"Hey, it looks like our hero is recovering well." As soon as he stepped into the office, Roland, who was sitting behind his desk, greeted him with such a cheerful face.

"Your publicity campaign is really exaggerated." I sat down on the chair with ease.

"This is all for our goal. Judging from the results, the effect is pretty good, right? Your heroism and activeness have brought a lot of impact to the public opinion outside." She rested her chin on one hand and smiled very happily. In a good mood, "How do you feel?"

"It's quite unexpected... I thought that even if this kind of thing spread to the outside world, not many people would believe it." I honestly expressed my thoughts.

"Indeed, people are more inclined to believe what they want to believe, and it is difficult for them to fully accept information that may subvert their own ideas. This time, if I simply used my own resources to spread the matter , I’m afraid it won’t cause too much trouble, just like the time you stopped Angelica’s rampage before, although it caused a sensation for a while, it faded out of the public’s sight within a month.”

"Isn't that because of your prank?" I gave her a blank look.

"You can't blame me for this kind of thing!" She raised her eyebrows, "I'm sure about this kind of thing. I'm responsible for most of the negative rumors you caused in the academy." Seal it well and prevent the matter from getting out. At most, it’s just to let the students and teachers here alienate you. "

"Even if that's not good for your claim?" I sighed, "Sometimes I really don't know whether you tried your best to get me here to help me or just to make fun of me. It doesn't affect the outside world, wouldn't you let me live a little more comfortably in this academy?"

"I, at the beginning, I didn't understand why I liked to tease you so much..." Roland said, narrowing his eyes with charming eyes, "Now that I think about it, maybe I just wanted to monopolize you."

I looked at her blankly: "Oh."

I have become immune to her teasing.

"This reaction is really boring." She sighed and got down to business. "In short, unlike the past, this incident has indeed brought a far-reaching impact on this country. After all, there are two key figures working together for You spoke up."

"Ah? Big shot? Who?" I froze for a moment.

"Of course it's Her Highness Alisa and Arsena. They both worked very hard to publicize your heroic deeds inside and outside the academy in the days just after the incident. Especially Arsena, she made it public My own gender is a big enough news to attract people, and naturally it has created a lot of momentum for your deeds. Thanks to them, no one dared to doubt me when I reported this matter to the palace. Fabricating the facts with one hand, you don’t know how ugly Tolivia’s expression was at that time.” Roland put on a proud face, and then smiled teasingly, “The two most powerful countries in the civilized world The princess is on your side, that's amazing, Bullock."

"I heard that... Arsena has become the crown prince." I remembered this.

"Yes, the first princess in the history of the founding of Helgia is the crown prince and the first queen in the future. It is you who let her untangle her heart and take this step. That's why she gives all the credit to This is also her gratitude to you."

I didn't reply for a while, and after a long time, I opened my mouth and said softly: "I... did I really do it?"

Is the indiscriminate disaster brought to our tribe by the feud between the two races finally coming to an end?

Hearing my words, Roland restrained his expression a little, and nodded seriously: "Yes, you did it, what we were looking forward to is already within reach. Now there are faint voices outside trying to negotiate with your tribe There is a tendency to overshadow the voices of resolutely calling for war. After all, war is too heavy a word for the people. For us who live long, the wounds of war at that time are far from healed. We lost too much in that war. Even if it is a battle with a high chance of winning, it is inevitable that some families may lose their family members again. The desire for peace is hidden in everyone's heart, but there are too many Things are pressing on it, politics, stereotypes, feuds... Now everyone is tired, all this time everyone just needs an opportunity, a reason to convince themselves to try to let go of prejudices, and you have successfully given this opportunity."

She lowered her eyes and eased the corners of her mouth, "For this goal, I have worked hard for decades, and you made this wish come true for me. Thank you, Brock. Really... Thank you."

