After complaining in such a breath, I let out a long breath and calmed down before opening my mouth again: "However, I did receive her help no matter what. If you have the opportunity, please help me thank her." .”

"Thank you for this kind of thing, you have to do it in person to be sincere."

"So thank you and death mean the same thing?"

How could it be possible, something would definitely happen, in various senses.

"It's Brock, you are too stubborn and conservative! What's wrong with accepting it, you will obviously respond to the female elf, right?" Roland's tone became more and more excited.

This kind of topic will undoubtedly go further and further out of her mouth, so I quickly brought the topic back to normal: "But you just said that she left because of a mission?"

"Yes, with Tolivia's authority, it's not difficult to do this. The efficiency of the country's political process is not very high, and the audience petition submitted to the palace is slow from the initial review to the delivery to His Majesty. It will take a long time, even from now, it will still take about a month.”

"Wouldn't the main combat faction you mentioned be honest all this time?" I immediately realized the problem, "Wouldn't it be troublesome?"

"Indeed, Miriah's subordinates were transferred along with them, so we will not have any manpower we can deploy at that time. But well, I have predicted this a long time ago. So I made an insurance plan a long time ago. "


"I used my personal contacts and invited a big man from a neighboring country to come here for exchange and study."

"Big man? What do you mean?" I didn't understand for a while.

"It literally means that politicians from other countries are allowed to study here as a check. Once Tolivia tries to come here to cause trouble, once she is caught by the tail, she will be involved in the murder of other countries' politicians." At least she isn't stupid enough to think of attacking in this situation." Roland said and looked at the wall clock on the wall, "Speaking of which, it's already time for the appointment..."

As if echoing her words, there was a knock on the door.

"It's finally here..." She murmured to herself, then raised her voice and shouted to the visitors outside the door, "Come in!"

Hearing the door behind me being opened, I got up from my chair and turned around to look.

A pair of heavy armor tin cans with an extremely familiar style stood there.

Will dress like this at this academy, I only know one.

But even so, it is still difficult for me to determine the purpose of the other party, so I can only ask tentatively: "Are you... Alsace?"

"Ah, Mr. Bullock..." The other party's voice sounded a little overjoyed, "You have arrived."

He seemed to know I was here from the start.

I realized something, and turned to look at Roland behind the desk: "Could the big guy you mentioned just now..."

"That's right, it looks like you have already met." Roland replied with a smile, "As there are only two male students in the basic level, I hope you can get to know each other well, which is what he meant."

"That's right, I asked the dean to introduce me after I passed the entrance examination." Alsace's voice made me turn my head back.

I saw him lift his gauntleted hands to the sides of his helmet.

"Speaking of which, I haven't formally introduced myself yet." He said as he held the helmet and lifted it up, and his long chestnut hair cascaded down from the inside, with a face so delicate that it was difficult to distinguish. The face of sex.

He didn't pay much attention to the long hair that was a little messy under the weight of the helmet, he just shook his head a little to let the long hair hang down, then he raised his hand to smooth the strands that had stuck to his cheeks, and raised his head towards me Smiling gracefully, he said in a clear voice that was completely different from when he was wearing the helmet: "This can be regarded as our first official 'meeting'."

I looked at him in a daze, but didn't respond for a while.

The reason for this is not because of this different face than expected, but because his ears... are round—completely different from the long pointed ears of elves, with rounded auricles.

"Human?" After recognizing the other race, I blinked my eyes involuntarily.

"Yes, I'm a human being." The smile on his face remained undiminished, he stood upright with his helmet in one hand, and then saluted me—I used the one I saw in the library, which looked very familiar but didn't The salute that I can remember.

This time, I remembered.

That is a human knight's salute. When I was still living in the tribe, I saw those fortress knights escorting caravans do this kind of salute to each other.

"This is His Royal Highness Alsace Phantomina, an ally of Saidian, the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Helgia, and the only son of King Firiant. He came here for exchange and study at my invitation." Roland promptly said introduce me.

