"Then where do we hide?"

"Let's just take the room we had just now. That room is the biggest. Even if we encounter a situation, we can resist."

"it is good."


The two of them returned to the room they had just been in.

At the same time, he moved some things and blocked the door firmly, so that he breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiaolan sat on the bed, tightly hugging her knees.


She asked softly, "Mr. Hanyu, is everything you said before true?"

"whats the matter?"

"It was 40 years ago."

"It's all true." Hanyu Shirasawa nodded earnestly. He really wasn't lying, after all, he was the person who experienced it himself at the time.


Xiaolan's face was pale, and she cried and said, "Mr. Hanyu, do you think there is a possibility..."

"What is possible?"

"This is really the lair of vampires. Dad and the others must have been captured by vampires, otherwise they wouldn't all disappear at once."


Hanyu Shirasawa was speechless, looking at the girl's teary eyes, he couldn't help but smile.

He sat on the edge of the bed, gently touched the bedding on the bed, and said slowly:

"Xiao Lan, do you want to know the story that happened in this room?"

"Huh? Does Mr. Hanyu know the story that happened in this room?"

"Yes. It was also 40 years ago that the eldest lady of this annex had her first male servant, but fell in love with him. But the grandfather of the eldest lady was the owner of this annex. Very scary guy. One day, the eldest lady suddenly said that she wanted to escape from here, and the male servant agreed without thinking."

"So, they found a suitable night, and that night was also lightning and thunder. They escaped from here and fell badly in the forest. But when they came to the canyon at the edge of the forest, they found this building The annex is surrounded by a canyon, and the only exit is the bridge."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????????????

"They took advantage of the darkness to come to the bridge. But the owner here already knew that they were fleeing, so he asked people to guard the only way out. The male servant took the initiative to attract the group of people in order to let the young lady escape. Let the eldest lady successfully cross the bridge."

Having said that, Hanyu Shirasawa stopped.

Xiaolan couldn't help asking: "What about the back?"

"The back." Hanyu Shirasawa sighed: "The back is a tragedy. The male servant was locked in a dark dungeon for 20 years, and the eldest lady became a murderous executioner. They met 20 years later, but they didn't get along for a month , just one separation. This time, it is still 20 years."

...................... 0

"Have they met again?" Xiao Lan asked with blinking eyes.

"of course."

"Mr. Hanyu, how did you know?"

"Because..." Hanyu Baisawa looked into her eyes and said word by word: "This is the power of the monster. The power of the monster allows me to know everything, little one..."

Xiaolan's eyes gradually widened, she subconsciously reached out her hand to cover her mouth, and asked incredulously, "Mr. Hanyu, what did you call me just now?"

Hanyu Baisawa smiled, stretched out his hand to rub her head, and said softly, "Little one, have you forgotten me so soon?"

"Youkai...brother...you are the monster brother! You..." Xiaolan wanted to say something, but she couldn't say anything. She bumped her head into the man's arms and kept crying.

"Sorry~" Hanyu Shirasawa stroked her hair, and said helplessly, "Because the monster's power recovers slowly, so the memory recovers relatively slowly."

Xiaolan raised her head, choked with sobs and said, "Then... how can we speed up?"

"This...it's inconvenient to tell you."

"Brother Monster, I can help you, right?"

"I can't say it. As a monster, if you don't agree to what I say to you, I will lose my memory again."

"I..." Xiaolan hesitated for a moment, wiped away the tears from her eyes, and said firmly: "Brother Monster, don't worry, I will definitely not let you lose your memory."

Hanyu Shirasawa lowered his head and whispered softly in the girl's ear.

Listen and listen.

The girl's ears turned red, spreading to her face, and finally to her neck.


She shyly spit out an inaudible voice:

"I...no problem...youkai...brother..."

Chapter 0131: Mission complete, Kuroba Chikage?

Words are long.

Nothing is short.

blink of an eye.

The night passed.

Hanyu Shirasawa opened his eyes and opened his system panel at the same time.

【Host: Hanyu Shirasawa】


[Abilities: Bullet Time, Invulnerability to Hundred Poisons, Internal Breathing, Absorption]

[Equipment: Beretta M92F unlimited bullet version, smoke bomb unlimited version, high-explosive grenade unlimited version, flash bomb unlimited version]

Read the panel.

Unable to bear it, he clicked on Xiaolan's name again.

[Dungeon: Mao Lilan (3/3)]

[Customs Clearance Condition: A Hundred Years of Good Cooperation]

[Quest Reward: Zanpakutō]

Hanyu Baisawa let out a long breath, slowly stretched out a "[-]" hand, and silently began to use the ability of "adsorption".

He just put his hands on the bed.

Sure enough, there is an adsorption force, so that the things stuck to his hands will not fall off, which is exactly what he thought, this is the same ability as Spiderman, which can crawl freely on the wall.

Without further experiments, he looked at Xiaolan in his arms, looked at her trembling eyelashes, and said softly:

"Xiao Lan, open your eyes, I know you're awake."


Xiaolan knew she couldn't pretend anymore, and when she opened her eyes, her face quickly turned red, she didn't dare to look at Hanyu Shirasawa, she just said in a low voice:

"Brother monster, good morning."

"Change your name."

"Hmm...Brother Bai Ze, is this okay?"

"Of course." Hanyu Baisawa smiled, then got up and started dressing, turning his back to the girl behind him, so as not to put pressure on her.


Soon there was the sound of dressing.

When he turned around, Xiaolan was already dressed, with an expression on her face as if nothing had happened.

However, how could nothing really happen, it was just deceiving oneself.

for a long time.

Xiaolan couldn't help asking: "Brother Bai Ze, if you don't lose your memory again, will that really work?"

"Of course." Hanyu Shirasawa said righteously, "I'm a monster after all."

"But..." Xiaolan's cheeks that had just returned to normal turned red again: "But I always feel that something is wrong."

Hanyu Shirasawa felt a little guilty.

After all, to deceive an ignorant girl like this, I feel somewhat bad.

"Cough cough."

He coughed twice and changed the subject directly: "Xiaolan, it's dawn now, let's go find everyone and see if we can find it."


Xiaolan nodded obediently, frowned and endured the pain, and began to clean up the things blocking the door.

Only from time to time, those beautiful eyes would look at Hanyu Shirasawa, but quickly moved away.


The things blocking the door were cleared.

Hanyu Shirasawa stretched out his hand and looked at Xiaolan.

Xiaolan lowered her head in embarrassment, and stretched out her hand shyly to hold Hanyu Shirasawa's hand.


The two looked for someone in the other hall again.

This time, Hanyu Baisawa didn't lead the way blindly, and went directly to the direction of the secret room.

Not long after, a watch was found in a corner.

"Is this Conan's?" Hanyu Shirasawa bent down to pick it up and asked.

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