I looked at her, thought for a while, and was about to say something, when she suddenly put her hand on her chest again, and then said with a meaningful expression: "As a thank you, I want to—"

"Forget it." The atmosphere suddenly took a turn for the worse, and I had a premonition that she was going to say the nonsense of "compensating with my body" in the next second, and I immediately interrupted her.

We've been together until now, and once I see her make such an expression, I can immediately guess what she's going to say.

It's really not more than three seconds, this guy.

She frowned pretending to be displeased: "Brock...you, are you really not interested in elves at all?"

"...No, no." When he said this, his tongue stumbled for no reason.

Roland immediately smirked as if he had caught a handle: "I'm hesitating!"

certainly not!It is impossible for me to have the slightest interest in you elves... probably.

Um?Why do I feel that the more I emphasize this sentence in my heart, the less confident I am...

It must be that I can't even hunt recently, my life is too boring and undisciplined, and my mind has become strange unconsciously, it must be so!

I tried to convince myself in my heart.

Seeing that Roland was about to say some teasing words again, I quickly brought the topic back on track: "You called me here just to talk about these things? I heard Her Highness Alisa, you seem to want to discuss something with me Yes."

"Ah, that's right." She tapped the table lightly with her knuckles as if she just remembered, "There is one thing I want to discuss with you. Actually, after your deeds spread outside, you will be in charge of the northern jurisdiction The guard team sent me a request, and asked me if I could use it to solve an incident."

"Huh? Wait for me." I froze for a moment, then immediately frowned, raised my hand to interrupt her, "You guys, don't you think I'm free labor?"

It is true that I participated in solving an incident that endangered this country, and I am very happy that through this incident, these elves can change our opinion, but the reason why I did it is ultimately due to personal reasons.One matter is another matter, I don't intend to be called around by these elves, even if I am a prisoner of war, this is related to the dignity of the orcs!

"I thought so too, and I declined at the time. I told the captain of the guard clearly that you came forward purely for me..." She clapped her hand on her chest pretending to be shy.

"Don't use such misleading terms!" I thumped the table angrily.

But she ignored my reaction at all, and continued on: "But the captain of the guard insisted on me thinking about it, saying that they are almost at their wit's end. If it was an orc, they might be able to resolve this matter successfully."

"What's the matter?"

What would make these proud elves think that I would be a suitable candidate? I couldn't help being a little curious, so I asked for the time being.

"It's hunting giant beasts that endanger the village. There is a village along the mountain about two days away from here. In the past half a month, a giant beast from the north has been attacking every now and then... Hmm? Brock, what's wrong with you? ?” Roland suddenly noticed something strange in my expression.

After a moment of silence, I slowly said, "I'll take it."


"I said I'll take this job!" I patted the table excitedly.

You elves don't know how to hunt at all (4)

"Oh? Why are you so motivated all of a sudden?" Roland raised his eyebrows.

"I haven't been able to find a place to hunt since the forest was gone, and my forehand is itching." I clapped my fists, thought about her description just now, and suddenly felt a little strange, "But wait a minute, you just said' Behemoths from the North' doesn't mean it's a species from the Wild of Beasts?"


"No, why do our species appear in the south? Your territory and the Wild Beast are still separated by the Northland Mountains."

The natural barrier that separates the civilized world built by the alliance races from the wild beasts that were once occupied by the demon king and are now inhabited by us orcs - the Northland Mountains, where the mountains are like knives and axes, and there are cliffs and cliffs everywhere , There is simply no way for land creatures to travel.The high mountain peaks are covered with ice all year round, while the lower mountainsides and valleys are occupied by strange and violent whirlwinds all the year round. Not to mention animals, not a few grasses grow.When our tribe migrated at the beginning, we could only choose to go around the Northland Mountains in a big circle, and move to the south through the great desert west of the Wild of Giant Beasts.It's hard to imagine the animals of Behemoth's Wild crossing the Northland Mountains to the south.

"The ones that attacked the village were flying species." Roland explained to me.

"What is it?"

