Only then did the unicorn relax its stance, allowing Angelica, who had regained her composure, to walk beside it and squat down to put her hands on it.

"Wow, it's so soft." Angelica also marveled.

It made me want to try the feel of that fur... But I guess if I go over there and reach out, I might just be bitten by that little brat, so I silently gave up in my heart.

Then Angelica wrapped her arms around the little unicorn's neck, and sniffed her face, "It's the mother." As she spoke, she began to rub her face against its neck, as if I really like the touch, "This fur is so soft, even my proud can't compare to it."

...Probably only werewolves can make such rhetoric.

At this time, the unicorn tensed up without warning, and then began to struggle restlessly in Angelica's arms.

"Eh? What's the matter?" Angelica was stunned.

The unicorn's resistance intensified, and at the end it even began to neigh. Although I had never heard such a cry, I could still hear the fear in it.

Angelica had to let go of her arms, and the liberated unicorn immediately struggled to get up, then limped on one leg and desperately moved away from Angelica, hiding behind Arsena.

Arsena was also taken aback. She looked at the shivering unicorn against her leg, and then looked at Angelica who was squatting on the ground.

I was also confused.

Silence shrouded the place, and there was a subtle awkwardness in the atmosphere.

After a while, Angelica stood up, showing a look of bewilderment: "Huh? This...not...I'm obviously a virgin." She suddenly looked at Arsena eagerly, and then looked at I looked over, "It's true!"

"Oh, oh." I didn't react for a while, and subconsciously responded twice.

"Miss Angelica, calm down! No one is doubting you." Arsena was calmer, and immediately began to comfort her, "Look, this child was very close to you at the beginning, so I miss it There must be some other special reason for this." She tried to recall, "Oh, by the way, unicorns are also very sensitive to aggressiveness, Miss Angelica, with all due respect... you just now Did you have the idea of ​​hunting this child down again?"

"I was just thinking, how good it would be if this fur was made into a blanket... that's all." Angelica tilted her head.

"That's it! You even thought of peeling off its skin, of course it will be scared." Arsena couldn't laugh or cry.

"Just thinking about it... Then I'm actually a little curious... what would it taste like when it's roasted." Angelica looked regretfully at the shivering unicorn behind Arsena.

...To be honest, I just thought about it too.

The unicorn uttered a frightened cry again, and curled up tighter against Arsena's body.

"Don't scare it like this anymore..." Arsena sighed, then squatted down and turned to the little unicorn that was close to her, stroking its neck, "Okay, okay, it's okay, I'm here ” Arsena brushed the unicorn’s neck with her hand, slid down to its injured leg, and carefully held up the hoof of that leg, “The wound hurts when I just moved, don’t worry , I will treat you now."

Arsena paused, and then began to read a prayer softly.A ray of light quickly bloomed in her hand, even if the ray was not very bright in this kind of night with only a little moonlight, it gave people a soft and peaceful feeling inexplicably.Under that ray of light, the wound on the unicorn's hoof gradually healed, and the blood-red wound was replaced by new pink skin.

In the end, Arsena lowered her hoof lightly, letting the unicorn stand firmly on this leg, and nodded: "Well, it's all right. Looks like there's nothing wrong with it."

The Girl and the Unicorn (5)

"Your Highness, what kind of spell is this?" I have never seen this kind of spell that can heal wounds with just a single light, so I couldn't help being a little dazed.

"The baptism of light commonly used by paladins is a spell that combines the power of the twins of light among the main gods and the goddess of life. It can heal some simple wounds, and has the effect of lifting curses and resisting abyssal spells. Our human spells Compared with other races, human mages can learn the elemental spells bestowed by the main gods like elves, and they can also use black magic built with the power of the abyss from the same source as demons. In addition, there are some sources and forms Miscellaneous witchcraft. Paladins are knights who serve the main god, so our spell system is very similar to the magic used by elves. But the most commonly used is this kind of holy light spell." Arsena patiently explained to me .

She combed the unicorn's mane with her slender fingers, her expression was full of affection, the pale moonlight slanted down, covering her long soft hair with a layer of luster, and the unicorn rubbed her nose affectionately Face.

This is the first time I've seen her like this, and I can't help being a little dazed.

"Well, what's the matter with you two?" Arsena noticed this side, looking back and forth between Angelica and me.

Only then did I realize that Angelica was staring at Arsena just like me.

