In the end, he couldn't step on it at all, and staggered and fell forward.

"Yeah!" He let out a short cry, and threw himself into my arms.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I panicked when he pressed my face to my chest.

Being poked at the chest by a man is really not a pleasant experience...

"I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose..." He grabbed my shoulders to prop himself up, his voice was a little crying, "I have a little cramp in my feet... Please let me support myself like this first."

"Are you still acting like this now?" I couldn't help but sigh.

"Feel sorry……"

Speaking of this, I can't push him away, but this really a bit embarrassing.

"Mr. Bullock, you... sweated a lot." Alsace, who had not recovered from the fatigue of long-distance running, panted, grabbed my shoulders and lay down on my chest. Feel his breath.

"Don't you look at yourself? It's like being fished out of the water." I replied casually.

After running for such a distance, I was naturally sweating profusely.And Alsace was worse than me, not only was his clothes soaked in sweat, but his hair was also stuck together, and the water kept dripping down.

It's just a warm-up and that's it. From this state, it's impossible for him to adapt to my original training all at once.

Should you scale back your training?

"I said Your Highness..." I lowered my head, ready to discuss with him.

Then I noticed that His Royal Highness was leaning close to my chest, sniffing his nose lightly.

He's smelling me.

"What the hell are you doing!!!" I yelled and grabbed his shoulder and pushed him away.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back for a moment..." Alsace, who was caught in my hand, smiled awkwardly.

"Your Highness, didn't I tell you yesterday that you are not allowed to do this kind of thing again?" I stared at his eyes and shook him vigorously.

"Ah, that's right..."

"Didn't you tell me that you don't like people of the same sex? Are you lying to me?" I shook it a few more times.

"No, I didn't lie to you!" He shook his head, as if he was a little dizzy.

"Dare you swear?"

"Okay, I, I, I swear." He raised his hand and raised two fingers.

"You're really not gay, are you?" I confirmed by looking into his eyes.


"You asked me to train you, you really have no special idea, right?"


"You really aren't interested in men, are you?"

"Uh this..."

"Why did you hesitate here!?" I shook him vigorously again.

"Ah, yes, yes, that's right!" He reacted.

"Don't be perfunctory to me! Do you know that every time you do something out of line, I'm devastated. I really don't like men. Do you know what I mean?"

"I'm really sorry, I promise this will never happen again, really." He squeezed out a flattering smile.

"Okay, this is the last time! There will be another understand?" I issued an ultimatum.

"I see!" He nodded hastily.

"...Then can you stand still now?" I glanced down to confirm that his legs were no longer shaking.

"Ah, well, I feel almost recovered." He nodded.

"Then I let go now."


As soon as I let go of his shoulders, his legs bent down, but he finally put his hands on his knees and barely supported himself before falling to his knees.

"...I said are you really okay?" I confirmed aloud.

"The feet are still a little numb...but it's nothing serious." He gritted his teeth and replied.

Seeing him like this, I let out a sigh of relief: "Oh, it seems that the training can only stop here."

"Eh? Don't..." He suddenly became anxious, raised his head and shouted, "I... I really won't do that kind of thing again, please don't give up on me!"

"It's not Your Highness, what I mean is that there is no time to continue training." I shook my head helplessly, pointing to the sky, "We have already tossed until dinner time."

"I, I can still persist, please at least let me finish the formal training—"

"Then the next content is [-] consecutive push-ups with weights, and do it from the beginning after one interruption. Then there are [-] air swing exercises with heavy weapons, and finally there is a combat drill. Are you sure you can finish it now?" I said He interrupted him blankly, then thought for a while, and added, "This is just half a day's worth of training."

Alsace turned pale upon hearing this.

After a long silence, I said, "Let's eat first."

"Okay..." This time, he didn't object again.

Two Rabbits Walking Side by Side (6)

Halfway through lunch, I finally couldn't help but put down the bowl in my hand.

"Your Highness, you should eat some at least." I persuaded Alsace who was opposite.

Alsace was absent-mindedly poking at the roasted chestnuts and meat on his plate with a fork, but he didn't intend to fork even a piece into his mouth—he had always maintained this mentality since he temporarily interrupted the morning training. As dead ashes.

Realizing the gap between our training standards and his physical limit, he was obviously hit hard.

"I'm so useless. I keep saying that I can endure hardships, but I can't last half a day of training, and I wasted Mr. Bullock's precious time. People like me are purely wasting food. They should be like A pile of rubbish quietly waiting to be cleaned up..." He stared at the table and murmured.

Completely fell into self-abandonment.

"Hi Your Highness!" I raised my voice.

"Don't call me Your Highness, you can just call me trash from now on..." He lowered his head and said in a low voice.

I scanned the food on the low table, silently pinched a boiled bird's egg with a shell from a small bowl with my fingers, aimed at Alsace's eyebrows, and then flicked my fingers over.

The bird's egg smashed against his forehead, and Arthas subconsciously raised his head under the impact.

"Ahh..." He covered the place where his forehead was hit.

"Are you awake?" I stared at him and said in a low voice.

