With his temperament, such a powerful prop would never be handed over to someone he could not control.In such a decisive battle, the most reasonable and reasonable approach is to be used by oneself.

This guy is still quite cautious. Although he won't cover every detail, he won't be able to sneak attack so easily.

"It seems that it is not so easy to destroy his body, what should I do next?" The queen glanced at me.

In the end, the only way is for us to hold him back first, wait until other troops outflank him, and then concentrate our efforts to get rid of him in one fell swoop...

At this moment, Igna's voice suddenly sounded on the battlefield: "Fire at the Demon King! Now is the time to completely cut off the fate of our orcs!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw countless fires igniting on the ground—they were rockets specially made by the orcs. Under the order, the wolf cavalry picked up their strong bows one after another, and used the rockets made by local methods to illuminate Lit the torch, then put it on the bow and aimed at the corpse of the demon king who had just lost the protection of the wall of shadow.

After eliminating the devil zombies around the devil, the wolf cavalry of the six major tribes had actually successfully formed a small encirclement around the devil's corpse.However, limited by the desolate halo around the devil, the wolf cavalry could not rashly approach the corpse of the devil.

But this does not mean that the orcs do not have useful long-range attack methods. In fact, although the orcs are not good at magic, the bow skills trained in hunting all year round can still be used in battle.

Compared with the famous elves, the workmanship of orc bows and arrows is simple and rough.But relying on the orc's extraordinary strength and the matching strong bow, the orc's bow and arrow can still be put on the table in terms of range.

"With this kind of attack like mosquito bites, you want to solve the demon king who has ruled you for thousands of years? You orcs can probably do such an overwhelming thing!"

Mudar dismissed the reaction of the orc troops, and had no intention of defending or avoiding it.

His attention is still on the queen. For him, the strength of both the deity and the body has already been raised to the level of a demon king. The only person who can really pose a threat to him is the queen. Those orcs—should include me. Inside, they are all just insignificant ants.

Unfortunately, this time, he missed it.

"Shoot arrows!!"

Another command was issued, and the arrows flashing with flames rushed towards the corpse of the Demon King. On such a battlefield, the huge body of the Demon King was a huge target to some extent.

When the queen was fighting with the devil just now, in order to prevent the heavy rain from affecting the damage of the flames, the queen bombarded the sky with fire bombs, dispelling most of the cumulonimbus clouds gathered in the low sky.The downpour was forcibly stopped, which provided the conditions for the fire attack.

The burning rockets landed on the Demon King one after another, making a slight explosion, scattered sparks splashed, leaving a pool of burning flames on the surface of that stalwart body.

At first glance, these rockets are nothing more than arrowheads wrapped in wet cloth soaked in fuel, and then set on fire with candle-like flames, which can only ignite dry grass at best.But in fact, there is another mystery in the arrowhead. The wet cloth is not wrapped in metal arrowheads, but a thin layer of leather filled with fuel made from combustible minerals and animal grease.The originally solidified fuel will melt with heating, and when the arrows focus on the target and hit it, the leather will break, and the fuel will leak out, be ignited by the flame and adhere to the target.

Although an arrow can only ignite a palm-sized place, as long as it forms a large scale, its power is still considerable, whether it is very effective in attacking buildings or giant beasts.

Due to the limitations of various conditions, the equipment level of the orcs has never been very high, but correspondingly, the orcs always display some "poor wisdom" under limited conditions, and use various local methods to make some useful weapons and props.

The rockets rushed towards the Demon King like a swarm of fireflies, and each arrow that hit it ignited a palm-sized flame on it. The flames gathered together and soon formed a large burning area.

What's more, he took this opportunity to throw out the explosive weapons given by the remaining dwarves on his body. The moment the weapon exploded, the burst of fire greatly increased the fire.

Seeing that the demon king was on fire, I didn't miss this opportunity, and immediately stretched out my hand to that side, concentrating all my energy, and summoned the elemental spirits of air and flames.