"Alsena, you look like this..." Angelica tilted her head, thought for a while, and seemed to be thinking about her words, "Very beautiful, um."

Simple and unpretentious description, but it is very appropriate in my opinion.

There was a surprised expression on Arsena's face, and she nodded after a while: "Oh...thank you."

"Brock was stunned." Angelica suddenly pointed at me, looking at me with inexplicable indifference.

"Eh? No, this..." I was a little caught off guard by her, and I didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Huh? This, is this..." Arsena stroked the side hair next to her ears uncomfortably, her eyes wandered to one side.

This reaction made people can't help but think of her shy look when her gender was revealed before—the real Arsena, who belongs to women.

No, which side can be regarded as the real her...

Arsena turned her attention back to the unicorn, reached out and stroked the horn on the unicorn's forehead, and said softly: "The unicorn is a sacred beast that represents purity and nobility, and its horn can remove curses and poisons." It can cure various diseases and even extend the life of the dying, but the horn of the unicorn cannot save itself. And once the horn is broken, the unicorn will lose its magic power and become extremely weak. Maybe even die because of it. I didn’t know why my mother would pay a high reward for the whole country to buy unicorn horns when my mother was seriously ill after reading that classic book. He even once, for this matter, I have sent envoys to Saidian several times." She said, lowering her eyes a little lonely, "but Saidian did not agree until the end. For the elves, unicorns are also important allies, and unicorns are rare. Rare, and the birth, aging, sickness and death of human beings is too common. They cannot sacrifice a unicorn or even make a covenant with the entire unicorn group themselves in order to save a human being, even if the king of Helgia is willing to pay all conditions."

"Your Highness..."

Just as I was thinking about what to say here, Arsena shook her head indifferently.

"I'm fine, it was a long time ago." The corners of her mouth were drawn into soft lines, and she stretched out her hand to the little unicorn's ear and pinched it gently, "This child will come to this forest again in the future, right?" , maybe we will meet again, should we give it a name?" Suddenly, she looked at me and Angelica on a whim, "Do you two have any ideas?"

Should I name the unicorn? I have only named the warg before. I wonder if I can copy it... I began to seriously think about it.

At this moment, Angelica spoke before me: "Let's call it 'blanket'."

She was staring at the unicorn as she said this.

The unicorn, who noticed her gaze, trembled suddenly, and lowered its head, ready to bury it in Arsena's arms squatting in front of it.

"Oh, it's dangerous!" Arsena was almost stabbed by the horn on its forehead, but luckily dodged in time.She quickly held the unicorn's face with her hands to calm it down, then turned her head to look at Angelica with a somewhat dumbfounding expression: "Miss Angelica! I told you, don't scare it like this again!"

"I just think... its fur feels good, nothing else." Angelica tilted her head expressionlessly, "Then why... call it 'roasted pork'?"

As she spoke, she wiped the corners of her mouth with the back of her hand.

The unicorn neighed in horror and stomped its hooves restlessly. Arsena had to grab its neck and shoulders to force it to stop: "Miss Angelica! You definitely did it on purpose, right?" !"

"Are you not satisfied with this? Then..." Angelica began to think again.

"Okay, let's be the first one, it will be called the blanket from now on, that's it!" Fearing that Angelica would startle the unicorn with some strange idea, Arsena made a decisive decision immediately.

So, the name of this little boy was decided.

"Okay, then little blanket, you should go." Arsena stroked the top of the unicorn's head for the last time, looking into its eyes, "Be careful in the future, don't be caught by the trap of the bad guys again."

I felt a little guilty, and raised my hand to wipe my face.

Little Blanket looked back at Arsena reluctantly, obviously unwilling to leave.

Arsena withdrew her hand, got up and stepped back, and said softly: "Let's go, you should go back to your family, and there will be a chance to meet in the future. If you want to see me, you can come here anytime."

The little wool blanket chased her back and took two steps forward before stopping. She stood there for a while, then shook her head, turned around, raised her hooves and walked unhurriedly towards the beast path in one direction. , the back is shimmering under the moonlight, giving people an illusory and independent feeling.

"Goodbye." In the distance, I seemed to hear Arsena's whisper to herself drifting with the night wind, "May you grow up safely by your family."

——The scene at this moment can be said to be very warm.

However, at this time, Angelica said abruptly: "Goodbye, little blanket, from now need to grow more meat."

