Hanyu Shirasawa turned around, took Miyano Shiho's hand, and strode away from here.

on the way back.

Neither of them took the initiative to speak, as if they were waiting for the other to speak first.

for a long time.

Hanyu Baisawa asked: "Xiao Ai, what did that girl tell you? She was able to let you hit her."

He was really curious about this.

He is particularly curious about the words that can make Miyano Shiho, the little beauty of the iceberg, do it.

Of course, he also understands that this is definitely not a good word, in fact, he is already prepared for this little girl not to say anything.


Things were as he thought, Miyano Shiho didn't say the reason, but changed the subject instead:

"You shouldn't have hit them, it's going to get us in trouble."

"Huh? What did you just say?"

"I said it would cause us trouble."

"Hehe..." Hanyu Baisawa couldn't help laughing, and said quietly: "Xiao Ai, you are young, and you may not have seen the terror of the organization. After you have seen it, you will understand that it is they who should be afraid. "

"Wait! Wait!" Suddenly, a girl's voice came from behind.

Miyano Shiho turned her head and saw a girl whom she hated with two balls of paper stuffed in her nose running towards her.

And this one was Jesse who was fighting with her.

"What's the matter?" Miyano Shiho asked indifferently.

Jesse stood up like a good girl, with a guilty expression on her face: "Miyano, I was wrong before, I came to apologize to you, I hope you forgive me. Well, I want to invite you to my house tonight for a party , as my apology to you."

Miyano Shiho frowned, stared at the female classmate closely, and nodded after a while: "Okay, I hope that after this time, there will be no more unhappiness."

"Okay." With a happy expression on Jesse's face, he glanced timidly at Hanyu Shirasawa, turned around and ran towards the direction he just came from.

Hanyu Baisawa raised his eyebrows: "That was the girl who fought with you just now?"

"Yeah." Miyano Shiho nodded.

"That's it, it's interesting." Hanyu Baisawa smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes

Chapter 0141: Miyano Shiho Copy: 1/3


Hanyu Shirasawa brought Miyano Shiho to the house of the couple who had just beaten up at noon.

It was similar to the environment where they lived, and it was also a small villa surrounded by fences.

Here at this time.

There is also a couple and a girl.

"Sir, I'm sorry about what happened at noon." The man came out very actively, began to admit his mistakes, and then introduced himself.

His name is Rubin, his wife Emily, and his daughter Jesse.

As for the other three people.

The girl Carrie, Miyano Shiho and Jesse are all in the same class.

Carrie's father is Reagan and her mother is Agatha.

"Hello." Hanyu Shirasawa greeted them politely as if he didn't know they had a problem.

The two girls, Jesse and Carrie, came to Miyano Shiho on their own initiative, as if they were a different person, with a sincere smile on their faces, inviting her to play in the room.

"Zero Four Zero" Miyano Shiho looked at Hanyu Shirasawa outside the small villa, but followed inside without any fear.

The three girls walked away.

It became lively outside.

Several adults set up a barbecue grill, preparing for an evening barbecue.

Rubin came over with a glass of beer, and said to Hanyu Shirasawa, "Sir, I'm really sorry, we were so mad at noon today, I hope you don't mind."

"Hehe, it's nothing." Hanyu Baisawa had a peaceful smile on his face: "No one knows what will happen in school, just talk about it."

"Yes, yes." Rubin nodded, took a sip of the beer in his hand, and there was strong malice in his eyes.

The two women and one man next to him also had the same meaning in their eyes.

But even if they had bad intentions, they didn't seem to be in a hurry, as if they were waiting for something to happen.

at last.

A scream came from the cottage.

Then I saw Jesse running out in a panic: "Dad, it's bad, our money was stolen."

"What?" Rubin tried hard to show a shocked expression on his face, but no matter how he looked at it, he seemed to be holding back a smile.

Several adults next to him had expressions similar to his, and then ran into the room one by one.