"In the alliance's biological classification guide, it is called 'Storm Eagle', and you orcs... I remember you should call it 'Thunder Eagle'."

"Lightning Eagle?" I was slightly taken aback, "How could this kind of animal appear in the south? Has there been a Thunder Eagle here before?"

Roland shook his head: "At least for me, it's the first time in my life that this kind of creature appears in Saidian's territory."

This is really strange.

Lei Sculpture is one of the creatures at the top of the food chain in the Wild of Behemoths, the overlord of the sky, with a full-grown wingspan of nearly ten meters. It is a huge monster that can easily grab a wolf. It is ferocious in nature. Catching all flying animals is also a terrible disaster creature for our orc tribe.

It is indeed capable of crossing the steep mountains and flying south, but we have never observed a Thunder Eagle approaching the mountain range of the Field of Giants.It is unlikely that they will fly out of the Wild of Beasts, because there are not many prey that can satisfy them in size in the land outside of the Wild of Beasts.

"The first time this monster attacked the village was about a month ago. It first summoned a bolt of lightning to attack the village, and then swooped down to wreak havoc, causing damage to a large number of houses and considerable casualties. After that, it The village that was attacked twice." Roland explained the details of the incident to me.

"Is it intended to prey on domestic animals?"

Most of the tribes that Leidiao attacked the orcs also wanted to capture the animals we raised.There are indeed very few large prey suitable for them in the wild in the south, but the cattle or horses raised by humans should barely meet their requirements.

"Brock, you may not know much about it. Our elves are different from humans and you orcs. Generally, we don't raise livestock. We basically don't eat meat. The animals used for riding are also free-range. The Thunder Eagle has no The villagers were kidnapped for food. According to the report of the guards, the three attacks on it were only irregular attacks and then left. Moreover, according to the investigation of the surrounding areas, it did not attack only that village. Like It's like... venting your anger."

"Although the carnivores in the Wild of Behemoths are violent, they normally wouldn't attack like this again and again." I shook my head.

"No matter what, it appeared in the south and attacked our village. The guards have already evacuated the residents there, and have been organizing the hunting of the Thunder Eagle, but they have returned without success every time."

"It's not surprising."

The hunting difficulty of the Thunder Sculpture is also among the top among the various creatures in the Wild of Beasts. Most of the time, they hover at high altitudes and fly at an astonishingly fast speed.The most difficult thing is that they have the ability to control thunder and lightning. They can make the arc of lightning wrap their iron-like tough wings, making it impossible for arrows to get close, and they can also call thunderstorms directly in the sky.Even if the most experienced hunters of our orcs go hunting in a group, they may not be able to say that they have a sure chance of winning, let alone these elves who have almost no contact experience with this species.

"So, are you still willing to take over this mess?" Roland asked again.

"This...it's impossible for one person to hunt Thunder Eagle." I rubbed my forehead, and after knowing the target, I realized the difficulty of the situation, "I need some people."

"Of course I won't let you go alone. The guards will also assist you. Rather, they just hope to get some advice from you, and they are not going to trouble you."

"Other people are easy to talk about, but the most important thing is that a mage is needed to dispel the lightning around the Thunder Sculpture, otherwise the weapon will not be able to hurt it at all."


"That's right, it's common sense for us to have a shaman with us when hunting Lightning Sculptures. If there isn't one, we can only use an elf mage instead."

Roland blinked twice after hearing this, and then said, "Brock, an elf mage can't do that kind of thing."

"What?" I widened my eyes, "But... I think our shaman did it very easily."

