"Woooo..." Miyano Akemi gradually stopped crying, looked at her sister with tears in her eyes, and said aggrievedly, "Is it true?"

No one else in the room spoke.

Just watching the two sisters silently, waiting for them to solve their own affairs.

After all, they had already heard Hanyu Baisawa tell about what happened, and they were quite shocked when they saw it.

"Really." Miyano Shiho nodded.

"That's good." Miyano Akemi wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, her expression gradually calmed down, and she pointed to the corner not far away with no expression on her face: "Then you go there and kneel for me."


Miyano Shiho was taken aback, completely unaware that this would be the case.

Miyano Akemi sneered: "Why, you didn't even listen to what my sister said? If I don't teach you a lesson today, you might want to kill someone next time."

Miyano Shiho didn't expect his sister to turn against her when she said that she would turn against her, and subconsciously turned her attention to help other people.


Fei Yingli and the others didn't look at her at all.

They all agree with Miyano Akemi's words, they must be taught a lesson.

There was no other way, Miyano Shiho could only look at the only male in the field - Hanyu Shirasawa.

"Go and kneel." Hanyu Baisawa directly gave the same answer.

This time.

Miyano Shiho had no choice.

Filled with dissatisfaction and grievances, he honestly knelt down under the wall and stared at the group of people opposite with resentment.

Thinking about it now, she also regretted it.

Obviously she has become a child, as long as she doesn't take the initiative to expose her, it will be difficult for the black organization to find her.

It turned out that because of this, she herself was intimidated by someone from the black organization on the bus in the afternoon, and even had self-doubt, which was really humiliating.

Hanyu Bai Ze lay leisurely on the sofa, and asked, "Xiao Lan, do you want to go home? I'll take you back now."

"Yeah." Xiaolan nodded.

"Okay, I'll see you off." Hanyu Baisawa got up, and said to Fei Yingli and Yukiko: "Okay, you are already tired enough today, take a good rest."


He took Xiaolan and left.

On the road.

Mazda's interior.

The atmosphere is somewhat quiet.

Xiaolan sat in the co-pilot's seat, peeking at Hanyu Shirasawa who was driving from time to time.


Hanyu Shirasawa asked, "Would you like to sit at my house for a while?"

"Is...is it too late?"

"No, just right."

Hanyu Baisawa turned his head to look at Xiaolan, and found that her eyes were clear, he couldn't help shaking his head.

It seems that this little girl didn't understand what he meant, and it could only be said that she was too simple in this respect.


Coughing lightly, he said again: "Forget it, I'll take you home first, you are tired today, take a good rest."

"En." Xiaolan nodded obediently.

Hanyu Shirasawa couldn't bear to be bullied by this cute appearance.

After half an hour.

The car came to the downstairs of Maori Detective Agency.

"Okay, let's go up." Hanyu Shirasawa smiled and patted her head.

"En." Xiaolan responded, rubbed the palm of her head, opened the car door and waved her hand upstairs.

Go back to your room on the third floor.

Xiaolan threw herself on her bed, rolled around on it, and unconsciously remembered what happened last night in her mind.

For a moment, his head was a little blank, but his cheeks slowly turned red.

half an hour.

She sat up suddenly from the bed, patted her cheek to calm herself down, took out her cell phone, and dialed the number of her best friend...


The phone was connected, and Yuanzi's lively voice came from the opposite side:

"Xiao Lan, what's the matter? By the way, I went to find you yesterday, but you were not at home. And your father wasn't here either. Where did you go?"

"Sorry, Yuanzi, I forgot to tell you."

Xiaolan stuck out her tongue with a smile, and told about the incident at the Twilight Annex yesterday, but she didn't say a word about the incident with Hanyu Shirasawa.

After hearing this, Sonoko said in surprise, "That is to say, that Kaitou Kidd is behind the scenes? But I remember that he doesn't kill people."

"I don't know..." Xiaolan looked down at her feet, her cute toes were moving around, she tilted her head and said, "But I heard that he was locked up with everyone, so it shouldn't be him. Unless he Know how to split body, otherwise it would be impossible."

"Hmm..." Yuanzi let out a deep voice, "But it's been rumored outside that he's so miraculous, can't he really know the avatar technique?"

"How is this possible?"

"How is it impossible? Didn't you always say that there are monsters in the world? If there are monsters, isn't it normal to have a clone technique?"


A bad picture flashed in Xiaolan's mind again, and she felt hot all over, and hurriedly said: "There are no monsters, I was just deceived before."

"Huh?" Yuanzi was surprised: "You must be possessed by someone, right? You don't believe that there are monsters in the 3.1 world. Tell me, who are you?"

"Oh, Sonoko, can we have a good chat?"

"Hee hee, alright, alright. Let's talk about business, what is it that you call me?"


Xiaolan got into the bed all of a sudden, covered her head, and said in a very shy voice:

"That's right, Sonoko, what's the matter if you can't control your urine?"

"Did you wet the bed?"

"Well, it's embarrassing~"

"Xiao Lan, you must be sick, right?" Yuanzi's voice was full of worry, thinking that this kind of thing should not happen to adults, it was really wrong.

"It's not this." Xiaolan really wanted to explain something, but she didn't dare to say it out. In the end, she had no choice but to talk about other topics, not this matter anymore.

Chapter 0137: Miwako attack, start copy

Four chome.

In front of Hanyu Shirasawa's house.

He took out the key, and as soon as he inserted it into the door lock, he suddenly felt a strong wind blowing behind him.


Get started - Bullet Time.

Under the effect of this force, Hanyu Baisawa turned his head little by little, watching a slender straight leg slowly kick towards his head.

His head was moving, and his legs were moving slowly.

But in the end, he was faster, avoided the blow perfectly, and turned around quickly.

But in the eyes of Sato Miwako, Hanyu Shirasawa was very fast, just as he kicked in a sneak attack, he turned around and avoided in an instant.

One leg fell through.

She is not attacking.

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't fight back either.

However, his expression was very ugly, and he rarely showed anger: "Meihezi, I want you to give me an explanation."

Miwako Sato said with a playful smile, "Isn't it because I saw you dodging so nimbly at the bus in the afternoon, and I just want to try 29's skills."

"Is this how you tried?" Hanyu Shirasawa took a step forward, staring intently into her eyes.


this moment.

Miwako Sato seemed to have sensed something was wrong, she seemed to have really overplayed her hand.

Her face was a little embarrassed, and she looked a little at a loss, but she was also a brave person, so she quickly apologized:

"Bai Ze, I'm really sorry, I really didn't mean any harm. That... don't be angry, okay? I will do whatever you ask me to do, please don't be angry."

Hanyu Shirasawa ignored her, turned around and opened the door, changed his shoes at the entrance and walked in.

Miwako Sato hesitated for a moment, then changed her shoes and walked in.

"Hey, Bai Ze, don't be so stingy, besides, I didn't hit you." She began to pester her facelessly.

Hanyu Shirasawa sat on the sofa and said calmly: "Clean the room for me, remember all the rooms."


Miwako Sato had a smile on her face, but a sigh of relief in her heart.

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