"Wuuuuh." After meeting my eyes, he finally realized his gaffe just now, "I'm sorry."

"Even if you can't complete our training, you don't need to be so discouraged. After all, there are racial differences. We orcs have been hunting for survival in the wild of giant beasts in the past, and our physical strength is naturally stronger than you humans and elves. .Each race has its own talents and strengths, and it would be unreasonable to directly apply our standards to you."

"But, if you can't even do this, how can I get closer to you?" He lowered his head again and muttered.

"I'm really not a great person. Don't take everything Roland told you seriously. It's better not to take me as a target."

"No! You don't have to belittle yourself." This time he raised his head stubbornly, "Even if you put aside what Ms. Roland said, when I first saw you, I decided that you were what I always wanted to be people!"

"What do you think is wrong with me?"

"Manly, didn't I say that? When I first saw you, I was overwhelmed by the majesty you showed!" He clenched his fists and looked at me, with the word "worship" written all over his face .

I didn't seem to have done anything superfluous at that time except to give him a hand, right?

"I really wonder if you have some misunderstanding about the concept of masculinity..." I rubbed my temples, "One person may find something worth learning from another person, but to truly become exactly like another person It's impossible."

"I don't expect to be like you, I just want to be at least a little closer to you..." He lowered his eyes and his voice slowly sank, as if talking to himself, "In that case, they should also Don't oppose me any more."

"what did you just say?"

"Nothing!" He seemed to wake up suddenly, shaking his head hastily.

I still can't understand where his obsession to learn from me came from, but no matter what, this kind of meaningless imitation really can't go on anymore, he must understand it.

"Your Highness, this kind of training can no longer be continued. You should be able to understand that this kind of racial difference cannot be resolved by perseverance and blood. Even if you stick to it, it will not make you grow like me The fangs will only break your body. You don't need to be discouraged, I think no human being can keep up with this kind of training."

But Alsace suddenly shook his head: "No, I think my teacher, Mr. Wikas, should be able to do it. I have seen the daily training plan he made for himself. The intensity is the same as yours just now. The training content is not much different.”

"Don't compare werewolves with ordinary people." I smiled wryly, and couldn't help but recall my experience of being crushed by Angelica who turned into a werewolf in hand-to-hand combat.


"Your Highness, what I mean is that the quality of a person is his innate traits, coupled with his long-term life experience, it cannot be learned by short-term imitation, so it is meaningless for you to imitate me Yes." I looked into Alsace's eyes and said earnestly.

"Mr. Bullock, you used to..."

"My previous experience is nothing special. I grew up in my own tribe, and I'm just an ordinary orc warrior. There's really nothing worthy of your concern." I continued to persuade.

"Does that mean that your characteristics are the result of the influence of the life customs of the orc tribe?" Instead, he suddenly became interested, "Can you talk to me about this topic?"

"This...Okay, but please put away your notes." I pointed helplessly at the quill and pocket notebook he took out from his pocket.

"Oh." He honestly put the things back into his pocket.

"But even if I suddenly want to talk about the customs of our orcs, I don't know where to start..." I scratched my head.

"It's enough to give a few examples. It's the kind of custom are impressed and have your own characteristics."

"Well..." I thought for a while, "Does the coming-of-age ceremony of our orc warriors count?"

"The orc warrior's coming-of-age ceremony? What's it like?"

"In fact, the content is also very simple, that is to say, in our tribe, the young warriors who have just grown up need to leave the tribe and hunt alone in the Wild of Giant Beasts. Only by successfully hunting prey can they prove that they can be independent." I explained to him.

Alsace covered the corners of his mouth in surprise: "Hunting in Pradru? I heard Mr. Wikas say that all the creatures in that area are monsters! What a heroic custom..." After he finished feeling, he suddenly became full of spirits He clenched his fists, "Then as long as I experience it once, I should be able to understand your—"

"Don't tease Your Highness." I had to interrupt him in time, pouring cold water on him to calm down, "Even if we have been hunting with veteran soldiers in the Wild of Giant Beasts several times since the apprenticeship stage, this kind of coming-of-age ceremony is not enough. Casualties are unavoidable, do you have no such experience to go there and not seek death? And the Wild Beast is thousands of miles away, how are you going to get there?" I pointed to the north.

"Ah yes..." He finally came to his senses, "Is there anything else?"

"Hmm..." I thought about it again, "What about the customs of dueling?"


"It's martial arts competitions. You human countries should have them too, but this custom is more common and formal in our orc tribes. Duels can also be divided into formal and informal duels. The informal ones are ordinary sparring. I used to be in the academy I have experienced it many times in the training camp. And formal duels, in most orc tribes, are a way to resolve disputes. Specifically, when two orcs have a dispute over one thing and at the same time When neither party is willing to resolve through arbitration, as long as both parties agree, a duel can be initiated through the rules specified by the notary. Generally speaking, ordinary duels do not need to risk their lives, and it is good to go to the end. But in rare cases, When encountering some major issues, such as those related to reputation, there will be cases where both parties are allowed to fight for their lives. Generally speaking, duels are a sacred and important matter in our eyes."

Alsace stared at me blankly after listening.

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