Things like this were repeated over the next two days.

Even a fool should be able to see that there is a problem. No matter how you look at it, he is actively approaching me, and it is definitely not my excessive self-consciousness.

If you just deduce it, there will be an obvious fact in front of you-to have so many "coincidences", you must know my whereabouts.

Combined with the occasional strange feeling of being watched from the dark by someone in the past few days, this hypothesis became more and more convincing.

This feeling of being followed is really disturbing...

So one day, I finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"What's the matter with you?" In the empty corridor, I don't know how many times I have "coincidentally" met him. After he greeted me, I folded my hands and asked bluntly.

"Huh? What do you mean?" He tilted his head with a smile.

"Since that guy Roland introduced us, you've been following me, right?" I went straight to the point.

"..." He was silent, and the smile on his face remained undiminished.

"Please answer honestly." I sullenly.

In such a serious atmosphere, he should not try to fool around anymore.

"No." He suddenly shook his head.

"No?" I couldn't help frowning.

Impossible, is it really my nervousness?

Then, he looked me in the eyes and said something completely unexpected: "Actually, in that library, I've been following you since we first met."

I froze in place immediately.

"I didn't expect to see an orc in the country of elves, let alone witness the scene where you and Princess Alyssa are dating. The first time I saw you, I had a strong interest in you I found Ms. Roland and asked her about you, and she told me everything in detail. You are working hard in this country alone for your own tribe, which is really admirable. Since then Since then, I have made up my mind to get to know you."

"Just, if you're just making friends, there's no need to follow me, right?"

"Isn't it normal to know more about the people you care about? I just want to get closer to you." He spread his hands, "I don't know many people in this academy, and you are the first A student I have a conversation with."

"It's easy to meet friends. Most of the girls here really want to know you, don't they? Don't tell me you didn't realize it. There's no need to be obsessed with me all the time."

"Although it's a little rude to them to say so...But to be honest, in my eyes now..." He narrowed his eyes, and his eyes were firmly attached to me, "It's just you, Mr. Bullock."

"What, what!?" The sudden straight ball made my eyes widen.

"I said that I am only interested in you now." He repeated.

"..." I was so surprised that I couldn't speak.

His confession continues: "As the prince of Helgia, I have been constantly honing my spirit and improving my self-cultivation. Before I came to this academy, I also had certain feelings towards elf girls. Looking forward to it. But after meeting you, I suddenly realized that being welcomed by an elf girl in this academy where men are rare is nothing to be proud of. It was also from that time that I found that It's just about you. Yes, after meeting you, I really realized..."

A bad premonition suddenly surged in my heart.

He paused here, took a deep breath, and then said loudly:

"Only a sissy would go after an elf girl. The goal that a real man should have is a real orc like you!!"

Like a thunderbolt passing through my mind, I suddenly felt that my brain went blank, only his words were left echoing in my mind like thunder.

Damn, I said this prince, shouldn't, shouldn't...

I looked him up and down tremblingly.

Confessing his heart, he smiled as always, more frankly than ever before.

After a long silence, I regained my composure and said cautiously: "Answer me a question, can you?"

"Please ask."

"That notebook of yours is the notebook you often take out to write when you are with me. What exactly did you write?"

"Tell me this." He took the notebook out of his pocket, "Okay, I'll tell you everything. Actually, it's nothing, I just wrote down some things about you."

Hearing this, I immediately had a premonition that I shouldn't get to the bottom of it, but I couldn't help but continue to ask: "Tou, specifically?"

"It's nothing... First of all, I wrote some information about you, but what you told me was only your height. Most of them were asked from Ms. Roland, basically your past experience. What's more I have recorded everything you said to me verbatim." He unfolded the notebook for me to read, and casually stated the facts that made my scalp tingle.

Then, he turned the note to himself again, and flipped through it with a look of intoxication: "Then I recorded my own observations of you, your daily whereabouts in the college, where you have been, and which classes you have attended. , Who did you talk to, what kind of dishes you ate in the dining hall, and when you cross the threshold, do you usually step with your left foot or your right foot..."

Looking at him like this, the more I listened to him, the more panicked I became, and I couldn't say a word.

This guy, this guy... is simply a stalker!

For the first time in my life, I had the idea of ​​retreating from a human being—the last time I felt this way was when I learned of Miria's true face.

My feet moved unconsciously, and while he was still staring at the notebook, I began to move away from him step by step.

"...I have written down all the details about you. By the way, I have said before that I am envious of your physique, right? To be honest, I have always wanted to draw a sketch for you on it. Can you take off your clothes? Let me pay my respects—" He raised his head from his notebook excitedly, and then he noticed the distance between me and him, "Huh? Mr. Bullock?"

