And in front of the practice square is a hall, which is very spacious. It is estimated that it is the place where the master watched the former disciples practice.

Standing here, Hanyu Shirasawa could imagine the scenery here before.

"Mr. Hanyu, please drink tea."

Chi Bo Jinghua came back with a tray, put it obediently on a table not far away, then knelt down politely, and filled the cup in front of him with tea.

Then she held it respectfully in her hand, and stared at Hanyu Baisawa without blinking.


Hanyu Shirasawa was a little helpless, this was the first time he encountered such a situation, but he still walked over, took the teacup from the girl's hand, took a sip, and put it back on the table:

"Xiao Jing, you don't need to do this, you make me very uncomfortable, I think you are not used to it, either?"

"No 29."

Chi Bo Jinghua shook his head and said seriously: "My grandfather said that if a teacher is willing to teach you the real thing, he must treat him as an elder. Because only elders will do their best to teach their juniors. So I want to ask Mr. Hanyu to teach me without reservation, the only thing I can do is to honor you well."

"Cough cough..."

Hanyu Shirasawa couldn't help coughing, why is there something wrong with the plot and painting style, it feels so indecent.

He looked at Chi Bo Jinghua in front of him. Although he was still very young, he was already very beautiful.

Especially that skin, very white.

After all, in Conan's original plot, one of the most impressive things about Chibo Jinghua is that her skin is particularly white. This is really a natural beauty, not a result of maintenance.

that's it.

The atmosphere began to be delicate.

The two of them stared wide-eyed, their expressions well concealed, and no one could tell what was going on in their hearts.

for a long time.

Hanyu Baisawa nodded lightly: "Okay, I heard your request. I promise you, I will teach you without reservation."

Chi Bo Jinghua was overjoyed, and kowtowed lightly on the ground: "Teacher, don't worry, I will definitely study hard, no matter how difficult the process is, I will never give up."

"Yeah." Hanyu Shirasawa nodded, with a wry smile in his heart.

The first small copy of the girl in front of him has been completed, but because it was completed too quickly, he felt that there were still many shortcomings.

It was also because of this situation that he was afraid that some of his next things might not have a deep impact on the girl, so it would be difficult for the next small dungeon.

"what can we do about it……"

Hanyu Shirasawa thought in his heart:

"I remember when we first met, she said she was my wife."

"So, in the future, I will have completed the task in the second small copy, but how did I complete it?"

"Wife... Could it be that she married her? Or did something excessive, and some kind of overlord came to force her bow?"

"Forget it, the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge."

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't think about it anymore, he really couldn't figure it out, so he just let things develop on their own, maybe there might be some changes in the future.

Chi Bo Jinghua asked: "Teacher, when shall we start studying?"


"it is good."

"By the way, you go and get two wooden knives."


Chi Bo Jinghua nodded, went to the shelf next to the martial arts factory, and came back with two wooden knives.

Hanyu Shirasawa took a handful, and said lightly:

"Xiao Jing, my teaching method is a bit special, that is actual combat. But don't worry, I will suppress my own strength to achieve the purpose of training you."

He doesn't know swordsmanship, but he also knows that swordsmanship is used to fight and cut people, so he can fight directly by himself, which is right.

"Actual combat?" Chi Bo Jinghua looked dazed for a moment, then nodded solemnly: "Teacher, I understand."

"Okay, let's get started."

Hanyu Shirasawa casually held the wooden knife, waiting for Ikebo Shizuka to rush up.


From morning to afternoon.

The two of them never rested.

Have been here to chop each other.

It's not that Hanyu Baisawa doesn't want to rest, but mainly because Chiba Jinghua is a cultivator and has no intention of stopping at all.

She didn't stop, and Hanyu Shirasawa was too embarrassed to stop, so he just practiced with her like this.

Of course, there are still some advantages.

During this day's duel practice, Hanyu Shirasawa originally knew nothing about swordsmanship, but after the duel practice, he was basically familiar with it.

Chiba Jinghua is even more terrifying, the speed of progress is so fast, when Hanyu Shirasawa released the water, or should be said "released the sea", the intensity gradually caught up.

If it wasn't for her being too young and not yet fully grown up, and her physical fitness restricted her, maybe she could put a little pressure on Hanyu Shirasawa and let him reach the level of "letting go".


Gradually came night.

Darkness appeared on the horizon.


Chiba Jinghua lost the wooden knife in his hand, and was sent flying by Hanyu Shirasawa.

She knelt on the ground, panting heavily, and her whole body was dripping with sweat.

"Xiaojing, it's almost done, let's continue practicing tomorrow." Hanyu Baisawa slowly stood still, looking at the girl in front of him, really 063 didn't know what to say.

It was too hard.

And it's not boring at all.

"Huh... yes, teacher."

"By the way, do you have medicinal wine at home? Look at your injuries."

When Hanyu Shirasawa said this, his eyes were on the girl's exposed skin.

After all, everything is actual combat.

So most of the time, she was hit on the body, which also caused her body to be bruised and purple. Fortunately, it was a wooden knife. If it was a real knife, she would have died countless times.

"Yes." Chi Bo Jinghua nodded, ignoring the pain all over her body.

She glanced at Hanyu Baisawa, showing a shy expression on her face for the first time, silently lowered her head, and said with some embarrassment:

"Teacher, you cut me a lot on the back too, and there should be bruises left, but I can't touch it myself..."


Hanyu Baisawa was silent, and understood what she meant, but how could he answer these words?

If she refused directly, the girl would have nothing to do by herself, and that would be a bit cruel.

At this moment, he was a little speechless. It was really strange that the family was so rich that they didn't hire some maids.


Under the nervous gaze of the girl, Hanyu Shirasawa spoke:

"Okay, I'll help you, just pay attention to yourself."

Chapter 0153: Chibo Jinghua Copy: 1/3

the next day.

Hanyu Shirasawa came to the Kendo Gym early.

But to his surprise, after waiting for nearly an hour, there was no sign of Chi Bo Jinghua.

"What about people?"

"Shouldn't you be going to school?"

"But I remember I was on vacation. What happened?"

He couldn't help but feel a little worried. He left here and headed towards the house.

But when he returned to the residence, he realized that he didn't know Chibo Jinghua's room.

He had no choice but to search one by one in the huge courtyard.

at last.

In a certain room, I found Shizuka Ikebo lying on the tatami.

Chi Bo Jinghua was opening his eyes at the moment, staring blankly at the ceiling above his head.

Seemingly hearing the sound of the door opening, she turned her gaze to the door, and when she saw it was Hanyu Shirasawa, she said with a little disappointment:

"Teacher, I'm really sorry. After training for a whole day yesterday, I couldn't get up."


Hanyu Shirasawa was a little embarrassed, came to sit next to the girl, and said embarrassedly:

"Xiao Jing, I'm sorry, I didn't think carefully and started actual combat training directly. Well, let's go to the hospital to have a look."

"Teacher, it's all right, it's just some skin trauma. I used to fall off when I was jumping up and down the trees. I just wiped it off with medicinal wine and rested for a few days."


Looking at such a sensible girl, Hanyu Baisawa really left him speechless, feeling somewhat guilty.

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