Hanyu Shirasawa asked in surprise, "Xiao Jing, did you not respond to me saying that you are my wife?"

Chi Bo Jinghua shook his head: "I think the teacher is very powerful, and it will be fine to be a teacher's wife in the future. But now I don't feel this way about the teacher, and when I grow up, the teacher will be old, so I guess it will be even worse. There will be feelings. So teacher, you can't use this kind of deceiving method."

"How do you know I'm a liar?"

"Because I don't believe that anyone can come back from 30 years later."

"Really? Look." Hanyu Baisawa raised his hand, playing the trick he once performed in front of Xiao Xiaolan, his whole body began to glow little by little, emitting light particles from his body.

Chi Bo Jinghua was shocked.

As early as when Hanyu Baisawa's body was shining, he was startled.

This is definitely not a blindfold.

Because she saw that the man in front of her was becoming blurred, and the light was becoming more and more unstable, as if he was about to explode at any moment.

"Do you believe it?" Hanyu Baisawa asked softly.

Chi Bo Jinghua opened his mouth, and there were many questions in his mind, but in the end he only asked one question: "Teacher, will I really be your wife in the future?"

"of course."

"Then you now..."

"It's okay, I'm just going back to the future, and I'm going to see you in the future." After Hanyu Baisawa finished speaking, before he disappeared, he leaned over and kissed the girl on the forehead. Then it exploded into bright spots all over the sky.

Chi Bo Jinghua slowly stretched out his hand, caught the light particles falling from the sky, held it in his palm, and placed it on his chest, with indescribably complicated emotions.

that's it.

The girl remained motionless in this posture.

I don't know how long it took.

Chi Bo Jinghua stood up slowly, spread out her palms, and there was nothing on them, but the corners of her mouth were curved:

"Teacher...you really let me experience a magical story, I think I may never forget it in my life."

"The future?"


"Is that really the case?"

The girl finally asked herself these questions, but she didn't answer herself, but she picked up the wooden knife again and started the practice when she was alone.

Swing a knife and chop.

Swinging a knife, chopping.

Chapter 0155: Yukiko who committed suicide by jumping off a building

late at night.

Hanyu Shirasawa's house.

in the bedroom.

A figure appeared on the bed, it was Hanyu Shirasawa who had returned from the mission.


He exhaled lightly, and read in a low voice:

"System, open the panel."

【Host: Hanyu Shirasawa】


[Abilities: Bullet Time, Invulnerability to Hundred Poisons, Internal Breathing, Absorption]

[Equipment: Beretta M92F unlimited bullet version, smoke bomb unlimited version, high-explosive grenade unlimited version, flash bomb unlimited version, tear gas bomb unlimited version, hang glider unlimited version]

"Hang gliding..."

"Yes, something is better than nothing."

With a thought in Hanyu Shirasawa's mind, a black glider appeared in the room, no different from Kaitou Kidd's. There was even a small thruster coming out of the back, but the color was different.

"Do you want to go out and fly around?"

When this thought popped up in his mind, he couldn't suppress it anymore, so he put the hang glider back into the system preparation column, took out a black clothes from the closet and changed into it, and he came to the top floor platform.

Then, a black hang glider appeared behind, jumped down from the top floor, turned on the propeller at the tail, and began to fly over the city.

Since he was covered in black, in this dark night environment, as long as someone hadn't been staring at the night sky, basically no one would notice.

Where he went first.

It is Fei Yingli's home.

Just right.

The bedroom window was still lit, he landed on the balcony, and immediately saw Fei Yingli wearing silk pajamas, reclining on the bed reading a book.

"Dong dong!"

He reached out and knocked on the floor-to-ceiling window.

Fei Yingli, who was reading a book, was taken aback for a moment, and when she turned around, she was surprised to find Hanyu Shirasawa standing on the balcony of the bedroom.

She was about to call out her name, but she reacted immediately and held back abruptly.

