Angelica didn't reply, just sniffed, then wiped her eyes with the back of her hand.

"Student Bullock, how are you feeling?" Another familiar voice made me look away, and then I saw Princess Alisa standing by the bed, with a relieved smile on her tired face .

"His Highness Alisa... why are you here?" I sat up on the bed and unexpectedly found that I no longer felt any discomfort, as if the memory of the near-death period before the coma was fake.

"Don't worry, you're just under a curse. I've already used spells to help you recover, and you should be fine now." Princess Alyssa seemed to have guessed my thoughts, "Besides you, there are a few teachers who are also Cursed, all need magic treatment, manpower is not enough, so I and several other students were transferred to help."

I looked around subconsciously, only to be surprised to find that there were several beds around, and several female elves who looked like college teachers were lying on the beds, and there were elves casting spells to treat them beside each bed. I saw Feilan.

By the way, Roland brought a few teachers into the woods yesterday to investigate the large-scale black magic that 'Alsace' cast at the end... It seems that they were also tricked.

But I didn't see Roland's figure.

"By the way! Angelica, are you alright?" I suddenly remembered that Angelica was stabbed by that bastard with that weird sword just like me.

"I'm fine, I don't even have any wounds left." Angelica shook her head slightly, her eye circles were slightly red, "Curses of that degree... have no effect on me."

At this time, I finally remembered what I seem to have learned in the courses here. Most of the time, a powerful curse can directly cover a weak curse, so a werewolf with a lifetime curse is very resistant to other curses.Coupled with the amazing healing power of this girl after she transformed into a werewolf, that sword really couldn't do much harm to her.

"How long have I been in a coma? What happened?" I turned to Princess Alyssa.

"It's only a few hours, it's morning now. Actually, I want to ask you about what happened..." Princess Alisa hesitated here, "You and those teachers were sent here last night , Then the dean issued an emergency evacuation notice to the entire college, and now the vast majority of students have withdrawn from the college."

"Refuge?" I frowned.

Just such a word is enough to show that something big has happened here.

"Student Bullock, you should also go to the gate of the college. Someone will lead you outside. The instruction left by the dean is that once you wake up and can move, you will be asked to go out and take refuge with the students outside. ’ said Princess Alisa.

Roland... told me to leave?

"Where is Roland?" I corrected my color.

"Dean, she..." Princess Alisa blinked, "From what other students said, it seems that she went to the roof of the school building alone, and they didn't even see her coming down."

"I'm going to find her." I immediately rolled over from the bed, "I have to talk to her about something."

"Student Bullock?"


Under the surprised eyes of other elves in the room, I stood up on my own and walked out of the infirmary.

My body has fully recovered, and it is not difficult for me to climb up to the top floor of the school building in one go.

Pushing open the roof door, I immediately saw Roland's figure.

She was right in front of me, wearing the robe when I first met her, leaning on a staff, and standing in the center of a huge circle with her back to me.

Sensing the movement behind her, she turned sideways and glanced this way, with a majestic expression on her haggard face that I had never seen before, with the gloomy sky behind her.

"Brock? I should have left a message telling you to leave here." She said to me flatly.

With raised eyebrows and a stern face, standing here she looks like a completely different person than usual.

"I have something to tell you." I said solemnly.

"You don't have to explain what happened to me. I've already heard what happened from Feilan, Angelica, and... Arsena. You guys..." She Sighing, "It really brought a lot of trouble in here."

It looks like she knows more about the truth now than I do.

In normal times, when I said "I have something to tell you", she would probably have followed up with a nonsensical sentence like "Are you finally going to confess to me?" with a teasing face.

But right now, no one has that leisurely mind, not even a plan to ease the atmosphere.

"Where is Arsena?"

"I don't know. After I asked her, I asked her to take refuge outside the college. She has feet and will walk over by herself. Her self-willedness has already caused a catastrophe. At least she should know how to take care of herself and stop giving it to her." Others are causing trouble." Roland's tone seemed a little cold, "I don't have extra time to take care of her, the guy she created cast a large-scale sacrificial black magic in the woods, and now I just deal with it. Too busy."

As soon as I heard it, I knew who she was referring to.

Roland turned his head and looked in the direction of the woods: "The name of that spell is 'Pale Palace', and it is a large ritual abyss magic that normally requires the cooperation of several mages to cast. It is very tricky and should have been lost. This spell The effect is that it will devour all the life in the range and convert it into magic power, and then the magic power will be used to continue to expand the "palace" and bring new prey into the range. In this kind of forest where life exists everywhere, you can This continues to expand indefinitely. When we met in the woods last night, we were unprepared. Several people fell down after being hit. Only I and the other two instructors cast the resistance spell in time and led the wounded out. Go. By the time we escaped, the situation was out of control. At that time

The scope of the 'Pale Palace' has approached the edge of the forest, and it is about to spread into the academy.The only thing I can do is set up an enchantment to cover the forest, preventing the spell from spreading like a fire. "

I stepped forward and looked over there too.

