Xiaolan thought for a while, and said pleasantly: "Yes, it seems to be Conan's, but why did it fall here?"

Hanyu Shirasawa raised his head, looked around, and began to reach out and fumble again.

As if inadvertently, as if destined to touch a lamp on the wall.

Just listen to the "click" sound!

The wall split open, revealing a room inside.


The people inside saw them too.

Suddenly, an ecstatic voice sounded.


"I'm saved, I thought I was going to starve to death here."

"Go, go, get out, I really don't want to stay in this dark environment."

A group of people made a lot of noise and got out of the secret room.

"Dad!" Xiaolan looked at her father in the crowd and shouted excitedly.

"Xiao Lan!" Mori Kogoro's expression was also very excited: "It's great that you are fine. By the way, you didn't have an accident last night, right?"

"No...no." Xiaolan blushed, "Yesterday we found out that you were missing, so we found a room to hide and didn't come out until dawn."

"Stop talking, let's go out."

"Yes, I don't want to stay in this annex."

"it is good."

I don't know who said it, and everyone started to walk downstairs.

Hanyu Shirasawa fell to the back, grabbed Mouri Kogoro's hand, and said in a low voice under his puzzled eyes:

"You're not really Mr. Mori, are you? Phantom Thief Kidd..."

"Phantom Thief Kidd? I'm not!" Mori Kogoro said innocently.

"It seems that you don't cry when you don't see the coffin." Hanyu Shirasawa was about to make a move.

But next second.

Kogoro Mori made a slightly sexy female voice:

"I've said it all, I'm not Phantom Thief Kidd."


Hanyu Shirasawa was startled.

He shook off Kogoro Mori's hand violently, and couldn't help but take a few steps back. No wonder he felt that Kogoro Mori was a bit abnormal last night. It turned out to be a woman.

The people Moori Kogoro watched had already gone downstairs, and he didn't notice the two of them. He pulled his cheeks directly, revealing a beautiful face and short dark red hair.

"It's you!" Hanyu Baisawa recognized this woman, who was the one I saw at the Kubado Department Store the afternoon before yesterday: "Who the hell are you?"

"Me?" The woman smiled, looked at him meaningfully, and said softly, "You can call me—Lady Strange Thief."

"Phantom thief lady?"

Hanyu Shirasawa was taken aback for a moment, then quickly remembered who the woman in front of him was, and subconsciously blurted out:

"A female with twenty faces in the Showa era, Kuroba Chikage?"

Qianying had a normal expression just now, but when she heard the last four words, she was stunned.


She slapped him with a slap, aiming directly at Hanyu Shirasawa's 3.0 cheek.

"Bullet time." Hanyu Shirasawa subconsciously activated his motion, and easily blocked it with his hand.

Before he could say anything.

The woman opposite had already yelled, "Hanyu Shirasawa! You bastard!"

When you're done, turn around and run.

Hanyu Baisawa stared blankly at her back, and murmured: "She...why is she crying?"

Just now he saw very clearly that the phantom thief lady, the mother of Kaito Kuroba in the original novel, ran away with red eyes and tears.


"Could she have... something to do with me?"

Hanyu Shirasawa thought of Shizuka Ikebo last time, and now there is an extra lady phantom thief, which doesn't seem to be an unacceptable thing.

But now everyone has run away, so I can only explain it slowly when I meet in the future.


With a sigh, he went downstairs silently.

Chapter 0132: Another original wife

Come outside the annex.

Hanyu Shirasawa noticed that there seemed to be something wrong with the way everyone looked at him.

Conan, Sengen Koyo, Hakuba Tan, Gunta Ikumi, Motegi Haruhi, Ishihara Aki...these six all had a hint of vigilance in their eyes.

Only Xiaolan remained unchanged from the beginning to the end, and asked curiously, "Brother Bai Ze, where is my father?"

"Uh..." Hanyu Baisawa thought of the scene just now, and said helplessly, "Xiao Lan, you might not believe me, Mr. Mori has been dropped by someone long ago, and the one inside is a fake."


Xiaolan was stunned.

The vigilance in the eyes of others disappeared, and it began to turn into thinking.

They just saw that Hanyu Shirasawa and Mori Kogoro hadn't come out, and that Mori Kogoro was locked up with them, so they instinctively suspected that the man behind all this was Hanyu Shirasawa.

But now that he heard the news that Mori Kogoro was a fake, he felt that things might not be as simple as he thought.

"I...I..." Xiaolan came back to her senses, and hurriedly said, "Brother Bai Ze, what about my father? 29 Who is pretending to be him?"

"Xiaolan, do you still remember the gas station we passed by last night? Mr. Maori was probably tied up there and then dropped his bag. As for who it is, it should be a strange thief..."

Hanyu Shirasawa stopped talking at the end and let everyone make up their own minds.

"Phantom Thief Kidd?" Everyone guessed what the next two words were.

After all, the name of the invitation letter this time was sent in the name of Kaitou Kidd.

in the crowd.

Only Qianjian descended from what everyone thought was different.

After all, in the original plot, she should be the one behind the scenes.

But what happened now broke her plan and made the thoughts in her mind dissipate in an instant.

This time the incident successfully hit her, and made her realize once what it means to have people beyond people, and mountains beyond mountains.

"Ah, ah." Motegi Haruki held his head in both hands, and said bitterly: "The only bridge that went out last night was bombed, and now there is no signal on the mobile phone. It seems that we will be trapped here for a while."

"Don't worry." Baima Tan showed a confident smile on his face: "I have already made an agreement with my family when I came here. If there is no news the next day, I will send a helicopter to find me. I think it should be About to arrive."

"Abuse of power." Motegi Haruhime's eyes lit up, and the corners of his mouth rose: "But I like eclectic people like you."

The words just fell.

A black dot appeared in the distant sky.

Soon everyone will see clearly.

It was a police helicopter.

Now, everyone looked at Bai Ma Tan with a little kindness.

But it didn't take long.

Something troubled them.

Because they have a lot of people here, one helicopter is not enough.

In the end, it was Hanyu Shirasawa, Xiaolan, and Conan who suggested that they should be sent to the gas station they passed by the night before, and then the helicopter would come back to pick up the others.

So ever.

The three of them left first.

He quickly came to the previous gas station, and successfully found the tight-knit Mouri Kogoro who was tied up inside.


Xiaolan stepped forward and quickly untied the tape on her father's mouth and the rope on his body.

"Huh... almost suffocated me!" Maoli Kogoro panted heavily: "Bastard! I don't know which bastard dared to tie me up and keep me cold here all night. By the way, what's your situation? "

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled and told what happened.

Of course, the part with Xiaolan is ambiguous, making it impossible to hear anything wrong.


Mori Kogoro yelled, then rolled his eyes, subconsciously fell backwards, and muttered to himself: "It's over, it's over. The rented car was blown up, how much do I have to pay for it... ..."


Hanyu Shirasawa and the others were a little bit dumbfounded.

Waited here for an hour.

Finally, the car from the town came to pick them up.

Because there happened to be a signal at the gas station, they called for help, so a car came to pick them up.

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