I didn't answer.

The Warg stood in front of Neferos.

I don't know if it's because Neferos itself has the ability to respond to some magical imitation creatures, or because the crying owner Angelica is now depressed, that Neferos began to tremble slightly.

The warg leaned down, sniffed Neferos as carefully as a real canine, and then stepped past it, leaning forward thinking of Angelica, who was crouching before the rune, still sobbing.

"Eh?" Feilan and Adina outside the arena were stunned.

Angelica noticed the approaching warg, raised her face, and met the eyes of the warg with teary eyes.

The warg slowly brought his head close to one of her hands and sniffed, then suddenly opened his mouth and took that hand in his mouth - not enough to hurt her, but at the same time to prevent her from subconsciously withdrawing her hand.

Angelica blinked her eyes in surprise, but couldn't say a word.

As for me, I stood up straight like I used to make reports in the army, put my hands behind my back, took a deep breath, and said calmly, "I'm sorry, I seem to have forgotten the rules in a moment of heat." I looked at Adina, "I accidentally attacked the caster on the opposite side, I lost."

A moment of silence.

"I said you..." After a long time, I heard Feilan not far away said in a daze, "You really are a man..."

Epilogue: Nice to meet you, Your Highness

"So..." Roland, who was sitting behind the desk, looked at me and turned her head slightly. At this moment, her smile was not warm, which made people feel uncomfortable. "This is the reason why you failed, Brock?"

"Well, that's right." I nodded.

She copied a report card on the table and read it: "Your score in the written test ranks third. In terms of practical courses, potion refining is [-] points. Both basic physical fitness and swordsmanship are full marks. Basic physical fitness I also broke two records. And then the actual magic practice..." She raised her head and stared into my eyes, "Forty points."

I looked back at her blankly.

"The basic score is [-] points. When the opponent's examinee made a mistake and the familiar turned into Niferos, he should have scored [-] points, but because of the violation of the rules of attacking the caster, he failed in the competition. I was sentenced to lose, and thirty points were deducted according to the regulations." She said with a long breath, "With such a result, do you have anything to say to me who spent several days guiding you to learn spells? ?”

"I'm deeply sorry." I spread my hands.

"Thanks to you, Angelika, who originally had a basic score of only [-] points, got [-] weighted points and barely passed. In principle, students are not allowed to manipulate scores in private, but you let you get into a loophole in the scoring rules. Because no one would have thought that someone would exchange their own thirty points for someone else's ten points. Thanks to you, even the exam rules for next year's magic practice class will have to be revised at the meeting. Anyone who can do this Student, Bullock, you are the first."

"My pleasure."

"The low score in this subject has caused your overall score to drop, but you are still ranked No.10. Although it is still in the top [-]..." She paused, "Because there is a subject that failed Relationship, you lost the bet, that contract has come into force, what order do you think I should give?"

"I'm willing to admit defeat."

"Ahh..." She nodded her head as if sincerely admiring, "It's amazing, you really deserve to be the top fighter of the Bloodaxe clan, very tough."

"Thank you for the compliment."

"... Brock." Roland smiled brightly at me.


"You will live with Miria from now on." She said something indifferently.

"What?" I couldn't hold back for a while.

"Also, from now on, you will be forced to participate in club activities. Every month, you will join the torture club with odd numbers, and the rope art club with even numbers. You must get along well with the club members. You can't refuse their requests. That's it. "Her smile exudes endless courage.

...Finally, I honestly bowed my head and apologized.

"What's wrong with this? Surrounded by countless elves and beautiful girls who love you, it seems that a bright future full of roses is waiting for you." Roland still looked a little bit reluctant.

"I only see a miserable future surrounded by perverts and thorns everywhere!"

"I mean you..." She rubbed her brows as if she couldn't bear it, "Did I tell you that the test scores are really important? Why do you do that kind of thing? Even if Angelica has If you fail, you just need to make up the exam, and I will make arrangements. Is it necessary to be a hero like this? Huh?"

"But that girl, you have already failed four subjects before this, and if you fail another subject, won't you be dismissed according to school regulations?"

Roland showed a slightly surprised expression when he heard the words.

"Except for the perverts you just mentioned, there are not many elves in this academy who don't keep a distance from me. If she is sent away, she will be a little lonely." I scratched my head.

Roland stood there in a daze for a while, then suddenly burst out laughing.

"What's wrong?" I was a little puzzled by her reaction.

"Brock, Brock, you... No, you two, you are really stupid!" She covered her face and shook her head lightly, her expression became dumbfounded, "Angelica, no matter how many doors you hang, None of them will be dismissed.”

"What!?" I was shocked.

"She, like you, entered the academy under the name of 'acceptance' rather than 'admission', but her status is treated as a chartered citizen, while your status is a prisoner of war. For her, the main responsibility of the institute is to take care of Her diet and daily life before adulthood, she took classes here as a borrower, just to perform basic educational duties. If she really wants to enter this college as a student, she must take the entrance examination. She is currently There is no student status, so there is no so-called persuasion."

"That is to say..." I said in a daze.

"What you did has no meaning at all." She answered, then thought for a while, and then said, "Ah, except for improving her favorability with you."

So, I lost the bet with Roland for nothing?

"..." I couldn't help but feel a sense of loss.

"It's not my fault this time, I didn't move any hands or feet!" She spread her hands at me, "And even if you don't know that Angelica won't be dismissed because of failing, you haven't thought about it Win that contract, and then order me to use the dean's authority to do something?"

Yes, there is still this hand!Why didn't I think of——

I couldn't help hugging my head in annoyance.

