"Wolf is the one in the illustrated book? Are there really such big wolves?"

"Yes. We domesticate them to hunt, just like human hounds. We also choose some strong wargs as mounts, just like human horses. In fact, the labeling of the wargs in the college's illustrated book is still biased. We The wolf that has been bred is even bigger. The biggest wolf I have domesticated is Vika, a silver-gray female wolf that is three meters long." I gestured with my hand.

"You still give the wolf a name?"

"Of course, they are our comrades-in-arms and our partners. It takes a long time to domesticate a warg before we can communicate with it and trust each other..."

Said it was chatting, but most of the time it was me who was talking.

Princess Alisa is really a very good listener. She will listen carefully to every word the other party says, making people feel that what she said is very important, and she will ask about the parts she is interested in from time to time to keep the topic going. go down.Although I'm not sure if it's her genuine interest or simply driven by her etiquette education, but at least it's really quite pleasant to chat with her like this.

When we passed by a classroom, we heard a very familiar voice from inside: "...That's right! That guy was defeated by Miss Ben. At that time, the situation was really critical, and I could tell at a glance that the barrier was strong. It won't be long before we make a quick decision and rush in with people who can be used temporarily."



Our steps stopped for a moment.

Isn't that Feilan's voice?

After looking at each other with the same surprised eyes, we approached the back door of the classroom and looked inside.

Feilan was sitting high above a desk in a very indecent posture. On the chair next to her was Angelika who was squinting at her with a speechless face, and then the female elves surrounded them, looking serious Listening to Feilan's nonsense, "But after the fight started, I found out that the guy was quite savage. The orcs and this girl couldn't even touch the guy. There was really no way, as the captain, Miss Ben had to take action. The bastard turned pale with fright when he saw Miss Ben raise her hand—”

"He's wearing a helmet, how did you see...he was so shocked?" Angelica said abruptly at this moment.

"Tsk!" Feilan gave her a dissatisfied look, but Angelica was unmoved.

Fei Lan simply ignored her and continued: "I used fireballs one after another..."

"It was blocked by him." Angelica calmly answered.

"Lightning strike..."

"I hit it, but it's useless...it's useless."

"Earth binding..."

"It's also useless...it's useless."

"Then, that guy was on the spot..."

"A counterattack on the spot, give her to—"

"The first miscellaneous fish to be knocked down, please shut up, Miss Ben!" Feilan finally couldn't bear her continuous tearing down, and pressed her head condescendingly, her fingers touched her hair and kept stirring, "Isn't it a good deal?" Did you tell me not to talk?"

"Again... I didn't agree! It wasn't... you who defeated him in the first place! Clearly it was Bullock, and Alsena defeated him!" Angelica reached out and grabbed her wrist, grinning fiercely, "Don't Mess again...my hair is out! Believe it or not, I will bite you!"

"Wow, Feilan, you're bragging again!" Suddenly a female student laughed.

Feilan immediately stared at her: "Where are you bragging? Why are you so innocent?"

"What innocence? I saw you bragging like this with other students the day before yesterday, and you were also dismantled by Angelica. It wasn't you who did it!"

Feilan immediately blushed, and argued: "That's just a narrative technique! Originally, the mage's job is to support the rear... They only have a chance to enter the barrier with the help of Miss Ben's spells, and they can defeat him. It was my lady who defeated her...the narration is just different! Can the matter about the mage be considered bragging?"

Then there were some words that I couldn’t understand, such as “Miss Ben hasn’t used her trump card yet”, “Miss Ben can win without them” and so on, which caused other students to laugh, and the classroom was full of joy. Air.

Looking at this scene, I really don't know how to comment. Princess Alisa on the side is also wearing an embarrassed wry smile, not knowing what to say.

This guy is really the same as always...

Finally I shook my head: "Let's go."

"Okay." The princess nodded.

Just as we were about to leave, Angelica suddenly noticed this side: "Huh? Brock!"

Others, including Feilan, also looked over, and their eyes suddenly focused on me, which made me feel a little overwhelmed for a while.

Feilan's expression changed suddenly, she jumped off the table, rushed over in a hurry, reached out and grabbed my collar and dragged me out a few steps.

"Hey! You just..." She grabbed my collar, tiptoed her face closer, and stared straight at me, obviously very concerned that her bragging just now was smashed by me who was fully aware of it.

Her slightly flustered expression somewhat aroused my desire to tease her: "What's the matter, our hero? Oh, should I call you Demon Sword Crusher?"

"Don't make fun of me!" She turned red again, and then warned me in a low voice through gritted teeth, "Damn you! Don't say unnecessary words to Miss Ben!"

"Your station has been demolished by the girl, do you need me to say anything?" I almost laughed out loud.

Ah, this guy is just as usual... an idiot.

You elves don't know how to hunt at all (2)

"I, I don't care!" Feilan's face puffed up when she heard this, "I clearly had a part in that battle! Isn't it natural to be admired by others! Why should I be laughed at!"

"Then don't exaggerate the facts? Don't complain to me, and your face is too close, hurry up and kill me!" I frowned, raised my hand on her forehead and pushed her away. go down.

Feilan frowned and pouted, as if she wanted to complain about something.

I looked at her and opened my mouth first: "But at that time, I really owed you a favor. Without you helping me in time, I might not even have the chance to solve that matter by myself. Thank you."

Feilan's eyes widened, she obviously didn't expect me to thank her at all.

"Hmph, it's good to understand..." she said, but her hands wrapped around her hair uncomfortably, "but favors... forget it, this lady is also very magnanimous, besides that It's time..." She suddenly looked away, blushing slightly, "Let's take it as clear."

