"Hey, please give me some peace first!" I finally couldn't help but yelled to stop her from continuing to get carried away.

"Ah? Why?" She looked at a loss.

"And why..."

In my experience, giving such a smug speech before any event generally tends to...

At this time, the magic circle drawn by Angelica suddenly brightened up, even a little dazzlingly bright, making us all subconsciously focus our eyes on it again.

Those glowing dust particles trembled unnaturally, and the aggregated outlines also began to distort.

"Huh?" Angelica obviously didn't expect this kind of reaction, and was stunned.

Then, with a loud bang, like pouring cold water into a pot that had been boiled dry for a long time, a puff of smoke suddenly surged out from the magic circle, covering everyone's sight.

Be hard on the bottom, take the test first as a respect (3)

The whole room became a vast expanse of whiteness.

There was a strange smell in the smoke, which made everyone present cough.

"Ahem, what's the matter?" I heard Feilan yelling, and then she uttered a spell, "Sylph Lunsai!"

In an instant, a gust of wind rushed in from the door of the room, diluting the smog that filled the room, and everything in front of me gradually became clearer.

Then, what came into view was Angelica who was sitting on the ground in a daze, and the one on the drawn rune circle in front of her...

Wait, what is that...?

A black palm-sized indescribable thing was placed there.Yep, the indescribable thing—sorry that's all I can say, something that looks like a piece of dough and a lump of mud, but has multiple eyes, and is constantly wriggling like a living thing , No matter how you look at it, it's disgusting.

"Hey, isn't this... Niferos?" Adina who also noticed the other side said.

What?Does anyone know this weird thing? ?

"You can actually make Neferos..." Feilan had an expression of disbelief, and then covered her forehead as if she had a headache, "Ah, how did it become like this?"

So what the hell is Niferos?

"Eh... eh? Why..." Angelica, who was squatting in front of the rune, was also at a loss.

"What the hell is that?" I couldn't help asking Adina.

"It is a mysterious creature that will appear with a very low probability of failure in the creation of pseudo-creatures and summoning spells. It is very rare. The phenomenon of Neferos appearing in various failure cases is probably less than [-]% of all failure cases. Neferus It is the name given to this creature by the academic community."

"Uh... does this name have any special meaning?"

"No, Niferos means 'mysterious creature' in the ancient Elvish language."

It's really simple and clear...

But one thing is absolutely certain.

That was Angelica's spell, which indeed failed.


"Why did you fail?" Feilan shook her head angrily, "Every step was done correctly!"

Adina and I moved our eyes to her silently at the same time.

"You, what are you looking at me for?" Feilan felt a little uncomfortable.

"Isn't it because Feilan, you just... have been saying strange things?" Adina said timidly.

"I should have stopped you earlier." I also sighed.

"Be sober! How could you become like this just because of those few words... There must be something wrong——" At this point, she suddenly stopped as if she had realized something, and then turned her head away abruptly Near Angelica.

"Student Feilan, you are still taking the exam!" Adina panicked and wanted to stop her.

But Feilan ignored her intentions at all, and leaned over to pick up the test tube that Angelica had put in her hand, took it up and sniffed it, then poured out a little, put it on her finger, put it on her tongue and licked it.

"Bah!" She stuck out her tongue as if she couldn't stand the taste, "This is octopus blood, stupid girl! Didn't you tell you to get the extract of blue needle grass?"


"Eh, what? Oh damn, I seemed to put these two bottles together yesterday...I told you to practice there all night, and you got so confused that you even took the wrong materials! Ah, you are so good!" Feilan patted the head of Angelica who was squatting on the ground.

"It turns out that the materials used to draw the runes were taken wrong, and that would indeed cause the spell to fail." Adina suddenly realized.

"In such a situation, can I pass?" I remembered the most critical question.

"This... can't be done." Adina said awkwardly, "According to the regulations, taking the wrong materials is also your own mistake. In the case of making Neferos, even if all the steps are correct, the basic score can only be [-]% at most. fifty points……"

"Tsk, what a hassle! It's paused here, I'm going to get it now! Do it again." Feilan scratched her hair irritably, turned around and was about to leave the classroom.

"No, classmate Feilan!" Adina hurriedly stopped her and walked to the back door, "Doing this is, it is cheating!"

"What?" Feilan turned her head, dissatisfaction written all over her face, "Hey, hey! Adina, you have seen it too. Except for bringing the wrong materials, she has no problems with other steps, so just do it again and—"

"That's the way to go! The exam stipulates that there is only one chance. You must know that other students are like this. In this way, what do you want other students to fail because of mistakes?"

"Things happen for a reason! Why don't you turn a blind eye and close your eyes!"

"Don't embarrass me! This year's exam is strictly supervised throughout the whole process. Shouting like you here is actually against the regulations. If you are found to be cheating, not only me, everyone present will be punished Yes." Adina shrank her head aggrievedly, "I can't afford to take such a risk, even if I fail, I just need to make up the exam. Since she failed only because of the wrong materials, then pay attention when making up the exam That's good."

"Ah, I still have to make up the exam in the end. Why did I work so hard..." Feilan said, lowering her head and cast a complaining look at Angelica, "Damn girl, you really—"

She stopped suddenly.

