It turned out that this was a very terrifying organization. It turned out that everything was just because she was too young. When she really understood it, it was too late.

She's a bit devastated:

"You go! You go!"

"I don't want a murderous devil like you to protect me!"

"I do not want!"

With a final shout, Miyano Shiho mustered up his courage, got up, turned around and ran.

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't stop, just silently watched the small figure disappear into the night, and then set fire to the place.

He has never been a good person. When he becomes evil, he is even afraid of himself, let alone a world of animation.

Chapter 0142: Miyano Shiho Copy: 1/3

Miyano Shiho's little loli ran away.

But no running around.

He just ran back home, ran back to his room, and covered his head tightly with the quilt.

In her mind, the previous images kept echoing, echoing the scene in the room she saw through the gap next to Hanyu Baisawa.

The bright red patch and the bigger eyes made her small body tremble uncontrollably.

Also, what Hanyu Baisawa said to her at the end, that kind of indifference, was something she had never seen in the past ten days.

"Have you always pretended?"

In Miyano Shiho's young mind, such a question couldn't help popping up.

But after thinking about it carefully in his mind, he found that the other party didn't do anything to him, everything he did was to protect himself, but those people didn't know what to do, which made him show his cold side.

After all, besides her sister, Hanyu Baisawa is the person who has treated her the best these years. She doesn't want to be separated from him just like this, and she doesn't want to meet those who protect 29 in the future, but they all have a cold face. Like an emotionless robot.

"I seem to... pissed him off."

"I also said some very egregious things."

Miyano Shiho got up from the bed, but seeing the night outside the window, he gradually gave up the idea of ​​going out.

"He'll be back."

"I will apologize to him tomorrow, and he will definitely forgive me."

The little man comforted himself, lay back on the bed, hugged the little bear doll tightly, and fell into a deep sleep.

Time flickers.

blink of an eye.


Miyano Shiho woke up, jumped off the bed in a hurry, and rushed to Hanyu Shirasawa's room, but when he opened the door, there was no one inside.

Also at this time.

She heard the sound of the door opening outside, and ran out happily.


As soon as he uttered a word, the words disappeared immediately. Miyano Shiho stared blankly at the woman who entered the room, unable to react for a while.

She still remembers this woman.

The other party took care of her for the previous three months, but she didn't understand why the other party came back.

So, she opened her mouth softly:

"Where's Bai Ze?"

"Bai Ze?" The woman's eyes were inexplicable, and she said quietly: "He has already called me to inform me of what happened last night, and he handled it very well. Also, he said that you don't want him to protect you, so I will come back temporarily to take over his position."

"No! No!" Miyano Shibao was about to burst into tears: "What I said last night was just angry words, and I didn't really ask him to leave. Can you bring him back? I want him to accompany you." By my side."

"Hehe." The woman laughed, very inexplicably: "Miyano Shiho, what do you think of all this as a game? Since it has been changed, it is impossible to change it back. Also, leave now, We're going to transfer schools, after all what happened last night."


Miyano Shiho regretted it at this moment, so regretful that he wanted to cry loudly.

But the cold expression of the woman in front of her made her feel unreasonable fear.

Only now did she understand that the man was sincerely treating her well, and none of these people took her seriously, and they might be punished for disobedience.

"Don't understand me?" The woman frowned, with a murderous intent exuding from her body.


Miyano Shiho lowered his head, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, turned around and ran to the room with big strides, and ran out with his bear.

After the woman saw it, she said calmly: "Don't take anything close to your body, I'm going to burn this place down later."

Miyano Shiho shook his head and hid the bear behind him.

The woman smiled angrily, and when she came over, she was ready to snatch the bear doll away.

But Miyano Shiho held onto it tightly, not letting go at all:

"I want this! I want this!"

"Let me go!"

"I just want this!"

"Let go!"

With the woman's roar, it was originally an ordinary toy puppet, but it was torn into two sections, and the cotton inside was flying all over the sky.

Miyano Shiho was immediately stunned.

He stared blankly at the cotton that fell to the ground, motionless.

The woman ignored her, started lighting a fire in the room, and finally left with Miyano Shiho on her shoulders. After leaving the house completely, Miyano Shiho was stunned, tears falling silently.



time flies.

Ten years later.


"Hoo" sound!

Miyano Shiho sat up abruptly from the bed, panting heavily, and wiped away the tears that flowed unconsciously from his face.

next to.

Miyano Akemi was still asleep, and asked, "Shiho, did you have that dream again?"

"Yeah." Miyano Shiho nodded, lay back on the bed again, couldn't help but hugged his sister, and slipped into her arms.


Miyano Akemi gently stroked her sister's hair, and taught her in a gentle voice:

"What happened this afternoon, don't do it again in the future. If Mr. Hanyu hadn't just passed by and rescued you from the bus, you would have died. After you died, did you think about me? I What should I do?"

"I'm sorry..." Miyano Shiho's tone was full of guilt. Although it was very pale to say an apology, it was the only thing she could do.

Miyano Akemi looked at the ceiling above her head, and said in a low voice: "040 "The two of us were able to break away from the organization, it was God who took care of us. I also met Mr. Hanyu, Miss Concubine, and Miss Yukiko, but you must not I can’t think about it anymore. Because you are not only sorry for yourself, but also for their efforts.”

"Sister, I have already said that I will never do such a stupid thing again."

"Oh, I hope you are not lying to me, otherwise I will definitely go down to accompany you when the time comes."

"No." Miyano Shiho thumped in his heart, and quickly made a promise.

There was a flash of relief in Miyano Akemi's eyes, she touched her sister's small body, and sighed: "I don't know when you will be able to find the antidote, it's impossible to grow another ten years, right?"

"Don't worry, I will work hard." Miyano Shiho's eyes were full of determination, and she didn't want to go back to ten years to grow up, that kind of time is really too long.

"Zhibao, can you tell me about your dream? Every time you have this kind of dream that makes you cry, I'm really curious, what exactly did you dream about in your dream?"

"Sister, I forgot. I can't remember it every time, so let's go to sleep."

Miyano Shiho didn't want to talk about this topic, so he quickly closed his eyes and thought silently in his heart:

"Bai Ze, when will you recover your memory..."

"I want to apologize to you face to face...".

Chapter 0143: Sharon's wife, late at night

【Host: Hanyu Shirasawa】


[Abilities: Bullet Time, Invulnerability to Hundred Poisons, Internal Breathing, Absorption]

[Equipment: Beretta M92F unlimited bullet version, smoke bomb unlimited version, high-explosive grenade unlimited version, flash bomb unlimited version, tear gas bomb unlimited version]

On the sofa in the living room, Hanyu Shirasawa looked at his system panel and nodded in satisfaction.

Mission accomplished.

Acquired a tear gas canister.

This kind of weapon is still quite good, as long as it is not wearing a gas mask, the sour taste, the average person will never want to experience it again after experiencing it once.


Hanyu Shirasawa exhaled lightly, and as soon as he lay down on the back of the sofa, his heart began to struggle.

Miyano Shiho's first small dungeon is completed, which means that the second small dungeon can be taken, but thinking about her current state makes people very entangled.

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