I'd rather believe that I'm actually a tusked elf than that she's such a lunatic.

I faintly felt that the person in front of me was not Arsena, nor would she be the incarnation of the so-called Arsena's ideal...

He is lying!

shadow walker (8)

"Mr. Bullock." At this time, he suddenly met my eyes seriously, "Now you should understand that I just want to realize my wish, and I have no intention of being an enemy of you at all. It's better to say, I want you to join me."

"Joining forces with you? Why?" I frowned. His speech just now made me wary of him. "I'm an ordinary orc, what else is worth your attention?"

"You don't need to underestimate yourself. You are an excellent fighter and a rare talent. As I said, I am Arsena, and I have inherited all the respect she has for you. Out of this respect, I I want your support, and at the same time I hope to contribute to your wishes." He put his left hand without the sword on the breastplate and bowed slightly.

"My wish?" I was taken aback.

"Yeah, this sword told me everything." He smiled at me, "When you held it in the past, it also detected your inner desire. You want to escape from the threat of this country." Keep your own tribe, right?"

I didn't answer.

What he said was right, but I was not at all happy about the appearance of this "confidant". Instead, I felt a resistance to being forcibly stripped and peeped at my heart.

"The twisted and misunderstanding of the orcs by the elves brought unwarranted disasters to your tribe, and everything is the fault of these elves. There is no reason for a respectable warrior like you to suffer such misunderstandings and grievances as a prisoner in this kind of place. Don't you? You hate this country too, and you want to trample these proud elves under your feet, right? Our purpose is the same."

"Really? The purpose is the same?" I frowned even more tightly, "You said that you represent Arsena's will, but I don't think Arsena has any enmity with the elves."

"Of course there is a grudge. I have wanted to destroy this bastard country for a long time." Alsace raised his eyebrows, "Imagine, Mr. Bullock, that we can conquer together This country that makes you and me feel pain, become the master here, and all the elves will bow down at your feet like slaves, begging for your forgiveness. You can order them to do anything, and no elf will dare to do anything to you Frown."

Listening to his bewitching, I found myself grasping the train of thought of this lunatic a little bit.

I have also experienced the pain of the death of my dear ones, and I can imagine how Arthena cursed the world when she lost her mother. It is not surprising that she even got angry with the Saidian elf who rejected her father's request.

But it's really abnormal to put this kind of thinking into action, which has obviously distorted the basic right and wrong. The elf has no reason to be responsible for her mother's death, and even moves every day "This **** elf country hurry up Let's explode" I can understand this truth.Judging others or even a group out of personal grievances beyond the basic justice, there is no honor or modesty at all.

This so-called "Alsace" may indeed have Alsena's memory and part of his personality, but he doesn't have the thinking of a normal person at all.He was more like... a distorted result after amplifying all of her dark sides countless times using Arsena's memory and personality as a template.

If it is said that he was really born with that sword, then there is definitely something wrong with that sword.

"Your 'ambition' is really not small." I deliberately said in a mocking tone, "But you can't even beat me. You say you want to conquer and dominate the two largest countries in the world, no? Do you think it's too big?"

"Please rest assured, Mr. Bullock. As long as we have this sword in hand, we can do anything!" He excitedly raised the black long sword, "Don't underestimate the power of this sword. Knowing that reshaping a physical body like this, such a miracle cannot be achieved even by the cooperation of the most powerful mages in the world. This sword can harvest life and soul and transform it into magic power. As long as the sacrifice is enough, its There is no upper limit to power, whether it is a top hero or a thousand troops, none of them are fearful in the face of overwhelming power. Not to mention two countries, even conquering the entire world is fine. We can start from solving the game Starting from Dean, the forests of this country are excellent altars, sacrificing the creatures here is enough to give us that level of power."

This sword again... I am more and more convinced that there is something wrong with this sword.

"Hey! You still want to conquer the whole world?" I really laughed this time.

"Yeah, a king who was born according to his wishes, holds a sword in his hand that can make the whole world surrender, don't you think this posture is very suitable to stand on top of the world?" He didn't care about my attitude, but instead looked at me He put on a courteous smile, "How is it? Mr. Bullock, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. We can share the authority of this world. I can give you whatever you want. So, can I hear your answer?"

"Sounds really good." After a moment of silence, I said calmly.

"Really?" The smile on his face deepened.

Then, I stared at him, took a deep breath, and answered word by word: "But I don't want to."

He didn't show much surprise: "Don't you believe this sword can do it?"

