As long as you can open your mouth to ask, it means that this is the condition for not getting angry.

Ever since, this woman, who had always been the eldest at home, started cleaning a man's house with a broom.

Hanyu Shirasawa took a few glances, then got up and went to the bedroom to get a change of clothes, and walked into the bathroom.

in the shower.

He thought of Sera Mari whom he met in the morning in that small town in Nagano Prefecture.

When he thought of her, he thought of Chibo Jinghua and Qianying.

These three women are not easy to mess with.

The first one, Chi Bo Jinghua, from the moment we met, he felt that this woman had a particularly capable temperament, even a little sharp, simply like a knife.

He felt that Fei Yingli and the others could handle it better, but this woman was a bit difficult. Generally speaking, the mind of learning kendo is very strong, it is really not easy to fool around, he is a little afraid that he will be knifed in the future.

The second place, Chikage, is also a formidable woman, Lady of the Phantom Thief, and even Kidd of the Phantom Thief learns from the other party every time he steals something and sends an invitation letter. They don't give way too much.

The third place is Sera Marie, an agent of MI6. She is physically strong, has outstanding reasoning and fighting abilities, and even when she ate APTX4869 and turned into a junior high school girl, she was able to fight against the adult Akai Shuichi for a short time. Ordinary people would only be knocked out in front of her, so it is conceivable that she is still very strong.

However, these three powerful women.

Basically, it can be confirmed that it has something to do with him, which makes him feel more or less stressed.

If this is really not handled well, conflicts may break out, and maybe they will collectively kill themselves.


"There's a long way to go."

Hanyu Shirasawa no longer scolds the system, anyway, what happened has already happened, no matter what he says, it is useless.

Because of thinking about these messy things.

This time he took a longer bath.

It took a full half an hour to come out.

As soon as he came out, he saw Miwako Sato wiping the table with a little sweat on his forehead. It seemed that he was really serious.

He nodded in satisfaction, went to sit in front of the sofa, picked up the remote control, and turned on the TV.

About another 10 minutes passed.

Miwako Sato came back and flattered her, "Bai Ze, I'm done, can you see what else hasn't been cleaned?"

Hanyu Shirasawa just glanced at it casually, nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, it's not bad, I'll forgive you this time."

"Hey~" Miwako Sato stuck out her tongue in embarrassment, sat down next to him, and asked, "By the way, today your skill is really good enough to scare me. I never knew you had such a skill before." Good skill."

Hanyu Baisawa said quietly: "The city is so safe now, no matter how good your skills are, it's useless. It's normal if you don't see it."

Listen to what Miwako Sato said just now.

He did understand, he understood why this woman suddenly attacked him.

It turned out that the person who humiliated her last time was suspicious of herself, but the suspicion didn't seem very firm, otherwise she wouldn't have expressed her thoughts so honestly.

"That's right." Miwako Sato nodded in agreement: "It's really safe in the city. By the way, since you are so powerful, I must not refuse to ask you for help in the future."

"No free ones, at least 013 here." Hanyu Shirasawa thought it was okay to do business with her, but not to help for free.

Miwako Sato curled her lips: "Stingy."

"Okay, it's late at night, you should go back."

"I won't go back."

"Are you going to sleep with me?"

"No, I'm going downstairs to Miss Kobayashi's house." After Sato Miwako finished speaking, she raised her head arrogantly, got up and strode away.

Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged, watched her close the door, and said to himself:

"System, view panel."

【Host: Hanyu Shirasawa】


[Abilities: Bullet Time, Invulnerability to Hundred Poisons, Internal Breathing, Absorption]

[Equipment: Beretta M92F unlimited bullet version, smoke bomb unlimited version, high-explosive grenade unlimited version, flash bomb unlimited version]

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at the names of those women on the panel, took a deep breath, and felt that there was not enough time.

Still continuing the idea from last time, one by one, so he pointed to Miyano Shiho's name.

next second.

The whole person disappeared on the sofa.

Chapter 0138: Miyano Shiho Copy: 1/3

[Dungeon: Miyano Shiho (1/3)]

[Customs Clearance Condition: Deep Impression]

[Mission Reward: Tear Gas Unlimited Edition]

When Hanyu Shirasawa opened his eyes, he had already finished reading this mission.

At the same time, a memory emerged in his mind, and he knew his identity this time.


The corners of his mouth raised slightly, he glanced at the surrounding environment, especially some white and black people passing by, and said in a low voice:

"New York, I didn't expect to come back again."

Following the memory in his mind, he slowly walked in one direction.

I even bought a little bear puppet when passing by a toy store.


He came to a small villa with a fence and a single family.


There was already an indifferent woman waiting outside the door, and when she saw Hanyu Baisawa coming, she said coldly: "You should already know the mission, right?"

"Yes." Hanyu Shirasawa smiled.

"Remember, nothing can happen."

"Don't worry, I'll let you know if something happens."

"I hope this day won't come." After the woman finished speaking, she turned around and strode away.

This time.

Hanyu Shirasawa is a peripheral member of the Black Organization.

Very low level.

And the reason why he came here is very simple, it is to temporarily take care of Miyano Shiho who is only seven years old.

The organization in black just discovered that Miyano Shiho has a very high IQ, so they arranged for her to study in New York, so naturally she needed someone to take care of her.

Coupled with the fact that she is only seven years old, her talent has only just begun. Although she pays attention to it, she doesn't pay too much attention to it. It is enough for the peripheral members to take care of her.


Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, walked into the small villa with big strides, and saw a small figure on the sofa as soon as he came.

It was exactly the same as Xiao Ai in the future, with an indifferent face and no fluctuations in the ice blue pupils.


He smiled and came to this little loli: "My name is Hanyu Baisawa, and I will take care of you during this time. What's your name?"

Miyano Shiho didn't respond, just stared at the man in front of him calmly.

"Well, she looks like a cold little beauty." Hanyu Shirasawa shrugged, touched her head very familiarly, and handed the bear he bought into her arms: "Hey, this is a meeting Gift."

The little loli lowered her head and looked at the fluffy bear doll. There was a glimmer of light in her eyes, and she subconsciously reached out and pinched one of the bear's feet.

The scene was a little quiet.

Little Loli held the doll without saying a word.

Hanyu Shirasawa began to look around to understand the environment here.

Turn around for a long time.

He came back again, looked at Little Lolita, and said, "I've decided to call you Xiao Ai, Hui Yuan Ai. What do you think of this name?"

"Shiho." Little Lolita finally said the first sentence, and there was some dissatisfaction in her immature and cold voice: "Miyano Shiho, it's not Xiaoai."

"Okay Ai, I will remember." Hanyu Shirasawa replied seriously.

Miyano Shiho had a sullen face, jumped off the sofa and walked directly to his room without saying anything.

Hanyu Baisawa looked at her small back, and said with a smile, "Hehe, you have a weird temper."

After speaking, he looked at the little bear doll on the sofa and shook his head helplessly.

Didn't think much about it.

He went to his room and started tidying up, after all, he was going to sleep here tonight.

After finishing it, I found that the bear doll on the sofa was gone, and I couldn't help laughing:

"It's so arrogant."



Silent all night.

Hanyu Shirasawa slept comfortably.

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