in my head.

It seems that this guy embedded the heart of the Demon King into his arm and used it as a staff for boosting spells.

Obviously, it was because of this heaven-defying prop that he strengthened his necromancy to the point where he could block the Queen's attack with the "Ghost Shield".

It's normal to think about it. In the past, he implanted such a thing into Jaron's body, but it was out of a momentary twisted interest and the purpose of controlling him to attack Ironthorn Prison-the point is that he can take it back at any time.

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