"Yes, I'm Alsace Phantomina." The handsome young man who bowed his head raised his head, his clear eyes full of smiles reflected my still surprised face, "It's an honor to meet you, Bloodaxe Clan warriors."

Ah, troublesome "Prince" Your Highness

This prince has a problem (1)

The season is approaching the end of summer, and it is rare to meet a cloudy day. The hottest time of the year is finally over.

I was walking on the aisle of the school building, looking sideways at the sky with floating clouds through the window.

It is less than one month away from the new year of the elves calendar, but there is not much atmosphere of preparing for the festival in this college. It seems that the new year is not a big day for these long-eared people.But if you think about it carefully, this is not too strange. After all, their lifespan is very long, and it should not be a serious concept for them to spend a year. It feels that it is more solemn to prepare for the full moon ceremony before—after all, that Festivals seem to contain the meaning of sacrificial beliefs.

Probably only us, short-lived races, regard Chinese New Year as the most important festival of the year.

That's right, us.

Thinking of this, I subconsciously turned my head and looked at the fellow walking behind me.

A handsome young man with long hair, dressed in fancy clothes and a knight's cloak, with a straight back and steady footwork, it can be seen that he has been well trained.That elegant smile seemed to stick to his face and never disappeared. He has almost the same appearance as the elves in the eyes of an orc, yes, almost—the only difference is that he was born with a A pair of round ears that are completely different from the long-eared elves.

"Huh? What's the matter, Mr. Bullock?" The human being walking with me—His Highness Alsace noticed my gaze, and the smile in his eyes deepened.

"Are you really a man?"——This question that I almost blurted out was pressed back to my throat in time.

", nothing." Even I could feel the unnatural tone in my tone just now, and it was a bit uncomfortable to hold back the question that I was extremely concerned about to an orc who advocates straight-talking.

Not only does this His Highness have a face as beautiful as a woman's, but even his voice makes it difficult to distinguish gender. This is a fact.

But I also know that some things should not be said.

Since Roland has already specifically emphasized that this human being is the "prince" of that country, why should he doubt it?It's not appropriate to offend someone with such an insignificant detail.

So I immediately changed the subject and asked another harmless question that I also cared about: "Your Highness, why did you ask me to show you around the academy? To be honest, I haven't been here for a long time. It doesn't count as having much understanding, why don't you let Roland...uh, the dean recommend a teacher or a senior student for you?"

"Ah, this..." He thought for a moment, and then replied, "Because the only student I know in this college is you. Don't look at me like this, I'm still a little shy. And you see, the students and teachers here are basically They are all women, right? For them, I am both a foreigner and a heterosexual. I am worried that making such a request will make them feel uncomfortable...Huh? What's the matter? Mr. Bullock?" There was a change in my eyes.

"No..." I turned my head back, "The one at the end of the front is the magic training ground, where the magic practice class is held, and you can see the library when you go down the stairs next to it, and then walk all the way to the left. The canteen." I recalled the memories of when Roland showed me around and lived here these days, and introduced it to Alsace.

But this time Alsace behind him did not respond.

Realizing something, I turned around and was not surprised to see him stop about ten paces behind me.

Then beside him... one, two... oh, five people this time, five elf girls surrounded him, it seemed that he was accidentally noticed by them when he passed by the classroom next to him.

", are you the Palace of Alsace, Your Highness?" Girl No. [-] spoke nervously.

"Hi, my name is Monil..." Girl No. [-] scrambled to introduce herself.

"Are you lost? Where are you going? I can show you the way." Girl No. [-] expressed her earnest concern for the new students.

"We are members of the Poetry Club, and we are having a tea party right now. If you don't mind, let's have a sit together." Girl No. [-], who looked the most stable among the five, took the initiative to send out an invitation.

"Please, please marry me on the premise of getting married...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Face.

Here we go again—— I watched this scene silently, and sighed in my heart.

