in the afternoon.

In Higashi Sakura City.

In the car.

Hanyu Shirasawa twisted his stiff neck, glanced at the tired three girls in the rearview mirror, and said with a smile:

"Okay, we'll be there soon. Go through the small Buddha tunnel in front and you will arrive at Mihua. Everyone is holding on for a while."


Three feeble voices responded.

Especially Fei Yingli and Yukiko, they went to Nagano Prefecture overnight, and now they basically took the bus for a whole day again~, they were really tired and sleepy.

Although Xiaolan rested, she was beaten badly by Hanyu Shirasawa, her injuries are still not healed, and she is also very tired at this moment.


Go through Xiaofu Tunnel.

But everything in front of him made Hanyu Shirasawa step on the brakes.

"You guys rest in the car for a while, I'll go and see what's going on."

After speaking, he got out of the car.

Because the exit in front of me was blocked by several police cars, preventing people from passing through.

As soon as he approached, he saw Police Officer Megure and Miwako Sato.

There were quite a few people beside him, the three kids from the Detective Boys, Judy from the FBI, and even Shuuichi Akai who covered most of his face, and Tomoaki Shinde who was disguised in the original book, and they didn't know each other Is it me.

Their eyes were all on a bus parked obliquely in the middle of the road.

"It's not good, Hui Huiyuan is still in the car, she didn't get off, she is about to explode."

Suddenly, Ayumi let out an exclamation.

It made many people's expressions change.

Hanyu Shirasawa was even more taken aback, and then he reacted, and immediately rushed towards the bus.

"Shirasawa?" Miwako Sato was surprised, she didn't expect the other party to appear here.

"Oops!" Police Officer Mu Mu and the others felt a little thumping in their hearts.

You must know that there is a bomb in the bus, and it is about to explode. If you rush up at this time, you are looking for death.

next second.

There was the sound of glass breaking.

Seeing Hanyu Baisawa flying out of the front window of the bus, holding a small person in his arms, he just landed and rolled in a circle to relieve the force, but bad things still happened.

A loud bang!

The bus exploded, sending out huge fireballs and thick black smoke.

With a shock wave, carrying shards of glass, it hit Hanyu Shirasawa like raindrops.

Hanyu Shirasawa turned his head, the fiery red light shone on his eyes.

"Bullet time!"

For an instant.

The world in his eyes slowed down and almost became still, and he could clearly see the flames rising, because the fog was rolling, and many glass fragments were not far away.

Everyone thought so.

In the case of such a close-range explosion, even if Hanyu Shirasawa and the child in his arms were not seriously injured by the explosion, a layer of skin would have to be peeled off.

can be followed.

Their eyes widened, filled with shock.

At this moment, Hanyu Shirasawa seemed to be the world's top dancer, coming to participate in the world's most grand stage performance.

Roll, dodge, jump.

Countless small movements are gathered together, making people dazzled.

It's just a matter of two seconds.

It seemed that a long time had passed, Hanyu Shirasawa hugged Miyano Shiho, and finally retreated to a safe place.


He let out a long breath, put down the little girl in his arms, and said with a sullen face, "What are you doing in the car? Why don't you get down?"

"I...I..." Miyano Shiho opened his mouth to explain something, but he couldn't say anything, just lowered his head silently, pinching the corner of his clothes tightly.

Unlike the two of them who are so serious.

The others almost jumped up, recalling everything just now in shock.

Judy and Akai Shuichi had an idea in their minds: "A master!"

At such a close distance, among such dense glass shards, they were not confident that they could dodge intact like Hanyu Shirasawa.

In the past, they didn't care about Hanyu Shirasawa, they only thought that the other party was a bit good at intelligence and investigation, but they didn't expect that their skills were so terrifying.

Officer Megure and his group of policemen were also stunned, especially those who knew Hanyu Shirasawa. Seeing this astonishing operation, they wished they could rush up and surround him and yell.

But when they thought of the atmosphere at the scene, they forcibly made them hold back.

But this time.

There are two people and the performance of the crowd is different.

The first person, Shinide Tomoaki, looked at Hanyu Shirasawa with a very calm expression, as if it was a normal thing, but when he looked at the little loli next to him, he was a bit more thoughtful.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????????????

The second place is Miwako Sato. The scene just now reminded her of what happened not long ago at the back door of the old building of the Kubado City Hotel.

The man with the hat covering most of his face, the man who could dodge her bullets, the man who ignored her, the man who made her feel humiliated.

Thinking of this, the way she looked at Hanyu Shirasawa became different.

But she thought it might just be a coincidence.

With such skills, it is not necessarily the person at that time.

Besides, she and Hanyu Baisawa are friends, and they don't believe that the other party will do such a thing, and it will have something to do with that case.


Hanyu Shirasawa exhaled foul breath, came to Officer Megure and the others, and began to ask what was going on.

......... 0

Soon he knew.

It turned out that there was a robbery on the bus.

There were even bombs planted.

In the end, thanks to Akai Shuichi and Judy's actions, the crisis of everyone in the car was resolved.

But it was during this process that they accidentally touched the detonator of the bomb, so they ran down one after another.

They didn't know why Miyano Shiho stayed in the car and couldn't get out.

But Hanyu Shirasawa knew it.

After their description.

It reminded him that this was a case in the original book.

Even without Conan, it still happened.

Anyway, it was just a simple game. Due to the radar attribute of Miyano Shiho, he sensed the breath of the black organization on the bus, and then began to fall into self-doubt, thinking that it would be better for him to die, so he didn’t need to bother others, let others bring danger.

Thinking of this.

The corner of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

Looking at Shinide Tomoaki next to him, he can be sure that this is Belmode pretending, otherwise it would be impossible to scare Miyano Shiho like that.


Hanyu Shirasawa sighed, not noticing that everyone was looking at him strangely, after understanding the matter, he took Miyano Shiho to the car parked not far away.

Whatever he said this time, he had to teach this little loli a good lesson. What kind of ideas are these, and he still gives up on himself.

But as soon as I got in the car.

Facing the three women's cold and warm greetings.

After all, in the situation just now, although there were many cars and people blocking it, it was still possible to vaguely see something.

Chapter 0136: Xiaolan who wets the bed


Concubine Yingli's house.

Originally, a group of women were planning to give Miyano Shiho a wave of love education, but soon things went wrong, and they all began to comfort Miyano Akemi.

"Mingmei, don't cry, isn't Xiao Ai alright?" Fei Yingri looked at Miyano Akemi who was wiping away her tears, her head grew dizzy for a while.

Miyano Akemi sobbed: "I've been working hard to live for her, but she can't think about it so much, she wants to be blown to death. Wuwuwu... I'm sorry for my mother, I'm sorry for her promise to take care of my sister, I really deserve to die ah!"

Hanyu Shirasawa listened to the numbness of his scalp, looked at Miyano Shiho who was standing in front of everyone with a guilty face, and felt that Miyano Akemi was really amazing.

It's as simple as crying.

He pinched his sister to death.

at last.

Miyano Shiho couldn't listen anymore, and said in a low voice: "Sister "Zero Zero Three", I know I was wrong, please stop crying, okay. I will never do this again next time, I assure you, I It was just a brain pumping today."

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