"Be obedient, "Nine Twenty." Hanyu Baisawa interrupted her again, stretched out his hand to hug her gently, put his head on her head, and said in a gentle voice:

"Don't worry, you have to have confidence in your husband. I'm still waiting for what you said at the beginning, give me a baby, a boy and a girl."

"I hate it~" Fei Yingli blushed immediately, even at this age, she couldn't help but act coquettishly.

"Okay, I'm leaving."

After Hanyu Shirasawa finished speaking, he kissed her and left the house.

He is going to drive his own car today.

Calculating the time, it will take at least five hours.

that's it.

time flies.

At one or two o'clock in the afternoon.

Hanyu Shirasawa came to Nagano Prefecture.

He was not in a hurry to go to the Twilight Villa, he had lunch in the city before continuing to set off.

Belmode's copy was in the Twilight Pavilion at the beginning, but he didn't know the exact address.

So this time.

Back to that place again.

Just ask someone a little bit.

Another three hours passed.

Around five in the afternoon.

He has come to the outside of the mountains in Nagano Prefecture and is asking in a small town. The answer he gets is to go straight along the mountain road in front of him.


"It's far enough."

Hanyu Shirasawa stood resting outside the car door, thinking about the plot in his mind.

Soon he thought of one thing, that is, in the original plot, it seemed that the car was blown up.

Involuntarily, he looked at his black Mazda, couldn't help shivering, and said in a low voice:

"No, it's too insane. Someone actually bombed the car. I remember not only bombing the car, but even the bridge that is the only way out. So, bombing the car is not superfluous?"

"Forget it, let's park the car here and rent a car later, or find a car in the small town to go in."

Hanyu Shirasawa decided not to drive in.

Just park your car in this small town.

So, he spent a little money and entrusted his car to a family to take care of it for a day, and then he started to wander around the town, planning to ask if anyone wanted to drive into the mountains.

But just outside.

I saw a small car parked not far away, and a familiar person alighted from the car, asking the owner of the small shop next to him for directions.

Hanyu Shirasawa narrowed his eyes, smiled and said hello: "Mr. Mori, why are you here?"

"Huh?" Mori Kogoro turned his head, and when he saw who it was, he said in surprise, "You are Mr. Hanyu, why are you here?"

"Mr. Hanyu!" Another surprised voice sounded from the car, and Xiaolan's head was seen poking out of the car window.

"Xiaolan, you're here too."

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, and when he was about to continue to say something, a yellow Beetle drove over slowly and stopped in front of them.

Window rolls down.

Dr. Ali's fat figure was revealed: "Mao Li, Xiao Lan, what a coincidence."

And on the seat next to him, there was another kid, it was Conan.


Everyone greeted for a while.

I am very curious about why we met so far away from Mihua Town.

As a result, everyone was very surprised except Hanyu Shirasawa's expression remained unchanged.

Because they all received the same commission letter, inviting them to the Twilight Annex in Nagano Prefecture.

One last discussion.

Dr. Ali stayed in the town.

Kogoro Mori drove the car, and took Ran, Hanyu Shirasawa, and Conan into the mountain together.

After entering the mountains.

Evening came.

There is only a little afterglow left in the sky, and most of the sky has been shrouded in darkness.


"Bang" sound.

The rear tire blew out.

"It's over!" Mori Kogoro yelled, "I remember that the car I rented didn't have a spare tire, so I'm in trouble now..."

"Mr. Mori, look ahead." Hanyu Shirasawa reminded.


Mori Kogoro looked forward.

I saw that there seemed to be a gas station in a place a hundred meters away.

Suddenly, he was ecstatic.

"I gonna go see."

Mori Kogoro got out of the car and trotted towards the gas station in the distance.

As soon as he leaves.

There were only three people left in the car.

Ran in the passenger seat, Hanyu Shirasawa and Conan in the back of the car.

Hanyu Baisawa looked at Conan, and said quietly: "Little ghost, don't you think it's inappropriate for you to say that you are here on behalf of Kudo Shinichi? After all, you are a child."

Conan rolled his eyes at this man, and it's not that he didn't know his identity, but when he thought of the presence of Xiaolan in the car, he immediately said with a silly smile: "I can call Brother Xinyi, so it means that he has arrived at the scene .”

"Xinyi." Xiaolan spoke at this moment, shaking her head: "He hasn't come to school for a long time, I think he might repeat a grade."


Conan wanted to cry, but he didn't expect that no one cared about his life after he hadn't gone to school for so long, but only cared about whether he would repeat a grade, which was really too painful.

Hanyu Shirasawa propped his hands on the window, looked out at the mountains, and continued to think about the plot.

He remembered.

The original book seems to have blown tires at this time.

Then Mori Kogoro also went to the opposite gas station to find a spare tire, but in the end he was tied up by the phantom thief Kidd at 3.0, and he disguised himself as him and went to the Twilight Annex.

There is a saying - say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be there.

As soon as he thought of this, Mori Kogoro came back, and he came back with a tire rolling.

Hanyu Baisawa narrowed his eyes, and thought to himself: "Do you want to reveal his identity directly? Forget it, don't worry. But why does this guy look a little strange, walking with a trace of girlishness?"

He just stared at Mori Kogoro walking over, paying close attention to his every move.

Sure enough, he was right just now.

This guy really has a problem, that thick waist will twist unnaturally, just like a woman would twist her waist naturally.


Thinking of this, he couldn't help but gasp, he didn't know what happened to Kaito Kidd, it felt a bit scary.

Chapter 0127: The Gathered Detectives

Change the tires.

Everyone started on the road again.

This little time wasted.

It successfully made the sky completely dark, and at the same time, thunder and lightning flashed overhead, and it rained heavily after a while.

Kogoro Mori even said that he found a shortcut from the owner of the gas station and turned from a flat mountain road to a muddy path. Everyone was shaking and almost vomited out the overnight meal.

However, it is indeed a shortcut.

Shaking for nearly an hour.

They turned into the flat mountain road again, and when they were halfway up the mountain, they saw the other building with faint lights on the mountain in the distance.

"It's so weird."

Xiaolan stared at the dimly lit annex in the distance, and said anxiously: "In this deep mountain and old forest, such a large place appears, it's almost like the lair in a vampire movie."

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled and said, "It's a bit like that. It's raining heavily outside, and there are lightning and thunder, and the entrustment letter to us is still black. Don't say it, the atmosphere is pretty good."

"Mr. Hanyu, don't talk about it..." Xiaolan already tightened her seat belt in fear.

Mori Kogoro comforted: "It's okay, Xiaolan. There are so many 29 of us, so we are not afraid at all."

Hanyu Shirasawa squinted his eyes and looked at Kogoro Mori who was driving.

But he noticed that the guy was also looking up at the rearview mirror above his head and staring at himself.

The eyes of the two people looked at each other in the mirror, and neither showed any abnormality. They just took a look and then looked away.

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