After a while, his lips moved slightly: "This is it..."

"What?" I didn't understand what he meant for a while.

"That's it, Mr. Bullock!" He suddenly slapped the table excitedly and stood up abruptly, "Let's 'duel'!"

Two Rabbits Walking Side by Side (7)

"Your Highness, do you really want to come? Or forget it?"

I stood on the open space in front of the dormitory, looking at Alsace who was warming up on the spot opposite me, feeling restless besides restlessness.

"Don't worry about me. Although my muscles are still a little sore after running in the morning, there is nothing serious about it." After returning to his dormitory and changing clothes, Alsace stretched his arms and stretched his joints, and said indifferently .

I'm not just worried about you...

When I first heard that he offered to try our orc custom duel, I refused.

Because I found that accepting this duel has no benefit at all, but has to bear the risk.

Having experienced the farce-like "duel" with Feilan when I first came to this academy, I have fully realized that I want to seek from laymen the blood-thirsty feeling of fighting with others in the past. ** Simply unrealistic.The physical strength of elves and humans is not as strong as that of us orcs, and there is also a gap in physique and strength. During a duel, we can neither wrestle happily with them, nor use our convenient weapons wantonly - after all, a powerful spine-cracking technique, A thick wooden stick that has been sharpened may have killed these bean sprouts races.

The most important thing is that since I came here, I have found that I have become a trouble magnet, and all kinds of troubles will chase me one after another like shadows.At this time, the prince in front of me proposed to fight with me. Although I can't think of what kind of accidents will jump out for the time being, there is still a lingering bad feeling in my heart.

"Your Highness, whether it's weapons or fists, you don't have eyes, in case you are hurt—"

"Didn't you just say that, Mr. Bullock? I also received strict training, please don't underestimate me!" Alsace said with a stubborn face, "Didn't I use a weapon to prove it to convince you? ’ He cast his gaze aside.

There stood a long-handled warhammer with gorgeous decorations on its body.

When he returned to the dormitory after changing his clothes, he dragged the war hammer back and said that it was his usual weapon. I was really surprised.

"The warhammer? Can you really swing that?"

Although he is tall, his physique is far slimmer than those human knights I have seen, and he does not look like he can use such a heavy weapon.

"Hmph." He snorted twice, walked to the war hammer, and then grabbed the handle of the war hammer with both hands.

"Drink!" Accompanied by this loud shout, he exerted strength on his back and arms at the same time, swung the hammer up, and swung it in a horizontal arc. Then he raised the hammer high and smashed it hard towards the ground. Down.

With a loud bang, a small hole was smashed out where the hammer fell, and cracks like spider webs appeared on the dry rocky ground.

Judging from the sound of the hammer falling down, it can be heard that this war hammer is quite heavy. It is estimated that for human beings, they may not even be able to hold it without undergoing long-term special training to cultivate strength.

"Well, it turns out that the standard equipment for paladins must be a warhammer... What about Mr. Brock?" Alsace turned his head and looked over with a somewhat smug expression, "Although I don't think I have won you, but I have. I am confident that I won't lose too ugly. Please don't worry about me and try my best, I will bear all the consequences and responsibilities, even if I get injured, I can only blame myself for not being good at learning."

"Okay, okay." I really couldn't hold him back, "Well, this is the first time we come here, let's not go too far, just fight with wooden swords, and then the process will follow our custom, so that we can Bar?"

"No problem, I'm grateful for your willingness to nod and let me experience the customs of your orcs." He let go of the hammer and eagerly clapped his fists, "It sounds really manly to settle disputes by dueling! If you experience it for yourself, you will be able to understand a little bit of its essence without talking about it.”

"So how much of a misunderstanding is it that you are masculine? Although duels are formal in our place, it is not a rare thing. Both men and women can participate." I couldn't help shaking my head and sighing, "Okay, you wait here I'll take a moment."

I walked around to the back of the house and dug out two simple wooden swords from a pile of tools.When I was preparing for the swordsmanship class exam in the year-end test, because the elves' training weapons were too light for me, I sharpened a few wooden swords to practice and get used to the feel.

I returned to the open space with the wooden sword, and handed it to Alsace: "Let's keep the rules simple, just click as far as it goes. If you hit any part of the opponent's body once, you win. There is no venue or time limit. Sample?"

"Okay." He took the sword and nodded readily.

"Then get ready, listen to my password and start." After I finished speaking, I took a wooden sword and stepped back a certain distance to stand, and straightened my expression.

Although the purpose is just to let Alsace experience it, a duel is a duel, and it must be treated seriously, and the procedures that should be followed must be followed.

Sensing the change in the atmosphere, Alsace on the opposite side also corrected his posture.

I brewed for a while, took a deep breath, and roared to the sky: "Oh, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"

Feeling the fighting spirit gradually rising, I took advantage of this momentum and grabbed the skirt of my clothes, and then...


He tore his shirt in half, exposing his upper body.

Alsace not far away widened his eyes and covered his mouth in surprise.

After a while, he exclaimed: "This, this... what a shocking physique this is!"

"For our orc duels, men need to take off their shirts before the duel, then apply incense oil, and dance to worship ancestors." I explained to him, "The latter steps can be omitted, but the step of taking off the shirt It cannot be skipped, otherwise it will be regarded as a humiliation to the opponent... Hey, are you listening?" I suddenly noticed that Arthas was just staring at my exposed chest and abs, not listening at all. The look of going in.

"B, Mr. Bullock!" He swallowed his throat and said in a trembling voice, "Can I touch your muscles?"

"Of course not! We are in a duel now, don't talk nonsense to me!" I gave him a stern look, "What do you take our sacred duel for?"

"Ah!" He was obviously taken aback by my completely different attitude from usual, he suddenly came to his senses, bowed his head honestly and apologized, "I'm sorry, I was rude!"

