Another hour passed.

Hanyu Shirasawa and the others returned to the small town.

"Mr. Hanyu, Uncle Mori, Sister Xiaolan, I'm going to find Dr. Ali first." Conan greeted each one obediently, turned and ran.

"Mr. Mori, Xiaolan." Hanyu Baisawa said: "My car is also in the town, why don't you two be my car and go back?"

"Alas..." Mori Kogoro shook his head: "Mr. Hanyu, let Xiaolan go back with you. My car is rented in Nagano Prefecture. I have to discuss the compensation. I will also go to Ari Doctor. I'll leave Xiaolan to you."

After finishing speaking, he bowed politely, turned around and chased after Conan with big strides.

Hanyu Baisawa looked at Xiaolan and smiled at her. This girl has only become a woman, and he probably hasn't realized it yet.

He stretched out his hand, hugged her, and said softly, "Do you want to play in Nagano County?"

"Hmm..." Xiao Lan blushed slightly, and said embarrassedly, "Brother Bai Ze, let's go back to Mi Hua first."

"Okay, listen to you. You wait here, I'll go and drive the car."

Hanyu Shirasawa liked this girl very much.

He remembered that when Xiaolan was in the original book, she was very timid, and her force value was so high, but once she was frightened, her force value plummeted.

It's the same when I'm shy, as if 970 has become a very ordinary little girl, with no ability to resist at all.

And her innocence, kindness, devotion to feelings, hardworking and thrifty housekeeping, smart at times, and cute at other times, these series of advantages combined make it difficult for people not to like her.

Just thinking about it.

He came to the house where the car was parked.

He found no one at home, so he didn't care about anything, after all the money was given, so he just drove away by himself.

Although he didn't say anything, he still wrote a note and stuffed it in through the door.


Hanyu Shirasawa opened the car door and sat in.

But next second.

A cold object hit the back of his head.

At the same time, he looked at the rearview mirror above his head in the car, and he also saw clearly the appearance of the people behind him.

She has short blond hair with small waves, a strand of curly hair in front of her forehead, dark green pupils, eye creases and lower eyeliner under her eyes, and raised corners of her eyes. She is a very mature beauty.

"you are?"

Hanyu Shirasawa asked, not paying attention to the gun on the back of his head.

Because when he saw this woman, he probably already knew who it was. After all, this person is still highly recognizable, and she is not some unknown person.

It just made him a little puzzled why the other party appeared in this place.

Chapter 0133: Concubine Eri and Yukiko are here

"who am I?"

The woman smiled, very inexplicably, creepy.

half an hour.

Her laughter stopped, her expression also restrained, and she said with a cold face:

"Hanyu you really not know who I am?"


Hanyu Shirasawa thought about it, hesitated for a while, and decided to speak out.

But just when I was about to say it, I thought of the situation of the strange thief lady in the Twilight Annex, so I tentatively said:

"You are... Se... Sera Mari, right?"

If you put it this way, the explanation may not be very clear, but you can understand it in another way.

This Sera Marie is the mother of Akai Shuichi in the original book, also called Akai Marie. Of course, she has two children, a son Haneda Hideyoshi, and a daughter Sera Masumi. It can be said that they are quite popular characters later.

For some reason, the second son changed his surname, and the daughter followed his own surname, so she was called Shiliang Zhenchun.

" really know my name."

Sera Marie loaded the pistol she was holding while sneering.

"Wait!" Hanyu Baisawa hurriedly said, "Can you stop shooting in the car, I have to pay for repairs if I break the facility, why don't we go outside?"

"You think you're going to get me?" Sera Marie said in a very upset tone.

Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged: "I am very confident in myself, even if you stand in front of me and shoot, you will not be able to hit me. Of course, if we have known each other before, you should know that I am not lying."

The words fall.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

It's eerily quiet in the car.

Hanyu Shirasawa's breathing gradually disappeared, and he directly turned to internal breathing, leaving only the slight breathing sound of Sera Marie echoing in the car.

half an hour.

Sera Marie spoke: "How do you know we've met before?"

Hanyu Shirasawa turned his head, stared at the mature and beautiful woman behind him, and couldn't help being speechless.

You must know that this woman is already 53 years old in the original book, but she still looks similar to Fei Yingli and the others, which is outrageous.

He even had some doubts, whether the other party had taken some anti-aging medicine like Belmode, and this was still very possible.

After all, it is not like the original at this moment, and it is uncertain whether it will become smaller again.

"I'll ask you another question." Sera Marie frowned.

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled: "It's not convenient to say."

The real reason is that the other party is different from the original book, and the name has not been changed. The only thing that can cause this result is his system, so he made a bold judgment. This person must have something to do with him, but he doesn't know where it is. kind of relationship.

But judging from the tasks of the system, most of the relationships must be the same as Belmode and the others.


Sera Marie let out a long breath, put down her pistol, opened the car door and walked outside.

When he was about to leave, he turned his head and took a deep look at him, his eyes were full of complexities, and in the end he no longer cared about him, and left with big strides.

Not long after gone.

The phone on him rang.

After connecting, she said, "Thank you for the information, Qianying."

"No need." The woman on the opposite side said with a smile: "Mary, have you met him? Is that the person you are looking for?"

"do not know……"

"do not know?"

"Yeah, although they look the same, there is something wrong." Sera Marie said, her breath that was still cold just now suddenly became sluggish, looking a little decadent.

"That's it~" The voice of the woman named Qianying seemed to have something inexplicable and unclear.



the other side.

Regarding Sera Mari's departure, Hanyu Shirasawa didn't say anything.

After all, he doesn't know what happened, so he won't stop it. He can only solve the woman's matter slowly after going through the dungeon later.

Don't think too much.

He drove out of the town.

It's just that when I came here, I found a taxi, and there were two women surrounding Xiaolan who didn't know what to say.

They are Fei Yingli and Yukiko.

Hanyu Baisawa stopped the car, walked up to the two women and asked, "Why are you here?"

"Bai Ze!!" The two girls shouted in surprise, and threw themselves into his arms.

This scene stunned the taxi driver, and the next second he became envious and jealous.

Then I didn't even need the fare, and started the taxi directly, and there was a 360-degree drift, going back and forth wherever I went.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at the two women with a funny face, and at this moment he deeply realized what it means to hug left and right.

"You still have the nerve to say it." Feiyingli thumped him lightly: "Yesterday you left in the morning, and I called you in the evening, but I couldn't get through. I also thought that the entrustment letter looked very unlucky, and thought you Something happened, so I rushed over overnight."

"That's right!" You Xizi's tone was also quite dissatisfied: "If Yingli told me that I didn't know, and didn't know to report to us for safety, do you think we can not worry?"

"¨‖Sorry sorry, my fault for making you worry so much."

Hanyu Shirasawa comforted the two girls, still very moved in his heart.

At the same time, I also understand why they are so anxious. After all, he has a criminal record, and it has been nearly 20 years since he disappeared.

Even if I had made up a lie and explained the reason for the disappearance to them last time, I guess I was still not at ease, so I came here to see for myself.

He hugged the two girls tightly.

this moment.

Only then did he deeply realize that he was no longer alone when he just crossed over. Now he already has people who care about him and people who worry about him, so he can't have any accidents, otherwise he won't be the only one who is sorry .


He saw Xiaolan next to him.

At this time, Xiaolan just stared at herself silently, with complicated emotions in her eyes, and she seemed to have something on her mind.

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