This guy is really popular here...

Normally, even if the racial appearance and aesthetics are similar, it is still hard to imagine that elves with high self-esteem will be interested in the opposite sex of human beings whose life span is much shorter than their own. It should be just an example of a couple getting married due to the difference between them.

But after all, there are too few male students in this college, so few that there are not even a single one in some grades and branches.

At this time, a noble, handsome, and polite prince suddenly fell from the sky. It is not surprising that he would become so popular.

The girls looked at the seat next to Alsace, and then at me, looking very distressed.

After struggling for a while, they still reluctantly chose to give up, and walked along the aisle to the front rows of seats one by one—some of them even gave me sad eyes when they passed this row.

... Damn, he is the one who took the initiative to sit over, and you are the ones who refuse to sit over, you have nothing to do with me from the beginning to the end, okay?

"Oh, it seems that they don't like the seats in the last row very much." Alsace tilted his head as he watched their backs leaving in frustration.

The reason they won't sit down is right next to you, okay?

"Your Highness, this side is far away from the podium, and you may not be able to see clearly. Would you like to sit in the front?" I suggested to Alsace, "I think the girls just now would also like to sit with you. Yes."

"Won't Mr. Bullock sit up front?"

"I'm tall, so it's easy to get in the way of others."

Wherever I sit here, there will be a large area of ​​restricted areas for elves, okay...

"In that case, so do I. Besides, I always feel nervous sitting with girls, but I feel more at ease sitting with you, Mr. Bullock." He said and put his hand on my shoulder and patted it.

The warm touch of my palm made my shoulders tense involuntarily.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Alsace was a little puzzled by my reaction.

"Nothing..." I tried to relax my muscles.

Ever since I exchanged bodies with Roland and was forced by her who almost stole my body, I found that I have become much more sensitive to other people's physical contact.

The bell rang for the beginning of class, and the female elf teacher in charge of this section entered the classroom through the front door.

Even today, the teachers and students here have more or less adapted to my existence. The professor just looked at this side a little more concerned, then nodded to all the students, and then started to teach by himself.

I stared at the podium and pretended to listen carefully for a few minutes, but finally I couldn't help it anymore.

"Your Highness." I turned my head and lowered my voice to talk to Alsace next to me.

"What's wrong?" Alsace smiled.

"With all due respect..." I moved my gaze to my shoulder blankly, "Have you touched enough?"

This guy's hand has never been removed from my shoulder since it was put on, and he rubbed it lightly.

"Ah, I'm sorry." He finally put down his hand honestly. For some reason, I always feel that his eyes look a little regretful.

I looked towards the podium, and then realized something and turned my face back: "By the way, there is one more thing."

"Huh?" Alsace still smiled, with a look of listening patiently.

"Is there something on my face?"

"No." He raised his eyebrows slightly and shook his head slightly.

"So, if it's okay... can you stop staring at my face? The podium is over there." I pointed towards the front of the classroom.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." He turned his face forward.

Only then did I face up to the front again and continue to listen to the class.

... Out of the corner of his eyes, he could still feel his sneaky glance towards this side, and his ears caught a familiar rustling sound - it seemed that Alsace took out the notebook that he carried with him yesterday to write something .

I could sense he was definitely not taking class notes.

Damn, what the hell is going on with this prince?

I can't even say that the class experience here is very pleasant, but it's the first time that I feel uneasy like this...

Less than an hour of class was dragged on extremely long by this feeling of torment. I basically didn’t listen to a few words of the class, but kept staring at the wall clock hanging on the wall in front of the classroom.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, I immediately got up and walked towards the back door before Alsace could react.

But within a few steps, his voice chased after him: "Mr. Bullock, please wait a moment."

Tsk, it would be too rude not to look back at this time...

I tried my best to straighten my expression, and turned around slowly.

"What's the matter, Your Highness?" I tried to keep my tone calm, and asked Alsace who was chasing to the door.

"Do you... have any plans for later?" he said.

"You mean?" I asked tentatively.

"That's it. The dormitory I lived in here was officially furnished yesterday, and I would like to invite you to sit with me." He smiled politely and extended the invitation.

"No." Almost subconsciously, the evasive words blurted out, "I still have something to do later..."

