"Really? Thank you then..." Arsena seemed to sense the unnaturalness in the other party's tone, and her smile became a little forced, "Eh? That, Miss Angelica?" She blinked her eyes in doubt , "You don't need to use such force, it hurts to hold it like this... Hey, the claw! The claw seems to have been stabbed a little too! Miss Angelika!?"

Under Angelica's strong grip, Arsena let out a scream.

The Girl and the Unicorn (3)

After about 10 minutes passed, we finally found the traces of the beast in the beast trail.

"Yes! Here." Angelica, who was the first to notice the traces, squatted down and tapped the dirt beside her feet with the tip of her claws.

It took me a few seconds to make out the traces sunken in the soil from the darkness: "It's very shallow, the size should not be very big, and the shape feels like the imprint left by a hoof..."

"Is it a deer or a goat?" Angelica asked looking up.

"No." I frowned after looking at it. "The hooves don't have split toes. They don't belong to deer or sheep. They look more like animals like horses or wild donkeys."

"How can there be horses in the hinterland of this forest?" Angelica shook her head.

Indeed, animals with such hooves basically live in open fields such as grasslands or wilderness, and rarely appear in forests with thick trees, so I find it strange.

"Both of you, you're really professional..." Arsena, who was left alone, couldn't see the footprints on the ground, and interjected cautiously, "I think it might be a horse domesticated by a nearby resident."

The elf-tamed foal ran into the woods alone—this guess is the most likely.

"If that's the case, you have to find it quickly..." Angelica said thoughtfully.

"Yeah, maybe Master is in a hurry now—" Arsena nodded in response.

Then Angelica continued: "You have to find and catch it before the master, and then roast and eat it as soon as possible to destroy the evidence!"

"Miss Angelica!?" Arsena was dumbfounded.

"Just kidding." Angelica waved at her with a disapproving expression.

"Really? But I feel that your tone was very serious just now..." Arsena didn't quite believe it.

"Okay." Angelica stood up, raised her paw and poked in the direction where the hoof prints extended, "Let's go in that direction and have a look, it won't go very far."

"How are you sure it won't go far?" I asked.

"Where it walked, there is a little smell of blood." Angelica pointed to her nose.

"That is to say, the little guy must have injured a leg or a hoof?" I immediately understood what she meant.

"Yes, so it can't go far, we should be able to catch up if we go faster." Angelica turned sideways, reached out and grabbed Arsena's wrist, "Let's go!"

Arsena shivered suddenly, and then said tremblingly: "That Miss Angelika... Please don't push yourself too hard like you did just now..."

It seems that the previous grip left a lot of psychological shadow on her.

We followed the footprints of our hoofs, skirting tree trunk after tree trunk, and finally found that the front suddenly opened up—it seemed to be an open space among the woodlands.

"There's a smell wafting over, it's right in front." Angelica sniffled and said, "But it smells a little weird...it doesn't seem like the smell of livestock."

"Go and have a look, be careful not to be discovered." I lowered my voice and waved my hand.

We crept forward and moved to the nearest row of plants from the clearing. I leaned against a thick-trunked birch to hide myself, and the two of them squatted behind a clump of bushes.

Then we poked our heads out cautiously and looked out into the open.

We were stunned at the same time.

The moonlight illuminates an open area with little tree shadow, and a creature I have never seen before is lying in the middle of the open area.For a moment, I thought it was a colt, a colt with a more graceful body than any horse I had ever seen, with a very smooth mane, and the color of its fur was pure white without any impurities.

But it really wasn't a horse.

For some reason, its fur glowed fluorescently in the moonlight. In addition, it had a long, spiral-shaped horn growing on its forehead.It lay prone on the ground, trembling slightly, but it exuded an indescribable awe-inspiring aura.

What kind of creature is this?

"U-unicorn... um!" Arsena exclaimed, and Angelica, who was squatting next to her, immediately covered her mouth.

"Don't disturb the prey!" Angelica frowned and warned her in a low voice.

"You recognize that thing?" I asked Althea.

Arsena took off the paw covering her face, and said excitedly: "Don't you recognize it? It looks exactly like the one in the illustrated book! Unicorns, unicorns, ultra-rare holy beasts, or A unicorn cub! Ordinary people may not see it in their lifetime!"

"Oh? Super rare?" I couldn't help grinning.

"You're lucky!" Angelica also raised the corners of her lips.

As a hunter, you are naturally interested in rare prey.

"You two, your laughs are a bit creepy..." Arsena looked back and forth at our faces with a little horror, "What do you want to do?"

"I'll rush over here and knock it down..." Angelica cast her eyes on me.

"I broke its neck to give it a good time." I answered tacitly.

"Then I'll do the bloodletting!" Angelica said, and nodded at the same time as me.

We often go in and out of this forest, and we have also had several cooperative hunting experiences.

"Stop it, all of you!" Arsena suddenly pressed Angelika's shoulder.

"What's the matter? Your Highness, can't you bear it?" I frowned. "That's how hunting is. The law of nature is the law of the jungle."

"There is nothing to eat if you are soft-hearted." Angelica pushed her hand away impatiently. "If you can't see it, you can cover your eyes and wait here."

"No!" Arsena's face was full of anxiety, "Don't you know? Unicorns are protected creatures stipulated by the alliance, and they cannot be killed! If you kill them, you will go to jail!"

"Huh?" Angelica and I were stunned.

"You really don't know!" Arsena sighed, "Unicorns are sacred beasts consecrated by the Lord God. Although they cannot speak, they are psychic creatures that can fully understand the language of primates. At the same time, the unicorn group in the Saidian Forest also has a contract with the forest elves in this country. They will help the elves, and the Saidian elves are responsible for protecting them. When Saidian joined the alliance, all their protection contracts It has been added to the alliance's international treaty. In the alliance countries, especially in the territory of Sidian, killing a unicorn is a very serious crime. You must know that there are only two occurrences with elves in the history of human countries The war in the world was triggered once because humans hunted and killed unicorns."