The hemispherical enchantment with the texture of red crystal covered the woods... To be precise, it covered a barren land—that pale breath had completely occupied the entire field, and all the surrounding areas could be seen. The trees are all dead, and there is no trace of life at all.

The Death of the Unicorn (2)

The situation has developed so seriously between my eyes closing and opening.

"The entire forest has been eaten up, and the magic power stored in that sword should be several times that of mine." Roland's voice was a bit bitter.

Her face was much paler than usual, and there was no blood on her face. Presumably the red enchantment that wrapped the entire pale palace was constantly absorbing her strength.

"What is the origin of that sword, do you know?" I brought up this question that has been lingering in my mind since yesterday.

Roland squinted at me: "That sword is called the Desolation Contract. According to the records, it is one of the six evil swords cast by the devil with the fragments of his own horn, and three of the six swords were destroyed. The next three are missing. Among them, this desolate contract is said to be able to fulfill the wish of the holder. Probably, what you got is the real sword."

"The sword cast by the devil himself?" I was a little confused, "I have never heard of such a thing, and the ancient characters of human beings are clearly cast on the sword."

"There will be human characters cast on them because these swords are prepared for humans. Without exception, the six swords have been scattered to the civilized world in different ways, and fell into the hands of humans in different eras. One of them caused a lot of disasters in the time when it was born. The human countries or city-states that got these swords basically perished in the end, so the historical fragments of these swords on the human side are more or less They are all lost, and there are only relatively complete records in the historical documents of our elves, so it’s only natural that you haven’t heard of them.”

"Ke Feilan also said she had never heard of it." I frowned slightly.

"It's not surprising that the girl doesn't know. For elves, this is actually quite unpopular historical knowledge. There have been two wars between humans and elves in history, and the first one was because of this sword." Roland said quietly, "According to the records It was 2000 years ago. At that time, human civilization had just established its own city-state forces, and they fought with each other from time to time. It is said that an ordinary young man whose hometown was destroyed got this sword, and his desire for revenge was answered by the sword. , With the help of the powerful power of the sword, he continued to earn prestige, re-established a city-state, became a lord, and then wiped out the enemy's city-state with his army. But as his achievements grew, his desire also began to expand, and he began to lead the army Conquering everywhere, in the end he invaded Saidian's forest in order to obtain more sacrifices for the sword. But that was 2000 years ago, and Saidian was much stronger than human civilization at that time. Before the power of the sword, his army, his city-state was quickly flattened by the army of elves, and he himself died under the rain of arrows from the elves, and the sword disappeared at last. Until this period of history 500 years ago It was still written in the textbook, but after Saidian joined the alliance, the history of elves destroying human city-states became a politically sensitive topic, and the details were concealed and sealed. Most people only know that there was a crazy lord Was attacked by elves and other human city-states, but did not know the existence of this sword."

"That broken sword can really fulfill people's wishes?"

"Yes, but it will only be realized in a distorted and destructive way. The power carried by that sword belongs to the abyss, and each magic system has its own axis. The axis of shamanism is 'faith', while shaman spells are 'balance'. As for the spells of the abyss, which belong to the same category as demons, their axis is 'sacrifice'. The power of the abyss is the easiest to obtain, and there are almost no There is an upper limit, but every power must be accompanied by a price. This is its iron rule. The premise that the wish of the Desolation Contract can be realized is to swallow life and soul in exchange for powerful power. If you want to use it to realize your wish, you have to pay far It’s much more than imagined, and in the end it’s often not something the holder can afford.” Roland looked into my eyes solemnly, “And it’s a sword specially made by the Demon King for humans. A part of consciousness. The one born from the sword is not Arsena’s ideal, it should be said that the sword’s own consciousness copied a part of Arsena’s personality and memory to create an illusion.”

The figure of that lunatic with a long black sword and a face exactly like Arsena's appeared in my mind again.

Just as I thought, it really wasn't Arsena... That's great.

"Okay, now you understand the urgency of the situation. You should also hurry to evacuate with other students." Roland sighed wearily.

I didn't leave, and stared at her for a while: "How are you going to deal with this matter? Just put a hood on it and it's over?"

"We have already applied for assistance from the palace..." I noticed that Roland's eyes dodged for a moment.

So before she finished speaking, I started to ask: "How long will it take for the reinforcements to arrive? How long can you last?"

Roland suddenly fell silent.

Knew it……

Her reaction gave me a clue: "You can't wait until the reinforcements arrive, right? After the enchantment you set up disappears, the spell should spread to the entire academy in one go. Do you have a way to escape?" ?”