The footsteps of the little blanket not far away stopped for a moment.

Then in the next second, it neighed and ran with all its might, its figure disappeared in the dark tree shadows in a blink of an eye.

As the sound of hurried hoofs stamping on the ground quickly faded away, the clearing became quiet again.

Arsena, who was watching the direction the blanket left, never looked back.

After a long while, she spoke, her voice sounded resentful: "Miss Angelika..."

"Sorry, I couldn't hold back for a while." Angelica replied calmly.

With her back turned to this side, Arsena sighed: "I know it's a bit long-winded to say this, but I still want to emphasize that killing unicorns is against the law."


"Also, please pay attention to the atmosphere in the future." She sighed again.

"Oh." Angelica replied softly.

I looked at the direction of the unicorn leaving speechlessly.

That brat, I'm afraid he won't come again in the future...

Your Highness, don't you know about the big sword? (1)

"Mr. Bullock, come with me to get something." Arsena, who was dressed in men's clothes as usual, stood at the door and greeted me energetically.

"Take something?" I was stunned when I just opened the door.

After a very tossing day and a night hunt yesterday, when I returned to the dormitory in the early morning, I fell asleep almost as soon as I touched the pillow, and I didn't get up until noon.

Then, just before I had time to think about what to bring and have brunch to fill my stomach after washing up, I was completely confused by this sudden visit and her inexplicable opening remarks.

"Ahaha, I'm sorry, I'm so excited." Arsena noticed that she said it too suddenly, and smiled apologetically, "Well, have you heard of mail shopping?"

"No." I shook my head.

"It is a transaction method in which money is sent through the post station service, and then the merchant receives the goods mailed to the designated address by the post station. It is a service promoted by the post station association in Helgia to the alliance countries. It allows people to buy To go to distant regions or even other countries, you just need to pay a little more travel expenses and customs duties. This kind of service is also available in Saidi’an, and I have been using it.” She explained to me carefully.

When I was a guest in her dormitory before, the various products from different regions of Helgia that she used to entertain me and Angelica emerged one by one in my memory.

So, those things were also bought in this way.

Thinking of this, I finally felt that I caught her a little bit: "You mean you bought something again, and I hope I can accompany you to pick it up?"

Arsena nodded: "Yes, this academy does not allow horse-drawn carriages to enter directly, and the things sent by mail will be stored at the guard post at the gate, which is a long way from here. Maybe the things I'm going to pick up this time It will have some weight, so if possible, I hope you can change hands with me on the way back."

"This is no problem. What did you buy? Seeing you like this... I'm quite happy." I was aroused by curiosity.

"It's a sword. You know that I have a hobby of collecting weapons. In fact, I have been patronizing a dwarf professional expedition team that specializes in searching for ruins on the mainland, and bought antique weapons from them that they found in the ruins. Before, they sent me a letter to inform me that they found a relic in the snow-capped mountains of the Beidi Mountains, and found a lot of treasures in the relic, and they planned to dispose of it at a cheaper price, and asked me if I was interested."

"I said this sounds a bit strange. If it's a real treasure, why should they deal with it cheaply?" I frowned slightly.

"That's right, they told me in the letter that because the expedition leader eloped with his lover and disappeared, the team members can only use the treasures found in the ruins to offset their own hard-earned money, and everything will be dealt with fifty gold coins. "

"Hey, this statement is too suspicious!" This turn of events caught me off guard.

"A list was attached to the letter. Then I found out that among the treasures was an antique sword found from the deepest part of the ruins, so I bought it directly." Arsena said happily, "They emphasized that it is the same as that sword. And on the stone tablet dug up, it is recorded that the sword is said to be a magical sword that can fulfill wishes, whoever buys fifty gold coins will earn it!"

Can't these dwarves' subterfuge be normal?This is full of the taste of profiteers!

"They also said that they sent me a list on purpose to let me choose first, because I have always been their number one customer."

Arsena's smile was somewhat smug.

No, it's the number one bully, right...

"Also, if you buy any item, you will add five gold coins, and a set of armor that was also found in the snow mountain ruins, sealed in ice, and I asked them to send it directly to the palace because it is not convenient to put it here. "She nodded after she finished speaking, as if she really felt that she had picked up a big deal.

I didn't know what to say for a while.

After being silent for a while, I cautiously said, "Well, Your Highness, haven't you ever doubted it?"

"Doubt what?"

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