"You?" Miyano Shiho was stunned, looking at the intimate appearance of the two in front of her, it made her feel confused for a moment.

She doesn't know who Belmode is, but the person who can make her feel scared is at least someone with a code name in the organization.

But Hanyu Baisawa, in her heart, always thought that the other party was a peripheral member of the organization. After all, when she took care of herself, she was talking about peripheral members.

But now a cadre, holding the arm of a peripheral member, still looking intimate, doesn't look right no matter what.

"Small sorrow."

Hanyu Shirasawa patted Belmode's hand, stared at Miyano Shiho, and said seriously:

"Some things, it's time to let you know. You must listen carefully to what I say next, because these contents are very important."

"Wait a minute." Miyano Shiho shook his head: "Let me calm down first, don't say anything yet."

Belmode joked: "It seems that she was really scared."

Hanyu Shirasawa curled his lips when he heard that.

Although I don't know what the specific process was like, but I can judge it from the character of the other party. The scene at that time must have been very interesting.

Waited a while.

The expression on Miyano Shiho's face returned to normal, and he took a deep breath: "Okay, tell me, I'll listen."

"Xiao Ai, let's start with our affairs. By the way, let me tell you, I have recovered my memory."

Chapter 0146: Xiao Ai's Apology Ten Years Ago

Fallen Angels Bar.

There are only three people inside.

Hanyu Shirasawa, Belmode and Miyano Shiho.

After listening to everything about it.

Miyano Shiho only asked one question: "Shiraizawa, have you really recovered your memory?"

"Yes." Hanyu Shirasawa nodded, this little lolita has already gone through the dungeon, and it can indeed be said that the memory is restored.


Miyano Shiho muttered, raising his head for a while, then lowering his head for a while.

She really wanted to say sorry, but seeing Belmode next to her and the smiling expression on her face, she knew that this woman would definitely not leave.

So ever.

The words of apology stuck in his throat.

"What's the matter?" Hanyu Baisawa asked concerned, but he didn't know what this little girl was thinking, after all, he couldn't read minds.

"That's... "Zero Five Seven" I..."

Miyano Shiho was so panicked that he died. After struggling for a while, his cheeks began to turn red, and he lowered his head and said weakly:

"Bai Ze, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. I always wanted to say sorry to you, but after you left, I never had a chance to say it. I'm sorry..."

"Huh?" Hanyu Baisawa smiled, touched the little girl's head, shook her head and said, "Xiao Ai, it's okay, I've never been angry. Because I don't do those things, one day you will also face Yes, I just advanced the time."

"Are you really not angry?" Miyano Shiho looked up at him cautiously.

"Really." Hanyu Baisawa stretched out his hand, picked up the little loli, and gently hugged him into his arms.

Belmode watched this scene silently, his eyes became very strange.

She had just heard what happened.

As for what Hanyu Shirasawa said about amnesia, it must be false, but she didn't expect that Miyano Shiho cared so much about what happened back then, and it seemed that it had become an obsession, and the emotions he showed were abnormal.

Waited a while.

See the time is about the same.

She said: "Xue Li, if this is the case, let's go to the laboratory. If you need anything, just tell me, so I can get it for you."

Hearing this, Miyano Shiho came back to his senses in an instant, jumped out of Hanyu Shirasawa's arms in a hurry, with a slightly red face, nodded:

"Okay, you lead the way."

The location of the laboratory is very close.

It's actually just below the bar.

Led by Belmode, they came to an alloy door.

After entering the password.

The alloy door opens.

What catches the eye is a huge piece of glass. Behind the glass is a huge room filled with various experimental instruments.

Although the place is not very big, it is basically the same as what was equipped in the black organization back then. There is no difference, but it is only the basics.

It's just that there is no one inside at this time, and these things are left here to eat ashes.

Belmode walked in, and said lightly: "I have raised money for many years to buy these. I was always short of some experimenters, but now you are just right. You can check it, if there is something wrong, or Tell me what needs to be added."

Miyano Shiho didn't speak, and the small figure started to wander here.

She inspected very seriously, every instrument or equipment had to be done by herself.

It went on like this for an hour.

Wait for everything to be checked.

She finally spoke: "Yes, the early experiments should be enough, and there may be some things to add to the later experiments."

Belmode asked: "What is it?"

Miyano Shiho shook his head, exuding a unique calm temperament, as if he had returned to his home field: "It is useless to buy those things now. If the early stage cannot be completed, there is no possibility of the later stage."

"How much money do you need for those things?" Belmode asked directly in a different direction.

Even if you don't buy it now, you have to prepare the money first, otherwise you won't have the funds, but you won't be able to buy anything.

Miyano Shiho was silent for a moment, and slowly spit out a price: "About 300 billion yen."


Belmode's angelic face couldn't help being stunned, and he didn't expect that the things behind would cost so much money.

When she thought of this, she thought of gin. No wonder that guy has been making money everywhere in the past few years. It turns out that the experiment really cost so much money.


Letting out a breath, her expression returned to calm, and she said lightly: "Okay, I will remember."

After finishing speaking, he stared straight at Hanyu Shirasawa...

"Why are you looking at me? I don't have any money." Hanyu Shirasawa curled his lips.

He didn't even buy more than 300 million cars, let alone 300 billion.

Belmode said quietly: "Let's go and rob the bank."

Hanyu Baisawa said speechlessly: "Don't think about these things. Everyone in the organization has already called for beatings. If you do this kind of thing again, they will probably offer rewards everywhere."


Belmod nodded.

It is best not to do things like stealing money yourself, just play black and eat black, or blackmail.

If you rob too much money by yourself, it will become a target of public criticism. Even if you have money, it is estimated that you will not spend it very much. [-]% will be noticed by interested people, and there will be a series of follow-up troubles at that time.

Of course, there is no problem with an organization in this situation, but unfortunately they only have this few people, so there is no need to take risks for these future things for the time being.

"There are still problems." Miyano Shiho said again at this time: "I need the experimental data from the past, otherwise it would be a waste of time to start from scratch. There should be some reservations in the organization of these data. Can you get them?"

Belmode squinted his eyes, thought for a while, and said slowly: "I will try my best. If it will be exposed, I will not choose to do it. By the way, if you have any questions, let's talk about it together, don't come out one by one. .”

"I need someone's blood."

"I knew you still had problems. Whose blood?" 3.1

"Kudo Shinichi's, that is, Edogawa Conan, he has become a child just like me. I think his blood contains the samples I want, so it will be more convenient for research."

"Oh?" Belmode raised his eyebrows, but still nodded: "Okay, I'll get him now."

"I'll still come."

Hanyu Baisawa spoke, he was really worried about this woman making a move, after all, this is not the original work, and they have nothing to do with each other.

If Conan is killed, it will be troublesome then.

After all, Conan is the protagonist of this world, and the chaos of the timeline still depends on his help.

If this is killed, it will return to normal directly, and many of his tasks will not be completed.

So in the temporary situation, even if you're not on the side with Conan, you can't have the idea of ​​killing him, because it's not the time for the other party to die.

Chapter 0147: Smoke less, don't kill me

Didan Elementary School.

Class B of the first grade.

Conan sat obediently, listening to the teacher above.

Although it is all known content, but who made him a child now, if he behaves differently from other children, he will be suspected to some extent.

Also at this time.

The voice of their homeroom teacher Xiao Lin Chengzi came from the door of the classroom: "Conan, come out, someone is looking for you."


Conan responded calmly, walked out of the classroom without any hesitation, and then saw the acquaintance beside Chengzi Xiaolin.

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