At the same time, this time can be regarded as a lesson for him. Sometimes no matter how strong he looks, he is still flesh and blood in the end. Maybe it seems that nothing happened at the time, and he will not be able to get up the next day.

"Xiaojing, do you have a wheelchair at home?" Hanyu Baisawa asked.

"Yes." Chi Bo Jinghua said softly: "Teacher, if you go out and walk along the corridor, you will arrive at the warehouse. There are wheelchairs in the warehouse."

"Okay, wait a minute."

Hanyu Shirasawa went out.

This is an hour.

If something happened, he found the wheelchair, but it was a little dirty, and then he could only find a place to wash it, and waited until it was almost dry before pushing it back.

After returning to the room.

I found that Chibo Jinghua had gotten up by herself and was tidying up the tatami.

"Xiao Jing, let me fix it." Hanyu Bai Ze couldn't help but hug her in the wheelchair and sit down, and began to tidy up her sleeping place.

After finishing, pushed the wheelchair out of the room.

In fact, Chi Bo Jinghua's injuries are not that serious, it's just that the bruises on her body from yesterday hurt badly when she moved.

Come outside the house.

Hanyu Shirasawa pushed Shizuka Ikebo for a walk, and asked a question: "Xiao Jing, why are you learning kendo?"

Chi Bo Jinghua was silent, looked up at the blue sky, a little nostalgia flashed in his eyes, and he said it after a while:

"Actually, I have been taken care of by my grandfather since I was born. My relationship with my grandfather is very good. My parents often don't go home because they are busy with business. I have no relationship with them."

"Why didn't you see your grandpa?"

"Grandpa...Grandpa passed away last year. Because grandpa liked kendo very much, I studied with him and gradually fell in love with it. Grandpa always said that I am very talented, and I will always be in his heart. They are all the most powerful. So no matter what competition I participate in, I want to get No.1 and become the most powerful in Grandpa’s mind.”

"That's it."

Hanyu Shirasawa didn't expect such a situation. Sure enough, the interests cultivated by relatives are different from the interests he was looking for, and there is still a sense of heaviness.

"But..." Misty water appeared in Chi Bo Jinghua's beautiful eyes suddenly: "I lost in the last competition, and I still lost to my school girl. I failed Grandpa's expectations, not the most powerful in his mind It's gone."

"It's okay." Hanyu Baisawa comforted: "Xiaojing, it's just a small problem. There is a saying that failure is the mother of success, and one failure means nothing. After you and I finish training, next time If you meet her again, you will never lose again."

"Well, I believe in the teacher. The teacher is indeed the most powerful person I have ever met. Under the teacher's training, I will definitely improve rapidly."

It can be said that Chiba Jinghua is blindly confident about Hanyu Shirasawa.

Especially after a day of training yesterday, I became more certain of my thoughts.

At that time, she tried her best, but she couldn't touch Hanyu Shirasawa no matter what.

Every time the killing move seemed perfect, it would dodge at the last moment after it was about to touch the opponent.

After more times, Chi Bo Jinghua understood that his teacher, who has a lot of experience, is unflappable no matter what the situation is, and can solve the crisis in the most effective and concise way.

In just one day's practice, she felt that she had improved much more than practicing alone for a year.

If she was dueling with the schoolgirl from last time, she was confident that she could beat her, or at least be a draw.


Hanyu Shirasawa coughed twice, did not answer the girl's compliment, and began to change the subject:

"Xiao Jing, what do you think the future will look like in 30 years?"

"Hmm..." Chi Bo Jinghua thought for a while, and said, "It should be the same as those described in science fiction novels or movies."

"Hey, are you so optimistic?"

"Of course, Grandpa often said that the world changes so fast, it changes every few years. So, I believe that after 30 years, it will definitely change a lot."

"Okay..." Hanyu Baisawa nodded, and said again: "Tell me, can people in the next few decades return to the present?"


Chi Bo Jinghua was taken aback for a moment, not understanding why his teacher (Wang Zhao) suddenly said that, and when he looked up, he found that his teacher was also staring down at him.

Those were a pair of calm eyes, as calm as a pool of stagnant water, and one could clearly see his own reflection.

The two looked at each other.

The atmosphere is quiet.

Only the unfettered wind surrounded the two of them, blowing their clothes and hair.

for a long time.

Chi Bo Jinghua asked back: "Teacher, I don't know, do you have an answer in your heart?"

"Hehe..." Hanyu Baisawa smiled meaningfully: "Xiao Jing, I will tell you the answer after your injury is healed."