"Okay, it's good that you can understand. It's okay, let's start quickly."

"Okay." He stood up, raised the wooden sword horizontally, and put on a posture.

I looked at him, waited in place for a while, and finally couldn't help frowning: "What are you doing? Why don't you prepare quickly?"

"Eh?" He froze for a moment, "Am I ready?"

"What the hell are you ready for? Didn't you hear what I just said?" I stared at him and said, "Take it off!"

"Take it off?" He was stunned for a moment.

"Yeah!" I raised my hand with my upper body naked, stretched out my finger and poked his upper body, and said in a word, "You, too."

Two Rabbits Walking Side by Side (8)

After I said those words, Alsace's expression froze.

No, not only his face, his hands and feet, his body also froze as if time stood still.

"I..." After a full dozen seconds, he opened his mouth stiffly and made a sound, " take off too?"

"Yes, according to our customs, men must take off their shirts before participating in a duel, otherwise it will be regarded as a humiliation to the opponent." His reaction made me lower my brows, "I should have said it just now Is that clear enough?"

"Eh? This... I..." He reluctantly pulled the corners of his mouth and laughed dryly, but he couldn't squeeze the words out of his throat no matter what.

"Is there a problem?" I could see something was wrong with him.

"That I have an ugly scar on my body, and I'm a little ashamed to see people, so that..." He said with his eyes wandering.

"Isn't it normal for soldiers to have scars? Rather, in our orc's concept, the scars left by heroic battles are the merits of soldiers. How can I be ashamed to see others? Look at how many scars I have on my body." ?” I puffed out my chest at him.

"This, this..."

His inexplicable hesitation made me somewhat irritated.

"Okay, please don't waste time, hurry up." I couldn't help urging.

"But...but I..."

"Your Highness!" I raised my voice abruptly, and fixed my sharp eyes on his eyes.

Arthas, who met my gaze, trembled and was speechless.

"I've made it clear before. For us orcs, a duel is a sacred and important matter. When a man insists on wearing a shirt during a duel, it is a kind of humiliation to the opponent. It is you who insisted on our customs. I agreed to accompany you in the duel, but now you are hesitating here. What do you mean? You are..."

I sullenly, paused here, and then lowered my voice, "Are you humiliating me in this way?" "

"No, no, I respect you so much, why would I have that kind of thought?" He shook his head desperately.

"Then stop moaning! If it's a man, take it off!" I yelled at him.

"Okay... okay, I, I'll take it off, I'm... a man..." He gritted his teeth, panted nervously, and slowly stretched his hands to the hem of his clothes and grabbed them.

But then his hand stopped there, and then let go, his fingertips began to tremble continuously, as if the hem of his clothes was hot.

"I can't do it..." After a long pause, he finally put down his hand, "I really can't do it..."

At this moment, I felt my nerve was touched.

"...Are you kidding me?" I said in an unprecedentedly cold tone.

"No, no, no!" He was so frightened that he almost bit his own tongue. This panicked look was somewhat similar to those elf girls who saw me for the first time. "Well, Mr. Bullock, I'm really sorry..." He obviously mobilized the muscles on his face with great reluctance, and squeezed out an embarrassing smile, "Can I, can I give up this duel?"

My answer to this is -

"Mr. Bullock? What are you doing throwing away the wooden sword? Eh? You, don't come over without saying a word..." The corners of Alsace's mouth twitched, the smile on his face began to collapse, and his feet began to unconsciously move backwards.

Because here I was staring at him with my eyes wide open, and at the same time strode towards him aggressively.

He followed me so many times before, imitated me, even drugged me, and did things that made me shudder. I forgave him because of his sincere attitude...

But this time, he dared to make fun of our sacred duel! ?

"It seems that you like to touch other people's bottom line, Your Highness! Let me teach you what you should never do!" I yelled this sentence, and quickly accelerated my pace.

Realizing that he was in danger, Alsace's face suddenly turned pale. He took half a beat to react, threw away the wooden sword in a panic, turned and ran.

But it is impossible for him to run and break his leg after only a few tens of kilometers. I rushed over with a stride, and reached out and grabbed the back of his collar in less than twenty steps.

"Yeah!" His upper body was pulled, and he immediately lost his balance, screaming from his mouth.

"Come here!" I pulled him back and roughly threw him to the ground.

He fell to the ground and let out a short groan.

Then I jumped on top of him so he couldn't get up and run away.

"You... what are you going to do?" He waved his arms wildly in panic, and his tone of voice and wording became different due to fear.

I directly grabbed his arm and pressed it down, the huge difference in arm strength made him unable to resist.

"If you don't want to take it off by yourself, then I'll help you!" I said through gritted teeth, put his hands and wrists together, pressed them firmly with my left hand, and then stretched out my right hand to his shirt. collar.

"No! This is absolutely not acceptable!" He turned pale immediately, and shook his head desperately, "Please, I am willing to do anything! Stop it!"

His hands began to struggle restlessly under mine.

"It's too late to regret it now! Do you know that playing with sacred duels is an absolute taboo for us orcs, you have done something that must never be done!" I yelled loudly, and at the same time grabbed the lapel of his chest with my hands , I pulled it down hard.

The sharp sound of fabric tearing across the eardrums, the fabric on the front of Alsace's jacket was almost completely torn off by my pull, exposing his chest and abdomen underneath, and I glanced over there.

Hmph, I want to see what kind of scar makes him refuse to take off his shirt...clothes...clothes?

The moment I saw Arthas' body, my thoughts stopped.

is completely stopped.

There are no obvious scars on the fair skin, and the figure is slimmer than what he estimated visually when he was wearing the clothes. The abdomen has obvious and smooth muscle lines.

The problem is the boobs.

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