But fortunately, there is no penalty in the system, if you can't complete it, you can't complete it, at most you won't get a reward.

Thinking of this, he clicked on Miyano Shiho's name.

[Dungeon: Miyano Shiho (2/3)]

[Clearance condition: capture the heart]

[Quest Reward: Night Vision]

After reading the latest mission, Hanyu Shirasawa couldn't help shivering.

It's just too evil.


"Let's wait for Xiao Ai to make the antidote. If it doesn't work, just make a temporary antidote like the original book."

"In that case, a laboratory is needed."

Hanyu Shirasawa frowned and thought about it. After all, he can't get a laboratory, and he doesn't have that much money.

In the original book, Dr. Ali's laboratory was used for research.

"So, do you have to trouble Dr. Ali? But in this way, Xiao Ai's identity will be exposed in front of Conan."

"Forget it, anyway, the timeline is chaotic now, so don't rush for a while."

Shaking his head, he got up and prepared to go back to the bedroom to sleep.

Also at this time.

There was a "dong dong" knock on the door outside.


"Could it be that Miwako is here again?"

When Hanyu Shirasawa thought about starting the dungeon before, Miwako Sato said that he would spend the night downstairs at Sumiko Kobayashi's house. It must have been unsuccessful, so he planned to come back and stay with him for the night.

Go to the door.

Open it up and take a look.

It wasn't Miwako Sato, but a figure even more beautiful than her.

For a moment, the eyes of the two people at the door looked at each other, and they both saw themselves in each other's eyes.

"Why, are you surprised?" Belmode stepped forward and hugged the man's neck with a smile on his lips.

"I'm really surprised. I didn't expect you to come to me." Hanyu Baisawa smiled, closed the door, and took her to the sofa to sit down.

Belmode looked at the living room, his slender legs crossed together, and nodded with satisfaction: "Although it's a bit small, it's not bad."

"It's not like you haven't seen it before."

"You still have the nerve to say that last time you chased me so far and almost got bullied by a little girl, won't your conscience hurt?"

Belmode gave his man a good-looking charm, and took off his black coat at the same time.

"Ha ha……"

Hanyu Shirasawa smiled slightly.

He also found it very interesting when he thought of what happened at that time.

Belmode came to the door unprepared, and he came up unprepared. It can be said that the two of them were in a hurry that day. Fortunately, they had scruples in their hearts at the time, and they didn't take out some weapons. Otherwise, no matter who is hurt by then, they will definitely feel distressed for a long time now.

Instead of thinking about it, he looked at Belmode and asked, "Okay, let's get down to business, why are you here looking for me?"

"I miss you." Belmode said delicately.


Hanyu Shirasawa was helpless, shook his head and said, "There may be a part of the reason, but there must be other things."

"A boring man doesn't know how to choose to trust me." Belmode stretched out his finger and poked Hanyu Shirasawa's heart, then calmed down and asked calmly:

"Outside the Xiaofo tunnel this afternoon, why did you go desperate to save that little girl? What's your relationship with her?"

"Is this..."

Hanyu Shirasawa thought about it, and decided to tell her the recent series of events.

She believed in this woman. Although this woman was sometimes unreliable, she could still tell the difference when it came to important matters.

So he talked about Miyano Shiho's reduction in size and the side effects of APTX4869.

I didn't mention Akemi Miyano, because Belmode went to get the one billion yen in person at that time, and he already knew about the other party.

After listening to the narration.

Belmode's eyes were shining, he licked his lips, and said quietly: "¨‖If you hadn't told me, or anyone else told me, I would have sent him to hell a long time ago, treating me like a child play."

As soon as Hanyu Baisawa saw her appearance, he felt that something was wrong, and hurriedly said: "Don't think about it, that kind of medicine has only a very small chance of shrinking, and most of the time it will directly die."

"I know. But Shirley is with you, let her continue to study."


Hanyu Shirasawa was taken aback for a moment, uncertainly: "Are you willing to leave the laboratory?"

