He even wanted to ask Xiaolan's current mother's name, but he thought it would be a bit abrupt to ask, so he held back in the end.


Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, ignoring other people's gazes, walked out of here on his own, and went outside to take a breath of fresh air.

Now he has a lot of doubts in his heart, and he just wants to be calm and calm.

"By the way, shouldn't it be related to my system copy?"

He suddenly thought of this possibility.

My dungeon system may not be as simple as just experiencing the dungeon to get rewards, maybe I am experiencing the past history and thus changing the future.

"It can't be true..."

Thinking of the many novels he had read, Hanyu Shirasawa felt that this was very likely to be the case, but he didn't dare to be [-]% sure, all of this needed to be explored by himself.


Xiaolan and the others came out.

"Mr. Hanyu, see you next time. I'm going to send this child back to his house." Xiaolan said proactively.

After speaking, he left with Conan.

Hanyu Shirasawa stared at her back in a daze, suddenly felt a pat on the shoulder, turned his head to look, only to find that Miwako Sato was staring at him with a half-smile.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Ha ha."

Miwako Sato smiled and said: "You still have the nerve to ask me, I blush for you when you asked some strange things in it just now, that's not how you strike up a conversation."

"Is this considered flirting?"

"Then what did you say?"


Hanyu Shirasawa was speechless, ignored this woman, and strode forward.

Miwako Sato shouted, "Why are you going?"

"Go home." Hanyu Shirasawa waved his hand.

The things he came here are all done, and he doesn't have his share of the gold coins, so of course he can only go home.

Now he is still in a daze, he doesn't think about anything, the plot has changed anyway, so let's just let it go, most of it probably hasn't changed, but there are some differences in the characters.



time flies.

Had dinner.

Hanyu Baisawa sat on the sofa in the living room, watching the program on the TV, his thoughts began to wander.

half an hour.

He turned off the TV, got up and went to the balcony to close the window curtains, returned to the bedroom and lay on the bed, and opened his own system panel.

Thinking about what Xiaolan said in the afternoon, he looked at the three words "Feiyingli" in the dungeon. In the end, he still didn't rush to make a choice, and looked at a name next to him.

"Youkiko Fujimine, right?"

"Miss Youxizi, I chose you this time, I hope you will give me a better reward."

Hanyu Shirasawa only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and he disappeared into the bedroom, and came to another environment at the same time.

And this mission also appeared in front of my eyes, which was basically exactly the same as that of Feiyingli, and it seemed that I was busy.

[Dungeon: Fujimine Yukiko (1/3)]

[Customs Clearance Condition: Deep Impression]

[Task Reward: Smoke Bomb Unlimited Version].

Chapter 0015: Yukiko Copy: 1/3

Look away from the system panel.

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at the scene in front of him, it was a lush green area, with lush trees and grass.


"A little familiar."

He really felt that this place was a bit familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere before.

Frowning and thinking for a while, I finally thought of it, and my mood is quite strange:

"It turned out to be Mihua Park. Compared with the future one, although it lacks a lot of facilities, it is still very beautiful."

"By the way, where is the heroine this time?"

In the last dungeon, Fei Yingli was seen as soon as he came, but this time no one saw it.

Seeing a gazebo not far away, he walked over slowly, and saw a notebook on the stone table in the gazebo.

Hanyu Baisawa couldn't help but picked it up, looked at the four characters "My Wish", and flipped a page casually.

What catches the eye is the delicate notes, as if you don't need to look to know that it was written by a young girl.

[I'm already a freshman in high school, and I'm going to start thinking about my future.Suddenly, recently I have become obsessed with acting, I really want to be a star. 】

[Today, I saw someone in my class starting to date.I couldn't help but feel flustered, praying to God to send me a Prince Charming, or a knight...]


Hanyu Baisawa couldn't help laughing, now he basically understood that this is a diary, from the combined text, it can be seen that this is a girl with a lively personality and eccentric spirit.

At this time, a voice came from the front:


Hanyu Baisawa looked up and saw a pair of very agile eyes, flickering as if he could speak.

Her slightly curly brown hair just reached her shoulders, her pretty face was full of vitality, she was wearing short sleeves and jeans, just standing here, she couldn't help feeling like she wanted to pamper her sister.

There was a gentle breeze, and coincidentally, the last page of the diary in Hanyu Baisawa's hand was blown away, revealing the name left by the girl inside - Fujimine Yukiko.

Yukiko tilted her head, not feeling the tension of seeing a stranger at all, and said:

"Uncle, what you are holding is mine."


Hanyu Shirasawa's eyes widened, and he almost threw the notebook in his hand.

What are these names?

He is so young and handsome, but in the eyes of the other party, he is just an uncle, which is really heartbreaking.

If it wasn't for the fact that the guy in front of him was the target of this mission, he would have said a few words about everything he said.

"Hey, don't you like this name?"

You Xizi said it without any scruples, her talking eyes rolled around, and a bright smile suddenly appeared on her face, and she said carelessly:

"If that's the case, what do you call your senior?"


Hanyu Shirasawa was a little flustered in the wind, and he just wanted to say something about the essence of Chinese culture in his heart.

Who is here to complete the dungeon mission?

Why did he feel that he himself was no match for the girl in front of him, as if their identities had been switched directly.

At the same time, Hanyu Baisawa understood that the girl in front of him has completely different styles from Fei Yingli, and there is no danger in this place, it may take a lot of time to complete this mission .


With a deep sigh in his heart, he said helplessly on the surface:

"Senior, let's be senior. It's better than uncle. And next time, don't talk so nonsense. In fact, I'm not much older than you."

"Senior, what do you mean by how old you are? It feels like you are at least ten years older than me."

As Yukiko spoke, she moved closer to Hanyu Shirasawa for a closer look, especially when she nodded vigorously at the end, as if she was confirming what she said just now.

"Hehe~" Hanyu Baisawa couldn't help backing away, the corner of his mouth twitched constantly: "I think you must have many friends when you were in school."

You Xizi's blue pupils lit up immediately: "Senior, you are really amazing, you have guessed all of this."

A black line appeared on Hanyu Shirasawa's forehead.

Can you guess right?

Although it was only a short period of time, he already knew that this was a girl who was extremely good at communicating, and making friends would definitely be a no-brainer.

Thinking of Fujimine Yukiko's character in the anime, combined with the other party's current performance, it doesn't seem so unacceptable.

Some people are like this, they are born with this kind of ability, and it will not be annoying, and it is really impossible to learn.


You Xizi suddenly called out with a smile again: "Can you return my things to me?"

"Sorry, I almost forgot." Hanyu Baisawa remembered that he still had the other party's diary in his hand, and quickly handed it over.

Youxizi took the diary carefully and held it gently in her chest. She lowered her head slowly, her hair hanging down just concealed the expression on her face, and her voice rang out in a low voice:

"Senior, when you laughed at the beginning, you were laughing at my wishes, right?"

"No, not at all." Hanyu Shirasawa Yoshinori replied verbally.

"I'm going to die."

"Huh?" Hanyu Shirasawa was confused.

"The doctor said that I can only live for half a year, so I wrote down all the wishes I thought of. Maybe this is a bit funny to seniors. But it doesn't matter, senior. Anyway, I won't live long, just laugh if you want to laugh." Come on, senior, don't feel guilty. Well, I'm home, I had a great chat with senior today, and hope to see senior again tomorrow."

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