"Is...?" Chi Bo Jinghua felt a little strange, why did he have to wait for the bruise on his body to heal before answering this question.

But since Hanyu Baisawa had already said that, she didn't mean to ask further, anyway, the bruise on her body will heal in only three or four days, and she will know when the time comes.

Chapter 0154: Chibo Jinghua Copy: 1/3

Time flickers.

Five days later.

Chi Bo Jinghua originally thought that all her bruises would be healed in three or four days, but she didn't expect it to take five days to heal.

This morning.

Hanyu Shirasawa and Ikebo Shizuka, they returned to the Kendo Gym, holding the wooden sword in their hands again.

With the experience of the first time, Hanyu Shirasawa did not strike as hard this time, and every time the wooden knife was about to fall on Ikebo Jinghua, he would withdraw his strength.

Although it seems that there will be a short-term stiffness in the movements, Chi Bo Jinghua will seize the flaw and fight back.

But if that's all, Chiba Jinghua still has no way to threaten Hanyu Shirasawa, and will always be bullied.


The two wooden knives collided and did not separate this time.

They are comparing strength.

After all, Chi Bo Jinghua is a 12-year-old girl, and she is not as good as an adult for the time being, her wrist has been bent.

Hanyu Baisawa smiled and said: "Xiao Jing, you are a little unwise. You know that I am stronger than you, but you still compare strength with me. This will make you take the initiative to suffer. Remember, you must use your strengths and use your strengths own strengths."

Chi Bo Jinghua had a sullen face and didn't say a word, looking very cold.

In fact, it wasn't that she was pretending to be cold, but that she was speechless.

Because as soon as he opens his mouth, the strength of the 070 competition will be vented, and trouble will arise at that time.

"Hmm..." She let out a muffled grunt, and decided not to continue the stalemate like this. She took the initiative to retreat, and rolled to the ground without thinking at all, and then did a few backflips on the ground with both hands, and retreated several meters. In addition, he re-held the knife and took a posture.

"Huh...huh...huh..." Chi Bo Jinghua panted heavily, shook his head, sweat fell from his forehead, and his toes were slightly padded, ready to rush forward.

"Okay, take a rest."

Hanyu Shirasawa spoke at this time, sat on the wooden board beside him, took a sip of the cold tea that was placed there.

Now he will not be the same as last time. He trains for a whole day and rests at about the same time. He is definitely not reckless.

Chi Bo Jinghua followed and sat down, picked up another cup, drank the tea in it, and asked, "Teacher, I still remember what you said last time. Give me the answer."

"Of course." Hanyu Baisawa smiled slightly: "I remember the problem at that time, it seems to be the problem that someone can travel back from the future decades later, right?"

"Yes (cjdb)."

"My answer is to believe."

"Do you believe it..." Chi Bo Jinghua frowned: "Teacher, but if this is the case, everyone can't go back to the past, so isn't the past a mess?"

Indeed it is.

If someone in the future is not satisfied with the life in the future, he can go back to the past and change.

And when someone thinks this way, other people think this way and do the same thing. It is really hard to say what the whole world will become in the end, but it will definitely not be peaceful.

"You're right. But there are exceptions to everything."

Hanyu Baisawa looked at Ikebo Jinghua, reached out and touched her head, and said with a smile:

"Xiao Jing, let me tell you one thing, I am the person who will be 30 years from now."


Chi Bo Jinghua obviously didn't believe this kind of thing, but instead of tearing down her teacher's platform, she asked cooperatively, "Then teacher, why did you come back?"

"This... because of a person, a very important person."

"How important is it?"

"The other half of my life is my wife."


Chi Bo Jinghua was curious. If she was cooperating just now, she really wanted to know about it now. After all, gossip is a girl's nature.

"Yes." Hanyu Baisawa nodded, and said with some melancholy: "Because I accidentally lost my wife in the future, but I can't find it no matter how I look for it. There is no other way, I can only Go back to the past and come to find my wife."

"Did you find the teacher?" Chi Bo Jinghua asked.

"found it."

"who's that?"

"What do you think..." Hanyu Shirasawa answered vaguely like this, and then stared at her with a smile.

Chi Bo Jinghua didn't realize it at the beginning, but soon understood, and pointed at herself: "Teacher, don't you mean that I will be your wife in the future?"



Chi Bo Jinghua's expression was a bit tangled: "Teacher, although the age difference between husband and wife is nothing, it is not okay to lie."


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