"No, I just don't believe you." I shook my head.

The smile on his face froze.

"I'm sorry, I really can't like you. Well, I should say this, you make me feel really disgusting. A warrior who truly understands glory will not be afraid to kill the enemy who deserves to be killed, but he should also understand The butcher's knife should be aimed at those innocent people. In your body, I don't feel a single bit of glory that belongs to a warrior...No, you don't even have the morality of a normal person! The focus of my wish is on myself The safety of the tribe is not the destruction of this country here, but you continue to incite me to try to lure me there, and every word you say tastes like a lie. To be honest, your hypocritical appearance just now almost Let me spit it out, if you want me to stand with someone like you, I would rather lie on the ground and eat a catty of horse manure, bah!" I didn't continue to hide my disgust, and spat hard.

A wry smile appeared on his face: "So you hate me so much? This is really hurtful..."

"That's enough, stop acting! What's the matter? Don't make it look like we know each other very well! You're not Arsena at all!" I stared at him tearfully, and smashed the ground with one hand, "Alsena It's not a lunatic like you! If you can fool that stupid girl, don't think you can fool me!"

I recognize the open space we're in now—it's where Arthena and I, and Angelica and I, found the unicorn that night.

Right where the madman was standing, Arthena rescued the unicorn, and I can still see her hugging and soothing the unicorn.

I can't connect this twisted, merciless guy in front of me with that noble figure, it will never be possible!

shadow walker (9)

The lunatic in front of me is not Arsena, and there is no such thing as a unity. If he kills Arsena, he will only replace her with this lunatic, I am sure.

There is no need to worry about anything, just let go and overthrow him!

The smile on Alsace's face disappeared, and after a long time, he said, "That's really a pity."

There was a bone-piercing chill in this voice, which made me subconsciously grasp the handle of the long hammer with both hands, and put the war hammer across my chest.

Arthas also raised his long sword and pointed at me: "To be honest, I really don't want to kill you."

"Kill me? The winner has already been decided, the loser!" I gritted my teeth at him.

The battle just now has exposed the gap between our physical ability and fighting skills, I am confident that even if there are ten more fights, I will not lose to him once.

"Yeah, it's already been separated... But to be precise, I should have won." He grinned, and suddenly black smoke gushed out from the long sword in his hand, and I, who already knew a little about magic, faintly Sensing that seems to be an unusual magical force, "It's over the moment you are hurt by this sword."

As soon as the words fell, a dizzying pain suddenly came from the wound where he scratched my arm just now. At the same time, it seemed that a cold current had penetrated my body, and the temperature of my body seemed to be suffocated all of a sudden. It was drawn away, and the chill went deep into the bone marrow.

I suddenly felt dizzy, if I hadn't supported my body with the hammer on the ground in time, I'm afraid I would have fallen to the ground.

what happened?

I subconsciously looked at my scratched arm, and reluctantly stretched out my hand to tear open the tear on the sleeve.

The strange black is spreading on the skin with the wound as the center. After the sharp pain, the sensation of the hand suddenly becomes numb, and the joints and muscles become extremely stiff, as if my hand is turning into stone. What's worse is that this feeling is still spreading to the whole body.

Black magic that hunts for life and soul... I remembered what Roland had mentioned to me earlier.

"The curse has already flowed into your body. This sword has poured almost half of the magic power collected in the past few days. As I said, don't underestimate the power of this sword."

I turned my eyes, because the focus became blurred from time to time, I could vaguely see Alsace coming with the sword.

My body was extremely weak, as if I had suffered a serious illness. I even felt that I could hardly lift my hands.

damn it!At that time, I should have blown his head off with a hammer!

"I'm willing to give you another chance to choose." Just a few steps away from me, he initiated persuasion again.


He sighed regretfully, continued to approach, and slowly raised his long sword.

No matter what, you have to fight back...

I made up my mind, even if I squeeze out the last bit of strength left in this body, even if I can't change the ending of dying here, I will at least smash this bastard's face with a punch!

As long as he takes two more steps, he will strike as soon as he reaches a place where I can reach...


The howling of furious beasts was caught off guard, and the vigorous giant wolf rushed out from the trees on the side, broke into the open space, and slammed into Alsace who was approaching me.

Arthas was unprepared, and was thrown several meters away. He fell to the ground hard and was pinned down by the giant wolf with its front paws.But thanks to the heavy armor, he seemed to be able to withstand the blow without too much damage to his body, and he was able to react in time to push back the giant wolf's bite with the long sword across his face, while wrapping his hands Armor's left hand punched the giant wolf's face, and a man and a wolf fought on the ground.