With the blessing of Azak's soul and the dragon's blood in my body, my shaman elemental spells quickly exerted the spell effects of high-ranking mages.After confirming the establishment of a spiritual connection with the spirit of the elements, I clenched my fists violently, and the flames contaminated by the devil burst out suddenly. At the same time, a sudden gust of wind roared around the devil, which greatly fueled the fire.Wrapped by the strong wind, the flames revolved around the Demon King and turned into a torch soaring into the sky.

Bursts of black smoke burst out from the Demon King's body, and the raging flames illuminated the faces of every soldier, and cheers like a mountain roar and a tsunami sounded suddenly.Even the Demon King couldn't completely ignore this level of damage.This is the first time in this battle that we have caused visible damage to the body of the demon king, and this feat of blow came from us orcs. For all orc warriors, this is naturally quite exciting.

In fact, this blow was successful, and the biggest "hero" was Mudar himself.It was precisely because of his contempt for orcs that he did not guard against the attacks from orcs at all, and it can be seen from the reaction just now that he did not understand the shaman spells of orcs at all. We took advantage of this opportunity, allowing us to slap him hard in the face.

"It seems that you don't quite understand. The most dangerous creatures in the wild are not meat-eating beasts, but those poisonous mosquitoes." I taunted the figures on the ground softly, "If you accidentally get bitten a few times, luck It’s not good, but you’ll die.”

He should have established a telepathy between us when he just passed the voice into my head. I guess I can hear this guy without shouting loudly.

"Heh, this level has given you the illusion that you can win? It seems that it's time for me to civilize you—you...humble ants!" Mu Daer's voice was full of ferociousness smile.

King of the Undead (3)

Through the amplification of my shaman spell, the flames ignited by the orc's rocket did indeed cause substantial damage to the body of the demon king, but for this corpse, this damage is probably equivalent to that of a human being. A cut was made on his skin to bleed a little.

Without damage that can penetrate the vitals, it is impossible to reliably kill the undead.

The fire illuminated Mudar who was standing at the demon king's feet, and I saw him raise his hand to cast a spell. Suddenly, a part of the demon king's body turned into a black mist, swallowing the blazing flames on its body surface.

Another ability of the Fog Demon...

The ordinary Mist King alone can absorb the Queen's breath and bounce it back. With the level of magic power of the Demon King, I am afraid that no magic can cause damage to this form of it except Holy Light.

The Demon King did not atomize the entire body, but only atomized a part of the body surface, and only the inner bones remained solid, which made it look like a huge skeleton shrouded in black mist.

The Demon King was preparing to fight back—it raised its hand under Mudar's control, and transferred the flames that had just been absorbed into the black mist to the skeleton-like claws to gather them together, turning them into a huge suspended fireball.Under the wrapping of the black mist, the color of the fireball was gradually dyed black.

The Demon King's Black Flame—this can be regarded as a famous move for the Demon King's corpse to return to this world. It once used this move to destroy an army of thousands of orc warriors in an instant, and it also used this move to severely injure the Queen of the Dragon Clan.

I clearly felt the Queen's body tense up, she was obviously ready to dodge at any time, after all, she had suffered from this move before.

But the next moment, the demon king threw the ball of black flames towards the ground—Mudar's target this time turned out to be the surrounding orcs.

"Get out!!" I yelled subconsciously.

In fact, the moment the devil moved, the wolf cavalry underneath had already moved. We adopted the most mobile formation to deal with this situation.

At the place where the fireball was aimed at, the team of wolf cavalry split apart as quickly as possible, and spread out very efficiently. Everyone tried their best to drive the wolf away, so as to keep themselves out of the attack range of the fireball.

But the moment the fireball exploded on the surface, the heat wave of the black flame immediately rushed in all directions, and the spreading speed was many times faster than that of the warg.

A mushroom-like pillar of fire surged into the sky, and even I, who was flying high in the sky at this moment, could clearly feel the scorching air waves rushing toward my face.

Looking down from a high altitude, I can clearly see that the fireball exploded and affected a large area, almost covering a small village.Even if the cavalry evacuated as quickly as possible, some people would still be swallowed by the flames. In the blink of an eye, even the people and their mounts were burnt to the point that there were not even ashes left.