"Thank you for your kindness, beautiful ladies, I hope you have a wonderful day." Alsace replied calmly and gracefully with an elegant and warm smile on his face, "If possible, I really want to stay and chat with you , but unfortunately, I already have an appointment."

"Really?" "That's it..." "What a pity."

The girls all showed regretful expressions.

"Please don't sigh, that will damage your beauty." Alsace said, it was obviously a somewhat contrived line, but it came out of his mouth without any sense of shock, very natural, "Although today We have no chance... Poetry club, right? Some of the poems of the elves are circulated in our country, and each of them is a masterpiece. If there is a chance in the future, if you don’t mind, can you let me visit it then? ?”

"Really?" "Please be sure!" "Must come!"

The expressions of the girls were lit up again, and every pair of eyes was filled with anticipation.

Alsace smiled and said, "Thank you very much, then excuse me for the time being."

After he finished speaking, he took a step away from them, and then strode towards me who was standing here waiting to be consciously turned into air.

"Please wait a little longer..." The girls seemed to want to chat with him a little more, planning to try to persuade him to stay.

But they didn't follow me a few steps before they noticed me—"Finally", they noticed me.

The girl in the front suddenly stopped her footsteps while widening her eyes, and the girls in the back bumped into her one by one.

"Sorry, Mr. Bullock, to keep you waiting." Alsace smiled heartily and walked to my side.

"No problem." I answered briefly, and then looked at the five girls over there who were huddled together and staring at this side with wide eyes but never dared to take a step closer.

Well, three meters - I checked the distance by eye.

I have to say that it has made great progress compared to the state of always being empty within five meters around when I first came, and they seem to be a little less scared from the look on their faces.

It's just that the vigilance and disgust in his eyes still exist.

Although I didn't think too much about building a good relationship with these guys, but...

I glanced at Alsace who was standing beside me.

The attitude gap is too big...

In fact, the news of Prince Helgia's admission spread like wildfire among the students as early as the year-end exam. After all, in the written exam rankings of the basic level, there was a human surname among all the girls' names. The masculine name is still quite conspicuous.At that time, this news had already caused quite a stir among the students of this college, but I, who had been busy preparing for the exam and had no contact with most of the students, knew nothing about the news at all.It's just that I don't know if this has been considered. At that time, Alsace had been wandering around the academy wearing an iron armor, and not many people realized that the strange man was the prince in question.

In the ten or so minutes since he took His Royal Highness to visit the academy, this scene just now has been staged four times.

The girls cast suspicious glances at Arthas who spoke to me naturally.

I think I'm looking at him with the same doubts now.

Not only did the girls here not show any displeasure towards him, but they were frighteningly attentive.On his side, judging from his calm attitude towards every girl, he couldn't see even the slightest so-called "scaring of strangers".

So, why on earth did he insist on me showing him around?

"What's the matter, Mr. Bullock?" Alsace tilted his head slightly towards me.

"It's okay." I shook my head lightly, "Let's continue to visit."

"Okay." He still smiled gracefully, and his voice sounded very happy.

This prince has a problem (2)

"Although I said let you go, strictly speaking, you have lost the bet, so I still have to make a request. Don't worry, it's not an excessive thing, I just hope you can build a good relationship with that Highness. "Yesterday, after introducing me to Alsace, Roland left me on purpose and said to me, "This is also for your own good. He is preventing the main fighters from targeting you from doing so in this academy." An insurance policy on petty tricks, if you don't get closer to him, it's meaningless."

The words are still ringing in my ears, indeed, what she said makes sense.

From this point of view, it can be said that he was very lucky to be asked by Alsace to show him around the academy the next day.

But at this moment, after spending more than half an hour showing His Highness around most of the college's facilities, I realized a problem.

That is His Royal Highness the prince, and there seems to be something wrong.

"There is a sword training ground over there, as you should know. We took our exams there, and our daily sword skills lessons are held there." I pointed to a training ground in front of me and introduced.


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