"Guess what I did with the one billion yen I took last time?"

"Uh...you are also researching the medicine in the organization, right?" Hanyu Shirasawa's eyes widened.

"Of course." Belmode leaned lightly on Hanyu Baisawa's shoulder: "I don't want to die so early, I haven't gotten along enough with you, and I haven't tired of playing with you. I still want to be so beautiful forever."

"Uh... delete the one that is tired of playing, and say it will be a good relationship for a hundred years. By the way, you should be discovered about the fact that you have changed your appearance and become smart."

Hanyu Shirasawa thought of this situation. (is it)

After all, in the original book, it was designed like this, and it was almost caught by the FBI.

Therefore, he told everything he knew from the original book.

"No wonder." Belmode frowned after listening, "I said why Judy from the FBI always approached the man I disguised, I thought she fell in love with the man I disguised, so she knew my identity Already."

"Yeah, now I've made it clear to you, be careful."

"Hehe, don't worry, it's quite interesting. Since they want to play, I'll play with them."

"Come on, it will be troublesome if there is an accident."

"Then you have to protect me, who made you my servant. In order to thank you for your timely news, I decided to reward you tonight."

"Tch." Hanyu Baisawa curled his lips: "You are all mine, what you say doesn't count, what I say counts."

After speaking, he picked her up and walked towards the bedroom.

Chapter 0144: Sharon: Do you like Bai Ze?

The next day.

Miwako Sato and Sumiko Kobayashi went out together.

She really slept at the other party's house last night, and Xiaolin Chengzi was also very welcome, after all, she was bored at home alone.

When the two of them waited for the elevator door to open and saw a man and a woman inside, they were slightly taken aback.

The man they knew was Hanyu Shirasawa.

But they don't know this woman, but this woman is really beautiful, and she is on the same level as Fei Yingli and Yukiko, the two most beautiful and temperamental women they have ever seen.

However, such a woman, like the two they knew, hugged Hanyu Shirasawa's arm very closely, and the relationship was unusual at first glance.

There is even a strawberry mark on that snow-white neck, and the relationship is basically clear.

a time.

The atmosphere was very silent.

Miwako Sato and Sumiko Kobayashi looked at each other, and they both saw strange expressions in each other's eyes, and at the same time nodded in unison.

"Hey, why are you in a daze?" Hanyu Baisawa looked at them standing still, and called out helplessly. 040

"Oh~" The two women nodded, walked into the elevator, and pressed the button for the first floor.

Miwako Sato looked at Belmode, and asked Hanyu Shirasawa: "Would you like to introduce this lady to us?"


Hanyu Shirasawa was just about to speak when the sexy Belmode brushed his long blond hair and said with a smile:

"Miss Sato, Miss Kobayashi, hello, I am his girlfriend, you can call me Sharon."


Although Miwako Sato and Sumiko Kobayashi knew that this might be the case, they still felt a sense of absurdity when they heard the other party directly admit it.

They don't know what's wrong with this world, why this kind of world-class beauties always like to lean on this man, Hanyu Shirasawa.

"Ahem." Xiaolin Chengzi pushed his glasses and asked, "Miss Sharon, did Bai Ze tell you our names?"

"of course."

Belmod nodded.

Of course it was never said.

All of this was investigated by her.

After all, in order to investigate this dead man who appeared suddenly, (cjdb) followed him for three months, basically investigating all the people she came into contact with, including the neighbors.

It was also because of this that she knew the names of the two women in front of her.

"So that's the case." Kobayashi Chengko nodded and smiled at Hanyu Baisawa.

"Miss Sharon, that..." Miwako Sato wanted to say that Hanyu Shirasawa already had two girlfriends, but she couldn't get it out of her mouth.

The last time I told You Xizi, it was because the other party was her idol, and she didn't want him to jump into the fire pit.

But Belmode in front of him has nothing to do with her at the moment, so he swallowed the words abruptly and decided not to say anything.

Anyway, it's none of her business, she just needs to keep silent.

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