Especially when he looked over, he quickly lowered his head, and his two little hands were disturbed together, making people feel extraordinarily pitiful.

"It's too bad (Nuo Zhao Zhao), Xiaolan has to deal with it here."

Hanyu Shirasawa said inwardly that he was not good, then looked at Fei Yingli and Yukiko who were being held in his arms, struggled for a while, then gritted his teeth and said:

"Eri, Yukiko, um... how should I put it... I have something to confess to you."

"What?" The two girls were puzzled.

"Uh..." Hanyu Baisawa said with a wry smile, "It's about Xiaolan, I still have to let you know."


Xiaolan, who was secretly sad next to her, suddenly raised her head, her beautiful reddish eyes were filled with disbelief, and she just stared straight at Hanyu Shirasawa.

Seeing the other party smile gently at her, Xiao Lan suddenly panicked:

"Brother Bai Ze! Don't say it! I won't care..."


It's too late.

In order not to make this kind girl sad, Hanyu Baisawa chose to tell the truth. After all, one day he will have to face it, so it would be better to speak up earlier.

Chapter 0134: Confess with the two girls about Xiaolan

A black Mazda is driving on the way to Dongying.

Of course Hanyu Shirasawa was driving, but the passenger seat was empty.

It's not that no one is willing to take the co-pilot seat this time, but Fei Yingli and Yukiko, the two women, pulled Xiaolan to sit in the back seat together.

"My poor little Lan!"

"Yeah, you are so young, why do you have to suffer this pain..."

Fei Yingli and Yukiko, now each hugging Xiaolan's side, began to comfort the girl here.

At this time, Xiaolan's face was flushed, and she said awkwardly: "Aunt Concubine, Aunt Xizi, I'm fine, you don't need to do this."

"How could it be all right?" Fei Yingli touched Xiaolan's cheek pitifully, looking at her as if she was looking at her own daughter.


Her expression changed, into a vicious look, and she yelled at Hanyu Shirasawa who was driving:

"You bastard! How did you do it? And you lied to her? Doesn't your conscience hurt? "


Hanyu Shirasawa has already told these two women what happened in the Twilight Annex.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for these two women to be so emotional.

You Xizi said viciously: "Damn it, we should call the police and arrest him to 980."


Fei Yingli's expression froze, and she gave her best friend an angry look. Although she was speaking in anger, she really hadn't thought about it that way.

"It's really all right~" Xiaolan blushed, feeling uncomfortable and whispered: "Besides, if you don't do this, Brother Bai Ze will lose his memory, I don't want him to forget me again .”

It's okay not to say this.

The two girls almost spit out a mouthful of blood when they said it.

They really didn't expect that Xiaolan was already a big girl, and she still believed in such things as monsters in the world. At that time, after they heard the truth, they only felt that their three views were shattered. A distressed girl.

You Xizi patted her little head, and said angrily: "Xiaolan, we told you that he is not a monster, you were deceived by him."

"But I have seen it with my own eyes." Xiaolan's tone and expression were very stubborn.


Feiyingli and Youxizi glanced at each other, and they both saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

At the same time, he glanced at Hanyu Shirasawa who was driving silently, pretending to be dead all the time and not talking, feeling so depressed.


(cjda) The two women nodded in unison, as if they had made up their minds.

"Xiao Lan, let me tell you the truth."


The two women told Xiaolan about Hanyu Baisawa fooling them before.

And the explanation is quite clear, I'm afraid this girl can't understand.

"So." Fei Yingli said seriously: "Xiaolan, this is really a lie. He probably had a premonition that he would disappear, so he told you that."

"Really...really?" Xiaolan was a little unconvinced, and looked at the back of the driver: "Brother Bai Ze, is this true?"

Hanyu Shirasawa knew that he could no longer pretend to be dead, so he could only speak:

"Yes, Ran, just like Yukiko Eri said, I'm not a monster."


Xiaolan's whole face turned red, as if her whole body was about to smoke.

Thinking of what happened last night, the shy person almost fainted.

half an hour.

She didn't know what to say, so she could only answer weakly: "I know, it turned out to be like this. But it's also amazing, you can go back to the past."

"It's hopeless." You Xizi patted herself on the forehead, feeling that this girl is completely trapped, and that her competitor has another idiot, which is really outrageous.

Fei Yingli thought more.

From being filled with righteous indignation at the beginning, he gradually turned calm, and asked Hanyu Shirasawa with some worry:

"Bai Ze, why did you lie to Xiao Lan? The secret of your being able to go back to the past, is there something that you haven't explained clearly to us, is there any sequelae?"


Xiaolan and Youxizi were taken aback for a moment, and then they also realized that it seemed to be true, otherwise everything would not make sense.

Ever since, Hanyu Baisawa clearly felt two more pairs of worried eyes looking at him behind him.


He sighed helplessly, feeling that he was going to start making excuses again, thought for a while, and said slowly:

"There are indeed some side effects, which I don't know very well. But every time I go back to the past, I have a strong feeling in my heart that I want to find someone from that time. Eri, Yukiko, and Xiaolan are also because I have such a It’s a feeling, that’s why it appears by your side.”

"What's the side effect?" Fei Yingli asked.

"I don't know." Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head: "But one thing is for sure, you must love you to get rid of that feeling. If there is no way to do it, the consequence may be..."

He paused at this point, and finally uttered a word that made the hearts of the three women tremble: "Death!"


The atmosphere in the car froze.

for a long time.

Xiaolan said firmly, "I won't let brother Bai Ze die."


The corners of Fei Yingli and Yukiko's mouths twitched.

Hearing what this girl said, I knew that this girl was thinking too simply, she must have been fooled.

But although they didn't believe it, they knew that there must be side effects, so even if it wasn't as serious as Hanyu Shirasawa said, the consequences would definitely be serious.

Involuntarily, they were not so repulsive in their hearts anymore, even if some women appeared in the end, they could still accept them reluctantly.

After all, compared with the danger of his own man's life, having more women is nothing at all.

"Sigh." Fei Yingli sighed: "Bai Ze, please explain to us clearly in the future, we are not unreasonable people."

You Xizi pouted, and said sourly, "Have you traveled back recently? Have you offended any woman?"

"Uh..." Hanyu Shirasawa wanted to lie, but he couldn't get it out of his mouth, so he simply kept silent.

This time.

Fei Yingli and Yukiko understood.

There must be.

When they think of this, they feel so tired, they really want to show off completely, but they don't want to take advantage of others for nothing.

"Who is it?" Fei Yingli asked.

"Ahem." Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, "I don't know."

"Why don't you know?"

"Time is such a wonderful thing. There was a woman who said that I was her husband before, but I had no memory, and she was not allowed to touch her. She said that I would go back to find her when I had a memory. So I thought, I It shouldn’t be long before we go back to the past.”

"Damn it! This is too foul." You Xizi hammered the seat angrily, but there was nothing he could do.

Among the three of them.

It is estimated that only Xiaolan is the happiest.

Now that the most serious matter has been resolved, there is no need to worry about being with his elder brother Bai Ze.

Thinking of this, she narrowed her eyes happily.

Chapter 0135: Miwako Sato suspects Bai Ze

Time flickers.

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