"That's right, it's right here, just very close to Didan Primary School. Alright, now that you're awake, go back to class by yourself."


Conan was about to explode, he had never seen such a brazen person.

Taking a deep breath, he realized that he was not the opponent's opponent, so he asked patiently, "What did you do after you knocked me out?"

"Didn't you just say that? Blood draw, what else can you do?"

"Who drew my blood?"

"Ha ha."

Hanyu Baisawa smiled, stood up slowly, moved his body, and lied casually: "Someone offered 300 million to buy your blood, and I agreed."

"That's why you caught me?"

"Yes, as long as I can afford it, I will do anything that is not too illegal."

"You..." Conan really wanted to call the police, but there was no evidence, so he said angrily, "I'll pay 50, and I want to know who wants my blood."

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't even raise his eyelids: "I'm sorry, the other party paid 1000 million yuan for hush money. If you can also pay this price, I will tell you."


Conan opened his mouth, but couldn't utter a word.

Although he knew that his father loved him very much, he also understood that he would definitely not agree to spending 1000 million for a piece of news that was not very important.

And for some reason, he always had a feeling in his heart that what Hanyu Shirasawa said just now was a lie.

But when I think of the other party's style of asking for money, I feel that this cannot be a lie.

"All right."

Hanyu Baisawa continued: "If there are no questions, I will leave first. If you have any questions, just give me the money, and I will answer you."

When you're done, turn around and leave.

Conan was very upset, and said harshly at the back: "Hanyu Shirasawa, just wait for me, one day you will beg me, one day you will fall into my hands!"

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, raised his hand and waved, not believing his words at all.

If one day I ask for it on him, then I guess I'm not far from death.

Out of Mihua Park.

Get into the car parked on the side of the road.

Before he could leave, his phone rang.

Glancing at the phone number above, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and after connecting, he asked:

"Xiao Jing, what's the matter?"

"It seems that you are already familiar with this title." It was a woman's voice who spoke, and it was Chi Bo Jinghua.

Hanyu Baize laughed and said, "That's what you said last time that you want me to call you that. I have no choice but to get acquainted first."

"Have you experienced anything recently?"

"The experience is quite a bit, but it's not with you."

"That's it..." Chi Bo Jinghua's tone became a little soft, but he couldn't tell what emotion it was.

Hanyu Hakusawa paused, and asked, "So, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing. There are three foreign stars who are going to open a restaurant in Osaka. I'm being invited, so I'm going to let you have a look. After all, last time you said you wanted to come to Osaka."

"Three foreign stars? Open a restaurant?"

Hanyu Shirasawa murmured to himself in a low voice, wondering if there was such a thing in the original book.

I quickly remembered that in the original book, there really seemed to be three celebrities and the opening of a restaurant, and there was also a case. Simply put, someone died.

"¨‖Yes, come and see?" Chi Bo Jinghua asked.

"it is good."

"The time is tomorrow night, remember not to be late."


Hanyu Shirasawa exchanged some pleasantries with her, asked her for the address, and then hung up the phone.

Looking down at the phone, he murmured:

"Xiao Jing..."

"It seems that I will go to your copy tonight, at least go through a small copy first."

He couldn't help but want to laugh.

It seemed that this woman was really anxious, and it didn't take long before she wanted to confirm whether he had any memories of the time.

In order not to disappoint this woman, he has to start working harder.

Of course, all of this has to be done at night, and we can only meet tomorrow, which is still early.

No longer thinking about these things, he called Miwako Sato.

"What are you doing?" Sato Miwako's voice was carefree, but a little unnatural could still be heard.

After all, what happened to (the king's) in the morning still happened to a woman, so it's impossible to ignore it so quickly.

"Ahem." Hanyu Baisawa coughed twice, and said solemnly: "Miwako, I'm apologizing for you on behalf of Sharon. She said some nonsense today, I hope you don't mind."

"Hmph, you think too much. I didn't take this kind of thing to heart at all. Don't you think I really have feelings for you? Hanyu Shirasawa, I'd better persuade you to stop thinking about it. "


The corners of Hanyu Shirasawa's mouth twitched. The strong and arrogant tone made him wonder if his wife really hit the mark.

"Okay, Miwako, it will be noon soon. I treat you to dinner as an apology."

"No, I'm going to have lunch with Yumi today."

"Uh...then you can call her together. After all, I promised her last time, and I will definitely treat her to dinner. I will fulfill my promise today."

Chapter 0149: Start the copy of Chibo Jinghua


Opposite the Metropolitan Police Department.

There is a restaurant here.

At this moment, Hanyu Shirasawa was sitting opposite Miwako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto.

"Bai Ze, why don't you order?" Miyamoto Yumi looked at him puzzled.

Miwako Sato asked suspiciously: "You said you invited the two of us to dinner, so you can't bear to part with it now?"

Miyamoto Yumi hurriedly said: "That's not acceptable. Since everything has been ordered, then you can't go back on your word. And you didn't order it yourself, so we took the initiative to help you order it."


Hanyu Baisawa rubbed his eyebrows, sighed deeply, and said quietly: "I don't mean to regret it, I just want to say that it's really good to eat here, don't you think it's weird?"

"Have it?"

At this moment, the two women turned into iron-headed men, looking left and right, all they saw were guests, and they didn't feel anything was wrong.

"It's normal."


Miwako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto started singing together.


Hanyu Baisawa smiled with a stiff expression, and looked at the guests around him, and these guests also looked at him at 060, and each of them seemed to be shining with green light, just like that without blinking staring.

Among these people, he also saw two acquaintances, Takagi Wataru and Shiratori Rensaburo.

That's right, there are a bunch of male policemen next to him, even though they are eating, all their eyes are on him, looking at him like a thief.

But it's normal to think about it.

After all, this is opposite the Metropolitan Police Department. Miwako Sato and Yumi Miyamoto are recognized police women, but they have always been very popular with their male compatriots, and they all regard them as the goddesses of their dreams.

Now that they suddenly saw a man like him eating with their goddess, they must come over to see what the situation was like, which finally led to such a result.

I don't know if these two women are used to it, or if they don't take it seriously, but they don't feel it at all.

"Ahem." Hanyu Baisawa coughed twice, before the food was served, he started chatting: "Well, I'm going to Osaka tomorrow, do you have any souvenirs you want?"

"Hmm..." Yumi Miyamoto tilted her head, thought for a while and said, "I've always wanted to see Osaka Castle, but I just don't have the chance."

Miwako Sato nodded: "I have similar thoughts. I heard that the castle tower has great historical significance. It's really a pity not to see it in person."

"Could you two want me to bring these two things back?" Hanyu Baisawa couldn't help twitching the corner of his mouth.

"Can you?" Sato Miwako's eyes lit up.

"Of course not." Miyamoto Yumi helped to answer, and said angrily: "I guess at most I just took some photos, but I still haven't felt comfortable seeing it with my own eyes."

"never mind."

Hanyu Baisawa waved his hand: "We still don't talk about this, it's all my fault, I shouldn't talk about these topics with you."

He felt that he was overthinking.

Miwako Sato didn't seem to be affected by what happened in the morning at all, and it was no different from before.

He shouldn't have invited the other party to dinner, otherwise he wouldn't have been stared at by so many people, it really made people feel uncomfortable.


A cell phone rang.

There was more than one, and soon they became one piece.

Takagi She and the others took out their mobile phones one by one, put them to their ears to answer, then nodded one by one, then paid the bill and left here.

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