After a long time, she spoke: "There is no other choice. It is my fault for letting that kind of thing flow into this academy. I also have the responsibility to protect everyone here. Once I withdraw, without this enchantment 'Pale Palace' It will be out of control. Now there is no other way but to pray for reinforcements to arrive sooner, Miriah is not here, we have no candidates for an assault..."

"Yes." I stared into her eyes and paused every word, "Me."

"No." As soon as the voice fell, she made a veto.


The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and the moment we saw each other, we had already roughly guessed what the other party was thinking.She must know my reason for coming, and I, when I heard her leave a message asking me to go out for refuge, I already guessed that she would have such an answer.

We stared at each other, and then Roland spoke first.

"Brock, keep your head clear, this disaster is our business and has nothing to do with you!" She raised her head and stared at my face intently, "You can't win that kind of monster, then The magic sword has already swallowed the entire forest! What do you use to fight him who will fall down after being stabbed by the sword?"

"I didn't come to ask for your approval, Roland, I guess you don't have the energy to order me with the collar now." I shook my head and raised my hand to point in the direction of the woods. "I must go, and this is of my own volition. Anyway, I have a debt to settle with that bastard. You should know that if you know us so well, the orcs are a race that has a vengeance."

"You... elm head!" She squeezed out an angry curse from between her teeth, "You can't solve any problems with your arrogance alone, you will only die in vain in the past, idiot! Are you so stubborn?"

Rarely, that beautiful face that always had a calm smile was completely occupied by anxiety, and the thin crescent-like eyebrows were knit together.

It's funny how anxious you are - if you say this directly, I don't know how she will react.

"But at least it won't make me look so useless." I bent down a little, moved my face closer, and looked directly into her eyes, "Roland, I don't want you to die."

When I said this sentence, even I was a little surprised, and I just said it so smoothly... It seemed that I had accumulated it in my chest for a long time, and I had been waiting for the moment when I blurted it out.

Roland was visibly stunned.

I straightened up again, took a deep breath, and simply finished the rest of what I wanted to say in one breath: "Sorry, Roland, I know you always wanted to protect me...but if you want me to hide behind your back, I It just can't be done."

I took one last look at Roland who was stunned in place, turned around and left the roof without looking back.

The Death of the Unicorn (3)

To find that bastard to liquidate, you also need to get a good weapon.

But I know where to look.

When I came to the dormitory at the edge of the woods, I was very happy to see that it hadn't been covered by black magic. Roland's enchantment separated the "Pale Palace" from the edge of the woods about [-] meters away from this big house. .

Arsena's residence should still have a lot of weapons in her collection.

I kicked the door lock yesterday and broke it. The door was wide open. I walked in directly, but unexpectedly found a figure standing in the middle of the hall.

"Your Highness?" I was a little surprised.

Standing there was Arsena, she hadn't escaped yet...

Putting on her usual attire, she stood quietly among the scattered tables and chairs, her eyes were empty, her figure was vacant, and she was as pale as a ghost wandering in the room.

After hearing my voice, she finally reacted and turned her head slowly: "Mr. Bullock..."

I hadn't expected to meet her here.

There were only the two of us in the hall, and the gloomy sky made the hall with floor-to-ceiling windows look a bit gloomy.Through the floor-to-ceiling window that was shattered yesterday, one can see the translucent red enchantment, and there are pieces of dead trees inside, which is shocking.

Roland is still working hard to maintain this enchantment, and he doesn't know when an accident will suddenly jump out and make the "pale enchantment" expand in one go.The place we were standing was in danger, and there wasn't much time to waste right now, but neither of us spoke immediately, and just stared at each other for a while.

In the end, I broke the silence: "You have caused a disaster, Your Highness."

"Yes, I got into trouble." She lowered her eyes and replied softly, "I almost killed you, I'm sorry..."

"It's not just me, you almost killed a lot of people." I said calmly.

"Is there anything... I can make it up..." She lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"No, you look like you can't do anything now." Before she finished speaking, I shook my head and made an assertion, "Maybe you can stand here and let me beat you up, but I don't think that can solve anything. It's a problem, and I'm afraid it won't make me feel good if I hit you."

She shrank her shoulders.

Her physical condition didn't seem to be very good, her face was pale, her breathing was a little disordered, and if you looked closely, there was still cold sweat oozing from her forehead, and her whole body was so weak that a gust of wind could blow her down.I guess that the sword may have some kind of connection with her. When the sword twisted to fulfill her wish, and then unscrupulously exerted its power, it also affected her body.

But in fact, what was even worse was her mental state at the moment.I've been in a warrior battalion, and I've led teams, and I know all too well the difference it can make when one's spirit is high and when one's heart is dead.Arsena looks distraught now, as if what I rescued yesterday was actually just an empty shell, and her spirit has been killed by that lunatic who called herself Alsace.

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