"Ha ha……"

Belmode looked at Miwako Sato hesitated to speak, smiled softly, and then said something that shocked everyone present.

"Miss Sato, you should like our Bai Ze, right?"

"Ah?" Hanyu Shirasawa was stunned, he didn't say anything, yet he could still bring the matter to himself, it's really outrageous.

Kobayashi Chengko also widened her glasses, subconsciously looking at Miwako Sato.

"Wait! No!" Miwako Sato hurriedly waved her hands: "Miss Sharon, you have completely misunderstood. I don't think so. We are just ordinary friends."

Belmode narrowed his eyes and said quietly:

"Since the elevator opened, you have looked at his eyes more than ten times. You may not have noticed it yourself. Every time your eyes are complicated, and then become erratic. It is obvious that you are thinking about something. .Even, from time to time, you will purse your lips at him. So, even if you don’t know that you like him, you still have a good impression of him in your heart. Also, if you want to say to me in the end, look at me The look in your eyes changed at that time. Tell me all the time, you care about this man very much."



Deathly quiet.

After Hanyu Baisawa finished listening, the corners of his mouth kept twitching. No matter what he said was true or not, it was embarrassing.

At this time, Miwako Sato's face was red and scary, and her hands were already mixed together with nervousness, her lips twitched several times, probably wanting to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

Just when the atmosphere was so embarrassing that it was about to explode.

"Ding" sound!

The elevator door opened and the first floor arrived.

This voice seemed to be a savior, and Miwako Sato came back to her senses in an instant, not daring to look at everyone, especially Hanyu Shirasawa.

"Well, the Metropolitan Police Department is still very busy, so I'll leave first."

After she finished speaking quickly, she ran out with a sullen head.

"Uh...I'm going to work." Xiao Lin Chengzi also said hastily, and hurriedly slipped away.

She was afraid that Belmode would talk nonsense later, it would be really embarrassing to death.

"Look, did you scare them away? You shouldn't be talking nonsense." Hanyu Baisawa took Belmode's hand and led her out of the elevator.

"Am I talking nonsense?"

The corner of Belmode's mouth rose: "Never underestimate a woman's sixth sense, you will understand if you are talking nonsense. I am sure that woman cannot escape your palm. Or she knows You are a scumbag, and you will pounce on him without hesitation in the end."


Hanyu Baisawa's head was full of black lines, and he said helplessly: "Are you praising me or scolding me?"

"Experience for yourself."

"It seems that I didn't teach you a bad enough lesson last night. I actually made you so tough in front of me."

"Stop talking dirty." Belmode gave him a blank look: "Okay, get ready, and go find Shirley today."

"Uh...how about I go and talk to her, so you don't have to do it."

Hanyu Shirasawa knew very well that this woman also had a playful nature, if she were to go to Miyano Shiho alone, she would not be scared to death.

You must know that when Miyano Shiho was on the bus at that time, just feeling her breath, he was already scared to doubt himself, if this appeared in front of him, it would be fine.

"Why, do you feel distressed?" Belmode asked back.

"Hey, it's obvious that you begged someone else to do something, but don't make the relationship too hard."

"Didn't you tell me last night? She wants a laboratory, which means that she doesn't want to continue to be like a child now. If that's the case, she can only be manipulated by me."

"Forget it, whatever you want.".

Chapter 0145: Xiao Ai, your mother is looking for you

the other side.

The entrance of Didan Elementary School.

Miyano Shiho came here with his own small schoolbag on his back, expressionless.

Now as soon as she sees the school and the group of little devils around her, she can't wait to find out the antidote immediately, so that she can return to her original appearance. When she is with these childish children, she feels that she will become childish too. .

"Little sorrow!"

At this time, a childish voice came from behind.

Even if Miyano Shiho didn't have to turn her head, she knew who was calling her, but since someone had already called her, she still chose to turn around.

What catches the eye is a cute little loli, a real child.

"Xiao Ai, good morning." Ayumi came closer and greeted with a smile.