"It's something that needs help. I'm free." He stepped out of the classroom and said something that gave me a sense of déjà vu.

This guy is too annoying, it's like a piece of adhesive tape sticking to it...

"That, Your Highness." I said to him.

"what happened?"

"Can you just stand there and not move?"

"Oh, good." He tilted his head in doubt, but still stood there obediently and did not come closer.

And I took a few steps away from him.

"Mr. Bullock, what are you... planning to do?" He looked confused.

Instead of answering him, I started counting down in my heart.

Three, two, one...

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by the sound of massive footsteps, a group of elf girls poured out from the back door and surrounded Alsace.

"His Royal Highness Alsace!"

"Hi! I met you remember..."

"Your Highness, please look this way!"

"Your Highness, can you tell me the class you are assigned to..."


The voices of accosting were endless, and they hit Alsace like a wave of arrows, which made him a little overwhelmed for a while.

Yesterday's experience taught me that the girls here can be used to hold this prince down.

Taking advantage of this gap, I quickly turned around and slipped away without a sound.

This prince has a problem (4)

I started to feel that something was wrong with my life.

The source of this ailment is the prince who transferred here, I'm sure.

Too many "coincidences" happened between me and him. Even if I didn't take the initiative to approach him, I still found that my time was being passively taken up by him.

When wandering around the school building, I always meet him at a certain corner, and then he asks about the next arrangement.

Going to attend a class, no matter which class I am attending, even if I just randomly choose a classroom immediately, that guy will appear within 2 minutes after I take my seat, and naturally sit down in the seat next to me, posing Greeted me with a smile.

Then it was time to eat in the dining hall.

As always, I put down the dinner plate at the usual place, and when I was about to start, I heard a click in front of me.

As soon as I looked up, I saw Alsace putting down the dinner plate directly opposite me with a smile on his face: "Oh, what a coincidence, Mr. Bullock, you are eating here too."

"Ah, is that so?" I glanced at the entire dining hall, which was empty except for this table, and responded in a calm tone.

It's not a coincidence at all, it's not a meal time at all, I deliberately staggered the time with other students to eat here!

I looked him up and down vigilantly, inadvertently noticed something on his dinner plate, and immediately frowned.

Bread, unleavened biscuits, dried fruit, and a green salad with dressing—these are all common dishes here, the only thing that matters is that everything is exactly the same as on my plate, even the dried fruit. There are several kinds of each of which are exactly the same.

This set meal, which is only enough to fit between the teeth, is the standard quota given by the academy to me as a prisoner of war. Although Roland has said that he can quietly increase some for me, these dishes for elves, which are mainly vegetarian, seem to me It has nothing to do with rabbit bait at all, so I didn't make too many demands.

As for His Royal Highness in front of you, it would not be surprising even if he had higher treatment for foreign guests than ordinary students. There is no reason why he would eat the same food as me...

"Your Highness, you...did you order this dish yourself?" I asked tentatively.

"Yes, oh, what a coincidence that we ordered the same dishes." He seemed to have just noticed.

"..." I didn't say much, and picked up a biscuit casually.

Arthas, watching my movements, also picked up a biscuit.

Immediately I felt something was wrong.

I stared at him, put down the biscuit that had just been brought to my mouth, and picked up the bread instead.

He put down the biscuit too, and grabbed the bread.

I looked at him again, stuffed the whole piece of bread into my mouth and finished it in one bite.

Alsace blinked in surprise, looked at the bread in his hand, hesitated for a moment, then, as if he had made up his mind, he forced the whole piece of bread into his mouth, his cheeks were bulging , and then he tried to chew a few bites and swallow it in one gulp like I did.

"Oh!" His eyes widened immediately, and then he began to beat his chest vigorously.

I silently handed over a glass of water.

He took the water and drank it all in one gulp, and then he recovered, and let out a long breath as if he had escaped from death.

"Your Highness, are you... imitating me to eat?" I stared into his eyes.

"No, I've always eaten so boldly..." He smiled perfunctorily, and raised his hand to wipe the water stains from the corners of his mouth.

Has always been like this?

It's a shame that you have survived to this day by eating in such a way that you almost choked yourself to death for every meal...

What's wrong with this guy?If I asked for dog food, wouldn't he do the same?

... As a result, I could only chew slowly like those elves in front of him.

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