The torn and scattered bandages covered the chest - obviously these bandages were wrapped around the chest at the beginning, and they were probably pulled together when I grabbed the skirt and tore it open.

And the chest under these bandages has prominent and round lines that most men absolutely don't have.




Why is it an injury with a bandage? No, no matter how you look at it, there is no wound, and the biggest problem is not the bandage at all, but normally, can the chest muscles be trained like this? Or is this the racial difference between humans and us orcs? It's not like I haven't seen this before, it's obviously...

Messy thoughts were tossing in my mind, and finally calmed down slowly, and finally came together, pointing to an obvious answer that made me dare not believe it.

"You, you, are..." After being petrified for an unknown amount of time, I lifted my face up tremblingly, and the moment I opened my mouth, I found that my voice was out of shape, "Are you...a woman?"

What came into view was Alsace's face that was as red as a boiled crab due to shame, tears rolled in his... no, it was her eye sockets, and the trembling lips opened and closed, making a sound Almost choked up: "Don't..."

Her frail appearance, combined with her messy clothes and the few broken bandages that barely covered her chest, was extraordinarily impactful, making it harder to look away than being naked.

What came to my mind at this time was what Angelica said to me yesterday:

"Can you tell which is male and which is female without looking carefully at the bellies of these two rabbits?"

"I can tell the difference just by smelling it."

"You haven't seen it yet?"

"Forget it, idiot. I have a feeling you're going to regret it sooner or later..."

will regret it...


After she inexplicably grabbed Alsace yesterday and sniffed it carefully, she always seemed to have something to say, and Alsace's attitude towards her became extremely unnatural.

Is this the case?


How could such a good prince be a woman?

I still feel very confused.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of something falling to the ground not far away.

I suddenly felt a chill all over my body.

After a while, I slowly twisted my stiff neck and turned my face that way.

Standing there was an astonished Angelica, with books falling from her hands scattered at her feet.

The air froze instantly like water poured out of the extreme arctic ice sheet.

What appeared in front of Angelica at this moment was that I pushed down a human woman, pressed down on her to control her hands despite her desperate struggle, and then roughly tore her clothes to make her almost half naked, And the scene where the victim's face is full of humiliation and tears are in his eyes, but he can't resist - it's really concise and clear, and it saves even the effort of explaining, isn't it?

Damn why suddenly there is a strong sense of déjà vu... Isn't the timing of this girl's appearance too coincidental?

"What's going on here?" After a long time, Angelica opened her mouth and questioned me.

The tone of voice and eyes without any warmth at all came from her throat, and it was the voice of a mature woman that was completely different from the usual one—it did not belong to the half-elf Angelika who usually spoke softly and intermittently, but It was her voice in a mature and serious werewolf state.

That's right, now, Angelica is transforming.

The reddish-brown hair grew to shoulder length, and at the same time, her figure grew, with sharp claws growing on her fingertips, and they were still shining.

"Here... calm down first, don't change your body just because you disagree with me haha..." I moistened my dry throat and squeezed out an embarrassing smile, "It's not what you think, give me 2 minutes to explain How about a moment?"

Angelica's answer to this was——

"That? Angelica...classmate? You, you don't want to come over without saying a word..." I felt that I could not hold back anymore, and my heart was on the alert.

Because in front of my eyes, Angelica, who was approaching this way with a cold face, crouched down, then used all four legs together, and rushed towards me aggressively.

God said that there must be contrasting cuteness, so there will be contrasting cuteness (1)

"Mr. Bullock...was a decent person when he was alive." In the room, the woman sitting on the chair lowered her eyes, with tears in the corners of her eyes.

"I gave him a happy death, he died like a soldier." The female werewolf with animal ears stood beside her, looking out the window and sighing softly.

Brock Bloodaxe, died at the age of 20, the cause of death: punishing a weak human woman by a female werewolf who happened to pass by when she was plotting an affair...

No wonder!

"Those two..." I found a new shirt and put it on, and after sitting on the chair, I carefully raised my hand and called out to them, "I'm still alive and well?"

Arthas and Angelica turned their heads at the same time and looked towards me.

The moment Arthas met my gaze, he blushed and looked away.

At this moment, she put on another dress. This time, because there was no need to wrap her breasts with bandages, the female curves were fully exposed.The chest part of the masculine-style top has obviously become a bit out of shape, and the fabric is stretched too tightly.

And Angelica, who also looked over, turned her head towards me. Although her face was expressionless, there seemed to be ice in her eyes: "What's wrong with Brock? There are still last words?"

In the werewolf state, she put on this posture with a lot of courage.

"Don't say it as if I'm going to die anyway! Isn't it a misunderstanding to say everything?" I defended loudly.

When Angelica rushed over aggressively, I thought I was going to die on the spot.

Fortunately, she threw herself on me and entangled me for a short time before being stopped in time by Alsace who came back to his senses.

Only then did I find a chance to persuade Angelica, whose hair stood on end, to agree to go back to the room and sit down together, and give me a chance to explain.