"You really are...it's rare for me to give you a chance." Roland smiled wryly and shook his head lightly. "Brock, you really haven't thought about it. Is the reason why I forced you to pass the exam?"


"I have formally submitted a petition to the royal palace." Her expression became serious, "I request Her Majesty the Queen to allow you to see her."

I was stunned for a moment.

"Although I am not an envoy, but a prisoner of war who has been given special permission to meet, it is also an opportunity to talk to the supreme leader of this country. If it goes well, His Majesty may directly agree to peace talks, so I will Work hard to prepare materials to support this petition, your grades are one of them, and Her Majesty the Queen must see that orcs can also be educated. The supervision of this exam will suddenly become stricter, and it is also because of this." Roland narrowed his eyes Eyes smiled, "How is it? Surprised? Surprised?"

If you can directly talk to the queen of Sedian and change her impression of the orcs, there is indeed a chance for her to directly agree to the proposal of peaceful negotiations with our tribe.

This kind of thing is a hundred times more important than a small thing like improving my treatment here... Roland actually did this step behind my back.

But I was still a little uneasy: "Can this...can be done?"

"Actually, I'm quite sure. You may not be aware of it in the academy. In fact, the judgment that you protected the citizens of the elves in the previous trial caused a big commotion in the upper echelon."

"It's not because of you that you won't notice it!" I said, glaring at her.

"Don't worry, I can still control the public opinion inside the academy, and it won't spread outside. Let's expose the small details that don't affect the overall situation first!" Roland waved his hand very generously.

"Such generous words should come from me as a victim, right?" I couldn't help complaining.

"What about grades of this level..." Roland picked up my grade report and shook it again, "Although I failed in one subject, the tenth grade in the grade is enough for those who have prejudice against orcs It's shocking. Since I lost the bet for a reason, I'll let you go for now."

"But I still have to be tutored by that pervert Miria..." Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel distressed.

"In this case, you don't have to worry about it."

"Huh?" I raised my head in surprise.

"As for Miria, she has recently been assigned guard work because the queen is going to meet with the alliance envoy, so she will be away from the academy for a while."

"It's a good thing you know how to measure!" I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you think I arranged it? I don't care at all whether you will be lured by her to the big hair or directly by her overlord."

"Trouble, please pay attention to your feelings here!"

Roland looked at me, and suddenly sighed: "Brock, Miriah's temporary transfer from the academy is not good news for you now."

"What do you mean?"

"I submitted a petition to allow the Queen to meet you. Do you think the war faction in this country will be able to sit still?"


"Four times, do you know what number this is?" Roland said without reason, making a counting gesture.

"What is it?"

"It was noticed by our side, the number of times they tried to send people into this academy to attack you." She looked into my eyes and said.

This made my nerves tense up, and I suddenly remembered the dispute I witnessed outside this office that day.

"They want my life?" I asked in a deep voice.

"People who advocate war against orcs certainly don't care about the life and death of an orc. As long as you are gone, all the proposals and petitions I made before will become meaningless."

"I don't think I can be killed so easily." I said seriously.

"Idiot, what I am worried about is not you, but the safety of the assassin. Just imagine, once you hit the assassin who tried to sneak attack you, and then they bite you back, how many elves do you think will believe that the other party took the initiative to attack first?" And you?"

I was suddenly speechless.

Indeed, in this country, if I am involved in any incident, as an orc, it will be difficult for me to convince those long ears of my innocence. The incident with Angelica has fully proved this point.

"So we have to start by preventing them from sneaking in. That's why you haven't come into contact with even one assassin so far. Because if you meet any one, the result is the same. The leading figure of the main combat faction, Tolivia is one of the powerful generals in this house. With the management and security capabilities of this academy itself, it is impossible to deal with the level of infiltration of the army."

"So, you also sent your own people to the academy?" I remembered the army led by Roland who fought with me when I was captured. Obviously Roland also has a certain status in the army, and he should have his own. caller.

"No." She gave an answer that surprised me, and sighed at the same time, "Actually, because of you, I was suspected by many people in the real power. The power and position of my power and position, except for the dean of this college, my other positions have been emptied. Even if there are people in the army who are willing to assist me, I can't call those positions without being noticed. Resources. The only thing I can do is to set up barriers around the academy to defend against the opponent's tricks with magic. So, I asked Miria to do this."


"Yes, I asked her to call her cronies and subordinates in the army to pretend to be school staff in the academy, and be on guard against any students who appeared in the academy, and she herself participated in it, just like this. penetration."

"Huh? She's also a supporter of the peace proposal?" I frowned.

In that equipment room back then, she shouted "I hate you orcs the most".

"Of course not. To be honest, people like her who live by their desires don't care much about whether or not there is a full-scale war with the orc tribe. All she cares about is you, Brock."

"This joke is not funny at all..."

"Who is joking with you? Think about it carefully. When Tolivia's adjutant who sent the message drew his sword at you, didn't she almost cut off the other party's head?"

"Ah, that's true, but..." Recalling the scene at that time, I didn't know what expression to make for a moment.

Roland raised the corners of his mouth teasingly: "The orc I dreamed of came to this academy, how could she allow someone to take away this piece of her heart? You must know that she has a very high opinion of you. After all, you It can be considered top-notch among the orcs, and it fits her interest."

"I don't need such a high evaluation!"

"Even if you are against the whole country or the whole world, she will stand by your side..."

"Don't embellish a perverted hobby in such a high-sounding way!"

"In this country where there is prejudice against you everywhere, you should be happy to have someone who cares about you so much!"

"It's not worth being happy to care about people with evil intentions! In other words, she is the one with the most serious prejudice in that respect!"

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