The first is Haruki Motegi.

The process is quite simple.

After covering his face, he was not afraid of being exposed, and forcibly knocked the opponent face to face, and locked him in a secret room.

in the secret room.

Qianjian Jiangdai has woken up.

Looking at the figure in front of him throwing the unconscious Motegi Haruki on the ground, he asked in a deep voice:

"who are you?"

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't answer her, and walked out again.

This secret room was brought by Bermoder back then, and it is for people who have made mistakes. It can only be opened from the outside, and the inside cannot be opened no matter what.


Hanyu Shirasawa turned into a ghost.

(cjda) Start to clean up the people here one by one.

Ishihara Aki, Guntian Yumi, Baima Tan... These three didn't cause him any trouble, and he was locked in by him.

The rest is Conan, and the fake Mori Kogoro, maybe there will be a little trouble.

He hesitated.

Hanyu Shirasawa was the first to find Kogoro Mori.

When he found him, he was still holding a broom and was tapping on a camera overhead in a room.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, he turned his head naturally, and saw Hanyu Shirasawa who was wrapped up all over at a glance, and couldn't help squinting his eyes.

"Who are you?" He leaned against the wall vigilantly, using the broom in his hand as a weapon.


Hanyu Shirasawa spoke hoarsely, took out the Beretta M92F, tapped the broom in his hand, and signaled him to put it down.


Mori Kogoro's face darkened, and he really wanted to yell at him for not talking about martial arts, his eyes couldn't help aiming at random, thinking about how to get out.

Before he could think about it.

The figure in front of him rushed over fiercely.

"Wait a minute!" Mori Kogoro roared, threw the broom on the ground, and raised his hands: "Surrender, I surrender first."


The corner of Hanyu Shirasawa's mouth twitched, but he still stopped. After thinking for a while, he probably understood his thoughts, and a smile flashed deep in his eyes.

"Let's go."

Hoarse opened his mouth to let Kogoro Mori go out.


With such an honest cooperation, he was quickly taken to the secret room and locked in.

When he left, he said abruptly: "This secret room can only be opened from the outside, not from the inside."


Mori Kogoro's expression froze visible to the naked eye, and the corners of his eyes twitched violently.

Hanyu Baisawa understood very well why he was so honest just now, he must have wanted to escape by relying on his ingenuity, but what he said now directly shattered his fantasy.

"Damn it, I'm careless." Mori Kogoro slammed the wall hard, stood up and went to the door of the secret room, carefully inspecting the door.

"Don't waste your energy, I've already tried it." Motegi Haruki kindly reminded.

But Mori Kogoro was unmoved.

10 minute later.

The secret room door opened with a "click".

Hearing the sound, everyone's faces were overjoyed, and they thought Kogoro Moori had messed it up.

But the next second.

The person who arrested them threw a little devil in his hand, and closed the door of the secret room again.

"It's over now." Mogi Haruka sighed.

Conan got up from the ground, touched the panda eyes on his eyes, gritted his teeth, and said, "You bastard, even a child has such a heavy hand."

Inspector Baima glanced around, and said calmly: "There are also Mr. Hanyu and Miss Xiaolan. I hope they can find out about our arrest."

Conan whispered: "When I was thrown in just now, I quietly threw my watch at the door. If Mr. Hanyu found out, he should have noticed this door."

"I hope so..."

Everyone's desperate and stagnant hearts beat slightly again.

Chapter 0130: Mao Lilan Copy: 2/3


Xiaolan came back here with a wooden stick. Seeing that there was no one in the empty hall, she sat silently on a chair and waited.

This wait is half an hour.

at last.

She sensed something was wrong.


"Mr. Hanyu?"

"Are you there?"

The sound echoed in the annex, but after the reverberation~, there was a dead silence.

Xiaolan looked at the bright lights and everything around her, and began to panic inexplicably.

"Dad, don't be kidding me!"

"Where are you?"

Still no response.

Xiaolan couldn't help pinching her thigh, the pain made her understand that this was not a dream.

"What's the matter?"

She nervously opened the door and looked outside.

The heavy rain outside has stopped, but in the middle of the night, I still can't see my fingers.

Xiaolan swallowed a mouthful of saliva, closed the door again, picked up the wooden stick that had been put down before, and walked upstairs slowly.

"Mr. Hanyu, are you there?"

Every time she passed a room, she would nervously open the door and take a look.


"Mr. Hanyu?"

"Miss Guntian?"

Just like that, Xiao Lan searched all the rooms on the first floor, but found nothing, and her heart became completely uneasy.

Then comes the second layer.

After another long time, the voice became a little hoarse, but there was still no response at all.

the third floor.

this time.

Xiaolan couldn't bear it anymore, every time she yelled, there was a deep cry in her voice.

"Mr. Hanyu..."

Just when she opened a room and thought there would be no gains, she saw a person in the middle of the room.

First I was taken aback, and then I was delighted.

"Mr. Hanyu!" Xiaolan ran up to Hanyu Baisawa, almost crying with joy.

"Xiao Ran, what's wrong?" Hanyu Shirasawa asked pretending to be puzzled.

Xiaolan said excitedly: "It's bad! Dad and everyone are gone. I've searched all the rooms below, but there's no sign of them. Mr. Hanyu, what should we do?"

"Really? I didn't hear it just now. It should be that the sound insulation of the room is better. I'll go out and look for it."

After finishing speaking, Hanyu Shirasawa was about to go out.

But Xiaolan grabbed his wrist and hurriedly said: "It's not that I didn't hear it, there must be some accident, otherwise my father would not come back for such a long time, and he must not go alone."

"Then let's go together."

"This... okay."

Xiaolan thinks it's good, it's much safer than being alone.

Then the two of them started searching.

Hanyu Shirasawa began to lead the way, and intentionally or unintentionally stayed away from the secret room.

that's it.

I searched around deliberately led the way, but found nothing.

"Sure enough, something must have happened." Xiaolan was sure now.

Hanyu Baisawa put on a serious expression very appropriately, and said in a low voice: "Xiaolan, let's find a place to hide, then something must have happened. And it's not a small situation, otherwise it would be impossible Make everyone disappear."

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