When You Xizi said these words, she kept her head down all the time, her tone was very disappointed, and her body was full of sadness.

After finishing speaking, he bowed politely to Hanyu Shirasawa before turning around and leaving in a bit of embarrassment.

Walked a good distance.

You Xizi raised her head, her face was satisfied with a smile of a successful prank, and she stuck out her tongue playfully, muttering:

"Senior, senior, I hope you won't be so guilty that you won't be able to sleep tonight, or give yourself two slaps, then I will wake up laughing when I sleep. Hehe, this is the punishment for peeking at my diary~"


What she didn't know was.

When Hanyu Baisawa heard what she said, he was already stunned in place, without the guilt she thought in his heart at all.

"Only half a year to live?"

"real or fake?"

"If I didn't know the plot of the original book, and knew that you lived a good life later, I would have almost believed in your evil."

"Hey, this little girl's film..."

Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head amusedly, and then felt a little distressed. Sure enough, this task is not easy to complete.

Now that the hostess has run away, it looks like he has to find a place to live, and will continue to come here tomorrow to wait for the other party and slowly complete the task.

Chapter 0016: Yukiko Copy: 1/3

the next day.


When Hanyu Shirasawa came to the gazebo in Mihua Park yesterday, he found that Yukiko was already there.

She was still dressed the same as yesterday, and when she saw him coming, she walked over angrily:

"Senior! I have been waiting for you here for an hour, you are really slow in coming, I thought you were going to let me go."

"No, I just didn't sleep well last night, so I woke up late." Hanyu Baisawa opened his mouth to lie.

"Hee hee." You Xizi couldn't help being happy, thinking that what she said last yesterday had an effect, and made Hanyu Shirasawa feel guilty all night.

Hanyu Baisawa said, "Okay, tell me, what are you going to do today?"

"Senior, did you finish reading my diary yesterday?" Yukiko smiled, showing her white teeth.

"It was just an accident."

"It seems that you have admitted, senior, that peeking at a girl's diary is a bad behavior."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"Hey, I wrote some wishes in my diary, why don't seniors accompany me to complete some simple ones today?"

When You Xizi said this, her spirit changed, and she felt her whole body cheered up.

"Uh..." Hanyu Baisawa felt that it was more important to complete his own tasks first, and he didn't want to spend time with the girl on ordinary things.

Yukiko looked at Hanyu Shirasawa's hesitation, and immediately lowered her head like a deflated ball, and said very decadently:

"Sure enough, a girl like me who can only live for half a year will not be liked by God, or else she won't wait to die."


The corner of Hanyu Baisawa's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly, "Okay, I promise you."

"Haha, that's great."

You Xizi's face turned from cloudy to sunny in an instant, she took out her diary from somewhere, flipped through several pages and said loudly:

"Okay, let's go shopping today. Originally, it was written in my wish that I would go shopping with my boyfriend. Since I don't have a boyfriend now, let my senior do it for me."


Hanyu Shirasawa squinted at the girl, and was already preparing for the failure of his mission.

Led by the girl Bounce, the two left Mihua Park and headed for [-]-chome.

Along the way, there are a lot of pedestrians, and the surrounding environment is different from the future, with a sense of age, giving Hanyu Shirasawa a brand new experience.

You Xizi has now turned into a little bird, chattering non-stop, she can talk about the electric poles next to her, and the shops she passes by, as if there is nothing she doesn't know about this area.

Suddenly, she stopped, turned her head and stared at Hanyu Shirasawa with burning eyes, and said seriously:

"Senior, it seems that we are going to do something big."

"What's the big deal?" Hanyu Baisawa can basically deal with the surprise of the girl in front of him now, all he needs to do is put on a poker face.

"Let's go have a barbecue."

"It's only ten o'clock, are you hungry?"

"Senior, this is all your fault. Originally, I wanted to go to have breakfast with you, but you came so slowly that I didn't even eat."

"Then go eat now, just eat something to fill your stomach."

"I want to eat barbecue."

"Uh..." Hanyu Baisawa said speechlessly, "It's so early in the morning, no one is selling barbecue, right?"

"Dangdangdangdang~" Yuxiko seemed to be waiting for this sentence, with a happy voice in her mouth, she raised her hand and pointed behind her.

Hanyu Shirasawa looked in the direction she pointed.


It turns out that at some point, he was brought to the door of a barbecue restaurant by this girl. It seems that those words just now were prepared.

"Haha, let's go in."

You Xizi seemed to be a regular customer here, and she called the waiter to order food as soon as she came in, without even asking him what he wanted to eat, she had already ordered everything.

After she was done, looking at the silent Hanyu Baisawa opposite, she suddenly realized and asked:

"Senior, do you have anything you like to eat? I'll add it right away."

"Uh...no need, you ordered enough."

Hanyu Shirasawa was not worried about running out of money, after all, nights in this day and age were not safe.

When he was looking for a place to sleep last night, he met a lot of guys who came out at night and asked them to borrow a lot of money. Those guys were reluctant at first, but later became very enthusiastic. As for why, I know I understand.

"You usually come here often?" Hanyu Shirasawa took the initiative to find a topic.

"Yes, a good friend of mine often comes here. It's a pity that she has something to do today, otherwise she would definitely bring her here to let you know."

"No, no, no." Hanyu Baisawa hastily refused. It was already very difficult to complete the task now, if another person interrupted, this time the task might really fail.

"Did the senior despise it?"

"Nothing. By the way, you'd better eat less and be careful of getting fat."

"Oh, I don't care anymore, I won't live long anyway, now I can play however I want."


Hanyu Baisawa looked at her and still talked about it, and really wanted to expose her, but in the end he held back and chatted along this topic:

"I don't think you look like you're going to live for a long time. Your complexion is rosy, so cheerful, so lively."

"It makes sense~"

You Xizi stroked her chin, and nodded in approval, then she rolled her eyes:

"Senior, why don't you cry twice, and then I will cry twice, it looks like it."

"Pretend I didn't say it." Hanyu Shirasawa shut up.


The waiter brought out the grilled meat and vegetables, with various toppings.

Yukiko put the meat and vegetables one by one on the wire mesh, and began to brush with the sauce. Suddenly, she burst out laughing with an inexplicable "puchi".

Hanyu Shirasawa was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

You Xizi suppressed a smile and shook her head: "I just suddenly regretted that I should have forced my good friend here. I should let seniors experience the barbecue she made, so that seniors will never forget it after eating it."

Hearing what she said, Hanyu Shirasawa immediately knew who it was.

It must be that woman, Fei Yingli, who masters dark cuisine at the master level. It is true that as long as someone tastes it once, they will never forget it for the rest of their lives.

As soon as he thought that You Xizi was talking about her, he didn't answer, but just smiled "hehe" to show that he knew.

"Okay, senior, come and taste my craft."

Yukiko put a piece of grilled meat into Hanyu Shirasawa's bowl, and just looked at him with a smile, waiting for him to taste it.

Hanyu Shirasawa gently picked up the piece of meat, smelling the fragrance blowing towards his face, and then glanced at the bright smiling girl opposite, muttering in his heart:

"Youxizi...don't be like this, you are completely attacking me, it doesn't look like I am attacking you at all, it's too difficult for me.".

Chapter 0017: Yukiko Copy: 1/3

time flies.

A simple barbecue is over in no time.


"So full, so comfortable."

As soon as Hanyu Shirasawa walked out of the barbecue restaurant, Yukiko's sweet voice came to his ears.

Turning her head to look, she saw a satisfied smile on her face, rubbing her stomach with one hand, she was really full of vitality:

"Senior, isn't the taste great?"

"Well, it's really good."

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