Angelica squatted there biting her lip, her eyes were moist, and her shoulders trembled slightly.

"An, Angelika?" Adina also sensed something was wrong and asked tentatively.

Bean-sized teardrops rolled down from Angelica's eyes, Angelica lowered her head and began to sob softly.

"Eh?" Adina was at a loss.

"Hey, why are you crying?" Feilan was also very surprised, "Didn't you just fail the course? Just make up the exam."

However, Angelica was still sobbing there, raising her hand to wipe away the unstoppable tears.

They don't seem to know that Angelica will be dismissed if she fails another subject.

"Ah, that's true! Hey, let me say..." Feilan stomped her feet irritably, and glared at Adina, "Although it turned out to be Niferos, it can be regarded as making a familiar. Give her a passing score first, so it's okay to pass the make-up exam?"

"Nifros has no fighting ability, so it is impossible to pass the basic score according to the regulations. Such tampering with the score is more blatant than asking her to do it all over again. It is absolutely not allowed!"

"What?" Feilan stared aggressively.

"Really, it's not possible!" Adina turned pale with fright, but still insisted.

"Well, isn't there a bonus item? Adding [-] points won't just pass? You can judge her to win, as long as that guy abstains." Feilan pointed in my direction without asking me at all. opinion meaning.

But even if you don't ask me specifically, I will cooperate in doing so.As far as I am concerned, the ten-weighted points are dispensable at all. If Angelica can pass this way, that would be great.

So I looked at Adina too, and nodded to her, indicating that I could cooperate.

Adina looked back and forth between Feilan and me tremblingly, and said cautiously: "This... also won't work, abstaining without reason is equivalent to cheating..."

"Ah, you are really—" Feilan took a step forward with a fierce look on her face.

"Wow wow wow really can't do it!" Adina backed away several steps in fright.

"Hey, the weighted points of this test are very random. If you draw someone who is weaker than you, you will get extra points, but if you draw someone stronger than yourself, you will get no points. You should also be more casual, just treat her as an unprecedented one. Wouldn't it be nice to add the weak chicken to her!" Feilan was still stalking her.

Who is the unprecedented weak chicken...

"Student Feilan, this is based on the premise of simulating actual combat. In a real combat situation, the opponent has this kind of randomness. This extra point is also to encourage students to study hard and take the exam seriously. It is not used to You can pass at will. You can only follow the rules, don't do this..." Adina said, and glanced cautiously at the corner of the room, "It's already very bad that you are discussing this with me like this, if it weren't for surveillance If the crystal cannot retain the voice... please stop trying to violate the rules."

"Hey..." Feilan still wanted to pester her, but she couldn't seem to find the right words.

"No...I'm sorry..." At this moment, Angelica, who was wiping her tears with her head down, let out a sob: "It's all...myself...not good..."

Seeing Angelica in this state, Feilan's expression and tone became a little unnatural: "You girl is really troublesome..." She sighed, "You, be careful next time Point. If you make this mistake again in the make-up exam, I will really cut you to death!"

"It's... no need..."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Feilan didn't understand.

I was silent, looking at Angelica who was sniffling and wiping tears.

It can be seen that she has indeed worked hard, but the reality is so cruel.

She herself lost the chain at a critical moment, causing all her efforts to go to waste. This kind of thing is her own responsibility, no wonder she is unlucky.


The thought of her leaving here made me feel bad.She is one of the few people I can communicate with in this place.If this troublesome girl was gone, the dormitory she visited would have become even more deserted.

The reality is cruel, and sometimes it’s even fucked up, but people are alive, and people can always think of various ways to use their hands to change reality, even if it’s just a little bit—this is what will be possible It's best to sit down.

In fact, there is another way...

Want to use it?

Keep thinking, no matter how you look at it, there is only one option.

"Then I will first..." Adina picked up the scoring board hesitantly, ready to start scoring.

"Please wait a moment." I called out to her in a low voice, "At least she has created a familiar. According to the process, it should be tested in battle."

"No... there's no need for that." Adina looked blank, "Niferos doesn't have any fighting ability, no matter how hard he tries to manipulate it, he will just jump around in place."

"That means you can participate in the battle test?"

"It's really unnecessary, Brock. I'll give you the extra points. It's impossible for Neferos to win the familiar you made—"

Before she finished speaking, I said without delay: "Since it is possible, please go through this process."

"Hey, do you still have any humanity?" Feilan glanced at Angelica who was still sobbing, glared at me, and lowered her voice through gritted teeth, "Are you out of your mind? Do you want to make up for it at a time like this?"

There were times when I was told that by this twisted and incompetent guy...

"Well, since you are so persistent, Bullock...but what's the point of doing this?" Adina asked in a low voice.

"Then I'll start now." I said calmly.

Following my thoughts, the warg created by my spell of summoning beast souls slowly walked towards the opposite side.

"You just said..." I looked at Adina, "This test, as a simulation of actual combat, has a certain degree of randomness, that is to say, admit that there is an element of luck? Even if the opponent makes a major mistake, Can it be considered a win here?"

"It's like this..." Adina nodded in confusion, "So didn't I say that I would give you extra points?"

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