"Brock." At this moment, Angelica came to my side at some point, tugged at the corner of my clothes, and looked up, "Is the injury... better?"

"Well, it's almost done, and it doesn't hurt anymore. Speaking of which, you now..." I remembered that she had just shown her fangs in front of everyone, but everyone responded flatly, and asked in a low voice, "Well, you have already Made it public?"

It seems that the students here already know the fact that she is a werewolf.

"Well, after this incident, everyone basically...knows about it." Angelica nodded expressionlessly, "It's all up to now, and there is nothing to hide. Anyway, I have, can completely control own."

"Don't you mind? Didn't you always want to change back to your original form?" I wondered for a moment.

"It doesn't matter anymore, being a werewolf...with fangs, there's nothing wrong with it..." She whispered, lowering her head coyly.

"Is it……"

It would be good if she didn't need to cover up any more. With the fact that she came forward in this incident, there shouldn't be many people who would have any objection to her identity as a werewolf.

"I really want to go hunting..." She suddenly muttered.

"Since you have disclosed your identity, it shouldn't be too difficult to apply for permission to go hunting in the forest outside the academy. At least it's better than me. I really want to hunt, but there's no way." I shrugged.

After all, as a prisoner of war, it is basically impossible for me to get permission to go outside for a mere reason to go hunting.

"I want...to go with you..." She stubbornly grabbed my sleeve and pulled it, but in the middle of speaking, she suddenly raised her eyebrows, "Huh?"

She put her face close to my hand unpredictably, sniffed her nose a few times, and immediately put on an expression as if she was facing a big enemy, and leaned towards me again, and sniffed me carefully.

I was a little confused by her, and subconsciously took a step back: "What are you doing?"

"It has a woman's...smell." She raised her head, her eyes and voice were extremely cold, "It's the one left recently, whose is it?"

I suddenly felt a chill down my back.

This girl... why is she here again!

Undoubtedly, that smell was left when he was entangled with Miria.

Princess Alisa is also present, how can this be explained clearly?

At this critical juncture, an arm stretched out from Angelica's back and across the front of her neck, and then grabbed her throat.

"Damn girl! I haven't settled the debt just now! It's fine once or twice, every time it messes up the situation, do you just like to fight against me so much?" It was Feilan who continued to vent her resentment of being torn down by her—— Successfully drew Angelica's attention away.

Well done Blonde Dumb!You can come in handy now and then!

I silently praised Feilan in my heart.

Angelica looked impatiently at the white arm around her neck, grasped it with her two small hands, bowed her head and took a bite without talking nonsense.

"Ah, you damn girl still dares to bite me... Stop, stop, idiot, don't use any more force! Your teeth are bleeding! Let go, Miss Ben!" Feilan immediately let out a scream, and the two That's how people started fighting.

Inadvertently, I glanced to the side, and saw Princess Alyssa standing there staring at the noisy two people, her expression looked...a bit lonely.

Speaking of which, she had always wanted to have a good relationship with Angelica, but it turned out that Feilan, who had been bullying Angelica in the past, somehow got closer to that girl first, which is really unpredictable.

...it's really painful to watch.

At this time, other students in the classroom also came out. They looked at the two people who were fighting, and then turned their eyes to me.

I am no stranger to the look that the female elves here are looking at me.Shocked, disgusted and even angry, out of deep-rooted racial grievances and years of distorted misunderstandings, they used that method to make me clearly feel the gap between the two races, those who once hurt my sight , I have long been used to it by now.

But this time, their eyes were a little complicated, so deep that it was a little unpredictable.

They whispered to each other for a while, and then there was a female elf student who seemed to be instigated and encouraged by others, from showing embarrassment to reluctantly accepting, and then she looked straight at me, with a nervous expression on her face, He walked towards me cautiously, and unexpectedly, unexpectedly, unbelievably stood only a few steps away from me.

"What's the matter?" This abnormal behavior made me a little surprised.

"Well, let me ask..." The female elf's eyes flashed with vigilance, but at least she didn't intend to run away. "Is what's written on the bulletin board true?"

"I've been recuperating recently. I haven't seen the bulletin board. What's written on it?"

Strictly speaking, in order to avoid getting into trouble, in this academy full of female elves, I have the halo of clearing the scene with personnel, and I have basically never been to crowded places near the bulletin board.

"It says... you were the one who defeated the demon sword spirit who almost swallowed the entire academy with black magic. Is this true?"

"I just cut him with an ax and severely injured him. Her Highness Arsena was the one who really defeated him." I answered honestly.

"Huh? But..." The female elf turned her head and looked at the other students who were surprised in the distance, "Alsena...His Highness herself, everyone said that you knocked down the spirit of the magic sword..."

I froze for a moment.

That guy, did you give me the credit?

"No, she won it." I shook my head, "She stood up at the end, and she gave the final blow."

Even though the turmoil was caused by Arsena in the final analysis, my pride as a soldier does not allow me to take honor that does not belong to me.That girl faced up to her mistakes at the end and tried her best to make up for everything. I can't deny her efforts.

"But it's a fact that you played a key role, Bullock, isn't it?" When the female elf student was still in a daze, the beautiful figure of Princess Alyssa walked up to me and pushed my hand with a smile. Arm, "Okay, student Bullock, don't you still have to go to the dean? Go quickly, don't make her wait for a long time."

After being reminded, I nodded politely to the female elf, then turned and left.

"Look." After walking a dozen steps, Princess Alisa suddenly turned her head and said to me with a smile, "It's the same as what I said, isn't it?"

Seeing her bright smile, I nodded subconsciously.

You elves don't know how to hunt at all (3)

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