"Alas..." He stood up shaking his head, stretched out his hand, and said, "Let's go, since you don't like this place, let's go home."

When Miyano Shiho looked at the stretched out in front of him, he was a little dazed for a while.

In the past, she was the one who took the initiative to be led by Hanyu Baisawa, but now she is allowed to take the initiative, and she feels somewhat uncomfortable.

"What are you in a daze for?" Hanyu Shirasawa began to urge.

Miyano Shiho raised his head and looked at the man looking at him with a smile in his eyes. He didn't have the indifference of those people before him. He just hesitated for a while, and gently reached out his small hand to hold it.

One big and one small two people.

Take a leisurely walk home.

"Are you okay at school?" Hanyu Shirasawa started looking for something to talk about boredly.

Miyano Shiho lowered his head so that no one could see her expression, and replied softly, "Very good."



"If you have anything to say to me, I'm here to protect and take care of you."

"Three months."

"What three months?" Hanyu Shirasawa asked back.

Miyano Shiho said calmly: "Every three months, I will change people around me. So you can only stay for three months, and you don't have to be so responsible."

"Hehe..." Hanyu Baisawa smiled: "The organization is very optimistic about you when it sends you to study abroad. As long as you become useful to the organization, you will gain rights, and then you can ask to keep me by your side."

"I hate you." Miyano Shiho said without hesitation: "Even if I get the right in the future, I will not keep you by my side."

"Hehe, it seems that you will succeed as you said, so work hard slowly."

"I will."

Miyano Shiho showed a firm expression on his face. At this moment, he had a goal in his heart at a young age, and at the same time thought of his sister.


back home.

The small figure of Miyano Shiho lay on the bed, holding the bear doll that Hanyu Shirasawa gave him in his arms, thinking about everything about today in his mind.

for so long.

Hanyu Shirasawa was the first person who treated her differently, as if he was not a member of the Black Organization at all.

Although she is young, living in this organization made her mature at a young age.


Just like what she said on the way, everyone who takes care of her can only stay by her side for three months, and there will never be any accidents.

As soon as the time is up, these people will leave.


Miyano Shiho exhaled lightly, lifted up the little bear doll in his arms, stared at the doll with bright eyes, and couldn't help stroking it gently.

"Hanyu Shirasawa, I hate you, you slapped my forehead so many times tonight, I will definitely find a chance to get revenge in the future.".

Chapter 0140: Miyano Shiho Copy: 1/3

Time flickers.

It was ten days in a blink of an eye.

During these ten days.

Hanyu Shirasawa and Miyano Shiho, a little lolita, get along fairly well, not as unfamiliar as they were at the beginning.

Of course, this unfamiliarity was mainly caused by Miyano Shiho to Hanyu Shira-sawa.

This morning.

"White Pond."

"White Pond."

"Get up quickly."

Hanyu Baisawa heard a childish voice calling him, slowly opened his eyes, and saw a small figure standing in front of his bed, wearing cute bear pajamas, holding a bear-doll in his hand .

"What's wrong?" he asked softly.

"I'm hungry, I want to have breakfast." Miyano Shiho said calmly, "Besides, today is the last day of school, and the summer vacation will begin soon."

"That's it."

Hanyu Shirasawa sat up slowly from the bed, moved his body, and then went to make breakfast.

these ten days.

He lived quite leisurely.

This extremely relaxed day, apart from the fact that he didn't touch women, was really good.

Breakfast is over.

Hanyu Shirasawa sent the little girl Miyano Shiho to school as usual.

He thought so.

Today is another peaceful day.

But at noon.

The landline in the villa rang.

As soon as I got through, I knew it was a call from the school.

"Okay, I'll be there right away." Hanyu Baisawa hung up the phone, went out directly, and arrived at the school in a short while.

This is an elementary school.

Only grades [-] to [-].

On the floor where Hanyu Shirasawa and his teachers were working, when they passed by the principal's office, they heard a loud noise coming from inside.

Standing at the door and looking inside, there was a white couple with vicious looks on their faces.

And his arrival.

In an instant, the husband and wife pointed their finger at him.

"Is it this guy?"

"Is this man the father of that little bitch?"

"I don't know him." The principal said something proactively, and the husband and wife stopped looking at Hanyu Shirasawa in an instant, and started arguing with the principal again.

Hanyu Shirasawa frowned, ignored it for the time being, and went to the fourth grade teacher's office.

The homeroom teacher is a blonde woman, quite pretty, and standing next to her is the expressionless Miyano Shiho.

"Teacher, what's the situation?" He asked first.

"This..." The female teacher was a little hesitant, thinking of the rumors among the students in the school, it was still a little hard to say.

"Xiao Ai, tell me." Hanyu Shirasawa looked at Miyano Shiho.

Miyano Shiho said indifferently: "It's nothing, I just had a fight with my classmates."

The female teacher smiled wryly after hearing the words: "It was a child named Jesse, and the two of them had an argument. Then the nose was broken, and they are still in the infirmary."

Hanyu Baisawa raised his eyebrows: "The other party's family members, can't they be those two in the principal's office?"

"Did you just meet?"

"I met you while passing by."

"Alas..." The female teacher said helplessly: "That couple are well-known gangsters outside. In fact, we don't want to accept their children. But if we don't accept them, they will come to make trouble again. It's really okay. Method."

Hanyu Shirasawa asked: "Can you tell me the reason why they fought?"

"It's really hard to tell. That kid Jesse said some ugly things, that's why he's like this. By the way, today is the last day anyway, so you can take Zhibao back home."

"Okay, thank you teacher."

Hanyu Shirasawa nodded, and pulled Miyano Shiho out of the office, but when he passed the principal's office again, he was seen by the couple inside.

They just came to the school gate.

The husband and wife chased them out and shouted, "Stop!"

Hanyu Shirasawa stopped, turned around and looked at the two people indifferently.

The man approached, accused Miyano Shiho arrogantly and said, "She must apologize to my daughter, otherwise you cannot leave today."

"I won't apologize." Miyano Shiho said.

"Little bitch!" the woman yelled, "You broke my daughter's nose? Do you think you can just do nothing?"

Hanyu Shirasawa said coldly, "Clean your mouth."


The woman didn't hold back at all, but started to intensify: "Little bitch! Little bitch! Little..."


Hanyu Shirasawa slapped the woman hard, knocking the woman to the ground.

"Bastard!" The man next to him saw that his wife was being bullied, and wanted to strike out of anger.

But as soon as he took a step forward, he was kicked away by Hanyu Shirasawa.

Don't look at the husband and wife looking arrogant, but their state is very wrong, like drug addicts, after being beaten, they fell to the ground and howled, with no intention of getting up.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

"Let's go."

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