"It's a pity that I have always believed in you so much..." Angelica said with a sigh of relief, "Is there any reason for you to hold her down and take off her clothes? You, you even stripped yourself naked !"

"Don't say it so harshly, I only took off my shirt!" I corrected loudly.

"In short, I saw it with my own eyes. Do you still want to say that you didn't do anything?"

"No, I didn't intend to deny it. Indeed, I subdued her and tore her clothes, but that was because I thought she was a man!" I spread my hands and tried my best to explain.

But Angelica opened her eyes wide in horror, and raised her paws to cover her mouth: "You thought she was a man to take off her clothes? Boo, Bullock, didn't you say that you are not interested in men?" Is it? Is it a lie?"

"No!" I suddenly felt a burst of collapse, "I mean, I didn't intend to do, do that kind of thing to her. It's because she has always insisted on experiencing our orc dueling customs, and then I agreed. But in In our customs, men have to take off their shirts before a duel. But she refused, and this is another kind of insult to the opponent in our customs, so when I got angry, I... just did that. !"

Angelica blinked after listening to my explanation, and then asked, "Really?"

"Of course it's true, if you don't believe me, you can ask her!" I pointed at Alsace at the side.

"Eh?" As if he didn't expect that he would be accused suddenly, Alsace was taken aback, and subconsciously looked at me.

The moment our eyes met, we all turned away immediately.

So fucking embarrassing...

"Is that so?" Angelica looked sideways at her.

"Hmm..." Alsace lowered his head, and replied in a low voice, "It's indeed what I insisted on, I didn't expect them to have such a custom..."

"I thought you were the victim, but it turned out to be your own fault." Angelica sighed while resting her forehead.

"It's my fault..." Arthas lowered his head even lower.

"So I said everything, it's really just a misunderstanding!" I quickly echoed.

Angelica let out a long breath, and at the same time, her figure slowly shrunk, and the reddish-brown hair, animal ears and sharp claws, which belonged to werewolf signs, gradually disappeared. In just a few seconds, she was completely Changed back to the usual appearance.

At the same time, the chilling aura on her body also disappeared, and I was able to breathe a sigh of relief in my heart.

"Brock." Angelica, who had returned to her petite appearance, stood in front of me, puffed her face a little, and then said in the same childish voice as usual, "Idiot!"


I am speechless.

"That's all... reminded you." She said again.

If I think about it now, she did remind me more than once.

But who the hell wants to know that the truth is really so nonsense?I always thought she was just a bitch...

"Hey, let me tell you, when you met her for the first time..." I took a look at Alsace who still didn't dare to look at me directly, and asked Angelica in a low voice, "So you found out that she is a woman? "

"Of course, when you smell's a woman." Angelica took it for granted, then turned her head to look at Alsace, "You must have noticed it at the time...I found it."

"Yes, yes...Mr. Wikas is one of the few ministers who know my true gender. He once told me that he can tell the gender through smell, and warned me to be careful of werewolves in the future if I want to hide this well."

Arthas's voice was like the humming of a mosquito.

It turned out that this was the real reason why her reaction became so unnatural after Angelica smelled her.

"Then this none of my business, you...dig your own grave." Angelica's tone was calm.

"I know, I'm sorry, I'm so useless!" As if recalling the experience of being pushed down and torn off his clothes a few minutes ago, Alsace raised his hands to cover his reddened face again.

For some reason, after revealing her true gender in that way, she suddenly seemed to be a different person.Now she is the complete opposite of the calm, free-spirited, loyal to desire virtues of men's clothing, giving people the impression of shyness and timidity.

Was it because what I did just now had too much impact on her, this her true face?

Angelica moved back to the chair she was sitting on, and put her hands on her shoulders: "You don't have to... be too depressed, it's just... that your breasts were seen."

"Please don't say it!" She covered her face with her hands more tightly, and the crimson color extended to the roots of her ears.

"Hey, I didn't see it! Even though the bandage is broken, it's still well covered!" I retorted aloud.

Although that look always feels more erotic than directly seeing the breasts of **...

"Brock, shut up." Angelica glanced at me coldly.

"Oh..." Sensing the coercion in her eyes, I obediently closed my mouth.

"It's really all right, look away..." Angelica patted Alsace on the shoulder twice, and continued to comfort him.

Right now, Alsace is quite depressed because of what happened just now, and the atmosphere between me and her has become extremely awkward. Let alone a conversation, I can't even look at each other. In this state, I can't find her at all. A chance to apologize and ask why she was masquerading as a man.

But Angelica, who is here, can talk to her, comfort her, calm her down, and ease the atmosphere between us.

It's really thanks to this girl here...

Well, then I'll just watch quietly.

However, next, I heard Angelica say to Alsace: "...Don't pay too much attention to it, it's just a trivial matter. I used to be seen all over my body by him."

"Hi!!!" I just decided not to speak, and immediately shouted.

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