"So serious?" I was a little surprised.

"Then solve it quietly..." Angelica still refused to give up, raised a paw, her face was serious, "As long as you don't get caught, it's not a crime."

Her eyes reflected a fluorescent green light in this dark place, like two balls of will-o'-the-wisps floating in the air, very penetrating.

She originally came here to hunt at night to vent her wildness, and finally found a good prey. It is not surprising that she insisted on hunting and bleeding that strange white horse.

"Don't do this! The consequences are really serious!" Arsena hugged Angelica who was about to stand up and rush out of the bushes, "Please restrain yourself, please?"

"No!" Angelica flatly refused.

"Miss Angelica!?"

"Okay, don't get in my way." Angelica pressed her paw on Arsena's face and tried to push her away.

"Don't! You will really be arrested!" Arsena refused to let go.

"Angelica, stop, she's right." I had no choice but to dissuade, "It's better not to cause unnecessary trouble. If you are found out, it's not as simple as dropping out of school."

Angelica finally stopped wrestling with Arsena, struggled for a while, and finally accepted it with a face of reluctance: "Well...well, I got it!"

"Thank you for your understanding." Arsena let out a long sigh of relief.

"Then what should we do now?" Angelica puffed her face in dissatisfaction, "Leave it alone and go find other prey?"

"No, wait a moment." Arsena looked up at the unicorn, "The child seems to be injured and can't stand up. We should treat it."

I poked my head out again and looked over there carefully, only to notice a blood-red mark on one leg of the unicorn.

"There are no creatures in the Sidian area that can pose a threat to unicorns, and elves will not attack unicorns. How did this child get hurt?" Arsena tilted her head in doubt, then narrowed her eyes to observe, "It looks a bit like a wound from a rope. It was left when he got caught in some animal trap and broke free... Who set up that kind of thing in this forest? I have no common sense!"

Angelica looked at me speechlessly, and I looked up at the sky without saying a word.

Well, the night sky is so beautiful tonight.

...Go back and remove those traps.

After thinking about it, I coughed dryly, and then suggested: "Then should I go to the school building and find someone?"

Since this species is protected by elves, there should be someone in the academy staff who knows how to deal with injured unicorn cubs.

But Arsena shook her head: "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, just let me deal with it directly. I have received complete training as a paladin, and I know some healing spells, and I can also bandage wounds."

"But Your Highness, this is the first time you have seen a unicorn, right? You probably don't know how to deal with it?" I shook my head, "Wild animals are very wary, and if you approach rashly, you might be attacked by it. , let alone let it cooperate with treatment."

Just because a unicorn can understand language doesn't necessarily mean it will trust us.What's more, judging from the vigilant look of this little unicorn that has been trapped once, I am afraid that its current state is also like a frightened bird. Just seeing someone approaching will struggle and try to escape.

"Well, it's true that unicorns are more sensitive than ordinary beasts, but I think if I walk over, there should be no problem." Arsena said seriously, "The books in my library here The unicorns, as I have seen in the book, will approach virgins."

The Girl and the Unicorn (4)

"Is there such a thing?" This is the first time I have heard of such a thing.

"Since it's written like this in the elves' books, there shouldn't be any mistakes. Then I'll go and try it first."

As soon as the words fell, Arsena, who was squatting behind the bushes, stood up on her own—just such a slight movement alerted the unicorn in the middle of the open space, tensed its body, and looked straight at the unicorn. Straight to this side.

Arsena carefully stepped over the bushes, maintaining the posture of raising her arms slightly and opening her palms. This is a common posture during battlefield negotiations to indicate that she does not carry a weapon to prove to the other party that she has no intention to attack—although she does not know that the horned horn It depends on whether the beast can understand it.

She walked on thin ice and approached there.

"Oh, it's okay..." She muttered softly as she walked.

The unicorn trembled slightly, and looked at her carefully. This vigilant reaction made me a little nervous while watching.

Fortunately, it never got up and ran away, and on the contrary, as Arsena got closer and closer to it, it settled down more and more.

Finally, Arsena stood within reach of it, leaned over and reached out to it, tentatively touching the sharp horn on the unicorn's forehead.

The unicorn touched by her, instead of showing resistance, stretched its neck actively, and gently rubbed her hand with its side face, as if it was a war horse that had been domesticated for many years and had a tacit understanding with its master.

The tension hanging in my heart dissipated with the scene in front of me. It seems that this habit of unicorns recorded in the elves is true.

"Ahhh, this child's fur... feels better than fine velvet." Arsena exclaimed in surprise, "Come and touch it, too!"

Angelica and I also came out of our hiding place.

Considering that only "virgins" are actively approached by unicorns, I didn't approach them, and chose to keep a distance and stand aside and wait and see.

And Angelica walked straight over there, it seemed that she also wanted to touch the unicorn.

The unicorn trembled violently, and stopped rubbing Arsena's hand. It turned its head and fixedly stared at Angelika who was approaching. The reaction was obviously much bigger than when it saw Arsena. Jelica raised the horns of her forehead in protest.

"What's wrong with it?" Angelica noticed its reaction and raised her eyebrows in dissatisfaction.

"Miss Angelica, change back first!" Arsena turned her head to look at her, and reminded, "You are a carnivorous animal in the eyes of this child, of course it will feel nervous when you walk over like this .”

"Tch, what a hassle." Angelica curled her lips, and then slowly put away her werewolf features, returning to her usual petite figure.

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