"I suspect they lied to you. You didn't see them digging out the sword from the ruins, did you? What if they just gave you an iron sword..." I expressed my concerns bluntly. .

"Well..." Arsena fell into deep thought, it seemed that she was aware of this problem for the first time, "Even if that's the case, it's okay, it's cheap anyway, isn't it?"

It's not cheap at all...Because I bought and sold things from traveling merchants in Helgia in the past, and I heard something about it from people who worked as mercenaries in human countries. There is still a certain concept of currency value.Fifty gold coins issued by Helgia—that is enough to buy an ordinary house, and the amount that most people may not be able to save after working for ten years.

... The world of the rich is really hard to understand.

Forget it, since she herself doesn't care, what should I worry about?

"Okay, then I will accompany you for a walk." I agreed.

"Thank you very much." Alsena smiled.

The main gate of the college is almost at the other end of the college than the woods where Arsena and I live next to. It takes 10 minutes to walk, and there is indeed a little distance.

From a distance, the main entrance of the college can already be seen, as well as the guard post there - in fact, it is a tree house hanging on a big tree next to the main entrance, and the staff of the college who are guarding the gate are permanent As such, they are responsible for stopping unrelated individuals attempting to enter the academy and students who are about to leave the academy during class hours without proper reason.

"There is an open space under the sentry post, which is specially used to store the items sent to this college. Students and teachers only need to find their corresponding items here. Look, Mr. Bullock, it's there." Arser Na pointed to the open space under the big tree next to the main entrance, where boxes of various sizes and bundled sacks were neatly arranged.

"Do you know which one is yours, Your Highness?" I asked Arsena as I walked up to the packages.

"They should use a special box to hold the sword, logically speaking, it should be easy to recognize..." Arsena narrowed her eyes and scanned the objects on the ground.

"Are you going to pick up the package?"

The chatter from above caused us to raise our heads at the same time. As the gate guards, the capable-looking female elf poked her face out of the window of the wooden house on the tree and cast her gaze here.

"Oh? Isn't this His Highness Alsace?" When her eyes touched Arsena, there was a look of overjoyed expression on her face.

"Hello, ma'am, I wish you a good day." Arsena gave her a perfect knightly salute.

"Thank you." The female elf nodded, and then shifted her gaze to me, her face suddenly sank, and the temperature in her eyes dropped a few degrees instantly, "And... the orc Brock?"

"Hello." I greeted casually.

Damn, the difference in attitude is too big...

The doorman grabbed a vine hanging from a branch and slid down the tree with ease.

"It is true that there are packages addressed to the two of you here, and I will find them for you." She landed lightly on the ground and said in a business-like tone.

"Thank you so much." Alsena thanked her.

And I couldn't help frowning: "Huh? 'Two'? Do I have it too?"

Your Highness, don't you know about the big sword? (2)

"Your Highness, which one is yours? It's the purple box on the far side. Please confirm what's inside." A long flat box with several seals.

"Ah, thank you." Arsena nodded, and couldn't wait to go forward to remove the seal.

"And you, Bullock, also have one." The doorman turned his face and put on a cold face to me, "The recipients are all anonymous packages, and there is only a code for confirmation , It has been several days waiting to be claimed here."

After such a period of time has passed here, these female elves who are working in the academy have already adapted to me like teachers and students, and they can even stand here and talk to me face to face. It's still not flattering.

"Wait, if the recipient is also anonymous, how can you be sure it's mine?" The more I listened, the more confused I became.

Just the fact that there was a package addressed to me was incredible enough.

"We checked the contents and confirmed that your belongings did not escape, so you don't need to give us any secret codes to take them away. Oh, don't get me wrong, we have no intention of violating other people's privacy, it's just that the courtyard The headmaster recently asked us to strictly control the entry and exit of items and personnel. So for such packages of unknown origin and no one from the academy came to collect them for several days, we have to check them just in case." She said coldly.

It's not surprising that Roland would order a strict review. The main battle faction among the elves was planning to infiltrate the academy, but Miria, who was the best way to resist, was temporarily transferred away because of the mission.Although she finally arranged for Arsena to enter the school as a check, she still can't take it lightly.

"What's in there?" I asked casually, it's hard to imagine any object that they can recognize at a glance as belonging to me.

As a result, the female elf guard standing in front of me stared at her and frowned: "What do you want me to say? Thank you for asking such an embarrassing question!"

"What?" I was completely confused by her.

As she said that, she took a few steps back with her arms folded, her face flushed, "Dirty! Is there something in it that you haven't figured out yet? If you dare to sexually harass me, be careful, I'm not welcome!"

She took out a crystal from her pocket and shook it at me.

Speaking of which, even the staff members have a share of this thing...

"Wait! I really haven't heard of anything being sent to me. After all, I don't have such a right at all!" I hurriedly raised my hand to defend.

"How do I know where you got it from?" The female elf guard gave me a disgusted look, "Just that little black box over there! Now that you're here, take it away! If it wasn't for the regulations, I would have already Burn all your shameless things!"

I said that you didn't get rid of my leather armor back then...

I looked along in a daze, then walked over and picked up the sealed box.

What is it that makes this bitch put on such a dirty face?