A dozen people... no, maybe more than 20 people died.

At this moment, I felt as if a heavy stone was pressing on my heart, and there was a faint feeling of blockage in my throat.

However, I still kept myself calm. The death of a comrade-in-arms is indeed sad, but it is far from the time to mourn.

"Do you want to fight back?" the queen asked me suddenly.

"Don't shoot, those black mist can absorb your breath." I replied calmly, "It may launch an attack here at any time, be careful whether it has a backhand."

"You are quite calm." She turned her head and glanced at me.

"It's more used to it." I tried to use an understatement to bring it over, "Everyone here is."

The living environment of orcs is harsher than that of other races.There is very little land suitable for farming in the Wild of Beasts, and we often have to risk our lives to stand at the top of the food chain in the dangerous Wild of Beasts, relying on hunting and animal husbandry to fill our stomachs.It is not uncommon for the orc tribe to lose their lives in hunting or biological disasters. If they do not have the iron will to face death, it is difficult to survive in the wild of giant beasts.

We chose the most dangerous battlefield, and this level of sacrifice is expected.Rather, objectively speaking, it is precisely because we adopted this formation that we succeeded in minimizing casualties.An attack of this scale should consume a lot of magic power. The magic power of the Demon King is not unlimited. According to this momentum, we should be able to hold out until other troops come over.

"You orcs are really like bugs. Not only are there many of them, but they are also very difficult to kill." Mudar obviously noticed that we took precautions. This move is not very efficient for killing wolf cavalry.

He clapped his hands suddenly, allowing the demon king who had turned into black mist to gather into shape again, and then summoned a black chain on the demon king's arm again.

Are you going to use these black chains to deal with wolf cavalry?

It is true that this move is faster than using black flame bombardment, but in terms of attack range, it is far less interesting than that move. To be honest, I don't think it will be very big for him to swing these chains to the wolf cavalry array kill efficiency.

However, Mudar's next actions completely exceeded my expectations - he actually controlled the Demon King to throw those chains towards the main formation of the troops he led, and attacked the troops under his command!

Those chains entangled the synthetic beasts one after another like flexible giant pythons, and strangled them quickly. The strong force easily broke the bones of these synthetic beasts. With this method, it killed nearly twenty synthetic beasts in one fell swoop.

Although none of these synthetic beasts resisted, I could still see that they were not corpses, but living creatures, because after the devil strangled them, he used necromancy to extract their souls and absorb them, and the pale smoke The ghostly souls flocked to the body of the Demon King.

Is it to absorb the soul to replenish the magic power?But just for the sake of this, there is no need to destroy these synthetic beasts to this extent. If they can preserve a little integrity, these corpses can still be driven by necromancy...

My question was answered as soon as it popped from the bottom of my heart, because Mudar immediately manipulated the demon king to pull back the chain, and then took advantage of the opportunity to throw those fragmented corpses of synthetic beasts to the surrounding wolf cavalry.

A chill ran quickly down my spine.

"Come and enjoy it, the fireworks of this prosperous world celebration!" Mu Daer suddenly laughed wildly and raised his arms high, then clapped his hands together, "Serial Corpse Explosion!!"

In an instant, the corpses of synthetic beasts that were thrown like cannonballs exploded together. Dirty black blood burst out from those bodies, and huge fireworks burst out, covering countless wolf cavalrymen.

King of the Undead (4)

The tainted blood splashed from the explosion of the corpse formed a huge coverage area, expanding the attack range of this spell to the point where even the wolf cavalry could not easily escape with their mobility.

Some of the cavalry reacted quickly, and immediately lifted the holy knight's consecrated shield issued by the fortress to their heads, and the blood splashed on the shield. The Holy Light Prayer immediately responded, shining and evaporating the blood.

But others who were recruited were not so lucky.

The dirty blood that was poured on the cavalry immediately sizzled like strong acid, and dark red smoke rose from the place where their skin touched.

The bodies of the cavalrymen and wargs who were recruited immediately began to melt rapidly from the wounds, and their bodies melted step by step into viscous blood, like sculptures made of mud that were splashed with hot water and gradually began to collapse.