Roland shook his head: "Our divine spells and your shaman spells use elements differently. Elf mages directly use their own power to control the elements, combining their own magic power with the existing elements. Melt or directly transform the magic power into elements, and then directly drive the elements according to their own will. The shaman mage communicates with the spirit of the elements to guide the power of the elements themselves to twist in the direction they want. The spells of the lightning department are used as For example, elves and mages generally convert magic power into thunder and lightning directly. But the method of shaman mages will be to call the thunderstorm clouds in nature, and then shoot down the thunder. If the elements are compared to a rushing river, the mages hope that the elements will follow the The direction in one's own heart is running, and the method of the elf mage is like taking a container to draw from it and then exerting effort to carry it. The method of the shaman mage is equivalent to digging a branch of a canal, and using the power of the element itself to let the element flow in the desired direction. "

"Does this have anything to do with being able to disperse the lightning from the Thunder Sculpture?"

"What I mean is that the shaman's elemental spellcasting is originally done by communicating with the elements, so they have the ability to guide the lightning summoned by the Thunder Sculpture to change the direction of flow, just like instigating the elements to instigate rebellion. But our spell system It directly dominates the elements, and the lightning summoned by the Thunder Sculpture is controlled by itself, and if you want to control the elements already dominated by the opponent for the second time, this kind of violent reversal consumes a lot of magic power, and the success rate is very low."

"Then it's going to be difficult." I touched my chin.

I have also participated in group hunting of Thunder Sculpture in the past, and all our tactics against Thunder Sculpture revolve around Shaman.

"It doesn't matter, there is a way to do this, can't you just do it?" Roland said, suddenly took out a notebook from the desk cabinet and slapped it on the table—it was her notebook transcribed in the orc language, "Anyway You still need a few days to recuperate, just take some time to learn, don't you already have the foundation?"

"It's really okay to sharpen your gun in front of the battle?" I was dumbfounded, "If you don't do it right, you will die!"

"You don't need to think too complicated. You don't need to fully master the spells of the elemental system. You only need to learn the most basic part, which is the calling and guidance of the elements." She smiled and patted her notes.

"You are full of confidence..."

"It's not me who is going to die anyway."

This guy has evolved to the point where he cheated me openly...

You elves don't know how to hunt at all (5)

"I understand the situation now." I paused for a moment, and followed the train of thought in my mind, "That is to say, the task I've been entrusted with now is to sharpen my spear and learn shaman spells by myself, without any actual combat experience. If you have the opportunity, replace the senior shaman who is the center of the team, and then bring a wave of rookie elves who have no hunting experience with giant beasts to deal with a Thunder Eagle who is known as the most dangerous and difficult to hunt in the wild of giant beasts, right? ?”

Sounds like I'm probably losing my mind about life...

Running towards a beast without considering the risks is not hunting at all, it is purely suicide.

"You can't say that, it's not bad for you, don't forget, we are still working hard to get Her Majesty Celestis to allow you to meet her. Now my proposal document should have been submitted It’s time for her to make decisions. Once she is allowed to meet with her, it basically means that she agrees with the peace proposal. Arsena’s matter has given us a pretty good card, and we are now It’s time to strike while the iron is hot. This is an opportunity, Brock, we are just one step away from our goal! Think about it, if you almost saved this country and take this credit, Her Majesty the Queen will still have What reason can I refuse to meet you?" Roland suddenly encouraged me vigorously, his tone was very similar to a mobilization speech before the war.

That's when I realized that this guy was going to mobilize me from the very beginning.

"Wait a minute, wouldn't it be worse if I failed? I always feel that I will be blamed in the end!" Thinking of my experiences in this country, I couldn't help scoring 12 points alert.

"Don't worry, don't forget that I'm going to take the blame for you, I don't intend to really stand by and watch." Roland waved his hand proudly.

"What? Are you going too?"

"How is that possible! The next semester is about to officially start, and it's time to get busy. How can we do it without me, the dean?"

"Then how are you going to help me?" I spread my hands.

"I made a good thing for you." Roland smiled meaningfully, raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, a vine in the potted plant in the corner grew wildly, curling up like a thick boa constrictor. The box, which was quite heavy when it stood up, was moved to the desk and put down firmly.

"Open it and have a look." Roland smiled and made a "please" gesture to me.

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