He got up and ran to the floor-to-ceiling window, opened it and threw himself into the man's arms. He whispered in surprise, "This building is dozens of floors high. How did you get up there?"

"Something on my back."


Fei Yingli looked at it and suddenly realized: "It turned out to be a hang glider. But don't do this next time, this thing is not as safe as imagined, and there are many things that happen every year."

"Don't worry." Hanyu Baisawa hugged her lightly, smelling the fragrance from her body, he felt inexplicably better.

Fei Yingli's cheeks were flushed, and she asked shyly, "Since you are here, do you want to stay and rest at night?"

"it is good……"

"You're tall, of course not." A woman's voice suddenly came from the balcony next to her.

Hanyu Shirasawa and Hieiri saw the very beautiful Yukiko in the same pajamas, staring at them angrily.


She snorted unhappily, and stood on the balcony, then jumped towards them and rushed towards them.

"Yukiko!" Hanyu Baisawa almost yelled out in fright, he stretched out his hand to catch her, and patted her hard: "You don't want to die? What if you don't fall from such a high place?" manage?"

You Xizi reached out and tugged at the man's cheek, and said very displeasedly: "Isn't that better? This way it won't disturb the tryst of the two of you. Tell me, when did it start?"


Hanyu Shirasawa was very helpless, and he coaxed the jealous woman: "I just got this hang glider tonight, and I just went out for a stroll. When did it start? Besides, it hasn't been long since we met again. You should still know this, right?"

"Yeah, not usually." Fei Yingli chimed in, her tone softened a lot.

After all, You Xizi's bold behavior just now also frightened her a lot, for fear of stimulating the other party again.

You Xizi pouted: "Okay, I can barely trust you once."

As a bold and lively woman since she was a child, You Xizi didn't feel that her actions just now were dangerous, because she believed that the man opposite would definitely protect her, and she was very blindly confident.

So in these dozens of floors, there is no fear, no weakness in the legs, jump over if you say it.


Hanyu Shirasawa shook his head, he didn't have any dirty thoughts, and the two of them, one on the left and one on the right building, faced the city, admiring the night view outside.

"I'm going to Osaka tomorrow, does anyone want to go shopping with me?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????????

"No, I still have a lawsuit to deal with, so I won't accompany you."

"I'd be interested in Kyoto, after all, that's where I gave it to you."

"Yukiko... If you can't speak, don't speak."

"Oh, Eri, are you envious?"

The two women just lay on one side of their arms and started bickering with each other.

"Okay, I won't disturb your sleep. Goodbye." Hanyu Baisawa hurriedly let go of them, jumped directly from the balcony, opened the hang glider in mid-air, and with the help of propellers, quickly disappeared in the into the night sky.

You Xizi looked at this scene, and her saliva almost flowed down: "You are so handsome, I must let him play for me next time."

Fei Yingli put her hands on her chest, curled her lips and said, "Youxizi, do you think such a dangerous thing, will he let you experience it?"

0 ...... 0

"Also..." You Xizi frowned and began to think seriously, and soon she thought of it, and a smile appeared on her face again: "Small problem, I will let him carry me and fly when the time comes, so it means that I am flying."


Fei Yingli had nothing to say, she really had nothing to do with her best friend.

However, she also imagined that kind of scene, thinking that it must be a particularly romantic thing, and she couldn't help showing a longing expression on her face.

"Cough cough."

But soon she came back to her senses, looked at her best friend, and said seriously: "Youxizi, I think we should have a good talk."

"Oh?" You Xizi raised her eyebrows, her playful smile was restrained, and she asked, "What do you want to talk about?"

"You know, Bai Ze's ability is too foul. Xiaolan's situation is the best example. We must cooperate, and we should stop sabotaging each other's affairs like this."


You Xizi pondered for a while, then said quietly: "Could it be that you want me not to disturb you next time I see this situation?"

"That's right, it's the same for me."

"No, it's fine if you don't see it. If you see it, I won't agree. Except... I will join in."

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