When I got up and came to the living room, I found a small figure sitting on the sofa with bread and eating.

"Uh..." He said with some embarrassment, "Xiao Ai, if you're hungry, you should wake me up, and I'll make breakfast for you."


Miyano Shiho glanced at him unexpectedly, but said nothing.

After all, from the time she was sensible, those who took care of her in name never took care of her at all, no matter what she did, she did it by herself.

Therefore, I am somewhat unaccustomed to Hanyu Shirasawa's conscientious demeanor.

"Xiao Ai." Hanyu Baisawa sat next to her, took a bite of the bread on the table, and asked, "What should we do next?"

He didn't know much about it.

After all, he was just taking care of Miyano Shiho, and the person who took care of him didn't tell him about other things.

"My name is Miyano Shiho." Little Lolita emphasized her name.

"Okay, Xiao Ai, what should we do next?"


For the first time, Miyano Shiho felt disgusted with the adults she was monitoring, and she had always ignored them before.

half an hour.

She said calmly:

"go to school."

"School? First grade?"

"fourth grade."

"Awesome." Hanyu Baisawa sincerely praised this little girl, she is clearly in the first grade, but she is actually in the fourth grade class, her little head is really smart.

Think about it.

If he wasn't smart, he wouldn't have become the core supervisor of the Black Organization's drug research and development when he appeared later.

Faced with the compliment, Miyano Shiho was unmoved at all, and after finishing eating the bread in his hand, he put his small schoolbag on his back and went out on his own.

"Hey, Xiao Ai, wait for me." Hanyu Shirasawa followed with the bread.

Along the way, chat with this little lolita.

Although she didn't say a word, Hanyu Shirasawa didn't seem to feel it at all, what she said was an effort.

The small villa is still very close to the school.

It's only ten minutes.

Already arrived at the school gate.

When he got here, Hanyu Baisawa stopped and watched her go in silently.

As soon as Miyano Shiho entered the school gate, a piercing voice came from his ear.

"Hey, are you changing your dad (Zhao) dad again? This is really diligent, you have to change several times a year."

"Haha, Jesse, stop talking, we are classmates."

"Carrie, you are right, she is the treasure in the teacher's eyes, we must let her go."

"Yes, yes."

Those were two Caucasian girls who were much taller than Miyano Shiho, and they kept talking in loud voices, but the words they said were so yin and yang.

Miyano Shiho tightly held the strap of his schoolbag, glanced at the two nominal classmates with emotionless eyes, and walked into the teaching building silently.

"Tch~" Jessie curled her lips and said, "What are you dragging, what's the use of studying well?"

Carrie smiled and said, "I have an idea. We can talk to our classmates about her new father. Let everyone know that her mother is a bitch, and the daughter born of a bitch must also be a bitch." .”

"Hee hee, that's a good suggestion."

Chapter 0139: Miyano Shiho Copy: 1/3

It's approaching evening.

go home after school.

Miyano Shiho continued to maintain his character design as the Little Beauty of the Iceberg. As soon as he entered the small villa, he could smell a strong fragrance.

When I came to the hall, I saw that the table was full of sumptuous dinners.

"Yo, Xiao Ai, you're back." Putting on an apron, Hanyu Baisawa put the last dish on the dining table and said with a smile, "Hurry up and wash your hands, get ready for dinner."

Miyano Shiho was silent, walked back to his room silently, and walked out after a while.

However, she held a bag of bread in her hand and placed it on the dining table, her pretty little eyes stared straight at Hanyu Shirasawa.

"Uh, what do you mean?" Hanyu Shirasawa asked puzzled.

"Exchange." Miyano Shiho said calmly: "I'll eat your dinner, and exchange my favorite bread with you."

"Ha ha……"

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled, and accepted her bread: "Okay, I agree with your exchange."

In fact, these breads are ordinary bread, the kind that has no taste at all.

But in Miyano Shiho's mouth, it was his favorite bread. It is conceivable how bad her living environment is.

It's no wonder that she has a sullen face all day long. After all, she is just a seven-year-old girl. This is probably her dissatisfaction with the misfortune of her life.


030 A dinner is over.

The two of them had nothing to do, sitting on the sofa and watching TV.

for a long time.

Hanyu Shirasawa said, "Do you want to go out for a stroll?"

Miyano Shiho shook his head.

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled: "Really? If you don't go out, I will go by myself."


Miyano Shiho's small expression couldn't hold back anymore, showing a struggling look.

"Hehe, let's go." Hanyu Baize just felt that this little girl was really arrogant, so he took her hand and led her out of the small villa.

No matter how others protect and monitor her.

But now that he is here, everything is up to him.

On the road.

Miyano Shiho felt the big hand holding her little hand, her heart beat faster, and she experienced a feeling she had never experienced before, and she couldn't tell what kind of emotion it was.

If she had to say it, it might be a little bit of peace of mind, which would make her feel a little safe.

New York at night.

It can be said to be very lively.

Miyano Shiho rarely saw this kind of scene, and was dazzled for a while.

"Xiao Ai, what do you want to play?" Hanyu Shirasawa asked.

In front of you is a square.

There are stalls everywhere.

There are some adults who bring their children to play.

"I don't like it." Miyano Shiho said these four words calmly, but when he looked at the family of three, there was a clear flash of envy and a lot of confusion.

"Okay, whatever you want."

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't force it, bought two ice creams on the side of the road, sat on a bench at the edge of the square, and watched the lively scene silently.

The two fell silent again.

Just bowed his head and ate ice cream.

"Let's go back, I don't like it here." Miyano Shiho raised his head and said suddenly.

Hanyu Baisawa patted the little girl's forehead: "Who are you talking to?"

"With you." Miyano Shiho replied.

"What do you call me?"

"Hanyu Shirasawa."

"Brother Bai Ze." Hanyu Bai Ze patted her forehead again.

"Hmm..." Miyano Shiho was hit twice, and finally couldn't help covering his forehead, but he said stubbornly: "Shirazawa, I want to go back."

"Brother Bai Ze." Hanyu Bai Ze played for the third time.

"Shirasawa." Miyano Shiho continued to be stubborn.

"Brother Bai Ze."

"White Pond."

"Brother Bai Ze."

"White Pond."

"Brother Bai Ze."


Hanyu Baisawa was about to surrender, looking at this little girl whose eyes were already filled with tears from his own tears, there was really nothing he could do about her.

What's more, he is still a little showman, he obviously didn't use much effort, but now it seems that he has made a (cjdb) dead hand.

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