I couldn't hold back anymore, turned around and ran away.

"Mr. Bullock!?"

Even though the call came from behind, I still didn't look back.

real trouble will always come after you (1)

Since when did my life become so abnormal?

On the way back to the dormitory in a daze, I kept thinking about this question.

Most of the elves I met were not normal, but now I meet a human being with this kind of virtue...

This is the first time in my life that I was confessed face to face, and the object was actually a man... To some extent, it was worse than being entangled by Mi Ruiya.

The only good news is that the guy's behavior is at least not as tough as that pervert's method.

As soon as a pervert left, another stalker followed closely behind, what the hell is this unfolding?There must be a limit to nonsense...

Distraught, I grabbed the doorknob of the dormitory.Just as I was about to open the door, a thought suddenly came to my mind—that stalker prince, wouldn't have followed me to this residence, and was waiting for me inside.

The door of my dormitory can't be locked at all. When Miria tried to break the door, I could only use my body to press the door panel, and that girl Angelica always came in and out freely.

No, no, no, although His Royal Highness is a stalker, at least the superficial etiquette is considered thoughtful, isn't it?After all, such things as trespassing into other people's residences without authorization should not be done.

There should be a limit to being suspicious...

I tried my best to think things in a positive direction, and carefully opened the door.

" are finally back." A figure appeared at the door unexpectedly.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed out, subconsciously backed away two steps.

The other party was obviously taken aback by my voice, and then reacted and frowned at me: "Suddenly...what are you doing?"

I took a closer look and realized that it was Angelica standing there.

"Ah, it's you..." I raised my head and let out a sigh of relief, "I was scared to death."

"I just wanted to say, yelling as soon as you open the door... Do I look scary?" Angelica put her hips on her hips and puffed out her cheeks.

"No, no, something happened, it has nothing to do with you..." I waved my hands again and again, "Why are you here today? Don't you have four make-up exams? You should be very busy now."

"Because I have to make up the exam, I have to study besides the remedial exam. I encountered some... problems that I don't understand, so I came to you." Her expression became more and more dissatisfied, "You said... Help me, have you...forgot?"

"Ah, indeed." I remembered.

"And... just want to thank you." She glanced away and pointed to the side.

I turned my head and looked over, only to find that there were several bloody rabbits stacked on the ground not far from the door—it seemed that she went hunting in the woods before coming here.

"Did you mean the magic practice exam? That's fine, but it's meaningless in the end, isn't it?" I smiled wryly.

At the end of the exam, she came here because of this incident. At that time, she hesitated for a long time and didn't know whether she wanted to thank or apologize. When I told her the truth, even she herself was speechless.

An exam that was not troublesome at all, but we ended up with such a farce because of a misunderstanding without authorization, it is really dumbfounding.

Angelica raised her head and stared at me without speaking.

"What's the matter?" I read dissatisfaction from her eyes.

"Not only did you scare me when you opened the door, but you also forgot about the appointment..."

"I haven't forgotten! And the thing about opening the door and yelling has nothing to do with you?"

It's strange, isn't this girl the one who cares about such things?

"...and even brought a woman back." She continued quietly.

"Huh?" My eyes widened. "What woman? What nonsense are you talking about?"

"You want to talk about that woman over there who followed you, the woman with long chestnut hair... Didn't you bring it?" She turned her head expressionlessly, looked behind me, and at the same time raised her hand to poke at me .

What?Chestnut... long hair?

I froze all of a sudden.

"Huh? That man? Why is he wearing... a man's clothes?" Angelica, who was looking carefully over there, narrowed her eyes in doubt, "Is that ear... a human being? Why is it here?"

At this moment, I felt that the blood in my whole body was coagulated.

Only then did I realize a very important thing that I had neglected.

Although it is unlikely that His Royal Highness, the prince who pays attention to etiquette, will enter other people's residences without authorization...

But it doesn't mean that this stalker won't come directly to the door openly! !

I turned my head tremblingly——

"Yo, Mr. Bullock!"

——I saw that His Highness waved and shouted at me with a sassy smile in the distance, and walked meanderingly from the end of the path.

I really hope that all this is an illusion...

Too bad it isn't!

I gasped on the spot.

At this moment, I just want to rush in to close the door, put my body against the door panel and forcefully pretend that I am not there.

However, the remaining rationality tells me that it is unreasonable to do so at the moment when His Royal Highness has not done anything truly extraordinary.

So in the end, I could only try my best to suppress the alarm that something bad was about to happen deep in my heart, and watched him approaching helplessly.

"You really live here." He stopped at a distance enough to talk with a normal voice, and said with a smile on his face.

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