"So that's the case, it seems that I was thinking too much." Hanyu Baisawa slandered in his heart, he thought it was some great trick, but he didn't expect it to be so simple and rude.

In order to cooperate with their performance, he walked in slowly.

As soon as I came, I saw the girl named Carrie, grabbing Miyano Shiho's wrist, and dropped a pile of money on the ground.

Rubin was performing with his head in his hands at the moment: "How could this be? How could this be? Sir, I heard that your child is a genius. He is only seven years old and already in the fourth grade. This kind of thing happened, If it is publicized in the school, she will definitely not be able to study. No matter which school she goes to, this kind of rumor will go with her."


The corners of Hanyu Shirasawa's mouth twitched, this performance was too embarrassing.

And what he said just now was already a blatant threat. What kind of rumors are there? It's really so simple and rude.

"Sir, how do you think this matter will be resolved?" Reagan, the third man in the field, came out and sang his face.

Hanyu Shirasawa asked quietly: "Then how do you think it should be resolved?"

Reagan thought for a moment, and said seriously: "Give each person a hush money of [-] yuan, and pretend that this incident never happened. By the way, it must be in US dollars."

"What if you don't agree?"

"I don't agree, it might be a bit miserable. First of all, we will call the police and let the police handle this matter. We don't know the result. Rumors and so on will definitely spread to the school. After all, there is no hush money. "

This time.

The few people in front of them stopped pretending, and all of them showed deep malice, which was threatening.

Hanyu Baisawa didn't say anything, looked at Miyano Shiho who kept his head down and said nothing, and asked, "Xiao Ai, do you have anything to say?"

Miyano Shiho trembled slightly, and said in a low voice, "Don't trust others easily, or you might hurt yourself."

"It's okay, at least I've gained something. Well, you go out first."


"Let's go out." Hanyu Baisawa's tone could not refuse.

Miyano Shiho still lowered his head, not daring to look at the man in front of him, and slowly walked out of the room.

She thought that the other party didn't want her to see him and those people begging for mercy, so she let her out.

But not for long.


A gunshot made her tremble in fright.

Before she could react, there were continuous gunshots and screams.

Things come and go quickly, and they end quickly.

There was not even five seconds, as if all this was just an illusion, the room was completely silent.


The sound of the door opening made Miyano Shiho couldn't help but turn pale, and subconsciously took a few steps back.


The appearance of Hanyu Shirasawa's figure made her feel relieved, but through the gap around him, she saw the blood red inside and the terrible scene, her feet went limp and she sat down on the ground. . . . . .

After all, she was only a seven-year-old child.

Even if the mind is relatively mature, it has never experienced such a scene.

Hanyu Shirasawa closed the door behind him, came to Miyano Shiho, looked at her condescendingly, and said indifferently:

"Let's go."

"You...you...you killed them?" Miyano Shiho's tone was full of disbelief.


"Why...why?" Miyano Shiho began to tremble uncontrollably.

"I told you." Hanyu Baisawa seemed to have revealed his real mask at this moment, and said indifferently: "You have never seen the horror of the organization. When you understand it, you will know that they are the ones to be afraid of."

Miyano Shiho only felt ice-cold all over her body, and a terrifying murderous intent enveloped herself, making it very difficult for her to even breathe.

Her eyes began to fill with tears, and she looked at the man who suddenly became strange and scary in front of her, and asked, "But why didn't you let them go?"

"Oh? Are you sympathizing with them?"

Hanyu Shirasawa squatted down gently, looked at the eyes full of tears in front of him, and said gently:

"Have you forgotten what happened just now? They are framing you, Miyano Shiho. Also, people with the same skin and blood as me are children in my eyes. Otherwise, someone will offend me , the end is death. Do you understand?"

Words fell. 3.1

A flash of lightning flashed across the dark night, illuminating Miyano Shiho's small face was pale.

At this moment, she seemed to understand why her sister usually had fear on her face when she talked about things in the organization when she met her.

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