"Father! There is someone in front!" Xiaolan suddenly yelled out.

Mori Kogoro reacted very quickly, he stepped on the brakes when he heard the sound.

The car slid a distance.

Finally, it stopped when it was about to hit the person in front.

Under the light of the car lights, I also saw the figure holding an umbrella in front of me.

This is an elderly old woman, a short one, holding an umbrella and wearing glasses.

"Huh..." Mori Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief, and said with the rest of his life after the catastrophe, "I really almost ran into it."


heavy rain.

deep mountains.

An old woman holding an umbrella.

The combination of this series of things was originally a very weird thing, but after talking about it, I didn't think there was anything wrong.

simply put.

This is also a person who was invited to the Twilight Annex with Hanyu Shirasawa and the others.

Because the car broke down suddenly, there was no other way, so I could only stand on the side of the road and wait for the car to pass by, so I could hitch a ride.

In the car.

back row.

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at the old woman sitting next to him, and thought of the description in the original plot, he spoke proactively:

"Ma'am, you are a little familiar. If I remember correctly, you should be a detective. It is rumored that you can solve the case just by lying in an easy chair and listening to it. Right, the 63-year-old Qian Ms. Jiangdai?"

This woman is one of the initiators of this letter of entrustment, and she is also the daughter of Kyosuke Senma whom he met 40 years ago.

Not talking about him.

Just those words.

But the others in the car were shocked.

They never expected that an old-looking mother-in-law turned out to be such a famous person, and they had really heard of Qian Jianxiangdai.

"Are you really that one?" Xiao Lan couldn't help asking.

Qianjian smiled, and said kindly: "Oh, this is how people get old. Many things are inconvenient, so they sit in a chair and listen to other people's cases. I just didn't expect it to be passed on and passed on. Like this."

These words are already admitted.

When Conan heard this, he couldn't help tilting his head and staring at the old woman. She really didn't look like a famous detective.

"It's really you." Xiaolan exclaimed.

Chiken Yudai nodded, then looked at Hanyu Shirasawa next to him, and said quietly:

"Brother, your big name has been a big hit in my ears for the past few months. The success rate of commissions is [-]%, detective commissions, various disputes, and many things that are inconvenient to show up, as long as they can be entrusted to you, they can all be resolved. , is much better than an old man like me. Isn't that right, Mr. Hanyu Shirasawa?"

"It's okay." Hanyu Baize felt amused in his heart, only thinking that the old woman was responding to his disqualification just now.

After all, they all sent him entrustment letters, knowing that his situation was normal.

"Ms. Qianjian, do you know me?" Mori Kogoro also came to join in the fun.

Chiken Fuyo nodded: "Sleeping Kogoro, there have been a lot of reports about you recently."

"Haha, it's okay." Mori Kogoro laughed, his performance was very good, and his complacency was overflowing.


Even if the plot is different from the original.

But Mori Kogoro still has the title of "Sleeping Kogoro", and the culprit is still Conan.

There's no way, the attraction of these two people is too strong, even if they don't get together every day in the original book, they still meet occasionally now.

But as long as two people meet, there will be a case, so Conan has already used Mori Kogoro to solve many cases.

Of course, there are not as many original works, but they are still relatively well-known.

time flies.

Everything is spent in chat.


The car came to a fork in the road.

The sign on the left said "Twilight Annex", without hesitation, I drove directly to this road.

About another half hour passed.

There is a canyon in front of you, and there is a bridge connecting the opposite.

After driving across the bridge and going up the winding mountain road, 933 finally arrived at the destination this time - Twilight Villa.

Maybe they were the last ones to come.

When I came here, I found that there were already four small cars on the parking square, which meant that someone had already arrived in advance.

Then, led by the maid Ishihara Aki, they entered the lobby of the annex, and saw the rest of them at the same time.

Dashang Zhushan, male, 51 years old, nicknamed Gourmet Detective.

Motegi Haruki, male, 39 years old, detective, was attacked by the Mafia in Chicago.

Gunda Ikumi, female, 29 years old, a former coroner and now a detective, is a mature beauty with curly black hair.

Detective Baima, male, 17 years old, a high school student detective, his father is the police director of the Metropolitan Police Department.

The above four people, together with Hanyu Shirasawa and his group who just arrived, are all the staff who came to the Twilight Annex this time.


They discovered something was wrong here.

There are ancient bloodstains left in many places.

Even the maid Ishihara Aki was interviewed in front of the computer video, and the owner never appeared in this annex from the beginning to the end.

But soon.

It's time for dinner.

No matter what the reason is, no matter who is behind the scenes, everything should at least be discussed after dinner.

Chapter 0128: Bai Ze: This time I will be the villain

late at night.

In the mountains.

Twilight Annex.

Hanyu Shirasawa and his group had just arrived at the entrance of the restaurant, and with a swipe, the entire annex was cut off.

It was originally night, and this power outage can be said to be invisible.

"what's the situation?"

"Everyone be quiet, don't panic, just stand where you are."

Those present were all famous detectives, and they quickly recovered their composure. They took out their mobile phones one after another, and illuminated the place with the help of those little lights.

in the crowd.

The corners of Hanyu Shirasawa's mouth rose slightly.

The power outage this time was caused by the excuse that he went to the toilet when he came here before.

Among this group of people, he can be said to be the one who knows this place the best. At the beginning, Belmode took him to basically walk around here, and he even went into the secret room.

"Ha ha……"

"Blessings from the Great Master, Qianjian descended to the next generation, I'm sorry, but this time I will be the villain."

These thoughts flashed through his mind, and he stood up and said, "Could it be a trip? After all, it's thundering and raining outside."

"Let me go and have a look." Dashang Zhushan said, and walked towards the other side of the dark corridor with his mobile phone.

He has been looking for the treasure in this annex for the past two years. He is very familiar with the environment and knows where the switch is. He didn't suspect anything, and instinctively thought it was a simple trip.

But he didn't know that Hanyu Baisawa turned off the switch because he knew he was familiar with this place, just to lure him into the bait.

In a few minutes.

Just when everyone was waiting for a call.


There was an explosion in the depths of the corridor.

Suddenly, everyone's expressions changed.

The same is true for the generation of Qianjian, which is completely different from the plot she thought, and it is not her plan at all.

"No, something happened to Mr. Dashang." Tan Baima rushed over there with his mobile phone.

The others didn't dare to delay, and chose to keep up one after another.

Logically speaking, the old Qianjian should be the slowest runner, even she herself thought so.

But what everyone didn't notice was.

Hanyu Shirasawa ran last.

The footsteps were very light, as if there was no sound.

Just when Qianjian Jiangdai was about to turn a corner, she suddenly found someone covering her mouth. Before she could struggle, she felt a pain in the back of her neck and passed out.

This series of events happened very quickly and quietly.

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