Thinking of this, I opened the button of the box, opened the lid a little and looked inside.

Mouth balls, ropes, whips, handcuffs, and all kinds of strange props that I can't recognize (but can vaguely guess the purpose) are stuffed inside, and in the middle is a sealed glass medicine bottle filled with pink liquid .

The strong sense of déjà vu brought my memory back to an unbearable day when the face of a female elf knight whom I hadn't seen for a long time emerged in my mind.

I immediately closed the box, feeling cold sweat dripping out of my body.

"It's yours, right?" The female elf guard looked at me with no warmth at all.

"No!" I immediately shook my head vigorously.

"There's nothing to deny. If you haven't committed a crime, I can't do anything to you, can I?"

"Really!" I felt so wronged that I was about to spit out a mouthful of blood.

I can fully imagine how the logic of these staff members was formed: a bunch of shameless pornographic props were sent to the academy—the good thing was that the evil orc got it, and the reasoning is over.

"Can you still argue after reading the list inside?" She sneered.

"What?" I hurriedly opened the box again and took a closer look, only to find a folded piece of paper placed among the pile of things, and I stretched out my hand to take it out and unfold it in front of my eyes:

"The dosage and strength of the props have been customized according to your request and according to the user's specifications.

Thank you very much.

Anle Sex Toys Store wishes you a happy life and looks forward to your visit again! "

"..." After reading it, I felt my cheeks start to twitch.

Who is the owner of these things, the answer to this question is already obvious.

Speaking of which, since that guy was temporarily transferred from the academy, he naturally couldn't pick up the things he bought by mail in time.

Damn that perverted female knight, she still hasn't given up... How many things did she want to do before she would give up!

I closed the box tightly again, gritted my teeth, and said in a deep voice, "These things really don't belong to me!"

Although it's really about me...

"I advise you to take away these unsightly things, otherwise I will have to post a notice in the college announcement to ask you to claim 'certain props with unspeakable uses'." The guard snorted coldly at me.

I tricked you into messing with you! ?

"Burn it if you think it's an eyesore! I agree!" I pushed the box towards her.

It can be expected that explaining the truth to her will be a waste of effort. Since it is beyond debate, it is better to simply let these things disappear.

"As the guards, we can't dispose of the parcels sent from outside casually. This is the regulation." She stared at me firmly, "We have also consulted the dean for instructions on this matter, and she also said that since there is no 'party', I haven't messed with it yet. There is no need to deliberately violate the regulations if something goes wrong, you should keep the things for yourself."

That guy Roland must have laughed behind his back when he learned that the guard had such a misunderstanding—she, who likes to play tricks on me, naturally wouldn't take the initiative to explain it to me.

After a pause, the guard said again: "Hey, although the things can only be handed over to you, if you dare to use these things to commit crimes...you know the consequences, right?"

Her expression was full of deterrence.

If not, please rest assured!

"Mr. Bullock, I've confirmed it!" The sudden voice made me tremble.

When I turned my head, I saw Arsena put the box containing the sword on her back and stood beside me.

It seems that she has already confirmed her goods.

"What did you get?" She looked curiously at the black box in my hand.

"Some... useless garbage..." I said through gritted teeth, "I'll take it and dispose of it."

"Really?" She tilted her head suspiciously.

Let's take a detour to the waste incinerator...

Your Highness, don't you know about the big sword? (3)

"That, that, Your Highness Alsace, good morning!"

I stopped and turned around, and I saw Arsena, who was carrying the box ten steps away, stopped by a female elf student again.

Here we go again—— On the way back to the dormitory, looking at this extremely familiar scene, I sighed silently in my heart.

These female elves didn't even realize that the person they were blushing and nervous to strike up a conversation with was a genuine female human being. I vaguely remembered that I heard Roland say that male elves, in terms of appearance, at least in the eyes of other races, were different from those of the same race. Women aren't much different - they don't even grow beards.

Probably this is one of the reasons why Althea, who is disguised as a man, is so popular with female elves.

"Mr. Bullock, good morning." The familiar voice made me turn my head.

When I turned my head, I couldn't help but see a bright light: "His Royal Highness Alisa?"

The elf princess Alisa, who came slowly from not far away, held a book in her hand and smiled gracefully at me, her whole body seemed to be shining with a faint light.

No... The flashing light is probably purely my imagination.

I shook my head, pushing the strange thought out of my mind.

"I said you don't need to call me Your Highness..." she said with a slight smile, "I feel like I haven't seen you for a while."

"Yes." I nodded, and my eyes fell on the books in her arms, "Are you going to attend class?"

"Well, it's an interest course in making desserts. Classmate Bullock, are you...going to pick up the package?" Princess Alisa looked curiously at the box I carried under my arm, "What is it?"

"I took it for Dean Roland. I don't know what it is." I gave Roland the blame without hesitation, and hugged the box even tighter.

"Huh? Isn't that His Highness Alsace?" Princess Alisa noticed Alsena who was calmly approaching the elf girl from a distance, "Are you with him?"

"Yes, let's go to the gate and get the package together."

"I was really taken aback when he transferred from another school. I never expected to see him again." Princess Alisa seemed to recall something, her eyes fluttering.

"Have you known him before?" I was a little surprised.

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