"Okay, there's no need to say any more."

Hattori Heizo stood up from his seat, bowed, and continued: "Ms. Jinghua, I am really sorry for causing you trouble. In this case, we will take our leave first."

After speaking, he took Toyama Ginshiro with him and left here silently, disappearing into the night.

The two girls, Xiaolan and Ye, were so tickled by the adult's words that they really wanted to know what happened, but thinking that Chi Bo Jinghua hadn't said anything just now, they really didn't dare to ask.

half an hour.

Chi Bo Jinghua opened his eyes again, and said with a smile: "Okay, you guys go to the room to have a look first. After finishing the room first, it will be convenient for you to play at night."


The two women nodded and left the living room.

all of a sudden.

Only Hanyu Shirasawa and Ikebo Shizuka were left here, making the atmosphere a bit quieter.

"Teacher, don't you go and have a look?"

"Wait a minute, nothing has changed anyway, so I'm not in a hurry. Also, you already told me to call me Bai Ze, so the teacher doesn't need to call me anymore."

"Okay. Okay, I'll help them tidy up together."

"Well, then I'll go to the room to have a look."

Hanyu Shirasawa is going to call Masayoshi Sato and ask him to see if he knows what happened here 20 years ago. After all, the other party is also one of the top executives of the Metropolitan Police Department, so he should know something.

Chapter 0161: 20 years ago, start a copy

Hanyu Shirasawa came to the room, observed it, and found that it hadn't changed from 30 years ago.

He fixed the tatami first, then took out his cell phone and called Masayoshi Sato.

Soon, the call is connected.

"Bai Ze, what's the matter?" Masayoshi Sato had some doubts in his voice, and he could even hear the voice of Miwako Sato talking vaguely with a woman on the opposite side, probably the other party's mother.

Hanyu Shirasawa had nothing to hide, so he asked directly: "Inspector Sato, do you know something that happened in Osaka 20 years ago. Ikeha Shizuka, do you know the name?"

"Ikeha Shizuka..." Masayoshi Sato muttered the name for a while and stopped talking, then there was the sound of footsteps moving, and after a while there was the sound of typing on the computer keyboard.


All these sounds disappeared.

"Such as "zero eight zero"?" Hanyu Baisawa knew that there was a result, and asked, "Can you tell me more conveniently?"

"Well... I found this name in the Metropolitan Police Department's system, and there is also a case about 20 years ago. Wait a minute, I will copy and send it to you."


After Hanyu Shirasawa finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

It is good to have a friend from the Metropolitan Police Department, and Masayoshi Sato is really a good person, he is really helpful when there is something, and he is really helpful when he is busy, and he never procrastinates.

Back then in the Belmode dungeon, in New York, it seemed that it was really worth saving the other party's life.

Otherwise, if you want to get this information, you have to find another way.


After a few minutes.

There was a file in his e-mail, without any hesitation, he clicked on it and read it.

It took a few minutes.

After reading carefully.

Hanyu Shirasawa was silent, and said to himself:

"The big villain in the file, shouldn't it be me?"

"If you think about it carefully, I'm indeed the one who can do this kind of thing. Tsk tsk... Not to mention, it's no wonder why so many people are afraid of it, and I can suppress this matter without reporting it."

"But the contents inside should not lead to any cases. So Toyama Ginshiro and Hattori Heizo came here, what exactly do they want to ask?"

"By the way, it seemed to be a mess of rumors before. Uh...the occurrence of such a big thing in the place described in the document will indeed cause some people to misunderstand."

Hanyu Shirasawa thought of this, shook his head, and read it again, basically there was nothing he didn't see, so he just deleted it directly.

Anyway, after reading it, he probably knows what to do in the dungeon at night.

I just don’t know what the final ending will be like. After all, in the document description just now, it didn’t write what the final ending is, so I probably don’t know.

Therefore, this real ending is probably the reason why Toyama Ginjiro and Hattori Heizo wanted to ask.


Exhaling lightly, he got up and went back to the living room.

As soon as I came here, I found that all three women had returned.

Even the small table in the middle is already filled with all kinds of snacks, as well as some entertainment tools, such as playing cards, singing cards, shogi, go and so on.

Anyway, without a few hours, it is estimated that these three women will not rest at night.

"I want to say, is there still time for me to quit now?" Hanyu Baisawa found an empty seat and sat down cross-legged, looking at them helplessly.

"No way." He Ye spoke first: "It's boring to play so many games with three people, it's fun when four people are together."

Xiaolan smiled and said, "That is to say, we must have a good time tonight."

Chi Bo Jinghua nodded slightly with a smile: "I don't care, I listen to the two children. Therefore, the minority obeys the majority, so don't think about running away."


Hanyu Shirasawa didn't know what to say, but now he was anxious to execute the dungeon mission.

But since the three girls said so, he still decided to play with them. Anyway, the dungeon mission can't run in the system, so it doesn't matter if it's earlier or later.

In this way, time passed by little by little.



late at night.

a few hours later.

The three women finally had a good time, and even when they went back to sleep, their faces were still filled with unsatisfactory expressions.

Especially Chi Bo Jinghua, who is obviously not a girl anymore, and still loves to play so much, she is really not afraid of getting wrinkles at all.

But fortunately this is the world of anime, these women are different from real women, time seems to have no effect on them, each of them is so beautiful... .

He even had some doubts, whether those very old characters who were only in their 50s in the original book were really anime characters, or how could they age so quickly.


Hanyu Shirasawa lay down on the tatami, recalling the documents he had seen in the mailbox in his mind, carefully thinking about whether there were any mistakes.

After all, this is all recorded by others, and there must be some content that does not match what actually happened.

After thinking for a while, he felt that it was almost done, and silently read:

"System, open the panel."

【Host: Hanyu Shirasawa】


[Abilities: Bullet Time, Invulnerability to Hundred Poisons, Internal Breathing, Absorption]

[Equipment: Beretta M92F unlimited bullet version, smoke bomb unlimited version, high-explosive grenade unlimited version, flash bomb unlimited version, tear gas bomb unlimited version, hang glider unlimited version]

Hanyu Shirasawa looked at the column of the copy, he was a little obsessive-compulsive, and noticed Miyano Shiho's name.

But when he thought of that girl's state, he gave up the thought in his heart. Anyway, the 3.1 dungeon time period is the current time, so he didn't panic at all.

When Miyano Shiho makes an antidote and restores his original appearance, it will not be too late to find a way to complete it.

Therefore, the most important thing now is Chi Bo Jinghua's second small dungeon mission.

"Xiao Jing, this time, let's fall in love and kill each other."

"I'm too lazy to think of a way. It shouldn't be a problem to imitate the contents of that document."

Hanyu Shirasawa himself didn't know if he could succeed this time, after all, the first small dungeon was completed too quickly without leaving any foundation.

Even if I lied a little in the end, I still don't feel very safe.

"Forget it, don't think about it, let's start."

He stretched out his hand, pointed to Chi Bo Jinghua's name, and then disappeared into the room out of thin air.

Chapter 0162: Chibo Jinghua Copy: 2/3

Time is reversed.

20 years ago.


[Dungeon: Chibo Jinghua (2/3)]

[Clearance condition: capture the heart]

[Task Reward: Eagle Eye]

Hanyu Baisawa finished this task, then looked at the surrounding environment, the corners of his mouth slightly raised:

"let's start."

"However, you have to prepare first, take your time."


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