"Okay, I called you out, and I won't bother you." Xiao Lin Chengzi finished with a smile, turned and walked towards her office.

"Mr. Hanyu, is there something wrong?"

Conan looked at the person in front of him, it was Hanyu Shirasawa, and he didn't understand how the other person came to find him.

"Let's go, I have something important to tell you, let's go out first." Hanyu Shirasawa smiled mysteriously, and walked towards the outside of the teaching building.


The two left the school.

Get into a black Mazda parked on the side of the road.

Conan didn't suspect anything from the beginning to the end, he just thought that something was really going on, and even put on his seat belt, and asked, "Mr. Hanyu, can we talk about it now?"

29 "Don't worry, put on the blindfold first."


"Put on the blindfold first." Hanyu Shirasawa repeated, throwing the blindfold in front of him.


Conan is not an idiot, he is a detective, a powerful one, so he sensed something was wrong at this moment.

Silently unbuttoned the seat belt, picked up the blindfold at the same time, and asked tentatively:

"Mr. Hanyu, what's the matter, can you tell me directly? Otherwise, I won't go with you."

"Why bother."

Hanyu Shirasawa rubbed his chin, and said coldly: "Kudou Shinichi, I advise you to cooperate with me, otherwise I will sell the news that you have become smaller."


Conan's eyes suddenly turned into dead fish eyes, and he said quietly: "Mr. Hanyu, you have already sold it once. FBI, you won't forget it so quickly, right?"

"Ahem, unexpected accident. I'm talking about selling to other organizations. After all, rejuvenation is something that makes people enviable just thinking about it. Tell me, if other organizations find out, will they arrest you and slice them up?" ?”

Conan's expression froze, and a smile that was uglier than crying appeared on his face:

"Mr. Hanyu... let's not joke. And we have always gotten along very well, there is no need to make trouble like this. Also, we all went through the matter of the Twilight Annex at that time. Ah, should be friends, right?"

"Kudou Shinichi, I told you to believe it, I just took you to a place, why don't you believe it?"

"Then what did you tell me? I'll believe it when you tell me."

"Tsk tsk, you're making it difficult for me." Hanyu Baisawa knew that it couldn't make sense now, so he needed to use other methods.

a time.

The atmosphere in the car became quiet.


Conan opened the car door, turned around and was about to jump out.

Hanyu Shirasawa also opened the door next to him in an instant, and was about to chase after him.

Just at this juncture.

Conan, who was supposed to run out, turned around directly, raised his anesthesia gun watch, and pressed the button decisively.

There was a sound of "whoosh"!

A silver light flashed in the air.

"Stable." A smile appeared on Conan's face.

the other side.

Hanyu Baisawa sensed something was wrong, and said silently in his heart: "Bullet time."


The whole world fell silent.

But in this quiet world, Hanyu Baisawa's body was moving a little bit, and his head was also looking back a little bit.

I saw a small needle solidified in mid-air, and the target was aimed at my own neck.


Conan here.

He still had a confident smile on his face just now, but it disappeared instantly the next moment.

Because Hanyu Shirasawa, who opened the door with his back behind his back, turned around the moment his anesthesia needle was shot, and just pinched it gently with two fingers.

It can be said that he was dumbfounded by this wave of operations.

"How is this possible?" Conan encountered this situation for the first time, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

"Ah, ah." Hanyu Shirasawa said softly, "Shinichi Kudo, no, Conan, Conan, I originally wanted to resolve this peacefully, but you asked for it."


Conan didn't even think about it, he turned and ran.

After all, there is only one anesthesia needle in his anesthesia watch, and it will be gone when it is used up.

At the same time, the moment he jumped out of the car, he opened the foot strengthening shoes, and a football quickly appeared on the belt around his waist.

Bending down hard, jumping on the spot, twisting and spinning, trying to kick the football with a kick, and give Hanyu Shirasawa a hard time after chasing up.

Available in the next second.

He only felt that the shadows in front of his eyes covered the sky, and then his neck hurt, his eyes rolled and he passed out.

"Tsk tsk, it's pretty useful."

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at Conan who fell to the ground in an instant, and the anesthesia needle on his neck, and nodded in satisfaction.

This is the black technology of this world, the anesthesia effect is really fast.

In fact, he didn't need to hide just now, after all, all poisons are invulnerable, but he didn't want to show it in front of others, so he used that method.

"Hey, let's go."

Hanyu Shirasawa glanced around, picked up Conan on the ground, and stuffed it into the car.

Fortunately, the location of the school is a little bit away from 057, and there is no one around, otherwise they will definitely be seen.

Start the car.

go away.

ten minutes.

Back to the Fallen Angel Bar.

In the underground laboratory.

Hanyu Shirasawa put Conan on the experimental table, looked at the little Miyano Shiho who was holding a thick needle in the arm, thought about it, and reminded:

"Xiao Ai, smoke less, don't get killed."

"I have my measure."

"I'm serious, do less, or he won't dare to approach me next time."

"I... okay." Miyano Shiho finally changed the needle tube, although it was much smaller, it was still big.

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, mourned for Conan for a second, and slowly retreated to Belmode's side.

Belmode looked at the two little people in front of him and exclaimed: "I used to think that old guy was whimsical, but I didn't expect that he really made something amazing."

"That's right." Hanyu Baisawa nodded: "By the way, you guys should leave soon. It's best not to let this guy see you, it's inconvenient to reveal your identities."

Belmode raised his eyebrows: "This is obviously my territory, you just take him away."


Hanyu Shirasawa was speechless, as if it was true, so he nodded slightly to show that he knew.

Chapter 0148: Invitation from Chibo Jinghua


Conan let out a muffled hum, and slowly opened his eyes.

As soon as he woke up, he felt extremely tired, his head hurt, and there was a feeling of needle pricks on his wrist, which made him feel a bad premonition.

It's just a matter of seconds.

He just remembered what happened.


"Hanyu Shirasawa..."

Conan said a few words to himself, and cold sweat left on his forehead.

He took out his phone, saw his appearance through the reflection of the screen, and was startled immediately.

A pale face that looked like a ghost.

"What's wrong with me?"

He looked down at his wrist, and saw a very clear red spot on the skin, and when he reached out and touched it lightly, he felt a tingling pain.

Now, he understood.

"Bastard! I've been drawn blood? Hanyu Shirasawa, I won't let you go."

"Oh? Why didn't you let me go?" A Youyou voice sounded from the side, almost jumping up in fright.

Conan turned his head sharply, and saw Hanyu Shirasawa sitting on a rock under a big tree not far away, blowing the wind, with a smile on his face.

"You nasty guy!" He struggled to stand up, came to Hanyu Baisawa, and shouted: "What did you do to me? And where is this?"

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head: "Is the effect of the anesthesia injection so strong? Are you still awake? Look where this is."

Conan turned his head, glanced left and right, looked at the tree again, and said after a while, "So it's Mihua Park."

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