"Yeah." Miyano Shiho nodded, and said flatly: "Ayumi, you too-good morning."

"By the way, Xiao Ai, someone is looking for you over there."


"She said it was your mother."

"My mother?" Miyano Shiho's face was still calm, but his heart was already turbulent. She knew what was going on with her mother, but now someone said that her mother was looking for her, something must be wrong.

"It's over there, look." Ayumi turned her head and pointed her finger in one direction.

Miyano Shiho looked at it, and the first moment he saw it, his whole body froze, and a trace of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

It was a woman, a woman in black, and she felt the breath of the black organization from the other party, and it was very strong.

Looking at the innocent and lively Ayumi next to her, she tried to calm herself down, with a smile on her face: "Ayumi, you are advanced to school, I will be back in a while."

"Well, then you can go to your mother." Ayumi finished speaking, and entered the school with a bound.


Miyano Shiho let out a deep breath, put on a child's smile on his face, ran to the woman, raised his head and asked:

"Sister, my classmate said you were looking for me, and what did you say about your mother?"

"Hehe~" Belmode smiled lightly, looked down at this little loli, and said faintly: "Xue Li, don't pretend."

"Shirley? What?" Miyano Shiho's back was already covered in cold sweat, but the innocent expression on his face remained unchanged.

She thought of what Hanyu Baisawa said before. Now that she is a child, no one in the black organization knows about it. As long as she doesn't expose herself, she will be fine.

"Why, don't you admit it?"

"Big sister, I really don't know what you're talking about, I'm going to school."

After Miyano Shiho finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave, but what the woman said made her freeze again.

"Feiyingli, Yukiko, what beautiful women. Shirley, are you sure you want to go?"

Miyano Shiho turned around again, looked at the woman with a gloomy face, without saying a word.

Belmode said to himself:

"And your older sister, Miyano Akemi. Tsk tsk, it's really okay, but it's hidden in one place. By the way, what's the name of that man? Hanyu Shirasawa, right... Oh, you don't know, The head is really hard, and you won’t tell your way out even if you are disabled.”


Miyano Shiho finally couldn't hold back anymore.

His face turned pale all of a sudden, his fists were tightly clenched, and he gritted his teeth and asked, "What did you do to him?"

Belmode shrugged: "If you want to know, call yourself and ask."

Miyano Shiho took out his mobile phone and called Hanyu Shirasawa, although he was able to get through, but no one answered.

This time.

She was finally sure that she had really been exposed, and she had also implicated so many people.

Thinking of this, her eyes turned red, and she wished she had died in the first place, so that this kind of thing wouldn't happen.

"Hehe." Belmode smiled: "Don't worry, they are still alive. Well, come with me."

"Yes." Miyano Shiho said coldly, "But you have to let them go."

"You think you have the right to negotiate conditions?"

"You spent so much effort just to find me, I think I should still be useful."

Miyano Shiho was very calm at the moment: "If you disagree, I will die in front of you. No matter what your purpose is, getting a corpse is definitely not what you want."

"Tsk tsk, I'm quite stubborn."

Belmode gave her a meaningful look, then turned and walked towards a car parked by the side of the road.

Miyano Shiho didn't say anything, just followed silently.

After all, she has nothing to do now.

Everyone is in the hands of the other party, except for some conditions, basically everything is out of their control.

In order to save some suffering, and for Hanyu Shirasawa and the others, she didn't play any tricks and cooperated very well.


ten minutes later.

The car stopped in front of a closed bar.

Miyano Shiho saw the name of the bar - Fallen Angel Bar.

She still didn't say anything, she followed wherever Belmode went.

The two entered the bar together.

The environment of the bar was a little dark, except for a dark figure at the bar counter, there was no one else.

When he came in front of that figure, Miyano Shiho widened his eyes and called out: "Bai Ze! You..."

Belmode came to sit next to Hanyu Baisawa, put his arm around him, and said with a smile: "You don't know, her expression at that time was really interesting."


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