"This lower right corner, where you fill in the applicant, why is my name already signed?" I frowned suspiciously.

Looking at the handwriting, it is obvious that Roland directly signed it for me.

"Oh, Master Roland said, anyway, you will definitely agree, so I simply signed it for you, which is more efficient." The elder spread his hands, "Look, she is right, and now you really agree Well, then I don't think it's a big deal."

"..." I suddenly didn't know what to say.

For a moment, I felt that Roland's smirking face seemed to float past my eyes.

Is this also within the calculations of that female elf?

"Then put this aside, I have another question." I raised my hand again.

"It's okay, just ask." The elder still nodded.

"Why did you put a stamp under my name?" I turned the document over, pointed to the lower left corner and asked, "You don't need to stamp a document twice, do you?"

"Ah, the one on the right is to reply to Master Roland's proposal, and the one on the left is to reply to your application." The elder laughed and spread his hands, "This is what Master Roland requested, and he said it was the standard of the documents from Saidian's side. Format, when the time comes, you can take this document over there and give it to her, and then you can continue to enroll."

"No, no, this format... is obviously not right?" I pointed at the file and said loudly.

"It's your illusion." The elder grinned.

Miss Dark Elf's Study Abroad Plan

The kingdom of the dark elves, the main city of Nitriran.

"You are safe, my lord." Daisy stood in the front hall with her arms folded, greeting through the gauze curtain.

The lights on the other side of the gauze curtain flickered, and the shadow of the light cast inside the gauze curtain outlined the figure of a woman lying leisurely on a recliner.

"Daisy, my child, you have been away for a while, and I miss you very much."

The woman on the other side of the veil, Daisy's biological mother, as well as the mistress of the Laskin family and the supreme bishop of the Night Mother of Nitrilan, Heya Laskin responded in a leisurely manner.

"Mother, is this trying to make me happy? Can a mother who allows her daughters to kill each other really have such intentions?" Daisy raised her eyebrows.

Faced with her daughter's teasing, the mistress remained calm and unhurried: "Aren't you safe and sound? Livru seems to have been cursed by you. As the most capable of my daughters, isn't it natural that I miss you? "

"You already know?"

"Of course, it's a mother's duty to care about the child. How could I not know about the child running away like a bereaved dog?" The mistress said with a smile in her voice, "I also know part of your active deeds outside. Well done, but my favorite daughter."

Daisy didn't speak. She knew that as Nitrilan's substantive person in power, although her mother lived in the main underground city, she had placed a lot of eyeliner on the outside world.

Not long ago, she had extradited Segmana, a felon wanted by Nitrilan, back to Nitrilan. Presumably, her mother had already known the news that she was active in the Helgian War as a mercenary.

But the mother is not omniscient, it seems that she must not know that she has signed an agreement with an orc that insults the family's reputation... Otherwise, the mother would have gone crazy by now, and it is impossible to remain so calm.

"Looking at it now, as long as I have the ability to make my mother abdicate, I can take the throne logically, right?" Daisy's mouth lightly twitched.

"Heh, you are good enough to play with your sisters at your current level, and you are still hundreds of years away from thinking about your mother." The mistress laughed without hesitation. In the Laskin family, This level of banter is not a problem.

"It seems that my decision is indeed correct." Daisy smiled, "Mother, you should have read the letter I wrote to you before."

"Well, I've read it." The voice of the mistress suddenly became serious, "But are you serious? It's okay to continue traveling... Are you really planning to travel to the land of elves? It's not a good place to say."

"Won't those white skins look down on me if I shrink back if I have the guts to invite you?" Daisy raised her head.

"Have you met the elves?"

"Well, there is also Her Royal Highness Princess Saidian."

"The elf king's daughter? Oh, interesting."

"Mother, do you know the Elf King?" Daisy was taken aback.

"I've met him once, so he's not a bad man." Heya propped her head up with one hand in a leisurely manner, and fiddled with her long hair with the other. He filled the harem to train him... It's a pity that guy died early."

"Mother, your hobby is really strange..." Daisy raised her eyebrows and complained, "Okay, let's get down to business, what's your reply?"

"Forget it, you can go if you want, and I will approve it for you if there are paperwork requirements." He Ya waved her hand, "I've had enough of this kind of stagnant life, what changes can you bring... I Let's wait and see."

"Okay, then thank you, Mother." Daisy nodded, "Let's not disturb your rest, I'll come to greet you another day."

After speaking, her figure collapsed like ink dye, and disappeared without a trace.

I didn't expect it to be so smooth - after leaving the room, Daisy thought so.

Mother is more enlightened than she imagined, perhaps because of her personal contact with elves.

At the beginning, the ancestors of the dark elves were expelled because of their beliefs. Since then, the dark elves and the elves have had a grudge.

It is precisely because of this layer of origin that the cultural mutual slander between the two countries has never stopped.

Daisy, who had been living in Nitrilan for a long time, didn't know much about how Saidian wiped the dark elves away.

But she knew very well what impression Nitrilan's dark elves had on Sedian's elves.

The image of the "white-skinned elf" she was indoctrinated in the past was always inseparable from labels such as hypocrisy, prudence, sanctimonious, and posturing.They think highly of themselves, despise the dark elves defiantly, and are always aloof ascetics, but they are not much higher than the dark elves internally, and they are even far inferior to the dark elves who grew up in a harsh environment in terms of will and spirit.

Nitrilan’s cultural market is always full of literary and painting works, describing how those elves who think they are noble show their true colors under all kinds of temptations and training, are quickly swallowed by desire, and completely degenerate-such works are always sold. It's very good.

