
Time flickers.

A month has passed.

Osaka is calm on the surface, but it is already turbulent in the dark.

this day.

Chibo Jinghua came to the door of the headquarters of the Osaka Metropolitan Police Department, looked at the invitation in his hand, and couldn't help frowning.

Since her "Mr. Hanyu Shirasawa" disappeared, in the past ten years, apart from going to school, she practiced kendo at home and rarely communicated with the outside world.

But just yesterday, the Metropolitan Police Department sent her an invitation card asking her to come here today, with a very respectful attitude, which made her very confused.

However, she thinks that she has not committed any crimes, so Chi Bo Jinghua has nothing to be afraid of, and came here calmly today.

"Is this Miss Chi Bo Jinghua?" As soon as she arrived, a female police officer greeted her warmly.

"En." Chi Bo Jinghua nodded calmly.

29 "Miss Chibo, please follow me, everyone has already arrived."


Chi Bo Jinghua raised his eyebrows: "From what you mean, there should be a lot of people. So, why did you call me here?"

"Sorry, Miss Chi Bo, I'm not very clear. Come with me."

Listening to the policewoman's answer, Chi Bo Jinghua couldn't help squinting her eyes.

Not chatting.

On the way led by the female police officer.

Soon they came to a conference room.

As soon as I entered here, I found that there were already more than 20 people here, and everyone's aura was a bit sharp, giving people an unusual feeling.

The arrival of Chi Bo Jinghua made this group of people look over, but they didn't say anything, just nodded slightly as a greeting.

Chi Bo Jinghua looked around and couldn't see why, so he simply found an empty seat and sat down.

Among the more than 20 people, many of them actually appeared in the original work.

Hattori Heizo and Toyama Ginjiro, these two are from the Osaka Metropolitan Police Department, are here now.

There is also Toshiro Odagiri, a member of the Tozakura Metropolitan Police Department, and Yuji Suwa, a character who appeared in the original novel.


The young Hattori Heizo coughed, stood on the podium in front, and said with a calm face:

"I think everyone is very curious, why does our Metropolitan Police Department invite everyone to come here?"

Curious indeed.

Many people nodded silently.

"Actually, all of us here have one thing in common. That is—the way of swordsmanship. We all learn the way of swordsmanship."

Everyone was puzzled, which made them even more puzzled.

"Everyone, look behind me."

After Hattori Heizo finished speaking, he stepped aside, and the curtain behind him lit up.


A screen appears.

A person appeared on the screen, and the masked person was actually Hanyu Shirasawa.

As the picture rotated a little bit, a hoarse voice sounded:

"Everyone, let's talk about something later, let's take a look at the chips in my hand first."

The voice ends.

The picture came to a spacious room.

When Chi Bo Jinghua and the others saw the contents inside, they all stopped breathing, and their eyes widened.

What's inside?


More than 300 people with children.

There are men and women, the younger one is three or four years old, and the older one is fourteen or fifteen years old.


Hanyu Shirasawa's cold laughter sounded, followed by a ruthless voice:

"Let me introduce everyone in it. Young masters and ladies of various fortunes, grandchildren of congressmen, children of high-ranking officials in various departments. Let me tell you this, as long as they are not ordinary people, the descendants of the upper class are basically I caught them all. Of course, it’s only within the scope of Osaka, and this month has exhausted me a lot.”

"You can see this video I recorded, I think everyone should be here."

"You don't have to worry, they are living well, but the premise is that you agree to my request."

"Everyone here is a master of kendo. I brought you together because I want to compete one by one. Okay, let's stop here first, and we will talk about anything after we meet. Don't worry, we will meet soon Yes. Hehe..."

Accompanied by a burst of maniacal laughter, the picture in the video gradually disappeared.

There was no sound in the whole room.

They never thought that in this day and age, there would be such crazy people.

You must know that all the descendants of the high society in Osaka have been arrested. This is simply stabbing a hornet's nest.


Hattori Heizo showed a wry smile on his face: "I know you shouldn't be involved, but because of the pressure from above, we really have nothing to do. But please don't worry, no matter what happens, I will advance and retreat with you."


No one answered his words.

After all, as long as you are not an idiot, you will know that this time the matter is too serious. The combined energy of the family members behind this group of children may make the whole country tremble. They really don't want to get involved.

"I have a question."

As a policeman, Odagiri Toshiro immediately sensed something was wrong, and asked:

"If the guy in the video just wants to compete in swordsmanship, there's no need to go to this level, right? Anyway, it's just a competition. He just came to ask for advice and bring a gift. I think there are not many people who can refuse. So, This shouldn't be the real purpose, right?"

"Not bad 080, I think so too."

Hattori Heizo showed a smile on his face, but then remembered that the atmosphere of the scene should not be smiling, and immediately said with a straight face:

"Although we know that there is a problem, the other party has a hostage in hand, and we have no choice. So we have to act in the way he ordered. We can only hope that he is a lunatic, and there is no conspiracy."

Also at this time.

The door to the conference room was pushed open.

A policeman hurried in, holding an envelope in his hand, and said loudly, "Hatori Police Department, that guy sent the letter again."

Hattori Heizo couldn't wait to take the envelope, opened it, and quickly frowned.

Toshiro Odagiri asked, "What's written on it?"

Hattori Heizo took a deep breath, glanced at everyone, and said word by word: "He made an appointment with us to meet. Osaka Castle, Castle Tower, one o'clock in the afternoon."

Don't say it yet.

Upon hearing the news.

Many people became nervous.

Although they all practice kendo, it's not like they can't live without kendo, so when they think of facing such crazy people, many of them back off.

But they understand that they have no right to choose, because this time it is a joint action of the upper class, and for the sake of the future generations of those people, it is impossible to let them go.

Thinking of this, they cursed at that crazy guy in their hearts, he was such a jerk.

Chapter 0163: Chibo Jinghua Copy: 2/3

in the afternoon.

a little.


The whole of Osaka is in chaos.

Cops, lots of cops.

The army, the army in the streets.

Obviously, Hattori Heizo did not dare to conceal the news of the meeting, so he reported it, and the final result was like this.

In less than an hour, the entire Osaka City was completely besieged, but even so, they did not dare to mess around.

Because there are hostages inside, nearly [-] people, involving all walks of life, and high-level officials from all walks of life.

at this time.

The lobby of the castle tower is open.

Chi Bo Jinghua came here with Hattori Heizo and their twenty swordsmen, of course not only them, but also a group of policemen or soldiers with real guns and ammunition.


They all stopped.

He looked at a man with his back to them in front of him, and at the same time, he was also paying attention to the surroundings, because there were a group of children with their hands and feet tied and their mouths gagged.

But the only thing they are thankful for is that they are all far away from the middle of the lobby, so even if something happens later, it probably won't affect them.


Hanyu Baisawa exhaled lightly, turned around slowly, with a mask on his face, looked at the group of people at the door, and said coldly:

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