"Angelica..." Although I couldn't see it clearly, I recognized that the giant wolf was the completely werewolf Angelica through the fur color.

She actually followed...

At the beginning, Angelica had the upper hand, her front paws firmly pressed down on the opponent's breastplate, almost biting the opponent's face and neck several times.But Alsace quickly seized the opportunity with his superior combat experience. He once managed to hit Angelika's jaw with his left fist, and then stabbed her forearm with his right sword.

Angelica wailed in pain and jumped away from the armor. The liberated Alsace immediately rolled to his feet and confronted her with his sword raised.

"It's you...Miss Angelica. This is really a bit tricky. Werewolves are very resistant to curses." I couldn't see Alsace's expression clearly, so I could only catch his coldness with my ears. the sound of.

Angelica growled menacingly at him without showing any weakness.

I have to help her... I tried to grab the hammer, but found I couldn't even get a grip on the handle.

"The long-term seal has weakened the power of the sword..." I vaguely saw Alsace turn the long sword downwards, "To activate the real power, it needs to eat more sacrifices. OK."

After saying this, he stuck his sword into the ground: "Come on, dinner is served! This is the altar for offering sacrifices."

In an instant, a terrifying feeling enveloped the space, everything around seemed to lose its color, and even the sky with the moon hanging above his head dimmed instantly as if polluted by shadows.An indescribable pale field spread across the land centered on the sword, and the plants growing on the soil would wither instantly when they touched it.

The air in this space became thinner and colder, and I suddenly felt a lot more uncomfortable in my body, and even breathing became extremely difficult.The petrified feeling of stiffness accelerated and spread to the whole half of my body. I didn't need to look at me to know that the skin on this half of my body had also been cursed black.

I could no longer hold the hammer handle tightly to support myself, half kneeling on the ground.

Instinct tells me that in my current state, if I come into contact with the pale field that is expanding and approaching, I am afraid it will be more or less ominous...

Damn it, it's not honorable to die without even a decent counterattack!

Angelica, who was planning to pounce on Alsace, suddenly noticed my side, let out a cry of surprise, then gave up the confrontation with Alsace without hesitation, turned around and rushed towards me.

The remaining consciousness allowed me to understand her intentions, and I tried my best to drive the still moving half of my body away from the handle of the warhammer, trying to turn my body over, and when she passed me, I tried to He reached out and wrapped his arms around her neck, resting his weight on her shoulders.

Angelica didn't stop, and just dragged me towards the edge of the woods.

Arthas, who focused on black magic, seemed to have no intention of pursuing him.I can feel that pale, death-like domain still spreading around him, but I think it can't keep up with Angelica's speed.

The only concern is how long my strength and consciousness will last.Now all I can do is try my best to hold on to Angelika's shoulders and neck to avoid being thrown off, and let my almost unconscious legs drag on the ground.

When my consciousness was blurred, there was only one thought flashing repeatedly in my mind:

Arsena, you are such an idiot...

What a big fool!

The Death of the Unicorn (1)

When I opened my eyes again, my vision was a bit blurred, and in the hazy world, I vaguely saw a plain white face facing me very close, dyed with a warm halo.

I fixed the focus of my eyes, and my field of vision gradually became clear, and what appeared in front of me was Angelika's anxious face.

I was lying on the bed, and she was sitting in a chair by the bed, in what was supposed to be the College infirmary from the set in the room behind her.

"Wake up..." Seeing my eyes open, Angelica murmured, then wrinkled her face as if weeping with joy, tears filled her eyes, "Finally...woke up ..."

It seems to be the same picture before losing consciousness... At that time, I was climbing her shoulders in the form of a werewolf and she dragged me out of the woods. I don't know where I lost my strength and fell to the ground. I vaguely remember that the last scene was her crying face dangling in front of my eyes.

By the way, I lost the fight and was rescued by Angelica.

It's really ugly to be a warrior... I didn't expect that sword to have that kind of foul ability, just cutting it can make people weak to the point of death.Damn it, if I hadn't seen that bastard's face exactly like Arsena's at that time, I should have killed him...

No, losing is losing. It was my own carelessness that caused the defeat. What I should do is not to find excuses for myself, but to reflect on myself and...

"Angelica...thank you." I thanked softly.

If this girl hadn't arrived in time, I might have died meaninglessly by that bastard's sword.

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