In these works, the appearance rate of orcs is unexpectedly high.

There is one thing to say, the dark elves and elves are surprisingly consistent in discrediting the image of orcs - and there is also a market.

Growing up in such an environment, Daisy's cognition was inevitably affected accordingly.

But this time out on a trip, it really changed her inherent impression of the two.

Whether it is the elves she met or the orcs she met, they were completely different from what was written and drawn in the book.

"Drinkable? Well, people often say that."

"...If Miss Daisy can come to Saidian, it may be an opportunity for the two countries to settle their differences."

"If you don't mind, I can lend you my dagger."

——That elf princess, even if you look at it from the opponent's perspective, is undoubtedly a respectable opponent, completely different from her sisters who are vicious but vulnerable.

Daisy had to admit that, as an opponent, she unexpectedly liked the elf princess.

If you think about it now, those works created under the influence of political factors will definitely be biased.

The kind of female elf knights in the book who usually pretend to be serious and pure and pure, but who will actually degenerate into a mess after a little temptation, and may even break through the lower limit and awaken some heavy taste addictions, are really impossible to exist. unrealistic!

Not only the elves, but even the orcs were quite different from the image she knew before.

Speaking of the orc, Daisy felt that she really didn't understand him. Holding such a paper contract in her hand, she didn't make any special demands on her, and even took the initiative to contact him after the dust of the war settled. That contract—it made her doubt her own charm.

Under the tempering of the unique social atmosphere, the dark elves' view of choosing a mate has become very different from that of the elves.

Like most dark elves, Daisy's most important trait of the opposite sex is strength.

Why did the strongest man he met be an orc?What a trick of fate.

In this way, I don't seem to be qualified to complain about my mother's strange habits.

Speaking of which, that elf princess... seems to be interested in that orc too.

He lost to her both in drinking and taking the head, maybe... can he compete with her in other areas?

Thinking of this, a slight smile flickered across Daisy's mouth.

Teachings from Igna

On the west side of Saidian, Wallis Valley, the settlement of the Bloodaxe and Hunting Clans.

The members of the Shouya clan are busy.

They gathered the hoof cattle they raised together, put away the tents and wrapped up their belongings, and then hung piles and piles of supplies on the backs of these giant beasts.

Well-trained wargs surround the hoof herds and act as shepherd dogs.

With the aid of Saidian and Helgia, the land polluted by the magic of the abyss was purified by the Shouya clan and other clans.At the moment when the settlement is roughly restored, there is no need for this part of the hunting tooth clan to continue to live in the Wallis Valley temporarily.

During the defense of Wallis Valley, the Bloodaxe clan and Saidian—orcs and elves—forged an unprecedented alliance, and the once tense relationship was greatly eased.Now that the exchanges between the two sides have gradually increased, and trade has even been opened up on a trial basis. It can be foreseen that at least for a long period of time, the Bloodaxe clan will no longer need the manpower of the Shouya clan as a means of check and balance.

Therefore, the clansmen of the Shouya clan who lived here temporarily began to move back to the northern settlement. After all, there is a lot of reconstruction work to be done in their hometown, and manpower is urgently needed.

Relogard, the chief of the Hunting Clan, was standing on the high ground riding a warg, when Igna came from behind him.

"Lei Luo, this is the last batch of hooves. It's getting late, and after the third team is organized, you can take them away first." Igna said calmly, "I will finish the rest. Just come."

"Okay, then I'll go first."

Lerogarde nodded in response, Zelang ran to the cavalry formation in the distance, and began to command the soldiers to form a formation.

When migrating in the Wild of Beasts, it is inevitable to encounter some ferocious behemoths, and the migration team always needs to be escorted by wolf cavalry.

At this time, Tilawa came from behind: "Master Igna, the materials that are not convenient to transfer are ready for handover, do you want to confirm it?"

"Well, I'll go right away." Igna, who watched Lei Luogadri go, replied casually, turning her face away.

On the left hand side of Tilawa, Quirrell, who was wearing a fur jacket and a fur hat, waved at Igna with a wooden gun with a whole piece of peeled deerskin in his hand: "Igna, hurry up!" Look, I went hunting with everyone today, and I got this one!"

"well done."

The corner of Igna's mouth raised slightly, and she praised him. When Bullock sent the elf-shaped child here, she took care of the child for a while.Now, he has fully adapted to the life of the orc tribe and has become a member of the tribe.

"It's almost time, you should go to the dining hall to eat, don't forget that you have night hunting training at night." Igna reached out and patted Quirrell on the head.

"Okay." Quirrell put the wooden gun on his shoulder and ran away.

Then, Igna shifted her gaze to Tilawa and stared at her for a while.

"Lord Igna?" Tilawa blinked in confusion.

"Tilava, have you thought about it?" Igna asked suddenly.

Tilawa thought for a while, then nodded: "Are you talking about studying abroad? I've already confirmed it." She said as she took out a roll of parchment, "I have already signed the admission notice."

The ordinary admission notice in black and white has been stamped with the official seal of Saidian Central College, and Tilawa has signed his name on the lower right.

"That's not all I'm talking about." Igna let out a long breath.

"What do you mean?" Tilawa looked puzzled.

"I rarely talk about this topic with you, because I always feel that you are not at that age, but now I feel that it is time, after all, you are indeed capable of being on your own now." Igna looked at Tilawa seriously, and then slowly Slowly said, "Tilava, do you have someone you like now?"

"Eh?" Tilawa's eyes widened suddenly.

"Let me put it another way, what do you think of Brock?" Igna asked.

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