The coffin containing the remains of the old chief was carried onto a frame built with firewood soaked in oil and spices. Roland raised his staff and pointed at it, lighting it on fire.

The shaman's incantations sounded around - almost all the high-level shamans of the six major tribes gathered here. Under their impetus, the flames gathered and surged upwards, turning into a pillar of fire reaching the sky.

This is the highest level of mourning, and the soul of the old chief will go to meet the ancestors along this pillar of fire reaching the sky.

After spending most of his life, the old chief finally found relief and redemption for himself.

In fact, it is not just the old chief, this battle is of great significance to each of us——

Yes, including me who narrowly escaped death at the last minute.

Great Orc's Burial (2)

Rewind time to two weeks ago——

At that time, I broke into the gap between the planes and killed Mudar, and then used the last bit of strength to close the abyss door opened by the devil's heart. I sat on the shoulder of the devil, silently waiting for the last moment to come.

The devil's heart exploded, and I watched the entire field of vision being occupied by black flames amidst the huge shock.

Just when I sat down and prepared to face the pain of the flames burning my body, a strong hand appeared out of thin air, grabbed my collar suddenly, and pulled me over.

"Don't be dazed, come back quickly! I haven't allowed you to die yet!!" The loud shout exploded in my ears, even overshadowing the loud explosion.

"Huh?" I turned my head in surprise, and saw the majestic face of the queen.

She appeared in this chaotic space in human form.

Am I dreaming?Why can she travel to this place?

Behind her, a new space crack opened and was rapidly closing.

The barrier made up of black flames has already been pushed in front of me, the queen didn't waste any time, and dragged me headlong towards the closing space crack.

The black flames erupting from the demon king's heart engulfed the demon king's huge body in an instant, and chased after us.

Because of the close relationship, I even felt the erosive pain gradually spreading deep into my body.

The flame that can erode even dragon scales, if I get on it, I'm afraid it won't last for a few minutes.

The queen's sprint speed was very fast, but it was not as fast as the explosion speed. The moment the queen passed through the space crack, the black flames also caught up with us.

The space crack hadn't been completely closed yet, and the black flames of the Demon King gushed out of the crack in the abyss directly by the power of the explosion.

Seeing that the black flame was about to burn me, the queen gave a "tsk" and simply pulled me over, wrapped her arms around my neck from behind me, and stretched out her huge wings to wrap me up.

At the same time, she flipped her body vigorously, turning her back in the direction of the space crack.

The tongue of fire gushing from the crack in the space reached her back, she clenched her teeth, but still let out a painful hiss from between her teeth.

The space crack closed in an instant and turned into a thin line, cutting off the tongue of flame.

"Are you all right?" I asked the Queen.

But the queen didn't answer my question at all, instead she angrily reprimanded me: "How dare you rush up to die without saying a word, without even asking for my opinion... I will discuss this account later." I'll count on you!"

If it wasn't for the sudden situation, I didn't intend to risk my life.

Speaking of which, what happened to that space crack just now?

I turned my head and tried my best to look in the direction of the space crack.Only then did I notice that Vanessa was floating next to the thin line left by the crack in space, holding my pitch-black battle ax in her hand.

My battle ax is actually in her hand?

Was it Vanessa who picked up my battle axe and opened that space rift?

It's unlikely...Although Vanessa has the ability to use spells, the spells she uses are basically inherited from Feilan, just like the instinct that comes with her birth, she is not actually a mage in the true sense .

At this time, Roland's voice rang in my head: "My father taught me before that when creating spells and magic tools, you should always leave a back door for yourself. Thanks to this sentence..."

I looked around subconsciously, and saw a bird-shaped familiar made of magic power on the other side of the thin line left by the space crack.

Roland was sitting on the familiar's back, leaning out his tired face towards me, squinting his eyes and smiling at me: "I'm afraid it's hard for you to die, as I said before, you can't escape The palm of my hand."

Her face was getting farther and farther away from me-the queen was leading me down at a fast speed.

"Your Majesty, we seem to be falling." I asked the Queen cautiously.

"I know!" The queen replied to me a little annoyed, "But... my wings can't move now."

The demon king's black flames that had just overflowed from the space crack hit her back. Although the dragon scales were not damaged, the scorched scars left behind appeared impressively on her back and spread towards her wings.

Although this injury was not as good as the time when she was directly hit by the demon king in White Lake City, it was definitely not a serious injury. The curse of the demon king eroded her body, and now she couldn't even use the strength to fly.

If it fell like this, even if it survived the self-destruct explosion of the Demon King's heart, he would fall to the ground and die.

But now I don't have extra life fire to cast spells, and summoning beast souls is completely a luxury.

At this time, a violent whirlwind suddenly appeared around, and the air current lifted us up, greatly slowing down our falling speed.

This is... an elemental spell of the wind attribute.

"Idiot, don't keep doing such reckless things, your heart will scare you out of trouble!" Feilan's angry curse came into my mind.

At the same time, there was a large group of black shadows on the ground quickly moving directly below us—it was a pack of wolves, there were demon wolves made by Angelica, and there were wargs made by summoning beast souls, Angelica and Ti Lawa is driving them behind the pack of wolves to concentrate on where we landed, huddling together, and even letting them pile up in layers.

We finally fell among the wolves, and the bodies of these magical creatures provided us with the final cushion. When I hit the ground, I only felt a sharp pain in my back, but it was not too serious, as if I just came from Like accidentally falling off a ladder.

I'm alive.

For a while, I couldn't find the truth.

Dawn is approaching, and the originally dark night sky is still pale.At this moment, cheers erupted all around, louder than the explosion of the devil's heart.