This is probably due to the combination of the extremely high concentration of necromantic curse and corpse poison. Orcs have a strong body, but their resistance to the curse is not high. Many people died within a few seconds after their bodies were soaked in blood. Died instantly.

"It's not over yet, only if there is a continuous chain reaction, can it be called a serial corpse explosion!" Famudar just finished casting with a grin, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

With this snap of the fingers, something even more terrifying happened - the melting bodies of those orcs and wargs who died from the attack also exploded like the corpses of those synthetic beasts just now.The splash of blood sprayed on more orcs, so a chain reaction broke out.

"Scatter! Scatter!" Lerogard ran in the formation, shouting loudly, "They are hopeless! Stay away from them!!"

"Those who have shields, lift up the shields and build a line of defense! Don't let the explosion spread!"

Igna also gave orders loudly, she observed more thoroughly than others, and discovered earlier that the shield sent by Silver Fortress could block and purify this kind of necromancy.

These instructions brought order back to the temporarily chaotic cavalry array. All the elite fighters from various clans participated in this assault. They immediately carried out the military order vigorously and stayed away from the comrades affected by the corpse explosion.

What's more, some fighters who have been recruited but still have consciousness, directly launched a battle cry with all their strength, dragged their melting bodies away from other queues, and rushed to Mudar's position with all their strength.

"Ancestor, witness my last heroism!!"

"Kill! In the name of the clan!!"

Most of them exploded within a few steps. In fact, even if they were not infected with curses and corpse poison, they would not be able to cross the desolate halo around the demon king.

They just know that they are hopeless, and even if they die in battle, they would rather die in the charge.

The resolute execution of the military orders by the orc troops prevented the damage from the corpse explosion from continuing to spread, but the number of victims still doubled several times in just a few seconds.

"The bravery of insects and ants is just a joke to the giants who can crush them at any time." Mudar looked at the scene in front of him with a smile, "This way of dying like garbage in batches is very suitable for you orcs, but it is a pity Not efficient enough."

"Mudar!!" I gritted my teeth and growled, almost picking up the battle ax and jumping down to fight the Lich desperately.

"Don't be impulsive, even I can't do anything to him for a while, can you kill him?" Uncharacteristically, the queen was much calmer than me, and even persuaded me in turn.

I came to my senses a little, and realized that impotent rage would not help the situation at all.

The secret weapon that Roland gave me is still in my hands, but I don't have a chance to make a move yet.In this battle, one needs to be careful every step of the way, and only by paying huge sacrifices can one have a chance of winning, and one must not ruin all opportunities because of impulse.

We have to admit that our estimation of the enemy's combat power is still somewhat biased. In fact, it is not only the devil who is really troublesome, but Mudar himself.Aside from the power of the Demon King, he himself is also a very well-cultivated Grand Lich.

All the undead are the creations of necromancy, and it is the necromancer who manipulates necromancy.Lich—that is the final form of the necromancer who spends his whole life pursuing death after crossing death. They are the real kings of the undead.

As a lich, Mudar is best at his own necromancy. With the strengthening of the devil's heart and the devil's own aura of desolation, his necromancy has been increased to the same level as the devil.

Although the power of the Demon King is strong, it is not flexible to use that power. After becoming an undead, it may even become slower——Based on the information provided by Roland and Miria who have personally experienced the war in the abyss, I think The cavalry unit, the most proud of the orc tribe's mobility, was formed to assault the enemy's rear.

But I made a mistake. I focused too much on the corpse of the demon king and ignored Mudar himself. His necromancy did not have the weaknesses I assumed.Orcs have no resistance to necromancy. Once the mobility that the wolf cavalry is proud of is not enough to avoid large-scale damage, our casualties will soon rise in a straight line.

Although it seems that there are not many casualties now, if we continue like this, the loss of our personnel will be very alarming.As the combat power ebbs and flows, the balance of the battle will accelerate and tilt in a snowball.

As long as our numbers are reduced to a certain level, the whole battle situation will collapse instantly, and the few remaining wolf cavalry will not even be able to stop the synthetic beasts rushing from the main formation.

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