No one noticed.

in a few minutes.

Hanyu Shirasawa returned to the dark corridor and came behind Mori Kogoro and the others, without letting anyone notice that he had just arrived.

Gunda Ikumi inspected the scene and came to a conclusion: "This is a trap made by someone with a grenade. Because it was too dark, Mr. Ogami came over and kicked off the fuse on the rope, so the explosion occurred". "

"Fortunately, there is still a distance from the switch." Mogi Haruki came to the switch and pushed it up.


The whole building lit up.

The darkness was dispelled, so that everyone's tense heartstrings slowed down.

Under the illumination of the lights, they also saw clearly the tragic appearance of Dashang Zhushan.

There is no too much description, anyway, after they took a look, they didn't want to take a second look.


Xiaolan made a sound, and said nervously, "Well, are we missing someone?"


Everyone was taken aback, and quickly looked at each other.

Hanyu Shirasawa, Ran, Conan, Mori Kogoro, Hakuba Detective, Gunda Ikumi, Motegi Haruki, Ishihara Aki...


They will know who is missing.

"Where is Miss Qianjian?"

"Isn't it still in front of the restaurant just now?"

"Let's go back and have a look."

The last sentence was agreed by everyone, and they returned to the room just now.

However, there are still no figures of Qianjian descendants here.

A bad premonition floated in the hearts of everyone.

Not waiting to speak.

Another "boom boom boom" explosion sounded.

Unanimously, they rushed out of this room and came to the hall. When they opened the door, they looked very solemn.

The five cars in the square outside have all been blown up, and they are emitting sparks and thick smoke, which is particularly dazzling in the rainy night.

A night wind blows.

They all shivered collectively, and felt a chill down their backs.

"Look at that." Hanyu Baisawa reminded at this time, looking at the forest in the distance, where there was a faint fire.

"Where is..." Xiaolan asked with some uncertainty.

Hanyu Baisawa said in a low voice: "It was the bridge we passed by when we came here. If there is no accident, it should have been blown up."

The car that exploded outside and the bridge that was blown up were not made by him.

This was prepared by Qianjian Jiangdai and Dashang Zhushan, and now that he has used it, it is equivalent to doing it himself.

"Oh, oh." Mogi Haruki made a teasing voice, but his face was very solemn: "Someone is trying to trap us here. Ms. Senma is missing, maybe something happened."

Guntian Ikumi asked: "¨‖What do you think?"

Baima Tan shook his head: "Let's go back to the hall first."

Everyone nodded, and went back to the hall silently. After all, the incident had already happened, and they couldn't escape even if they wanted to, so they could only think of countermeasures.

Conan walked at the back, looked at the group of people in front, and thought frantically in his mind: "No, the situation is very wrong. There is no owner of this annex, which means that the owner is among us. Ms. Qianjian really Was it an accident? Or is she the master here, and she is responsible for all this?"

"And, why?"

"Obviously everyone just came here, and the purpose of coming here is not known yet, and an accident happened. Why are you in such a hurry?"


Conan let out a deep breath, looked back at the dark forest, and felt that a pair of invisible big hands were manipulating everything.

Without thinking about it, he walked slowly into the living room and closed the door.

in the living room.

Everyone frowned tightly.

Thinking about what to do next (Nuo Li's).

for a long time.

Guntian Yumi looked at Aki Ishihara and asked, "Miss Ishihara, since you are a maid here, do you know what happened here?"

Aki Ishihara shook his head, and said nervously: "Actually, I don't know anything. I only applied for the maid here because the salary here is relatively high, and I have only been here for a few days."


Guntian Ikumi gave up the questioning.

"As for the situation here, I actually know something."

Baima Tan slowly stood in the middle, looked around at the crowd, and said calmly:

"Because of my father's position, I have learned about many major cases that have not been reported. In this place, there was a case 40 years ago that was not announced. This is why When I receive the entrustment letter, I will choose to come here."

"Brother, let's talk quickly." Motegi Haruki began to urge.

Chapter 0129: Only Xiaolan left

"Don't worry, say it right away."

Baima Tan shook his head, then restrained his expression, and slowly began to say:

"The owner of this annex was once one of the richest men in this country. But 40 years ago, at the age of 99, he passed away due to illness. One day later, the annex convened a meeting of people from all walks of life in the political and economic circles. The famous people from the other side will hold a secret meeting here."

"On the surface, it was to express the memory of Renye Karasuma, who passed away at the age of 99, but this secret meeting was for the auction of Renye Karasuma's collection during his lifetime."

"At that time, there were more than [-] items in the auction, so the entire auction was expected to last for three days and three nights, but it was a stormy night on the second night."

"In this annex, two people suddenly came and were covered in rain..."

"Okay." Hanyu Shirasawa interrupted him.


The hall fell silent.

Everyone else looked at Hanyu Shirasawa with inexplicable faces.

Tan Baima frowned and asked, "Mr. Hanyu, is there anything wrong with what I said?"

"There is indeed a problem."

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled and said, "What you want to say is probably because of some reason, they started killing each other, right?"

"Not bad." The white horse nodded.

"Ha ha……"

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, and quietly said:

"But I know one thing, which is even more bizarre than what you said. I don't know if you will listen?"

Everyone looked at each other, thought for a while, and nodded tacitly.

Tan Hakuba didn't say anything, he just stepped back and sat down, waiting for Hanyu Shirasawa's words.

"Things also start from 40 years ago."

"Renya Karasuma, who is already a hundred years old, has sensed the power of time and felt her own insignificance. In order not to let herself die, she is going to study the secret of immortality."

"Then, as the white horse brother said, call some famous people. But this time, they are not people from the political and economic circles, but a group of medical scientists, scientists, geneticists, and some other people. Top talent."

"The final result is not killing each other, and they all disappeared, including everyone in this annex. Well, this is another version I know, just for your reference."

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled mysteriously, glanced at Conan indistinctly, returned to his seat and sat down.

Conan didn't suspect that it was the head of the black organization, but just listened to this matter as a story.

After all, in his opinion, no matter what Bai Ma Tan didn't finish, or what Hanyu Bai Ze finished saying, they were all a little too fake and untrue.

"What." Motegi Haruki scratched his cheek: "In the end, it doesn't seem to help this matter."

Hanyu Baisawa pointed to the top of his head: "I think we should act separately and knock off all the cameras above our heads. No matter who is in the dark at that time, without these things staring at us, in such a big place, Even if someone wants to harm us, they can't judge where we will appear in the first place."

On the head.

It's actually a camera.

Basically every corridor and every room has cameras installed.

This is something that Hanyu Baisawa didn't think of before, he will go to the top floor later, destroy the computer there, and destroy the evidence that was photographed when he was doing something wrong.

"I think it's good." Gunida Ikumi agreed with the idea.

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Then let's start to act, be careful not to get too far away, and make a sound as soon as something happens."

that's it.

Everyone began to divide the work.

Hanyu Baisawa quickly went to the attic on the top floor and destroyed the computer. In order not to be repaired, all the broken hardware was broken.

After doing this.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, ready to start tonight's action.


In his own room, he changed into a servant's attire, covered his face, and then began to attack people.

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