"Get lost!" Fei Yingli's cheeks flushed immediately, and she pushed her best friend outside, "You rascal, get out of my room quickly."

"Oh, don't be shy, I didn't dislike you at all."

"roll roll roll!"

Chapter 0156: Different from the original and Ye Ye

The next day.

in the afternoon.

Big board station.

Hanyu Baisawa came out from here, saw Chiba Jinghua waiting for him in the crowd from a distance, and came to her with a smile:

"Good afternoon, Xiaojing."

This time, the address is extraordinarily intimate and also seems extraordinarily natural.

Chi Bo Jinghua's eyes flickered, and she asked expectantly, "Do you have a memory?"

"There is."

Hanyu Shirasawa nodded, then shook his head: "But I only have the memory of 30 years ago, so I don't know what happened after that."

"Is that so..."

Chi Bo Jinghua lowered his eyes, complex emotions flashed in his eyes, and a smile appeared on his face after waiting for a while:

"Mr. Hanyu, let's go, I'll take you to where tonight first."

"This title makes me feel weird."

Hanyu Shirasawa touched his nose with "[-]", and followed her to the restaurant where the banquet was going to be held tonight.

Chi Bo Jinghua said as he walked: "Teacher, there is nothing strange about this. After all, that's what I called you before. For me, this is a very normal thing."

"No, it's not for this reason. It's just that you are not used to calling me teacher now."

"...Did you dislike me for being old?" There was some resentment in Chi Bo Jinghua's tone. After all, as long as she is a woman, there is no one who doesn't care about her age.

"No." Hanyu Bai Ze would not admit such a thing: "I just want to say, don't call me teacher, just call me Bai Ze."

"That's right, I guess I'll call you that in the future."

"Hehe... By the way, Xiao Jing, can you tell me what happened later?"

Hanyu Shirasawa was particularly curious about this, and always felt that his relationship with Ikeha Shizuka was a bit abnormal.

Even if the other party said she was his wife when they met for the first time, but after meeting these few times, it seems that it is not as simple as what they said.

"What happened in the past..."

Chi Bo Jinghua paused, smiled lightly and shook his head: "I won't tell you about this. After all, you already have memories from 30 years ago, and I will know what happened later if I want to."

"is it?"

Hanyu Shirasawa had a smile on his face, but he became pensive in his heart.

If it was just suspicion at the beginning, it is basically confirmed now. It seems that something should have happened in the other party's second small copy.


Thinking of this, he said helplessly in his heart: "Sure enough, the sequelae of completing the first small dungeon too early appeared, and it really affected the second small dungeon. It seems that I will go to the raid tonight. At least I need to know What happened."

There are many thoughts in my heart.

But nothing was revealed.

The two of them were like old friends they hadn't seen for a long time, without any ambiguous emotions, they just chatted all the way to the restaurant.

3K World Restaurant, which is the name here, is opened by three foreign stars.

A retired champion boxer - Rika Barre.

A well-known baseball pitcher - Mike Nord.

The last one is the football star-Ray Katis.

Hanyu Baisawa looked at the restaurant in front of him, it might as well be called a hotel, because only the first floor is a place for eating, the second floor is for entertainment, and the rest of the upper floors are for lodging, the lodging floor alone is seven stories high .

"The banquet hasn't started yet, is it possible to stay here?" He asked.

"Of course, because there are a lot of guests coming today, all of them can live here. In a disguised form, it is equivalent to promoting a wave of here."


"Okay, come here." Chi Bo Jinghua walked into the restaurant with a smile.

Because the banquet hasn't started yet.

Not many people met on the road.

Although there were rooms prepared, most of the people did not live here, but went to nearby hotels.


third floor.

Chi Bo Jinghua opened the No. [-] room on this floor: "Okay, this is what I left for you. By the way, I am in No. [-] room next to yours. I will call you when the banquet is about to start tonight. You rest here first."

"Ok, I......"

"Aunt Jinghua, are you there? I brought my friends over."

Suddenly, a girl's voice came from outside the room.

When Chi Bo Jinghua heard this, a smile appeared on his face, and he shouted outside: "He Ye, I'm in room two, come here."

Hanyu Shirasawa raised his eyebrows.

As soon as I heard the word "He Ye", I basically knew who the girl outside was.


The sound of clear footsteps approaching.

After a while, two girls appeared at the door, one of them was Xiaolan.

The other girl has water-green pupils, dark brown hair, a high ponytail, and a blue headband...

Her face is cute with a little cuteness, which makes people feel very lively. She is "Toyama Kazuha", one of the most popular female characters in the original work.

"Aunt Jinghua, you are here..." Heye's words froze, and he stared at Hanyu Baisawa with wide eyes.

"Brother Bai Ze, you're here too." Xiaolan was quite happy when she saw Hanyu Bai Ze.

Chiba Jinghua blinked, looked at Hanyu Shirasawa, smiled and said, "It seems that everyone knows each other."



The screen turns.

10 minute later.

The lobby on the first floor of the restaurant.

They were seated in chairs around a dining table.

They introduced each other and they got to know each other.

At the same time, Hanyu Shirasawa also knew why Xiaolan was here, because Mori Kogoro accepted the invitation, so he came.

He also said that he saw Conan not long ago, with a high school student with very dark skin, all in this restaurant.

He even told what he knew Yuan Shan and Ye, because they got to know each other because of a case a few months ago.

"So this is ah."

Hanyu Shirasawa nodded, and smiled gently at Xiaolan, making her blush.

However, from the corner of his eyes, he looked at Yuanshan Heye next to him, because this girl peeked at him from time to time, and she was really sneaky.

But every time he looked over at 3.1, he would lower his head nervously, which made him very helpless.

This scene.

Being caught by Ikeba Shizuka, his eyes lingered on Hanyu Shirasawa for a while, and finally looked at Kazuha, with a flash of thought in his eyes.

We exchanged pleasantries for a while.

They went upstairs again to rest for the evening's feast.


The two girls walked together, whispering something:

"Xiao Lan, just now you called him Brother Bai Ze, are you very close? Eh...why is your face so red all of a sudden?"

"No, it's just a little hot. Brother Bai Ze and I...Of course we are very close."

"Oh~ By the way, can you tell me about him, I'm a little curious."


Xiao Lan looked at He Ye puzzled, but said something she could say without thinking too much.

Chapter 0157: Chibo Jinghua caused a sensation

time flies.

eight pm.

3K World Restaurant, the banquet is about to begin.

Hanyu Shirasawa put on a rare suit and came to the banquet hall.

Unlike in the afternoon, many people have already come here, and each of them seems to be celebrities from all walks of life.

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