It was not until later that I learned the full extent of the matter.

When I threw the battle ax at the space crack of the Demon King, the power of the "legion commander" attached to the battle ax closed the space crack, but at the same time the battle ax itself passed through the plane of the space crack.

In other words, the Tomahawk crossed to this side, and was picked up by Vanessa who was wandering in the sky.

Roland reacted immediately and organized a rescue - when she drew power from the "League Commander" and attached it to the black battle axe, she left a back door for herself to cast spells, although her magic power was only enough to open the door once , but it was barely enough for the queen to rush in and drag me back from the other end of the "door".

She asked Vanessa to swing the battle ax at the place where I entered the gap between the planes instead of herself, and then she cast spells from the side, which opened the way for me who would be swallowed by the flames later.

So thanks to them, I didn't become a martyr.

... As for the queen who was still angry, she grabbed me, pressed me to the ground and beat me up after recovering a little, that's another story.

Great Orc's Burial (3)

"... Teacher's funeral, this can be regarded as all arrangements according to his will. By the way, have you collected all the relics he gave you?"

The elder asked me while arranging the animal skin rolls on the shelf.

"Well, it's already taken."

I helped him put the box containing the documents in the corner of the tent.

After the old chief passed away, the elder will temporarily take over his duties, and now I am helping to tidy up the tent where the old chief worked.

The elder is a student of the old chief. Although he is nearly 20 years younger than the old chief, he is also a highly respected old man in the tribe.During the period when the old chief left the tribe, he had been taking care of the affairs of the tribe.

"I really didn't expect the teacher to leave so fast. I'm really busy now." The elder wiped his forehead, "Oh, it's a bit difficult for me, an old bone."

"Elder, you are a round younger than the chief."

"I'm almost seventy too." The elder shook his head, "As I get older, only the mental power of the shaman is growing, but the physical strength has been declining. If I don't use the shaman spell now, I'm afraid it's a hoof-hoofed cow." I can’t even hunt anymore. Well, to be honest, I’m not interested in taking over this class. I don’t think my life is as long as the teacher’s, so I have to find a candidate for the next chief as soon as possible.”

He narrowed his eyes towards me while talking: "Brock, do you have any intentions in this regard?"

"Me?" I froze for a moment, "Isn't it too early to think about this?"

The chiefs of the orc tribes have always been able to live there, but this "ability" includes all aspects, including strength, prestige, qualifications and leadership.

Relogard is the youngest of the current chiefs, but he is also 30 years old. Before being selected as the chief, he has been in the army for a long time, and he has been in various positions.

The only person I know who led the clan in his early 20s was Azak, but that was after all a time when the clan was enslaved.

I think that in terms of personal strength, no one in the clan can match me, but in other respects, I am still far behind. It is impossible to lead a clan.

"My teacher and I have always been very optimistic about you." The elder nodded to me appreciatively, "Your achievements have been spread throughout this battle. If you intend to be a chief, the clansmen should not have any objections." ..."

He said as if he suddenly thought of something, paused, then nodded: "Well, it should be fine."

"Wait a minute, elder, what happened to the pause just now?" I felt something was wrong.

"It's nothing, your achievements are real, everyone has been watching! Without you, the tribe would not be where it is today!" The elder smiled and patted me on the shoulder vigorously, as if to dispel my anxiety, and then Suddenly added a sentence in a low voice, "... a little style of reputation has no big impact."

"What on earth have I been rumored to look like!?" I was completely dumbfounded.

The elder laughed twice, and suddenly became serious again: "I'm serious, if you really have this intention, you should stay in the tribe for a while. I am going to promote you to the high-ranking warlord in the tribe—although it is a little bit It’s an exception, but everyone will definitely accept it. I plan to postpone the election of the next chief three years later, and you should have enough qualifications to participate in the election after studying in the clan for a period of time.”

"I..." I froze for a moment.

It seems that the elder also has high hopes for me. If it had been a year ago, I probably would have agreed without even thinking about it.

After thinking for a while, I scratched my head and whispered: "Elder, regarding this, actually... I have other plans now."

"Are you planning to leave the tribe for a while and go to Saidian to continue studying?" The elder nodded at me and continued the conversation for me.

"Well, yes..." I followed suit.

Immediately, I realized something was wrong: "Hey, why do you..."

Seeing the Elder like this, he seems to have expected my answer, but I never discussed this matter with him.

"You really chose this."

The elder raised his eyebrows, then turned around and took out a paper document from the table and handed it to me: "Here, here it is for you."

I took it over and looked at it, blinking my eyes twice: "Here, the notice to continue studying abroad?"

Judging from the content, this is a notice issued to the Bloodaxe Clan in the name of Saidian Central College, asking me to go to Saidian Central College as an international student of the Bloodaxe Clan to continue my studies that were interrupted by the war.

Then the application for further admission was directly attached to the lower part, and there was the signature of Roland as the dean at the bottom right.The red seal of the Bloodaxe Clan was stamped on the underside of the name—obviously, the elders had directly approved this document.

I looked at the elder, and then at the notice, and was a little overwhelmed for a moment.

"It was sent by Master Roland who presided over the funeral yesterday, and she has gone back to Saidian today." The elder said with a smile, "She said that the Bloodaxe clan and Saidian may still have a long time to do as neighbors." , it is necessary to maintain exchanges for studying abroad, I think what she said is very reasonable."

Just hearing this makes sense to me, but...

"That elder, I have a question." After staring at the document for a long time in silence, I slowly raised my hand.

"If you have any questions, just ask." The elder smiled and nodded.

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